classsf 1 1VideoMode

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::VideoMode sf::VideoMode Class ReferenceVideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency) and provides static functions for getting modes supported by the display device. More... #include <VideoMode.hpp> List of all members. Public Member Functions  VideoMode ()  Default constructor.  VideoMode (unsigned int ModeWidth, unsigned int ModeHeight, unsigned int ModeBpp=32)  Construct the video mode with its attributes. bool IsValid () const  Tell whether or not the video mode is supported. bool operator== (const VideoMode &Other) const  Comparison operator overload -- tell if two video modes are equal. bool operator!= (const VideoMode &Other) const  Comparison operator overload -- tell if two video modes are different. Static Public Member Functions static VideoMode GetDesktopMode ()  Get the current desktop video mode. static VideoMode GetMode (std::size_t Index)  Get a valid video mode Index must be in range [0, GetModesCount()[ Modes are sorted from best to worst. static std::size_t GetModesCount ()  Get valid video modes count. Public Attributes unsigned int Width  Video mode width, in pixels. unsigned int Height  Video mode height, in pixels. unsigned int BitsPerPixel  Video mode pixel depth, in bits per pixels. Detailed Description VideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency) and provides static functions for getting modes supported by the display device. Definition at line 42 of file VideoMode.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation sf::VideoMode::VideoMode (  )  Default constructor. Definition at line 67 of file VideoMode.cpp. sf::VideoMode::VideoMode ( unsigned int  ModeWidth, unsigned int  ModeHeight, unsigned int  ModeBpp = 32  ) Construct the video mode with its attributes. Parameters: ModeWidth : Width in pixels ModeHeight : Height in pixels ModeBpp : Pixel depths in bits per pixel (32 by default) Definition at line 79 of file VideoMode.cpp. Member Function Documentation VideoMode sf::VideoMode::GetDesktopMode (  )  [static] Get the current desktop video mode. Returns:Current desktop video mode Definition at line 91 of file VideoMode.cpp. VideoMode sf::VideoMode::GetMode ( std::size_t  Index  )  [static] Get a valid video mode Index must be in range [0, GetModesCount()[ Modes are sorted from best to worst. Get a valid video mode Index must be in range [0, GetModesCount()[. Parameters: Index : Index of video mode to get Returns:Corresponding video mode (invalid mode if index is out of range) Definition at line 102 of file VideoMode.cpp. std::size_t sf::VideoMode::GetModesCount (  )  [static] Get valid video modes count. Returns:Number of valid video modes available Definition at line 117 of file VideoMode.cpp. bool sf::VideoMode::IsValid (  )  const Tell whether or not the video mode is supported. Returns:True if video mode is supported, false otherwise Definition at line 129 of file VideoMode.cpp. bool sf::VideoMode::operator!= ( const VideoMode &  Other  )  const Comparison operator overload -- tell if two video modes are different. Parameters: Other : Video mode to compare Returns:True if modes are different Definition at line 152 of file VideoMode.cpp. bool sf::VideoMode::operator== ( const VideoMode &  Other  )  const Comparison operator overload -- tell if two video modes are equal. Parameters: Other : Video mode to compare Returns:True if modes are equal Definition at line 141 of file VideoMode.cpp. Member Data Documentation unsigned int sf::VideoMode::BitsPerPixel Video mode pixel depth, in bits per pixels. Definition at line 123 of file VideoMode.hpp. unsigned int sf::VideoMode::Height Video mode height, in pixels. Definition at line 122 of file VideoMode.hpp. unsigned int sf::VideoMode::Width Video mode width, in pixels. Definition at line 121 of file VideoMode.hpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: VideoMode.hppVideoMode.cpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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