classsf 1 1SoundStream

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::SoundStream sf::SoundStream Class ReferenceSoundStream is a streamed sound, ie samples are acquired while the sound is playing. More... #include <SoundStream.hpp> Inheritance diagram for sf::SoundStream: List of all members. Classes struct  Chunk  Structure defining a chunk of audio data to stream. More... Public Types enum  Status  Enumeration of the sound states. More... Public Member Functions virtual ~SoundStream ()  Virtual destructor. void Play ()  Start playing the audio stream. void Stop ()  Stop playing the audio stream. unsigned int GetChannelsCount () const  Return the number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo). unsigned int GetSampleRate () const  Get the stream sample rate. Status GetStatus () const  Get the status of the stream (stopped, paused, playing). float GetPlayingOffset () const  Get the current playing position of the stream. void SetLoop (bool Loop)  Set the stream loop state. bool GetLoop () const  Tell whether or not the stream is looping. Protected Member Functions  SoundStream ()  Default constructor. void Initialize (unsigned int ChannelsCount, unsigned int SampleRate)  Set the audio stream parameters, you must call it before Play(). Private Types typedef void(* FuncType )(void *) Private Member Functions void Launch ()  Create and run the thread. void Wait ()  Wait until the thread finishes. void Terminate ()  Terminate the thread Terminating a thread with this function is not safe, you should rather try to make the thread function terminate by itself. void Pause ()  Pause the sound. void SetBuffer (const SoundBuffer &Buffer)  Set the source buffer. void SetPitch (float Pitch)  Set the sound pitch. void SetVolume (float Volume)  Set the sound volume. void SetPosition (float X, float Y, float Z)  Set the sound position (take 3 values). void SetPosition (const Vector3f &Position)  Set the sound position (take a 3D vector). void SetRelativeToListener (bool Relative)  Make the sound's position relative to the listener's position, or absolute. void SetMinDistance (float MinDistance)  Set the minimum distance - closer than this distance, the listener will hear the sound at its maximum volume. void SetAttenuation (float Attenuation)  Set the attenuation factor - the higher the attenuation, the more the sound will be attenuated with distance from listener. void SetPlayingOffset (float TimeOffset)  Set the current playing position of the sound. const SoundBuffer * GetBuffer () const  Get the source buffer. float GetPitch () const  Get the pitch. float GetVolume () const  Get the volume. Vector3f GetPosition () const  Get the sound position. bool IsRelativeToListener () const  Tell if the sound's position is relative to the listener's position, or if it's absolute. float GetMinDistance () const  Get the minimum distance. float GetAttenuation () const  Get the attenuation factor. void ResetBuffer ()  Reset the internal buffer. Detailed Description SoundStream is a streamed sound, ie samples are acquired while the sound is playing. Use it for big sounds that would require hundreds of MB in memory (see Music), or for streaming sound from the network Definition at line 44 of file SoundStream.hpp. Member Enumeration Documentation enum sf::Sound::Status Enumeration of the sound states. Definition at line 52 of file Sound.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation sf::SoundStream::~SoundStream (  )  [virtual] Virtual destructor. Definition at line 54 of file SoundStream.cpp. sf::SoundStream::SoundStream (  )  [protected] Default constructor. Definition at line 39 of file SoundStream.cpp. Member Function Documentation unsigned int sf::SoundStream::GetChannelsCount (  )  const Return the number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo). Return the number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo, . Returns:Number of channels ..) Definition at line 126 of file SoundStream.cpp. bool sf::SoundStream::GetLoop (  )  const Tell whether or not the stream is looping. Tell whether or not the music is looping. Returns:True if the music is looping, false otherwise Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 180 of file SoundStream.cpp. float sf::SoundStream::GetPlayingOffset (  )  const Get the current playing position of the stream. Returns:Current playing position, expressed in seconds Current playing position, expressed in seconds Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 162 of file SoundStream.cpp. unsigned int sf::SoundStream::GetSampleRate (  )  const Get the stream sample rate. Get the sound frequency (sample rate). Returns:Stream frequency (number of samples per second) Definition at line 135 of file SoundStream.cpp. Sound::Status sf::SoundStream::GetStatus (  )  const Get the status of the stream (stopped, paused, playing). Get the status of the sound (stopped, paused, playing). Returns:Current status of the sound Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 144 of file SoundStream.cpp. void sf::SoundStream::Initialize ( unsigned int  ChannelsCount, unsigned int  SampleRate  ) [protected] Set the audio stream parameters, you must call it before Play(). Parameters: ChannelsCount : Number of channels SampleRate : Sample rate Definition at line 64 of file SoundStream.cpp. void sf::SoundStream::Play (  )  Start playing the audio stream. Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 85 of file SoundStream.cpp. void sf::SoundStream::SetLoop ( bool  Loop  )  Set the stream loop state. Set the music loop state. This parameter is disabled by default Parameters: Loop : True to play in loop, false to play once Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 171 of file SoundStream.cpp. void sf::SoundStream::Stop (  )  Stop playing the audio stream. Reimplemented from sf::Sound. Definition at line 115 of file SoundStream.cpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: SoundStream.hppSoundStream.cpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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