nef adv quicktests 07

Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences. 15 He plays the guitar ________ I do.
A much better than B as better as
% %
Example: I rode my bike ________ and finally won the race.
C more better than
A fast and fast B faster and faster '
% %
16 Could we leave for school ________ today than we did
C more faster
1 I went to a party at ________ last night.
A slightly early B slightly earlier
% %
A Mick B Mick s C Micks
% % %
C earlier slightly
2 My ________ business is a hardware store in the town
17 That was ________ the best meal I ve ever eaten!
A by far B by much C so
% % %
A families B families C family s
% % %
18 Uri is ________ the tallest person on the team.
3 We painted the ________ room yellow. It s really cheerful.
A three times as B slightly C nearly
% % %
A children s B childrens C childrens
% % %
19 ________ I work, the happier I become.
4 Can you remember the ________ the book Charlie
A The more B More C As more
% % %
20 A When are you going to move house?
A name of B name C name s
% % %
B ________ the better.
5 Shelly is a friend of my ________.
A It s sooner B The sooner C As soon as
% % %
A mothers s B mother C mother s
% % %
6 Can you open the ________ for me, please? I m carrying a
stack of plates. VOCABULARY
A door of kitchen B kitchen door
% %
a Tick (') the correct word, A, B, or C.
C kitchen s door
Example: finely chopped meat from a cow
7 My aunt Lily is a ________.
A pork ribs B minced beef '
% %
A teach maths B math s teacher
% %
C turkey breast
C maths teacher
8 My brother is ________! He ate the last two pieces of cake
1 to pour water away from something
and I didn t have any!
A stir B drain C beat
% % %
A so mean B such mean
% %
2 a round metal pot with a lid and handles
C so much mean
A a saucepan B a baking tray
% %
9 It was ________ yesterday that we decided not to go out.
C a bowl
A such a hot B hot C so hot
% % %
3 very complicated
10 We ve got ________ to do before we can leave.
A stretch-based B ripe C elaborate
% % %
A such things B such C such a lot
% % %
4 a person whose job is telling jokes
11 There was ________ entertainment to choose from, we
A a physiotherapist B a comedian
% %
didn t know where to begin.
C a foodie
A much B so much C so well
% % %
5 the main part of the body apart from the head
12 We had ________ nice holiday that I didn t want to come
A the trunk B the spine C the calf
% % %
6 a period of physical exercise
A so B such a C such
% % %
A a stride B a sit-up C a workout
% % %
13 You play the violin ________ I think you should become
A so well B so good C good
% % %
14 My car is nearly ________ my dad!
A as old than B so old as C as old as
% % %
New English File Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010
b Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences about 18 If you understand your own ________, then you can
work to improve them.
A weaks B weak C weaknesses
% % %
Example: Curry has a strong flavour because of the
________ used to make it.
19 I thought Mark made ________ of himself when he
A cheese B spices ' C fruit ordered three desserts.
% % %
A an absolute pig B absolutely pig
% %
7 Could you hand me the ______, please? I need to cut
C the pig
up these vegetables.
20 My three favourite vegetables are avocados, peppers,
A chopping board B frying pan
% %
and ________.
C chopped onions
A raspberries B aubergines
% %
8 Steamed mussels are my favourite kind of ______.
C noodles
A vegetable B shellfish C dressing
% % %
9 After you have mixed the sauce, you need to let it
________ for about 20 minutes.
A pour B simmer C peel
% % %
a Which word has a different sound? Tick (') A, B,
10 A What s for dessert?
or C.
B We re having vanilla ice cream with ________
Example: A onions B shrimps ' C figs
% % %
chocolate on top.
A scrambled B stuffed C melted
% % %
1 A seafood B sardines C minced
% % %
11 We should ________ that pasta in the microwave so it
2 A humour B sum up C oven
% % %
isn t so cold.
3 A steamed B whipped C baked
% % %
A heat B slice C mix
% % %
4 A laughing B physiotherapist
% %
12 Apple pie is really delicious with ________ cream on it.
C way of preparing
A grated B poached C whipped
% % %
5 A bowl B toasted C comedy
% % %
c Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick (') A,
Example: My uncle and cousins are ________. They B, or C.
spend a lot of time together.
Example: A flexibility B flexibility '
% %
A close ' B distant C near
% % %
C flexibility
13 Mashed ________ are often served with roast meat.
6 A political B political C political
% % %
A potatoes B shrimps C dressings
7 A hilarious B hilarious C hilarious
% % %
14 That comedy was excellent. It really made me laugh out
8 A preparing B preparing
% %
C preparing
A witty B loud C burst
% % %
9 A cartoonist B cartoonist
% %
15 I thought the film was ________. I burst out laughing
C cartoonist
several times.
10 A comedy B comedy C comedy
% % %
A hilarious B a good sense of humour
% %
C political
16 The people who are the best at telling jokes ________
themselves. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
A make fun B take seriously
% %
C laugh at
17 Lifting weights really helped ________ my upper body.
A strengthen B stronger C strong
% % %
New English File Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010


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