Human and Social Capital
Dr Anna Wach-Kąkolewicz
Department of Education and Personnel
University of Economics
Human Resources
Development in Organisation
What is human resource?
People are not human resource,
people are human beings and have
resources and manage them
Employees have different features
useful in developmental process on
the individual and organisational level
Human resources
Human Capital Theory and HRD
Human capital theory has been
regarded as an important foundation
of human resource development
Human capital theory was developed
by the neoclassic economic school
(Becker, Mincer, Schultz)
Human Capital Theory
The essence of human capital theory is that
people invest in themselves according to
their own self-interest, for the sake of future
gains lifetime earnings
Higher productivity results in increased
Investing in people and enhancing their
knowledge, skills and qualifications should
be an interest of different groups:
Employees (individual level)
Employers (organizational level)
Government (national level)
Why investing in people is
important nowadays?
Human resource is treated as the
most important factor which strongly
influence on productivity, which
makes the organisation better
prepared in competition with other
organisations on the free market
Who pays for? Who benefits from?
Human capital investment activities include both:
Formal education
Firm sponsored training and other forms of human
resource development
General skills and knowledge needed and used in
different organisations and other social situations
should be delivered by formal education (schooling
Specific skills needed to increase productivity should
be trained by employees within organisation
Today’s, it is observed in organisations that both
general and specific skills training are offered to
What is human resource
HRD is a framework for the expansion
of human capital within an organisation or
(in new approaches) a region, or nation
HRD is a combination of training and
education that ensures the continual
improvement and growth of both individual,
the organisation, and the national human
HRD states according to Adam Smith „the
capacities (competences) of individuals
depend on their access to education”
What is human resource
HRD is more than providing education
and includes such factors like:
Motivating people and teams
Flexible time of work
Career development
The basic tools of HRD
on projects
Formal education
Formal education is taken to get the
proper knowledge and skills
confirmed by certificate
Formal education includes:
Studies on bachelor, master and doctoral
Post graduated studies – in case of
changing the qualifications
e.g. Master of Business Administration
Informal education
Nowadays informal education is becoming a
According to life long learning theory
people should be open to new information
and take different learning activities like
reading newspapers, watching TV,
discussing, searching the web to expend
both general knowledge and specific skills
needed in work they do
Training and development
The most popular tool of HRD
Used to maintain, upgrade and update skills
throughout working life
Concerned with organizational activity
aimed at bettering the performance of
individual and groups in organizational
Workplace learning which uses methods:
On-the-job Off-the-job
Takes place in a
normal working
situation, using the
actual tools,
documents or
materials trainees
will use when fully
It is most effective
for vocational work
Takes place away
from normal work
It allows people to
concentrate more
on the training
It is more effective
in learning and
developing new
concepts and ideas
It is kind of training method which
refers to a developmental relationship
in which more experienced and more
knowledgeable person helps a person
who develop his/her skills
Mentoring involves communication
and is relationship based
"Mentoring is a process for the informal
transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the
psychosocial support perceived by the recipient
as relevant to work, career, or professional
„Mentoring entails informal communication,
usually face-to-face and during a sustained period
of time, between a person who is perceived to
have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or
experience (the mentor) and a person who is
perceived to have less" (Bozeman, Feeney, 2007).
„Is a method of directing, instructing
and training a person or group of
people, with the aim to achieve some
goals or specific skills”
Training may include:
Supervised practice
Motivational behaviour and speaking
Coaching bases on the relationship
coach – trainee
„the coaches job is to help clients
articulate their dreams, desires and
aspirations, help them clarify their
mission, purpose and goals, to help
them achieve that outcome”
(Whithworth, 1998)
Coaching is the practice of providing
positive support and positive
feedback while offering occasional
advice to an individual or group in order
to help them recognize ways in which
they can improve the effectiveness of
their business
Coaching is a method which usually is used
to improve:
Goal setting
Strategic planning
Coaching and mentoring
Mentoring is not a form of coaching, but
coach can act as a mentor
A good coach needn’t have specific
business expertise and experience in the
same field as the person receiving the
coaching in order to provide quality
business coaching services
Coaching needs to be more structured
and formal than mentoring
Working on projects
project in business and science is a
collaborative enterprise, frequently
involving research or design, that is
carefully planned to achieve a particular
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Working on projects
Peer tutoring
Working on projects require:
Brain storming
Exchanging ideas, thoughts
Rising questions and doubts
Analyzing the issue and new ideas, comparing
with others
Discussing and looking for the best solution
Cooperating; helping each other
All together make people learn from each other
Distance education
Distance education/learning is an alternative
way of delivering instruction to the students
It is an educational strategy which uses media
and new technology in learning/teaching
The forms of distance education:
Correspondence learning
Educational television
Audio and Video Conference
Distance education over the Internet
Distance education
over the Internet and e-learning
E-learning – electronic learning is a term which
is commonly used, but does not have a
universally accepted definition
E-learning - most frequently it seems to be used
for web-based and distance education, which
may also involve face-to-face interaction
(mediated forms)
However, it may include all types of technology-
enhanced learning, where technology is used to
support the learning process
Distance learning over the Internet is a kind of
e-learning, but not every type of e-learning can
be called distance learning over the Internet
Distance education
over the Internet
Students/Trainees and the teacher may
communicate using:
synchronous (in a real time)
asynchronous tools (late feedback)
Nowadays distance education uses
Internet resources and tools like:
e-mail, listserv, text, audio and video chat,
web pages, telnet, ftp, blogs, wikis and
Distance education
over the Internet
It is a popular method of adults education
and very useful one from individual and
organisational perspective
The main features and advantages:
Flexibility – time, place, methods, content
Mobile learning
Economic (saving time and money)
Effective time management
Interaction based model of learning
Feedback learning
Career development
Career development looks at
how individuals manage their careers
within and between organisations
how organisations plan and structure the
career progress of their members
It concerns the individual goals and
positions employee intends to
achieve, but also career development
is strongly connected with
organisational interest
Motivating people and teams
Motivating can be used as a tool to
develop human resource by creating
special environment and delivering
such impulses which are needed to
make somebody active
Because people are different it is
necessary to know what needs and
values they respect and what is the
most important for them
Motivating people and teams
Motivation is the activation of a goal
oriented behaviour – people do different
things because of some reasons or goals
they want to achieve
There are a lot of theories which try to
explain and describe human beings’
behaviour. Some of them point that
motivation may include specific needs:
Eating, safety, pleasure, resting, hobby,
love/belonging, respect of others, self-
actualization and others
internal external
People work or
study because like
it and the process
gives them the
pleasure and
enjoyment; they
take an activity
because they want
to develop
People work or
enhance they skills
because of some
external reasons
like: money,
respect of others,
position, grades,
rewards, etc.
There are a lot of possibilities to develop
human resource in a context of human and
social theory – understood as human
beings’ knowledge, skills, memory,
motivation, values, but also health and the
will of being active and open for new things
in a development personal process
Some of the tools/possibilities were
presented and discussed
Thank you for your attention!