polished crystal necklace

Polished Crystal Necklace
Sandra D. Halpenny © 2004 - All rights reserved
Start by waxing and stretching your thread, Nymo D or C-Lon and a #12 beading needle.Tie in a  stopper bead,
leaving about a 8 tail and begin at step #1.A = 11/0 Seed Bead, B = 4mm fire polished crystal
1. pick up 12A, then go with thread up through
the 1st A bead added.
2. Pick up 9A, make a circle and go with
thread forward through the 1st & 2nd A beads added in
this step.
3. Pick up 11A, then go with thread
4. Pick up 1B, 8A, then go with
down through the 5th A bead added in step #1 (first
thread down through the 5th A bead added in step #3,
time) or the 4th A bead added in Step #11, (every time
then continue up through the 8th A bead added in this
after). After doing this step, at the red dot do a half
hitch knot, it holds your beads in place for the next step.
Making a half hitch knot, go around
thread in your piece between 2 beads with the thread
and needle. Make a loop and go through the loop of
your working thread with the needle and thread, pull up
to tighten
5. Pick up 1A, then go with thread
up through the 8th A bead added in step #4, then down
through the A bead added in this step.
6. Pick up 10A, 1B, 6A, then go
7. Pick up 1A, then go with
with thread up through the 4th through 8th A beads thread down through the A bead added in step #5 and
added in step #4, then continue with thread down down through the 1st through 4th A beads added in
through the A bead added in step #5, the 1st A bead
step #6.
added in this step, up through the 7th & 8th A beads
added in step #4, and down through the A bead added
in step #5, pull up snug. Sandra D. Halpenny © 2004 - All rights reserved
8. Pick up 3A, 1B, 7A,
9. Pick up 5A, then go
then go with thread up through the A bead added in
with thread down through the 5th A bead added in step
#3, up through the 8th A bead added in step #4, down
step #7.
through the A bead added in step #5 and up through
the A bead added in step #7.
10. Pick up 10A, then 11. Pick up 7A, then
go with thread down through the 1st A bead added in go with thread up through the 7th A bead added in step
step #8 (of the 7A set added) #10.
13. To add clasp,
Pick up 5A, clasp, 5A, then go with thread up through
12. Pick up 7A,
make a circle and go with thread down through the 5th the 7th A bead, step #11, the 7th A bead, step #10 and
& 6th A beads added in step #10, then up through the the 1st & 2nd A beads, step #12, go with thread around
1st & 2nd A beads added in this step.Continue the clasp and necklace beads a couple of times, then
necklace by repeating steps #3 though #12 until weave in and end your thread. Repeat on the other
end, after removing the stopper bead.
you reach the length that you want, then finish at
the next step.
Necklace Patterns now available on CD http://www.cyberus.ca/~davsan/
Sandra D. Halpenny © 2004
All rights reserved
This pattern may not be copied in any way without
the express written permission of the author.
Distrubuted by: www.Bead-Patterns.com
Volume 1 has 17 patterns included
Volume 2 has 16 patterns included


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