about researching topic ideas 4

Easy Article Starters
Internet Marketing Pack #4

By Peggy Baron
© All Rights Reserved.


The purpose of this product is to educate and entertain. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this product is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or contradictory information herein.

The author and publisher assumes no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook. The reader assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional.

Lastly, individual results may vary and are in no way guaranteed.


[NO] You cannot sell or give away this Easy Article Starter package.
[NO] You cannot use these Article Starters "as is". You must add to them to use them.

[Yes] You can do what you want with the articles you end up with after adding to these Article Starters. That means you can post your finished, awesome articles on your blog, bundle into a report to sell or give away, use for article marketing, sell as PLR, etc.

Easy Article Starters
Internet Marketing Pack #4

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 4
Kindle Publishing Page 6
Niche Marketing Page 8
Outsourcing Page 12
Traffic Page 15
Webinars Page 18
Conclusion Page 22

Peggy Baron
© All Rights Reserved.


There are 5 Article Starters in each category. You will see they're all outlined - intro, body, and conclusion to give you some structure to work with. These are not finished articles - finishing them is what you're going to do. :)

On many of them I've adding instructions in [brackets] to give you an idea of where to head next with your article.

Naturally there will be some Article Starters that you need to do a little research on, but it's focused research on specific things and it shouldn't take you too long. If it does, you're doing waaay more research than you need to!

With some of these you're going to read them and think "hmmm, something's missing". Yay! That's what's supposed to happen! They're incomplete so you can add more bullet points, tips, insights, thoughts, examples, or ideas. That's how your finished articles will come out original to you.

You will notice the Kick-Start Title section at the end of each 5 Article Starters. These are simply title ideas for ad articles you might want to write that have to do with the topic at hand. They're to further help you with "I don't know what to write about."

These Article Starters and Kick-Start Titles may also give you additional ideas for articles you'd like to write so I've left spots for your inspired thoughts at the end of each category set.

At the very, very end you'll find information on where I do my research in hopes that it will benefit you.

Good luck and please let me know how it goes for you.

Peggy Baron

Kindle Publishing
Kindle Vs. Physical Book... Or Both?

Intro - When it comes time to publish your written work of art, who you gonna call? Well, you're going to self-publish, but which way should you go - Kindle or physical print-on-demand (like through Createspace)?

Body - [argue pros and cons] You can sell less expensively on Kindle and
ebooks don't have to be as long for Kindle, don't have to be true novel-length.

Physical book means you can call yourself a published author - great for branding. Sense of accomplishment when you get that real book in your hands.

Both - capture the best of both worlds. There are still people who don't have eReaders and prefer physical books. Then there are those who only read on eReaders now.

Conclusion - There are definitely highlights to each way of publishing, Kindle or self-publishing so why not do both? The hardest part, the writing, is already done.

Kindle Publishing
Software You Need Before You Publish On Kindle

Intro - If you're thinking you'd love to get into publishing ebooks on Kindle, the next step will be researching what all is involved. Below are the software programs you'll need to publish on Kindle.

Body - [give links and explanations of why they need them]
* Free software PC for Kindle
* MobiPocket Creator, publisher edition
* Word or similar to type your manuscript on
* graphic software to make the ecover if you aren't going to outsource it
* PDF creator
* Komposer OR HTML editor, unless outsourcing this part

Conclusion - There is a reason for everything listed above and hopefully you're ready to start downloading. As you begin the Kindle publishing journey, the need for each of these will become very clear.

Kindle Publishing
Tips For Maximizing Your Results From Kindle Publishing

Intro - While you might enjoy writing, I'm pretty sure you'd like to make some money for your efforts as well. Let's look at how you can maximize your results from all the hard work you put into manuscript.

Body - #1 Continuously educate yourself including reading up on the successes of other Kindle publishers.
#2 Write a series of ebooks so fans will look forward to the sequels.
#3 Keep writing ebooks to build up a fan base. Too much time between ebooks means they'll forget you.
#4 Write your ebooks within a specific subject; you'll become known as the expert.
#5 Spend some time figuring out the best pricing strategy.
#6 Take marketing your ebooks seriously. Use all avenues including social media.

Conclusion - It makes no sense to write your book and stick it up on Kindle and hope it sells and that people remember you. Maximize your results with the tips above.

Kindle Publishing
Using PLR For Your Kindle Book

Intro - Amazon frowns on sticking a PLR ebook up on Kindle. And rightly so. No one wants to see the same titles over and over, or buy the same book that's only had the title changed.

Body - Consider using a high quality PLR ebook as a starting point. Think of it as your research. Read it, find out what is missing or what you can add to it, and get to work. For example, totally rewrite the intro, then take chapter 1 and add personal stories, examples of what you're talking about, tip boxes, a lot more details, lists, resources, cheatsheets, etc. Consider splitting one chapter into two. etc.

Conclusion - It's quite possible to take a PLR ebook and turn it into a much better Kindle book - one you're proud of authoring. Yes it takes time to make the changes to the PLR, but a lot less than if starting from scratch.

Kindle Publishing
3 Sources For Your Own Kindle eBooks

Intro - If the thought of writing a book to publish on Kindle is too daunting, consider these 3 sources of material you already have:

Body - #1 PDFs and reports you've already written, whether you gave them away to your list or sold them as digital downloads.

#2 Your blog posts. Gather up for a Best Of You, or put together your posts on a particular subject.

#3 Your email questions and answers. Other people in your niche have these questions too.

Conclusion - Kindle ebooks don't have to be as long as traditional books; consider using material you've written or had written for you that other people would benefit from or want to read.


Kindle Publishing Kick-Start Titles:

* What's Vanity Publishing And Is That A Bad Thing?
* Publishing on Kindle vs. Other eReaders
* Frequently Asked Questions About Kindle Publishing
* My Resources For Finding Topics To Write Kindle eBooks On
* Pricing Options For Your Kindle eBook

Additional Title Ideas:




Niche Marketing
Niche Marketing - Go Long and Go Deep

Intro - There's satisfaction in turning your niche sites into places people really like to visit again and again on the Internet. Not only can you get more traffic, there's also the chance to earn more income when your sites have lots of content and cover topics in depth.

Body - Ways to go long and deep: post lots of content regularly, content that is seen by Google and people as helpful, written for people and not search engines (don't keyword stuff), posts link out to other sites, have internal linking, quality backlinking, lengthy posts (+600 words), get guest posters, hire posters, write several posts on a specific topic, etc.

Conclusion - Thin niche sites don't help anyone - the reader, Google, or you. Go for lots of lengthy, good quality posts.

Niche Marketing
One Site Vs. One Hundred Sites

Intro - It's confusing, isn't it? One marketer tells you to only set up one niche site, while another marketer tells you the more niche sites you set up, the better.

Body - [list pros and cons] authority site vs. lots of niche sites
Authority: makes you proud, can really explore and talk about something you're passionate about, your knowledge can = new products to sell, excellent branding opportunity, expert status which brings new $ opportunities. [add the cons]

Lots of niche sites: don't get bored with one site, chance to experiment with different content types, theme styles and products, exciting to create, possibility of streams of income rather than from one site [add cons]

Conclusion - Niche marketing with one site vs. many sites; both have their strong points. Both can be successful if done properly so the deciding factor may be you and your willingness to do what it takes.

Niche Marketing
3 Common Mistakes With Niche Marketing

Intro - There are certainly right ways and wrong ways to do niche marketing. Here are 3 of the most common mistakes I see:

Body - #1 No research or not enough research before picking a niche. Are people buying in that niche? Is there a desperate problem?

#2 Going too narrow and running out of things to say. There's only so much you can write about when the niche is tiny. Also, there probably aren't a lot of available products to promote either.

#3 Not posting enough content. Google loves deep sites with content that people want to read/listen to/watch.

Conclusion - Niche marketing is not rocket science. Research best practices, avoid these mistakes, spend the time to do it right and you should see success.

Niche Marketing
5 Tips For Outsourcing Your Niche Content

Intro - Having several niche sites means you are always in need of fresh content. You'll find its nearly impossible to come up with all this material yourself so it becomes an excellent idea to outsource your niche content.

Body - #1 Find good writers and give them consistent business so they'll stick with you. Be sure to give them your keywords.

#2 Plan out your content in advance. It's easier on you to come up with 6-12 months of content ideas at a time than try to figure out what's going on week to week.

#3 Educate your writers. Explain how the articles will be used, what tone you want, the length, the format (top 10 tips, bullets, etc.), keyword placement, etc.

#4 Don't give all your business to one writer. Spread it out a little so if one writer has an illness or stops writing, you're not left high and dry.

#5 If you're really serious about your niche sites, hire someone to manage them - they can come up with content titles with keywords, edit and post your content on your niche sites.

Conclusion - Take your niche sites to the next level by outsourcing your content creation and consider hiring someone to manage the writers, content ideas, and posting to your sites.

Niche Marketing
Niche Marketing - The Fun Is In The Creating

Intro - Maybe you love keyword research, finding those under-tapped niche markets that are exploding, getting the perfect URL, setting up a new site with beautiful graphics, getting it loaded with AdSense and affiliate products, posting the initial content... this is what excites you. Keeping it going? Not so much.

Body - If this sounds like you, here are 3 ideas:

#1 Outsource the content creation.

#2 Flip the site on Flippa.

#3 Give it away to a lucky winner in a contest you hold on your main authority site. Good for branding, plus it puts you on more marketers' radars.

Conclusion - If the fun is in the creating of new niche sites, know that you don't have to continue on with the parts that bore you. Rest assured there are people who will gladly take it from there.


Niche Marketing Kick-Start Titles:

* Top 5 Places To Find Affiliate Products For Your Niche Sites
* Do You Really Need To Capture Leads For All Your Niche Sites?
* The 411 On Using Non-Written Content On Your Niche Sites
* Favorite Niche Marketing Traffic Strategies
* Can Market Samurai Really Help With Niche Marketing?

Additional Title Ideas:




Conversion Routes Are Not All The Same

Intro - There are 3 types of traffic conversions to look at and track.

#1 - Cold. These are people who come in through a landing page (squeeze page). Treat with kid gloves, give value, don't blast with email promo after promo and burn through them.

#2 - Affiliate recommendation. When an affiliate qualifies you and tells his people to come check out your site/product. It's a warmer list because someone they trust referred you. Can make a landing page just for your affiliate.

#3 - Previous customers. Reward them, build trust and loyalty so they buy each time you put a new quality product out. This is your hot list.

Conclusion - If you track these 3 types of traffic, you will see that previous customers converts the best, then affiliate recommendations, and lastly cold traffic. Your goal is to move the #1s and #2s into #3s.

Guest Posting For Targeted Traffic

Intro - Guest posting is a great way to get noticed. Yes, write quality guest posts, but your choice of topics is important too.

Body - Key to guest posting is to write the posts on topics that are on what your blog, brand, or newest product are about. They should be related so readers who are interested in that subject will be more likely to come over to your place.

Ideas: Guest post on your topic as an FAQ.
Common mistakes people make.
Your experiences (or others) with doing xyz in your topic.

Conclusion - Make your guest posts do double duty - get you noticed as an expert and get those highly interested eyeballs over to your site and/or product.

Free Traffic Is Out There - Go And Get It!

Intro - Free traffic means you don't pay money to get the traffic, but it does require an outlay of your time. As with any attempts to get traffic, free or paid methods, there are no guarantees.

Body - [write more about each and add any additional methods you think of]
article marketing
guest posts
commenting on other blogs that have CommentLuv
ad swaps
forum marketing

Conclusion - Free traffic is not truly free as it will cost you your time, but if done on a consistent basis you could be very happy with your results.

Paid Traffic [this can be a Part II after the above article]

Intro - The beauty of going after more traffic is there is a lot more than one way to do it. If you've got some money reserved for this, consider trying a few different methods until you hit on a winner.

Body - [write more about each and add any additional methods you think of]
paid ads on other sites
paid backlinking
'free' WSOs - Costs you $40 to list and you're giving away something free in exchange for optin
paying for lists

Conclusion - Free traffic requires your time and paying for traffic requires your dollars. Both have their merits, but paid advertising might get you the results you want faster.

My Secrets To Getting Traffic For Free

Intro - It's called borrowing other people's traffic.

Body - #1 Interview an expert in your field who has lots of traffic. Let them know when you post the interview to your blog, and they'll most likely tell their people to go listen/read it.

#2 Do a Top 10 list of the best and brightest in your niche and you'll find them all thanking you, talking about it, and sending over their people.

#3 Ask an important question of 5 experts and post their answers (with their pics).

Conclusion - These are free methods of getting traffic that are a win-win for everyone involved. Take the initiative and ask!


Traffic Kick-Start Titles:

* Help Your Affiliates Bring In Your Traffic
* 3 Big Tips For Using Press Releases As a Traffic Strategy
* #1 Rule For Getting Traffic - Be Consistent With Your Efforts!
* Using Mind Maps To Lay Out Your Traffic Strategies
* Is Social Media Really A Good Way To Get Traffic?

Additional Title Ideas:




How To Get Exactly What You Want From Your Writers

Intro - One of the problems of outsourcing your article writing is you're never quite sure what you're going to get back. Then you have to ask them to fix the articles or you spend all your time editing. Minimize this by doing the following:

Body - Start with good writers. Pay a little more. Get English-speaking writers.

They're not mind readers, you have to tell them exactly what you want.

Give them your keywords, your tentative title, who your audience is, if you want it formatted a specific way (top 10 tips, all bullet points, etc.), and what tone (conversational, formal, etc.).

Conclusion - Tell your writers what you want. Be clear, concise, and specific. That way you have a better chance of getting an article back that you're happy with and donłt have to edit.

The Easiest Things To Outsource

Intro - In the beginning you don't have much choice - you have to wear all the hats in your online business. But once you can afford to do a little outsourcing, there are some things that are easier to outsource than others.

Body - [explain why these are easier tasks for outsourcers]
articles writing
keyword research

Conclusion - There are some tasks you want to do yourself because they require YOU, your brand. But there are other jobs you can pay people to do without a lot of fuss.

Outsourcing Seems Like A Big Pain In The Butt

Intro - "It's just easier to do it myself than explain to someone else what to do." Have you ever said that? It's time to get serious about your method of training and get a system set up.

Body - Outsource the jobs that you need done on a repeated basis. Record How To videos that show anyone how to do a task. Don't assume anything and explain it all in the video. Do these videos for every job you want to outsource. Also do written instructions so your workers can have it handy. Allow them to ask lots of questions the first time and be available to answer them.

Conclusion - Get serious about your training material. Yes, it's time consuming... but only one time. You can use these materials over and over no matter how many different outsourcers you use.

Where Do I Find People To Do My Work?

Intro - You understand the need to hire outsourcers so they can do your work while you come up with the ideas and plans and put them into motion, but where do you find the right people?

Body - Forums
Online bulletin boards
Outsourcing sites like Elance
Virtual assistants
High school
Word of mouth
Acquaintances online who do awesome work
Recommendations from friends and business associates

Conclusion - If you want to work on your business rather than in your business, you're ready to take on the next step of hiring outsourcers. Check out some of these sources, start small, and build your team.

Try Crowdsourcing Your Outsourcing Needs

Intro - There is more than one way to get your work done for you. Rather than going a traditional outsourcing route, have you considered doing the group approach with crowdsourcing?

Body - Explain what crowdsourcing is and how it works (like Mechanical Turk).
List the pros (inexpensive, etc.) and cons (many non-english speaking so a communication barrier) of going this route.

Which tasks are best for crowdsourcing? (backlinking for one)

Conclusion - Although crowdsourcing is not the best choice for every task, it does have its place. If you're not totally sure, why not crowdsource a small task and see if you like the results?


Outsourcing Kick-Start Titles:

* Common Mistakes When Outsourcing
* The 5 Things You Absolutely Should Not Outsource
* The Next Level - Hiring an Outsourcing Manager
* Outsourcing When You Don't Have Much Money
* Frequently Asked Questions About Outsourcing

Additional Title Ideas:




Webinar Mistakes You've Seen And Don't Want To Repeat Yourself

Intro - Everyone who wants to further their online businesses are doing webinars. But if you don't do them right, you can come off worse for the wear.

#1 Need to do a trial run with the equipment first, or ____________ will happen.

#2 Can't just read your Power Point slides, you have to add/speak additional info. Explain why, then what to do.

#3 The webinar is not as advertised; topic doesn't match description.

#4 You don't know more than your audience does, you're not the expert.

#5 You're doing massive pitching instead of giving valuable info.

Conclusion - Offer solutions, give links to further reading or products related to webinars. Make it a positive experience for the attendees.

What Works For Webinars

Intro - Your readers want to do their first webinar and could use some beginning pointers.

Body - Who should they ask to be in on the webinar with them? Try a marketer who just had a new product launched and the topic fits your reader base because they'd love to softly promote at the end of the webinar. Or make it between you and your partner where you share your insights and tips.

What equipment should they use just starting out? Where to get it, the options, where training material can be found for it.

Learn speaking skills - don't talk over another person, really answer the questions they get, learn to pre-sell a product with their words, etc.

Where should they go after their first webinar? Work on improving their skills, increasing their audience size, and increasing sales.

Conclusion - The first webinar is the hardest and there's a learning curve involved. Find out what you need to know, grab a marketer who has something to share to go in on it with you, practice good speaking and improve on everything as you go.

Content For Webinars

Intro - Your problem is you want to do more webinars but you're not sure what to do them about. What kind of content goes for a webinar? Which works best? Make it educational and entertaining.

Body - 1 idea - Give them what they want. If you've had repeated questions about how to do something, then you have webinar content right there. Best if you build a product or promote an affiliate product on that topic to soft-sell at the end.

2 idea - Do nothing but Q and A to build you up as the expert and to help your readers.

3 idea - Webinar as a bonus to a product your customers purchased from you (explaining further points, telling how to do something, or answering questions and building community).

Conclusion - Deciding to do more webinars is one thing, but knowing what to do them on is another. Sit down and think it through, using the tips above, and you should have several good plans lined up in no time.

Webinar Etiquette For Attendees

Intro - Attending webinars is a great way for many to learn new information as it gives an auditory and visual learning experience. If the presenter is demonstrating something, you get the whole enchilada, not just the text. Webinars also give you the chance to get to know the presenter and how he operates so you can decide whether you trust him/her. If you are attending a webinar, there are some general etiquette rules you should follow.

Body -#1 Get there early and test the webinar program to make sure you're not going to have problems getting on the call when it's time.

#2 Get on the call on time so you don't join late and ask stupid questions about something the presenter already covered in detail.

#3 Mute your phone if you can, and if not, make sure there is no background noise.

#4 Don't be a question hog. Questions are good, unless you're doing all the asking. Be polite, ask 1 or 2 questions and let others have the floor or allow the webinar to end on time.

#5 Don't ask a trick question that the presenter can't possibly answer.

Conclusion - Attending webinars can greatly add to your learning and understanding in your field of business. Follow these 5 rules of etiquette in order to be part of a good webinar experience.

Webinar Etiquette For Presenters

Intro - Computer technology has made it so you can present your information in audio and video format. This means you can teach your students, educate potential customers, and sell your products. However, there are some rules of etiquette you need to be aware of that can make the difference between a successful and failed webinar.

Body - #1 Make sure your links to the webinar work properly. Seems common sense, but you'd be surprised.

#2 Be correct with the date, day of the week and time. As a courtesy, provide them with the time in their time zone or give them a link to check what that time would be. Send a webinar reminder right before it is due to start.

#3 Test your webinar software to make sure everything is working properly when it's time to go live.

#4 Get through the chit chat quickly and slow down when you're demonstrating something.

#5 Ask if everyone can see your screen and hear you okay.

#6 Let the attendees know in the beginning how long the webinar will be and respect that time frame.

#7 For pete sake, don't just read your PowerPoint presentation.

Conclusion - Webinars are an excellent marketing tool to have in your tool belt. Don't blow it by making the above etiquette mistakes.


Webinar Kick-Start Titles:

* Exactly How To Get People Excited To Buy From Your Webinar
* How To Give A Webinar For Free
* The Real Costs Of Doing Webinars
* A Thorough Look At Webinar Software/Programs
* Here's An Easy Webinar Format Template

Additional Title Ideas:





These Article Starters are only the beginning. With them, you're going to create real estate you can leverage over and over. Keep that in mind as you finish what's been started here and you go on to write more.

You might end up with something you can submit to EzineArticles, add to your blog as keyword-rich content, build into pillar posts, grow further into a report, submit as guest posts, and much more. Don't forget podcasts and PowerPoint presentations too.

I heart feedback and testimonials! If you feel inclined, please send me yours at peggy@allstarplr.com :)

If you'd like to be notified when I've written more PLR and/or Easy Article Starters (and the next several will be in popular niches outside the internet marketing niche), please sign up to my list at www.allstarplr.com

If you're already on my PLR list, rest assured you will be the first to know when I've got more Article Starters to offer you.

Lastly, if you didn't get my report on writing articles as a bonus to picking up all 4 EAS packs, I'm happy to offer it to you at a discount. It's basically important info I want to share with you about writing articles.

Table of Contents:

* Introduction
* Getting Started
* Research
* Write
* Edit/proofread
* Quantity vs. Quality
* Leveraging Your Article
* Article Writing is Boring!
* About Writing Article Series
* Elements Of An Article
* Article Writing Cheat Sheet
* Miscellaneous But Helpful Article Writing Tips
* Submitting To Ezine Articles
* Organize
* The Challenge

Good luck with your articles!

Peggy Baron

P.S. Be sure to read the PDF that came with this for my researching topics info!


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