classsf 1 1SoundStream members

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::SoundStream Member ListThis is the complete list of members for sf::SoundStream, including all inherited members. AudioResource()sf::AudioResource [private] AudioResource(const AudioResource &)sf::AudioResource [private] FuncType typedef (defined in sf::Thread)sf::Thread [private] GetAttenuation() const sf::Sound [private] GetBuffer() const sf::Sound [private] GetChannelsCount() const sf::SoundStream GetLoop() const sf::SoundStream GetMinDistance() const sf::Sound [private] GetPitch() const sf::Sound [private] GetPlayingOffset() const sf::SoundStream GetPosition() const sf::Sound [private] GetSampleRate() const sf::SoundStream GetStatus() const sf::SoundStream GetVolume() const sf::Sound [private] Initialize(unsigned int ChannelsCount, unsigned int SampleRate)sf::SoundStream [protected] IsRelativeToListener() const sf::Sound [private] Launch()sf::Thread [private] operator=(const Sound &Other)sf::Sound [private] Pause()sf::Sound [private] Paused enum valuesf::Sound [private] Play()sf::SoundStream Playing enum valuesf::Sound [private] ResetBuffer()sf::Sound [private] SetAttenuation(float Attenuation)sf::Sound [private] SetBuffer(const SoundBuffer &Buffer)sf::Sound [private] SetLoop(bool Loop)sf::SoundStream SetMinDistance(float MinDistance)sf::Sound [private] SetPitch(float Pitch)sf::Sound [private] SetPlayingOffset(float TimeOffset)sf::Sound [private] SetPosition(float X, float Y, float Z)sf::Sound [private] SetPosition(const Vector3f &Position)sf::Sound [private] SetRelativeToListener(bool Relative)sf::Sound [private] SetVolume(float Volume)sf::Sound [private] Sound()sf::Sound [private] Sound(const SoundBuffer &Buffer, bool Loop=false, float Pitch=1.f, float Volume=100.f, const Vector3f &Position=Vector3f(0, 0, 0))sf::Sound [explicit, private] Sound(const Sound &Copy)sf::Sound [private] SoundStream()sf::SoundStream [protected] Status enum namesf::SoundStream Stop()sf::SoundStream Stopped enum valuesf::Sound [private] Terminate()sf::Thread [private] Thread(FuncType Function, void *UserData=NULL)sf::Thread [private] Thread()sf::Thread [private] Wait()sf::Thread [private] ~AudioResource()sf::AudioResource [private, virtual] ~Sound()sf::Sound [private] ~SoundStream()sf::SoundStream [virtual] ~Thread()sf::Thread [private, virtual]  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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