nef adv quicktests 06

Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences. 16 ________ was Erki left his phone at the hotel, so we
couldn t phone him.
Example: I m ________ leave my job to go travelling.
A The reason happened B Happened
% %
A about B about to ' C to about
% % %
C What happened
1 Our holiday ________ next Monday. I can t wait!
17 The person ________ took money out of the cash
A began B begins to C begins
% % % machine four times.
A I saw who B who I saw C was who I
2 The plane ________ arrive at 6.03 this evening. % % %
A is due to B due C due to
% % % 18 It was last year ________ we went on holiday to Bodrum.
A when B where C who
3 He s ________ to see his brother in hospital tomorrow. % % %
A will be B go C going
% % % 19 The ________ he wrote the letter was because he wanted
the truth to be known.
4 They re ________ their house painted next summer.
A place where B reason why
% %
A going to have B get C going getting
% % %
C person who
5 I ve heard that a famous footballer is ________ at our
20 ________ a friend from work who took me out for Italian
school next month.
food last night.
A speak B to speak C going speak
% % %
A What was that B Was it C It was
% % %
6 Will you ________ dinner with Petra tonight?
A to have B be having C have to be
% % %
7 I ve enrolled on a Spanish course. The lessons ________
next Monday.
a Tick (') the correct word, A, B, or C.
A start B will start C starting
% % %
8 My husband and I met while ________ were travelling in
Example: the place where bees live
A a stable B a hive ' C a kennel
% % %
A they B ( ) C we
% % %
1 the sound a mouse makes
9 I didn t try the sushi but Stuart ________.
A a bark B a squeak C a miaow
% % %
A was B did C has
% % %
2 bad-tempered
10 The kids wanted to play with your new laptop, but I told
A eccentric B serene C grumpy
% % %
them ________.
3 a person who tries to impress other people
A can t B not C not to
% % %
A a trait B a show-off C a lunatic
% % %
11 I know you don t enjoy dancing, but at the party last night
4 to do what you are told to do
you really ________.
A obey B pursue C blend in
% % %
A should have B should C have
% % %
5 the largest portion of something
12 A Will you be taking a holiday this summer?
A the lion s share B the donkey work
% %
B I ________, unless I can t afford it.
C a dark horse
A suppose so B hope holiday
% %
C suppose it 6 not comfortable or at home
A in the doghouse
13 A Does Barry like his new job?
B like water off a duck s back
B I ________.
C like a fish out of water
A don t B don t think so
% %
C think doesn t 7 a short holiday in a city
A a city tour B a city trip
% %
14 ________ I hate about working here is the high taxes.
C a city break
A When B Where C What
% % %
8 very beautiful or exciting
15 ________ I need is two days off to rest.
A touristy B breathtaking C lively
% % %
A All B All what C All s
% % %
9 not interesting
A dull B off the beaten track C spoilt
% % %
New English File Advanced photocopiable � Oxford University Press 2010
10 to decide that something that has been planned will a Which word has a different sound? Tick (') A, B,
or C.
not happen
A set off B postpone C cancel
% % %
Example: A rat B alike ' C animal
% % %
1 A captivity B scratch C stable
b Tick (') A, B, or C to complete the sentences. % % %
2 A eccentric B alike C cancel
% % %
Example: I was really impressed by the beauty of the
unspoilt island. It was incredibly ________. 3 A sue B grunt C grumpy
% % %
A overrated B picturesque '
% %
4 A sting B wild C spit
% % %
C overcrowded
5 A polish B protect C politically
% % %
11 You should ________ travel insurance before you go
b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick (') A,
on your trip.
B, or C.
A go on B take out C put off
% % %
Example: A embarrassed B embarrassed '
% %
12 I got a good deal on a ________ air ticket from Rio to
C embarrassed
A round-trip B guided C long
% % %
6 A economic B economic
% %
13 The bird flew down and scratched my arm with its
C economic
7 A definitely B definitely C definitely
% % %
A claws B shell C fins
% % %
8 A charities B charities C charities
% % %
14 In my country, ________ protest when animals are
9 A captivity B captivity C captivity
% % %
treated cruelly.
10 A tolerant B tolerant C tolerant
% % %
A endangered species B battery hens
% %
C animal activists
15 There are probably fewer than 2,500 tigers ________.
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
A hunting for sport B living in the wild
% %
C protecting the environment
16 I love walking round a city with someone explaining
the history. ________ are excellent.
A Guided tours B Guided trips
% %
C Round trips
17 Getting a job in Greece was a bit of ________.
A by bit B dream C a fluke
% % %
18 Some places are very touristy, but so far, my village
hasn t gone too far down ________.
A loads of things B the paperwork
% %
C that road
19 I need to ________ down and rest. I think I ve hurt my
A lie B lay C low
% % %
20 The newspaper ________ that the government is going
to raise taxes again.
A announced B compromised
% %
C advertised
New English File Advanced photocopiable � Oxford University Press 2010


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