classsf 1 1Rect

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::Rect sf::Rect< T > Class Template ReferenceRect is an utility class for manipulating rectangles. More... #include <Rect.hpp> List of all members. Public Member Functions  Rect ()  Default constructor.  Rect (T LeftCoord, T TopCoord, T RightCoord, T BottomCoord)  Construct the rectangle from its coordinates. T GetWidth () const  Get the width of the rectangle. T GetHeight () const  Get the height of the rectangle. void Offset (T OffsetX, T OffsetY)  Move the whole rectangle by the given offset. bool Contains (T X, T Y) const  Check if a point is inside the rectangle's area. bool Intersects (const Rect< T > &Rectangle, Rect< T > *OverlappingRect=NULL) const  Check intersection between two rectangles. Public Attributes T Left  Left coordinate of the rectangle. T Top  Top coordinate of the rectangle. T Right  Right coordinate of the rectangle. T Bottom  Bottom coordinate of the rectangle. Detailed Description template<typename T> class sf::Rect< T > Rect is an utility class for manipulating rectangles. Template parameter defines the type of coordinates (integer, float, ...) Definition at line 41 of file Rect.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation template<typename T> sf::Rect< T >::Rect (  )  Default constructor. template<typename T> sf::Rect< T >::Rect ( T  LeftCoord, T  TopCoord, T  RightCoord, T  BottomCoord  ) Construct the rectangle from its coordinates. Parameters: LeftCoord : Left coordinate of the rectangle TopCoord : Top coordinate of the rectangle RightCoord : Right coordinate of the rectangle BottomCoord : Bottom coordinate of the rectangle Member Function Documentation template<typename T> bool sf::Rect< T >::Contains ( T  X, T  Y  ) const Check if a point is inside the rectangle's area. Parameters: X : X coordinate of the point to test Y : Y coordinate of the point to test Returns:True if the point is inside template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::GetHeight (  )  const Get the height of the rectangle. Returns:Height of rectangle template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::GetWidth (  )  const Get the width of the rectangle. Returns:Width of rectangle template<typename T> bool sf::Rect< T >::Intersects ( const Rect< T > &  Rectangle, Rect< T > *  OverlappingRect = NULL  ) const Check intersection between two rectangles. Parameters: Rectangle : Rectangle to test OverlappingRect : Rectangle to be filled with overlapping rect (NULL by default) Returns:True if rectangles overlap template<typename T> void sf::Rect< T >::Offset ( T  OffsetX, T  OffsetY  ) Move the whole rectangle by the given offset. Parameters: OffsetX : Horizontal offset OffsetY : Vertical offset Member Data Documentation template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::Bottom Bottom coordinate of the rectangle. Definition at line 115 of file Rect.hpp. template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::Left Left coordinate of the rectangle. Definition at line 112 of file Rect.hpp. template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::Right Right coordinate of the rectangle. Definition at line 114 of file Rect.hpp. template<typename T> T sf::Rect< T >::Top Top coordinate of the rectangle. Definition at line 113 of file Rect.hpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: Rect.hpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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