classsf 1 1Vector3

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::Vector3 sf::Vector3< T > Class Template ReferenceVector3 is an utility class for manipulating 3 dimensional vectors. More... #include <Vector3.hpp> List of all members. Public Member Functions  Vector3 ()  Default constructor.  Vector3 (T X, T Y, T Z)  Construct the vector from its coordinates. Public Attributes T x  X coordinate of the vector. T y  Y coordinate of the vector. T z  Z coordinate of the vector. Detailed Description template<typename T> class sf::Vector3< T > Vector3 is an utility class for manipulating 3 dimensional vectors. Template parameter defines the type of coordinates (integer, float, ...) Definition at line 37 of file Vector3.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation template<typename T> sf::Vector3< T >::Vector3 (  )  Default constructor. template<typename T> sf::Vector3< T >::Vector3 ( T  X, T  Y, T  Z  ) Construct the vector from its coordinates. Parameters: X : X coordinate Y : Y coordinate Z : Z coordinate Member Data Documentation template<typename T> T sf::Vector3< T >::x X coordinate of the vector. Definition at line 60 of file Vector3.hpp. template<typename T> T sf::Vector3< T >::y Y coordinate of the vector. Definition at line 61 of file Vector3.hpp. template<typename T> T sf::Vector3< T >::z Z coordinate of the vector. Definition at line 62 of file Vector3.hpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: Vector3.hpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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