topic 7 taking respirations

7  Taking respirations
Exercise 1: Read the text and answer the questions below.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
1. Why is respiration so important for our life?
2. What does respiration consist of?
3. Where is the oxygen carried from the lungs?
4. Where should the patient s arm lie when the nurse is counting the respiration rate?
5. Should the patient know that the nurse is counting the respiration rate? Why?
6. When is the respiration rate increased?
7. When is it decreased?
8. What is the normal respiration rate for a three-year-old child?
9. Why should TPR be recorded on the same chart?
Exercise 2: Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
1. The act of respiration is voluntary.
2. During expiration the ribs are lowered.
3. The nurse should count the respiratory movements in such a way that the patient is aware of what she is doing.
4. It is necessary to record the rhythm and character of respiration.
5. The normal respiration rate for an adult is 17 per minute.
6. The administration of hypnotics increases the respiration rate.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences.
1. During expiration the air gets o& & & o& ... the lungs.
2. The respiration d& & & & & & & & & . with age.
3. The respiration is slower in m& & & & than in w& & & & & & &
4. When a person has fever, the respiration rate is f& & & & & & & . than normal.
5. The administration of hypnotic drugs d& & & & & & & & . the respiration rate.
6. The normal respiration rate for a three-year-old child is & & & - & & & . per minute.
7. Apnoea is the temporary a& & & & & & & . of breathing.
Exercise 4: The picture from exercise 1 shows the chart of Mrs Parker s temperature, pulse and respiration
taken every day (in the morning and afternoon). Interpret the changes in the temperature, pulse and
respiration, filling in the blanks in the following report:
On the day of Mrs Sheila Parker s admission to hospital in the morning, her temperature was elevated and
showed 38.8ºC. The pulse rate was & & & & & & & & & & . and the respiration rate was slightly increased and
reached 20 per minute. On the same day in the afternoon
..& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & .& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Use the following key words: rise / fall; increase / decrease; suddenly; rapidly; slowly; constantly;
on the same level; finally
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 5: When you re assessing respiration observe rises and falls of the chest, note not only the rates, but
also the rhythm, depth, effort and the sound of breaths. To describe your assessment use these terms:
rate: the number of breaths is:16-18-20,
rhythm: the breath is regular or irregular.
depth: the respiration is shallow, moderate or deep,
effort: the breath is easy or with effort,
sound: the breath is quiet or wheezy
VOCABULARY: Translate into Polish.
chest crackle
wheeze respiratory failure
auscultate tank
nasal cannula hypoxia
rale breathless
rhonchi out of breath
catheter respiratory distress
normal breath sound abnormal breath sound
diminished breath sound absent breath sound
SOB  short of breath
O2  oxygen
Pulse-ox  pulse-oximeter
NC - nasal cannula
ABG  Arterial Blood Gases
X-ray  radiologic picture
R  respiration
TPR  temperature, pulse and respiration
Exercise 6: Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
Nurse: Mrs. Kelsey, do you feel any (1)& & & & & & & & & & .?
Patient: Not really, I was out of breath. Now I can (2)& & & & & & with (3)& & & & & & & & .. only. I m afraid
something s (4) & & & & & & & . with my (5)& & & & & . I ve never had this kind of (6)& & & & & & . in my life!
N: Your lung X-ray s shown acute pneumonia, this is why you had the (7)& & & & & & . and you were feeling like
breathless. After the (8) & & & & & & & & which includes: (9)& & & & & & & , medications, (10)& & & & & & & .,
deep breathing (11) & & & & & & & & & & and adequate fluid intake, everything will turn back to normal, believe
me. Just keep to our (12)& & & & & & & &
P: Thank you, nurse. I ll follow your (13) & & & & & & . then.
Exercise 7: Make up dialogues between a nurse and a student nurse, Linda, as in the example. Use the prompts
given below.
Example: Linda: Shall I bandage the wound?
Nurse: No, put on some antibiotic ointment and leave the wound open.
1. put these drugs on the table no / put / into the cupboard
2. put these used syringes on the tray no / throw / into a waste container
3. take this patient s temperature in the armpit no / take / the rectum
4. change the patient s position no / put another pillow to raise his head and chest a little
5. give the patient an injection no / give / a tablet
Exercise 8: Give the opposites of the following.
absence inspire
deep light
fast noisy
increase normal
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 9: Translate into English.
1. Oddychanie jest procesem niezależnym od naszej woli.
2. Poprzez oddychanie organizm dostaje tlen potrzebny do życia.
3. Podczas wdechu zebra są uniesione, a przepona obniżona.
4. Pielęgniarka liczy ilość oddechów na minutę oraz notuje ich charakter, rytm i głębokość.
5. Powinna liczyć tak, aby pacjent tego nie zauważył.
6. Po podaniu środków nasennych, oddech stał się wolniejszy i spokojniejszy.
7. Pacjent ma wysoką gorączkę i jego oddech jest szybki, płytki i nieregularny.
8. Proszę mierzyć temu pacjentowi TPR co 4 godziny.
Exercise 10: Give the nouns related to the following:
Exercise 11: Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbial phrases.
1. During inspiration oxygen is taken & & & & & & the lungs.
2. Oxygen is carried & & & & & & .. all tissues through the blood.
3. Carbon dioxide is taken & & & & & & the tissues and expelled & & & & & & . the lungs.
4. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried & & & & & & the body by the red blood cells.
5. The decision to stop inspiring or expiring can be made & & & & & & & & & .
6. While recording the respiratory movements the patient s arm lies lightly & & & & & & & chest or abdomen.
Exercise 12: Match these words.
1. respiration a. right
2. saturation b. providing
3. require c. decrease
4. administrating d. short of breath
5. adequate e. out of breath
6. breathless f. power
7. respiratory distress g. gasometry
8. catheter h. need
9. Arterial Blood Gases i. pulse oximetry
10. diminish j. breath
11. effort k. cannula
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012


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