nef adv quicktests 04

Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences. 14 Will you please let me ________ what I am saying?
A finish B finishing C to finish
% % %
Example: A I saw Millie at the cinema the other night.
15 We expect my aunt Laurie ________ next April.
B ________ of the cinema, have you seen the
new Bond film?
A visits B to visit C visiting
% % %
A Saying B Talking ' C About
% % %
16 I advise you ________ to your teacher about the problems
you re having.
1 I think we should go out tonight. ________, it s your
A would talk B should talk C to talk
% % %
17 I ________ to think you don t like the book I wrote.
A All above B After all C To sum up
% % %
A  d hate B  m hating C have hate
% % %
2 ________ the whole, I think office workers have more
back problems. 18 I remember my mother ________ me bedtime stories
when I was a child.
A On B In C To
% % %
A read B reading C to read
% % %
3 I lost my credit card, but ________ I was able to cancel it
before anyone used it. 19 If you ________ paying attention, you would have heard
the announcement.
A at least B in other words C I mean
% % %
A  d been B  re C would have been
% % %
4 OK, I ll call Sergio. Oh, ________, do you think we should
make a dinner reservation? 20 We ve ________ for a band to play until midnight.
A talking about B all in all C by the way A persuaded B expected C arranged
% % % % % %
5 A Did you see the news on TV last night?
B No. ________, I don t even own a television.
A The fact B In fact C To fact
% % %
6 I wasn t invited to the party. ________, I wouldn t have
a Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences about
history and warfare.
gone. I m too busy.
A In any case B In case C That is to say
% % %
Example: The ________ shot from hidden positions and
7 As I was ________, if you go on holiday next month, killed a lot of enemy soldiers.
you ll miss the meeting in Rome.
A shields B siege C snipers '
% % %
A talking B telling C saying
% % %
1 After years of fighting the two leaders signed a peace
8 As far as transport ________, you can rent a car at the
airport and drive to the meeting.
A surrender B treaty C defeat
% % %
A is concerned B concerns
% %
2 You use a ______ to shoot an arrow.
C is the concern
A bow B spear C missile
% % %
9 If you had brought the map, we ________ lost.
3 A ________ is a very large gun.
A will be B wouldn t be C aren t
% % %
A coup B cannon C sword
% % %
10 Can we use your father s holiday flat if he ________ there?
4 There was a ________ so that peace talks could be
A isn t staying B isn t stay
% %
C don t staying
A survivor B ceasefire C revolution
% % %
11 ________ you feel if Helena didn t phone you?
5 All of the ________ were evacuated from the war zone,
A How do B What do C How would
% % %
but the soldiers had to stay and fight.
12 Had I known I was going to win the lottery, I ________
A forces B troops C civilians
% % %
stopped working sooner!
6 ________ are people who must leave their homes
A would have B had C  m
% % %
because of a war.
13 If we ________ more money, we could buy a bigger
A Refugees B Casualties C Allies
% % %
A would have had B had C have
% % %
New English File Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010
7 The rebels stopped fighting and ________. The civil 19 Mr Miyazaki was really helpful ________ me when I
war was over! first arrived in Japan.
A defeated B surrendered C besieged A to B on C about
% % % % % %
8 The bridge was ________ to stop the enemy from 20 I m not too keen ________ Internet dating.
receiving supplies.
A of B for C on
% % %
A blown up B declared
% %
C overthrown
9 The soldiers ________ the museum and stole a lot of
national treasures.
a Which word has a different sound? Tick (') A, B,
A withdrew B retreated C looted
% % %
or C.
10 The soldiers ________ the enemy leader and put him
Example: A high ' B compulsive
% %
in prison.
C addiction
A broke out B shelled C captured
% % %
1 A edgy B gambling C siege
% % %
b Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
2 A coup B loot C bow
% % %
3 A dialogue B short-sighted C gun
Example: When I m away from the computer, I feel % % %
________ and edgy.
4 A capture B stick C challenging
% % %
A harmless B tense '
% %
5 A through B arrow C overthrow
% % %
C enormous
b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick (') A,
11 I d rather see a film on ________ than on TV.
B, or C.
A the big screen B film review
% %
C period films
% Example: A victorious B victorious '
% %
C victorious
12 I thought the most interesting character in the film was
the ________.
6 A sequences B sequences
% %
A premiere B plot C female lead
% % %
C sequences
13 This is an original painting; it isn t some
7 A conditioned B conditioned
% %
________-produced poster.
C conditioned
A mass B first C hand
% % %
8 A overwhelmingly B overwhelmingly
% %
14 Mariah is ________ an expert on Scottish history.
C overwhelmingly
A entirely up to B a bit of
% %
9 A compulsive B compulsive
% %
C complete
C compulsive
15 I bought a ________-hand car last year for Ź 2,000.
10 A dependencies B dependencies
% %
A last B second C long
% % %
C dependencies
16 I m afraid my parents are a bit narrow-________
about who I should marry.
A made B minded C behaved
% % %
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
17 When I first got a computer I was ________ on surfing
the Internet.
A hooked B anxious C tense
% % %
18 Greg is seeking ________ for his sunbed dependency.
A an enormous high B addiction
% %
C treatment
New English File Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2010


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