Lacework Tiara Necklace

Copyright Beadwork magazine, Interweave Press, Inc. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
Lacework Tiara Necklace
Moni ca Lehn
Materi al s
34 graduated 5 7mm faceted Oregon sunstone
62 Oregon sunstone 3.5mm rounds
8 Oregon sunstone 8×5mm rice beads
50 gold-filled 4mm saucers (A)
31 gold-filled 3mm saucers (B)
Gold-filled toggle clasp
23 soldered 4mm gold-filled jump rings
7 gold-filled head pins
24-gauge gold wire
Tool s
Wire cutters
Round-nose pliers
Chain-nose pliers
Techni que
Fi ni shed Si ze 18"
When Monica was a child, her father was the faculty advisor for the prom. Every year, he would allow her
and her sisters to help with the decorating. Her favorite part was setting out the scepters, crowns, and,
especially, the tiaras. When she first saw the Oregon sunstone, she was transported back to those times
and found her inspiration for this piece. BEADWORK online
BASE STRAND Step 7: Attach a 3" wire to the bottom jump ring from Step 3.
Step 1: Form a wrapped loop at one end of 2 D 2" of wire and String 1 round, 1B, 1 rondelle, 1B, 1 rice bead, 1B, 1 ron-
include one half of the clasp before you close the loop. delle, 1B, and 1 round. Attach the end to the bottom jump
String 1 round, 1A, 1 rondelle, 1A, and 1 round. Form ring from Step 5 (Figure 4b). Repeat on the other side.
another loop including a jump ring (Figure 1). Repeat Step 8: Attach a 2 D 4" wire to a first-from-center jump ring. String
seven times (eight links total), attaching each new link to 1 round, 1B, 1 rondelle, 1A, 1 rice bead, 1A, 1 rondelle,
the previous jump ring. For the ninth link, string 1 round, 1B, and 1 round. Attach the end to the first jump ring on
1B, and 1 rondelle, then form another loop including a the other side of the center (Figure 4c).
jump ring. Repeat entire step beginning with the other Step 9: Attach a 2 D 2" wire to a bottom jump ring from Step 5.
half of the clasp. String 1 round, 1B, 1 round, 1A, 1 rondelle, 1A, 1 round,
Step 2: Use 3" of wire to form a wrapped loop that includes one of 1B, and 1 round. Attach the end to the other bottom jump
the last jump rings from Step 1. String 1B, 1 round, 1A, 1 ron- ring from Step 5 (Figure 4d).
delle, 1A, 1 round, and 1B. Form another loop that includes Step 10: Attach a 2 D 2" wire to a bottom jump ring from Step 5.
the last jump ring on the second strand of links (Figure 2). String 1 round, 1A, 1 rondelle, 1A, and 1 round. Form
This step completes the base strand of the necklace. another loop that includes a jump ring. Repeat on the
other side, attaching the end to the same jump ring just
WI RED LACE added (Figure 4e).
Step 3: Attach a 1 D 2" wire to the third jump ring from the cen- Step 11: Use 3 head pins to string 1B and 1 rice bead. Form
ter rondelle of the base. String 1 round, then form another loops to attach the pins to the bottom jump rings of Steps
loop that includes a jump ring (Figure 3a). Repeat on the 5 and 10 (Figure 4f).
other side. Step 12: Gently curve the lower segments so they lie well. (
Step 4: Use 4 head pins to string 1B, 1 round, and 1B. Form
loops to attach them to the 4 jump rings on the base strand Monica Lehn grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and graduated from Nebraska
between the segments from Step 3 (Figure 3b). Wesleyan University with a BFA in studio art and BA in anthropology.
Step 5: Attach a 2 D 2" wire to a second-from-center jump ring She currently resides on the Oregon coast, where she divides her free
on the base strand. String 1 round, 1A, 1 rondelle, 1A, and time between crafting jewelry and caring for her cows, chickens, pheas-
1 round. Form another loop that includes a jump ring ants, ducks, and dogs.
(Figure 3c). Repeat on the other side.
Step 6: Attach a 2 D 2" wire to a fourth-from-center jump ring. RESOURCES
String 1 round, 1B, 1 rondelle, 1A, 1 rice bead, 1A, 1 ron- Oregon sunstone: Available exclusively from Sweet Creek Creations dba
delle, and 1B. Attach the end to the bottom jump ring U.S. Bead Warehouse, (541) 997-0109,
from Step 3 (Figure 4a). Repeat on the other side.
center segment
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
c a
e BEADWORK online
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