Historic Furniture: The Resources
Illustrated History of Furniture: from the earliest to the present time:
Queen Anne Furniture: origins and influences:
Restorations Network:
Furniture Styles:
Books in Delta Library
American Furniture, Queen Anne and Chippendale Periods: in the Henry Francis du Pont Winterhur Museum. Oversize (section) NK 2406 .H4 1972.
American Furniture, 1620 to the Present. NK 2405 .F34 1981.
American Windsor Furniture: specialized forms. Oversize (section) NK 2406 .E9 1997.
The Complete Guide to Furniture Styles. NK 2270 .B63 1969.
The Elements of Style: an encyclopedia of domestic architectural detail. Reference NA 2850
.E445 2005.
The Encyclopedia of Furniture. NK 2205 .A7 1959.
English Furniture. NK 2528 .G48 1973.
English Furniture and its Setting from the Later Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century.
NK 2529 .B7.
English Furniture from Gothic to Sheraton. NK 2528 .C4 1968.
French Furniture Makers: the art of the ebeniste from Louis XIV to the revolution.
Oversize (section) NK 2548 .P6713 1989.
Furniture Treasury (mostly of American Origin) all periods of American furniture with some foreign examples in America. NK 2306 .N986 (three volumes).
Guide to Furniture Styles: English and French, 1450 to 1850. NK 2529 .G55 1972.
Images of American Living: four centuries of architecture and furniture as cultural expression.
NA 705 .G6.
New England Furniture. NK 2410 .J6 1984.
The Shaker Legacy: perspectives on an enduring furniture style. NK 2407 .B43 1998.
Sheraton Furniture Designs: from the cabinet-maker’s and upholsterer’s drawing book, 1791-94. NK 2542 .S5 A35 1970.
Three Centuries of American Furniture. NK 2405 .F58.
The Windsor Style in America. NK 2406 .S36.
A Winterthur Guide to American Chippendale Furniture. NK 2410 .5 .H85 1976.
World Furniture. NK 2270 .W92 1980.