about researching topic ideas 3

Easy Article Starters
Internet Marketing Pack #1

By Peggy Baron
© All Rights Reserved.


The purpose of this product is to educate and entertain. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this product is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or contradictory information herein.

The author and publisher assumes no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook. The reader assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional.

Lastly, individual results may vary and are in no way guaranteed.


[NO] You cannot sell or give away this Easy Article Starter package.
[NO] You cannot use these Article Starters "as is". You must add to them to use them.

[Yes] You can do what you want with the articles you end up with after adding to these Article Starters. That means you can post your finished, awesome articles on your blog, bundle into a report to sell or give away, use for article marketing, sell as PLR, etc.

Easy Article Starters
Internet Marketing Pack #1

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 4
Affiliate Marketing Page 6
Blogging Page 9
Coaching Page 12
Offline Page 16
Sales Funnel Page 19
Conclusion Page 23

Peggy Baron
© All Rights Reserved.


There are 5 Article Starters in each category. You will see they're all outlined - intro, body, and conclusion to give you some structure to work with. These are not finished articles - finishing them is what you're going to do. :)

On many of them I've adding instructions in [brackets] to give you an idea of where to head next with your article.

Naturally there will be some Article Starters that you need to do a little research on, but it's focused research on specific things and it shouldn't take you too long. If it does, you're doing waaay more research than you need to!

With some of these you're going to read them and think "hmmm, something's missing". Yay! That's what's supposed to happen! They're incomplete so you can add more bullet points, tips, insights, thoughts, examples, or ideas. That's how your finished articles will come out original to you.

You will notice the Kick-Start Title section at the end of each 5 Article Starters. These are simply title ideas for more articles you might want to write that have to do with the topic at hand. They're to further help you with "I don't know what to write about."

These Article Starters and Kick-Start Titles may also give you additional ideas for articles you'd like to write so I've left spots for your inspired thoughts at the end of each category set.

At the very, very end you'll find information on where I do my research in hopes that it will benefit you.

Good luck and please let me know how it goes for you.

Peggy Baron

Affiliate Marketing
5 WaysTo Recruit Affiliates

Intro - It's true, when you first roll out your affiliate program you have an army of zero. Affiliates won't just jump on; you've got to go out and recruit them. How?

Body - Ask. Actively pursue. You can outsource this. Have someone compile a list of names, website, and emails in your niche so you can email your requests. Make the emails personal and mention things they've blogged about. The marketers should be in your niche, but not direct competition; think complementary.

Ask your list if they want to be affiliates.

Ask your customers if they would like to promote the product for commissions. They already know what the product is like since they've already purchased it. Offer it on the backend.

Put your request for affiliates out there on the Warrior Forum in the section called Warrior Joint Ventures.

Add a link for affiliate info to the bottom of your sales page.

Conclusion - There are many ways you can actively pursue affiliates. These are just 5 of the ways. Keep in mind every new product owner started with zero affiliates and had to grow their army, just like you do.

Affiliate Marketing
Which Kind Of Affiliate Marketer Are You?

Intro - Affiliate marketing, also known as revenue sharing, is one way to earn money online. But there are different affiliate marketing models which we will explore here.

Body - Niche marketing means building smallish sites in various niches. These sites are set up to promote one or more affiliate products.

Some sites are set up to promote AdSense, although they do need to have great keyword-optimized content as well as the ads.

Another method of affiliate marketing is setting up a pre-sell page to promote only one product. It might be a squeeze page or some other webpage that then leads to the product creator's sales page.

Some affiliate marketers do product reviews, or simply blog on their authority site about topics of interest or concern in their niche and mention various products as possible solutions.

Other sites focus on promoting Amazon or eBay products. There are also CPA offers.

Conclusion - There is more than one way to market affiliate products online. Keep in mind you don't have to follow one way only; you can do a combination approach.

Affiliate Marketing
How To Get Your Affiliates Excited And Promoting

Intro - You might have quite a few affiliates signed up, but only a few are actually doing any active promoting. There is a way to get nearly all of them participating - hold a contest.

Body - Have a contest that results in prizes and public recognition. Everyone likes to win prizes! And many people like the challenge. Those who signed up to be affiliates and then never bothered to promote you will now jump in because they're motivated. Prizes are exciting, but so is seeing their name in lights. It gives them credibility as an affiliate, or even super-affiliate.

Give periodic updates to keep them reminded and motivated. Be organized yourself and keep track of everything.

Offer coupons or special deals during this time period. Consider making the contest a month long to accommodate those who can't promote right away.

Conclusion - If you run your affiliate program the same way day in and out, you'll get the same results. Spice things up with a contest and you'll be amazed with the results.

Affiliate Marketing
The Makings Of A Super-Affiliate

Intro - Super-affiliates seem to be a different breed, don't they? They waltz into a product launch and blow the socks off all the 'normal' affiliates. What makes them different?

Body - [would be good to do an example of this, or action plan]
The Right Fit. They look at the product and make sure it's the right fit for their list. If their list is interested in WordPress themes, widgets, and plugins, then products having to do with those things are the best fit.

Commitment. The super-affiliate commits to the promotion and decides to give it more attention than one quickie email.

Action. They come up with a game plan and work it. They often send 4 emails about the product, set up a video walk-through of the product, host a teleseminar answering questions about it, and offers customers bonuses.

Follow Through. The super-affiliate doesn't get distracted by the next amazing promise. They follow through and follow up.

Conclusion - Super-affiliates weren't born with a big SA tattooed on their forehead. They pick products that fit their list base, commit to promoting them, take action and follow through.

Affiliate Marketing
Is Your Affiliate Program Professional?

Intro - It's no secret you need affiliates - action-taking successful affiliates to help make your product sales shoot through the roof. But is your affiliate program professional? Or does that matter?

Body - Your affiliate program needs to have certain elements to attract affiliates. The beginner marketers need an easy-to-follow program that gives them the tools they need and educates them. The super-affiliates need to be able to see their stats as they run various campaigns and they want personalized attention and to know that commissions are paid out regularly and without a lot of hassles.

Conclusion - While you don't have to purchase the most expensive affiliate program out there, you do need one that looks good, doesn't have a lot of bugs, is easy for everyone to use, allows for tools and educational material and gives stats.


Affiliate Marketing Kick-Start Titles:

* Affiliate Programs - ClickBank, e-Junkie, and DPD (getdpd.com).
* How NOT To Do Affiliate Marketing
* A Super-Affiliates Super Secrets
* The Best Way To Learn Affiliate Marketing [ebook, coaching, mentoring, going to an event, trial and error]
* Tips For Seasonal Niche Affiliate Marketing [Christmas, Halloween, etc.]

Additional Title Ideas:




Scheduled blog posts vs. Posting When You Have Something To Say

Intro - Explain what you mean by the two different methods.

Body - [list 3 pros and cons of each] Scheduled keeps you on track, builds up your content quicker, keeps readers coming back because you're active. Random posting means you aren't forcing a post and therefore your post is likely to be better, it's more fun for you, gives you space to conduct case studies to then blog about.

Conclusion - [maybe give examples of famous bloggers who operate their blog via one style or the other and give your stamp of approval to one or the other]

Are You Your Blog?

Intro - [Illustrate the problem] - you visit a blog and can't figure out its identity. What is it supposed to be about? Does it feel like it's written by a real person? Is there a general theme to the posts?

Body - Your tag line - are you keeping the material consistent with your tag line or do you need to narrow your focus? Too broad can mean lack of depth. Go deeper and educate your readers.

Transparency - Be transparent; show your successes and mistakes. Builds trust. Put YOU into your posts.

Over-delivery - Be uber helpful, give more than you receive. People do notice. Plus it's more fun.

Conclusion - If bloggers put themselves into their blog, they'll be rewarded with higher reader satisfaction which means more readers, staying longer, eventually buying your recommendations because they trust you.

What To Do After You Post

Intro - The first thing to do is write really informative, epic posts. The minute you hit the publish button, you need to let the world know about the post. There are the usual ways - Twitter, Facebook, etc., but here are 3 ways you might not know about.

BloggersBase.com [ paragraph on what each of these are]

Conclusion - Your job doesn't stop with the writing of the epic post, get the word out and bring in traffic using the usual methods plus the three mentioned above.

Listen, Then Write

Intro - Whether you've been blogging for a short time or forever, you're going to have days when you can't think of what to say. Your blog seems stale, you feel directionless. Yet, there are unlimited ideas out there, and they come from people who are talking.

Body 1st - Look at the questions, problems, concerns via social media. They're talked about and all you need to do is look for them. Give examples.

2nd - [give examploes] Look at what is trending in Twitter or trending right there on your browser toolbar. Figure out how to tie that trending idea into something applicable to your audience. Also, what's being "Liked" a lot on Facebook right now?

3rd - Have you ever noticed other bloggers in your field seem to blog about the same thing, different spin, at about the same time? Dare to disagree with the latest sentiments. Stir up a little controversy.

Conclusion - Look around you at what people are saying. Use their problems, concerns and questions, look at what they're looking at in a way that makes sense to your readers, and buck the latest blogging topic trend.

Are you Another Me Too Blog?

Intro - You might be wondering how to stand out with your blog when there's so much competition and noise. The obvious answer is to be different, but how?

Body - 1st - Make your theme look different than everyone else's in your business. Change up the colors, the graphics, graphic placement.

2nd - For your optin freebie, offer something different than others in your niche are offering. Up your game.

3rd - Be a real person. Send personal email thank yous to those who promote any of your posts.

Conclusion - It's not enough to have great content on your blog, you've got to stand out. Think about making changes to your site's looks, what you can offer that's different and wows them, and get more personal.


Blogging Kick-Start Titles:

* The 3 (or 5) Things I Hate Most About Blogging
* If I Hadn't Made These 3 Mistakes In The Beginning... (I'd Probably Be a Kajillionaire Now)
* The Pros and Cons Of Hiring Writers For Your Blog
* Blogging As A Family Business... The Kids Too?
* My Blogging Best Of [best theme, best platform, best blog to follow, best money-making blog, best plugin, best widget, etc.]

Additional Title Ideas:




Do You Really Need An Internet Marketing Coach?

Intro - Getting help and direction from a coach can mean a faster path to success. But before you go jumping on the "I need a coach" bandwagon, first ask yourself if you need one and if you even qualify for one.

Body - Be truthful with yourself: [Expand on each of these and/or add more]

1. Are you able to follow instructions?
2. Are you willing to take action?
3. Will you do things outside your comfort zone?
4. Are you making any money yet? And can afford to pay for coaching?
5. Do you have the time to do what your coach tells you to do?
6. Can you commit 100% to this?

Conclusion - Coaching is a sure-fire way to get ahead with your business, but it's not for everyone at every stage. Be honest with yourself and determine if now is a good time.

Are Internet Marketing Coaches Out To Scam You?

Intro - Whether you're brand new to internet marketing or you've been around a long time, you may be uncertain or distrustful of people claiming to be coaches. There are ways to look at the available coaching to see if it's legit and what you need.

Body - Sure there are scammers, but many more are legit. Do your homework.
#1 Google the coach's name or organization's name to see who's talking and what they're saying. Note whether it's an affiliate talking.

#2 Go on the forums and see if the coaching program has been reviewed. If it hasn't, ask about it in a new thread (in a non-accusatory way).

#3 Thoroughly check out the cost, making sure there are no hidden fees, and exactly what you get. Is it worth the money? Is it too good to be true? Also, make sure there is a strong guarantee.

Conclusion - It's true there are always some bad apples, but many coaches truly want to help you succeed. Check out the coaching program thoroughly before you decide.

Types Of Internet Marketing Coaching Programs

Intro - Not all internet marketing coaching programs are created equal and the price usually reflects that. Some of the differences are noted below and it's up to you to decide which you prefer and what you can afford.

Body - Coaching can be broken down into 2 broad categories - group coaching and one-on-one. Within those categories are further choices.

The group coaching might be a membership site where you watch How To videos or possibly a private forum where you have access to the head coach, other coaches, and other members. Group coaching is less expensive.

Private coaching might mean a site review and then consultation and recommendations, or email access to the coach which could mean 1 email question per day asked and answered. The coaching could be via a certain number of Skype phone calls. One-on-one coaching is more expensive.

Conclusion - There are different types of internet marketing coaching programs and the coach usually uses the one that is a good fit for his business and lifestyle needs. Private coaching is naturally going to be more expensive to you, but you will have straight access to the coach.

Can You Be A Coach Too?

Intro - People often are afraid to consider being a coach themselves. That's a shame because they have something to share and yet they're turning away other people who can learn and benefit from what they know.

Body - You're an expert at something. Definition of expert is someone who knows more than the person they're teaching. Give examples: Someone who has set up several of their own blogs can teach/coach someone who has never done that before. A person who writes good articles for EzineArticles can show others how to do the same. And a mom who knows how to get babies to sleep through the night or potty train successfully can coach moms who haven't.

Conclusion - You don't have to know how to do everything in order to be a coach, you just have to know how to do something successfully and be able to share it.

Different Ways to Set Up Your Coaching

Intro - You've decided to be a coach. You've got something to teach people and you can't wait to enlighten them with your expertise. But hold the phone... there are some things to think about first.

Body - First decide how you're going to share the info. It depends on you and how you operate best.

Ideas: 20 email exchanges with you a month, 1 per day and you respond within 24 hours.
Skype calls, 2 calls per month.
In person, one-on-one intense weekend.
Video training, with the videos spaced out monthly or all at once.
Group training.
Group webinars or teleseminars.
Group private blog where you answer everyone's questions.

You're going to need a sales page with a PayPal button. You'll also need to utilize an autoresponder and collect their contact info.

Conclusion - Teaching others what you know is personally rewarding, plus it helps others become successful. Take the time to figure out the way you want to present your information first.


Coaching Kick-Start Titles:

* 5 Ways To Find New Clients For Your Coaching Business.
* Do You Need Training To Be A Coach?
* A Hypothetical Look At Your Success Rate If You're Coached Or Not
* Using Available Material For Your Own Coaching Program [break up reports you've written in the past into lessons, add mind maps, worksheets, cheatsheets, etc.]
* Pricing Considerations For Your Coaching Program

Additional Title Ideas:




What You Can Do With A Website

Intro - It's hard to believe, but there are still quite a few brick and mortar businesses that don't have websites. It's up to you to convince them of why they need one.

Body - [add info on each]
* Collect addresses to offer discounts/specials to
* Keep your name in front of potential customers
* Pimp your brand
* Build your social proof with testimonials, showcase and sell products - and go international (globally, not just locally)

Conclusion - You understand the need for all businesses that want to grow and become or stay successful to have a website, but you might have to open the eyes of some business owners.

So They Have A Website, Now What?

Intro - If you scroll through the Yellow Pages and see a lot of the entries have websites, that doesn't mean they don't need you - Mr. Offline Marketer.

Body - Businesses with websites need:
#1 Their ugly website updated.
#2 Traffic analyzed, keyword phrases added.
#3 Off-page SEO done.
#4 An autoresponder set up to collect email addresses.
#5 Brochures or newsletter made.
#6 New content for their site.
#7 Social media services.

Conclusion - Having a website doesn't mean a business has everything going for it online. They more than likely still have a job or 7 for you to do.

More Reasons Why Small Businesses Need You

Intro - Ask small business owners what they need and they'll tell you More Money. Don't we all? But that's really the final answer. Before that comes their other desires:

Body - They need traffic.
They want to spend less on advertising.
They desire a bigger/better/wider-reaching brand.
They need a plan.
They'd like a free way to contact their customers.
They want to rise above their competition.

Conclusion - Working with small business owners means you can help them achieve what they want, along the way to making More Money.

Specializing Offline

Intro - It could be that you're just dipping your toe into the offline market and you're not sure you want to jump into the water with a big splash and spend all your time there. That's perfectly okay; you can specialize.

Body - Specialize in:
#1 Making existing websites look prettier. Get a premium theme resellers license and outsource the graphics.

#2 Getting them going with an autoresponder, an optin form on the site, and something to give away with opting in.

#3 Setting them up on social media and giving them a plan - for example, how often to tweet, what to tweet about, what to post on Facebook, etc.

Conclusion - You don't have to be a SuperStore offline go-to person, you can pick one area to be an expert in.

Setting Up An Affiliate Program For Your Offline Client

Intro - Many offline businesses could make a lot more money with their online sales if they allowed affiliates into the picture.

Body - Explain why they want and need an affiliate program and how it can really increase their revenue, without them having to spend money on sales people salaries.

Set up affiliate software and autoresponder.

Add a page to the client's site showing all the details of the affiliate program, including rules, commission rates, TOS, and sign up (optin).

Provide tools for the affiliates - banners, email promos, text ads, etc.

Conclusion - Allowing affiliates to do your client's marketing and selling for them is worth giving them a commission. Your clients don't have to worry about it when they have you setting it all up for them.


Offline Kick-Start Titles:

* How Do You Explain SEO To Your Offline Small Businesses?
* Getting Past Your Offline Client's Objections
* Outsourcing Just About All Your Offline Business Needs
* Video Marketing For Brick and Mortar Businesses
* Help Your Clients Figure Out The Best Social Media Tools For Them

Additional Title Ideas:




Sales Funnel
The Benefits of Your Backend

Intro - The first benefit that comes to mind from making initial sales and having a backend is that the backend can make you a lot of money... continuously. There are other benefits as well.

Body - [helpful to give examples]
* More credibility and trust.
* More JV opportunities (and better ones).
* Better control over your funnel and where you want customers to go next.
* Better customers (freebie seekers are gone, and customers that like to pay you money for your products are left).
* Great testimonials from customers.

Conclusion - Initial sales are great, but the backend is even better. Your gains are monetary, sure, but there are other benefits as well.

Sales Funnel
Sales Funnel Myths

Myth - If you can create one ebook that makes runaway sales, then you'll make a ton of money.
Fact - Nope. It's not about sales on the front end, it's about what you can continue to sell to that same customer on the backend. Notice how some marketers give away their frontend product? It's because of the backend.

Myth - It's all about your initial product.
Fact - No! Your initial product won't make you rich, it's purpose is to give you customers that you can build relationships with and continue to sell to.

Myth - It's costly to set up backend products.
Fact - While it might cost you more upfront to have bigger products created for you, the money is made back and then some because you're not spending money on new customer acquisition. Your existing customers convert much better than strangers.

Sales Funnel
What The Heck Is a Sales Funnel?

Intro - This article is about what a sales funnel is and who uses them. Should you?

Body - [show examples and include an infographic of a sales funnel]
Path of the funnel:
Freebie offer -> subscriber list -> inexpensive frontend product -> buyer list -> upsell product -> backend product (examples - tools, do it for you, products that are complementary to original product) -> more backend products -> coaching

Conclusion - Understanding what a sales funnel is and using it in your online business can mean the difference between a small income and one that includes fast cars and a big fancy house.

Sales Funnel
What Do I Use For Backend Products?

Intro - Whatever you put on the backend, it's got to be related to the initial product. It either needs to complement it, show how to do it easier, faster, or better.

Body - do-it-for-you
tools and software
audios of product
transcript if product is audio
physical CDs of product
one-on-one mentoring
paid forum
paid webinar
in-person conference
in-person deep mentoring session

Conclusion - Pick your backend products with care; they've got to be a good fit.

Sales Funnel
The Great Opt-In Debate

Intro - Sometimes when you purchase a digital product online, you are sent to an opt-in page where you have to optin before you receive the product you bought.

Body - Up for debate:
Should people have to opt-in to get the products they've purchased? The pros and cons.

2nd debate question:
If you're asked to opt-in so they can send you product updates when they do update the product, should they be sending you promo emails about other non-related affiliate products? Pros and cons.

Conclusion - What appears to be a great marketing strategy for the product creator may mean the opposite for their customers. Weigh your decisions carefully before proceeding.

Sales Funnel
The First Part Of Your Sales Funnel Is...

Intro - While trying to figure out all the parts of a proposed sales funnel may seem confusing, there is on area that's fairly easy to understand... the very beginning. This is where you gather leads. Your leads are the people who hop onto your list.

Body - You need a lead magnet, aka a valuable freebie optin product in exchange for their email address.

audio interview
monthly newsletter

Conclusion - Getting people to join your list is the first part of your sales funnel. With the above ideas to get you thinking, come up with something your viewers will want.

Sales Funnel
The Pros And Cons Of The Membership Model

Intro - Introducing a paid membership model to your customers can be the next step that makes the most sense.

Body - Pros: Good mid-ticket item for your funnel, income coming in every month, a vehicle in which to offer affiliate products, etc.

Cons: Requires constantly adding new content and maintaining the membership, needs constant marketing to get new members, and TLC to keep existing, etc.

Conclusion - A paid membership may be a natural progression from your original low ticket offering. Consider the pros and cons first, as it's not something you can just dabble with for the first month.


Sales Funnel Kick-Start Titles:

* The Timing Of Your Next Offer (to your new buyers) - OTO, in first email after purchase, week later...
* Backend High Ticket Products - How Much To Charge?
* What's The Difference Between Upsell, OTO, Downsell and Backend?
* The Gurus 5 Favorite High End Offerings
* Offering Products At The Right Price Point For Your List

Additional Title Ideas:





These Article Starters are only the beginning. With them, you're going to create real estate you can leverage over and over. Keep that in mind as you finish what's been started here and you go on to write more.

You might end up with something you can submit to EzineArticles, add to your blog as keyword-rich content, build into pillar posts, grow further into a report, submit as guest posts, and much more. Don't forget podcasts and PowerPoint presentations too.

I heart feedback and testimonials! If you feel inclined, please send me yours at peggy@allstarplr.com :)

If you'd like to be notified when I've written more PLR and/or Easy Article Starters (and the next several will be in popular niches outside the internet marketing niche), please sign up to my list at www.allstarplr.com

If you're already on my PLR list, rest assured you will be the first to know when I've got more Article Starters to offer you.

Lastly, if you didn't get my report on writing articles as a bonus to picking up all 4 EAS packs, I'm happy to offer it to you at a discount. It's basically important info I want to share with you about writing articles.

Table of Contents:

* Introduction
* Getting Started
* Research
* Write
* Edit/proofread
* Quantity vs. Quality
* Leveraging Your Article
* Article Writing is Boring!
* About Writing Article Series
* Elements Of An Article
* Article Writing Cheat Sheet
* Miscellaneous But Helpful Article Writing Tips
* Submitting To Ezine Articles
* Organize
* The Challenge

Good luck with your articles!

Peggy Baron

P.S. Be sure to read the PDF that came with this for my researching topics info!


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