Simple Mobile Sales System

Simple Mobile Sales System
by Lee Cole
Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved
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Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved
Simple Mobile Sales System
I've been selling mobile websites to businesses for quite a while now! Simple sites, either using a
builder or using html templates are easy to create and easy to sell. Mobile is still the perfect  lead
product for an offline business...and it's a perfect product to start selling if you're just getting in to this.
In this very short, step by step report, I'm going to show you a really great way to sell mobile sites to
businesses in your area.
Caveat! This is simple! Really simple! It works! I've done this where I live. I've done this on vacation.
If you follow the steps, it's virtually fool proof!
Don't over complicate what's so incredibly simple to do!
Okay 'nuff said about that.
Let's get into it, shall we?
You're going to be building mobile sites for businesses, so you'll need either a builder or an HTML
template. There are tons of these things on the WarriorForum. Get one, if you don't have one. You can
buy templates for only a few bucks!
Now, next step is to make an example site.
Don't waste too much time doing this, but make it look pretty good.
Okay, with the example site, you're ready to go.
Targeting Businesses
What types of businesses need a mobile site? Virtually all of them! I've sold mobile sites to every type
of business imaginable. Search is going mobile, so businesses need a mobile site to catch those
searchers.'s easier if you target a specific type of business.
Take hair salons for instance. Hair salons, barber shops, whatever you want to call them.
Either use Yellow Pages or Google, or both and Google  hair salons in your area.
Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved
Next...get your phone out, start at the top of the list and see who has a mobile site.
Make a list of 10 businesses that don't have a mobile site.
(It's easier if they're near each other geographically, because you're going to hop in the car and go see
On your phone, pull up 11 tabs on your browser. On the first tab have your example site. On the next
10 have the ten businesses that don't have a mobile site up.
Get in the car and drive to the first business.
(Use your head...LOL...don't drive there at 2am in the morning! Unless, it's an all night bar, that is!)
Walk in the business and say the following.
1. Hi! Can I see the manager?
Pull our your phone with their website up on it.
2. Hi! Is this your website?
Show them the phone.
Once they agree that it's their site, you take your phone back and slide over to the example site you
Show them the phone again.
3. I build sites like this. They're easy for people to see on their phones and on tablets. They have...
(list a few features). Do you think this is something that would help your business?
If they say the following...
Look at the time and say...
4. I have a few more appointments to get to today, when's a good time for me to drop back by and
talk to you about this?
Make an appointment.
If they say no...thank them for their time. Walk out professionally. Get in your car. Drive to the next
business. Rinse and repeat.
Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved
Get fast at doing this!
I probably sell about 1 site out of 10 or so visits like this. So, you could sell 1 per day like this if you
put your mind to it.
The Sales Presentation
Go ahead and build them a mock up site. Might have to change it somewhat. But put their logo on it,
About page, whatever you do appropriate to what you're selling.
Here's how you handle the sales presentation.
Sit down.
Assume the sale.
Show them the site on the phone and ask them if they want anything changed.
Ask them about the hosting for their own site, do the have a webmaster, etc. (You need to know this to
install their site or to have someone install it.)
State your price.
Quick templates, I would sell for $200 to $400. Multiple page sites, I would sell for $400 to $800.
Tell them a realistic time frame for getting this all completed.
Ask them this as a closing question...
 Are you ready to get the ball rolling on this?
When they say  yes , just tell them how you like to get paid.
You've made a sale!
You might be thinking...  But Lee! It can't be this easy!
Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved
Hmmm...I wouldn't exactly call this easy. Statistically, you'll probably have to get 9 no's to get 1 yes.
So, that's a fair amount of work.
But I would call this simple!
And...yes, it's this simple!
Don't think this isn't powerful stuff, either! I've got coaching students who pay me $500 per month
working this system. You got the whole thing for less than $3! :)
Now, go out and do it!
If you need support, use this URL
Copyright © 2013, Lee Cole, All Rights Reserved


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