topic 5 taking temperature

5  Taking temperature
Exercise 1: Read the text and answer the questions below.
1. In which sites is the body temperature taken?
2. What does the body temperature indicate?
3. How many types of clinical thermometers are used in nursing practice? How do they differ from each other?
4. What is the temperature above 37.2ºC called?
5. What is the temperature below 34ºC called?
6. How often should the temperature be taken?
7. How long does it take to measure the body temperature in the mouth and in the axilla?
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 2: Choose one of the three possibilities to complete the sentences.
1. The temperature in the axilla is the & & &
a. highest b. medium c. lowest
2. The subnormal temperature is below & & & & & &
a. 36.3ºC b. 35ºC c. 34ºC
3. The person is in the state of collapse if the body temperature is lower than& & .
a. 36.3ºC b. 35ºC c. 34ºC
4. & & & & & & may occur when the temperature is 42.2ºC or higher.
a. heart attack b. heat stroke c. heat collapse
5. The oral thermometer has a & & & & . bulb.
a. short and round b. long and pointed c. long and thin
6. Patients temperatures should be recorded at least & & & & .
a. once a day b. twice a day c. three times a day
7. The thermometer should be kept in the mouth for & & & &
a. 3-5 minutes b. 5-8 minutes c. 10 minutes
Exercise 3: Here is the instruction for taking the patient s temperature in the axilla. Choose the appropriate
verb from the list below to complete the sentences.
record; read (x2); take; place (x2); shake; leave
1. & & & & & ..& & out the thermometer from a jar.
2. & & & & & & & .. the level of mercury.
3. If the mercury level is above 36ºC, & & & & & & . the thermometer so that the mercury level drops to 36ºC.
4. & & & & & & & .. the thermometer in the axilla.
5. & & & & & & & .. the thermometer for 10 minutes.
6. & & & & & & & .. the temperature and & & & & & & . it on the patient s chart.
7. & & & & & & & .. the used thermometer in a container.
Exercise 4: Study the following abbreviations the doctors use when writing orders for nurses.
Then, write the sentences below again, using the abbreviations from the tables below.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Example: Terramycin by mouth. Terramycin per os.
1. Temperature 37.8ºC, pulse 70 per min, respiration 17 per min. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
2. Chief complaint shortness of breath after noon. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
3. Patient out of bed after 8 a.m. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
4. Urinalysis within normal limits. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
5. Physiotherapy via wheelchair. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
6. Nothing by mouth after 6 o clock p.m. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
7. Complete Blood Count within normal limits. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
8. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate above the norm. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
Exercise 5: Listen to three dialogues at the laryngological unit.
Where is the temperature taken and why?
Dialogue 1: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
Dialogue 2: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
Dialogue 3: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
Exercise 6: Listen to the nurse giving advice to her patients. As you listen fill in the blanks.
I. * Mrs. Gory, because you have a & & & & & & & & and you perspire so much, you are supposed to
& & & & . more fluids. Please, don t leave the room, and cover yourself with a & & & & & & . to
prevent from & & & & & ..
* Could I have some & & & & .. for fever. I m shivering, & & & & & & & . and I feel awful!
* Apart from regular pills for cold, I ll give you a new febricide & & & & & & & once a day.
* I hope, it ll help.
II. When you check the temperature of your child, do it & & & & & .. Before doing so, lubricate
the & & & & & & & ..... with Vaseline, and then insert it very gently, to & & & & & & & rectal injury or
the risk of rectal perforation. Hold the thermometer yourself until you ve finished& & & & & & & ..
* How long & & & & & & & & & . the thermometer in?
* & & & & & & & & & & for about 3 minutes.
Exercise 7: Make up dialogues as in the example, using the prompts given below.
Example: Nurse A: Have you taken the patients temperature in Room 16?
Nurse B: No, not yet, but I ve taken the temperature in Room 14.
1. make the beds in Room 21 no / Room 20
2. change the bedlinen in Room 27 no / Room 25
3. fetch the dressing packs no / elastic bandages
4. give an analgesic to a patient in Room 32 no / an antibiotic
5. help the patient to take a bath no / he / himself
6. apply antibiotic ointment to the wound no / spray it with antiseptic fluid
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 8: Translate into English.
1. Temperatura ciała mierzona jest w trzech miejscach: w ustach, pod pachą i w odbycie.
2. Wewnątrz ciała, tj. w odbycie, temperatura jest najwyższa.
3. Jeżeli temperatura jest wyższa niż 37.7ºC, stan ten nazywamy gorÄ…czkÄ….
4. Stanem zapaÅ›ci nazywamy stan gdy temperatura opada poniżej 34ºC.
5. Termometry do mierzenia temperatury w odbycie mają krótkie, tępo zakończone bańki.
6. Temperatura wszystkich pacjentów powinna być mierzona co najmniej dwa razy dziennie.
Exercise 9: Wordbuilding. Change the words in brackets to complete the gaps. Then listen and check.
Human (1) & & & & & & .. (BE) maintain an almost constant body temperature. The (2) & & & & & & ..
(NORM) temperature of some adults is as low as 97ºF and in others, it is as (3) & & & & & & & (HEIGHT) as 99ºF.
There is also a normal daily (4) & & & & & & & & .. (VARY) of about one degree. The temperature is (5)
& & & & & & & . (LOW) in the early hours of the morning and highest in the evening.
Body heat is (6) & & & & & & & & . (PRODUCE) by metabolic and (7) & & & & & & & .. (MUSCLE)
activity. It is lost by (8) & & & & & & & & & . (EVAPORATE) of sweat from the skin, expiration of air from the
lungs and (9) & & & & & & & & (EXCRETE) of urine and faeces.
The balance between heat (10) & & & & & & & & . (PRODUCE) and heat loss is maintained by the heat-(11)
& & & & & & & & & . (REGULATE) centre in the hypothalamus, which is sensitive to minute variations in the
temperature of the blood (12) & & & & & & & . (PASS) through it.
A rise in blood temperature produces an increase in the flow of blood to the surface of the body. Sweat gland
activity is (13) & & & & & & & & & (INCREASE), muscle tone is diminished and there is (14)
& & & & & & & & & & & .. (WILL) to move about.
A fall in blood temperature produces a decreased flow of blood to the superficial vessels. There is a decreased
activity of the sweat glands, increased muscle tone and a desire to move about. Shivering, which is a reflex (15)
& & & & & & & & & (CONTRACT) of the muscles, may occur to increase heat production.
Exercise 10: Which words from the text above have the same meaning as:
1. near the surface - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
2. unchanging - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ...
3. alteration - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
4. extremely small - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
5. decreased - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
6. breathing out - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
7. controlling - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
8. changing into vapour - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
9. reluctance - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
10. discharge of waste products - & & & & & & & & & & & ...
Exercise 11: Fahrenheit and Centigrade  how to convert? Listen.
The Fahrenheit thermometric scale extends from 0º to 212º. 0ºF = -18ºC, 32ºF = 0ºC (freezing point) and 212ºF =
100ºC (boiling point). Normal body temperature is 98.4ºF. To convert degrees Fahrenheit into degrees Centigrade, we
subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9.
Task: Convert 100ºF into degrees Centigrade.
To convert from Centigrade into Fahrenheit, we multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.
Task: Convert 25ºC into degrees Fahrenheit.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 12: Verbs used with the noun temperature. Please translate them into Polish.
The temperature must be taken / measured / recorded at least twice a day.
The patient s temperature has increased / decreased / risen / fallen / dropped.
A nurse should check / obtain / measure / take the patient s temperature in the morning and in the evening.
Exercise 13: The picture below show an exemplary chart to mark patient s temperature, pulse and respiration.
Please analyze all the elements and English names carefully. Then, explain the usage and necessity of such a
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 14: Complete the following sentences.
1. A nurse checks routinely patient s & & & & & & & BID.
2. An & & & & & & & temperature is not supposed to be taken if the patient is & & & & & & & &
3. When your patient is wearing an o& & & & & . m& & & & & .. , don t obtain his temperature by& & & & .
4. You can & & & & & & & & & & . temperature in & & & & & & . or & & & & & & & .. degrees.
5. Pick up your arm, it s time to measure your & & & & & & & & . temperature.
6. I can t take your temperature by & & & & & ..because you ve just drunk a glass of & & & & . water.
7. Turn over John, I ll insert the thermometer into your & & & & & & .
8. The patient is & & & & & & & & ., her temperature is 38.2ºC.
9. Patients with infections often run & & & & & & & &
10. Don t worry, you are & & & & & & & , your temperature is 36.8ºC.
Exercise 15: Match these words.
1. tongue a. fever
2. axilla b. normal
3. record c. oral
4. elevate d. pills
5. injury e. shaking
6. hyperthermia f. wet
7. afebrile g. arm
8. perspiration h. write
9. awful i. raise
10. shivering j. perforation
11. febricide k. terrible
Exercise 16: Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? Decide.
1. Patient with a fever should avoid drinking beverages.
2. Every time you check your patient s temperature, you assess his condition.
3. You can measure temperature orally for confused patients.
4. The best rout to obtain child s temperature is the axillary one.
5. When patient s temperature is 34.3ºC it s called hypothermia.
6. No fever occurs if a patient suffers from otitis.
7. The main reason for high fever is infection.
8. While measuring a rectal temperature for children, one runs a high risk of rectal perforation.
9. Body temperature is higher in the morning then in the afternoon.
10. In order to obtain the oral temperature, you ll ask the patient to keep his mouth closed for 7 minutes.
Exercise 17: Put in the correct preposition in each gap:
1. While taking this anxiolytic, a patient must not consume any alcoholic beverages as the combination of drugs and
alcohol is detrimental & & & & the liver.
2. The mother decided to vaccinate her baby & & & & measles, chickenpox and other viral diseases, hoping that the
child will become more resistant & & & & infections.
3. The doctor treated her atopic dermatitis & & & & steroids.
4. A healthy diet should always consist & & & & balanced amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
5. When it turned out the patient developed a secondary infection at the operation site he accused the doctor & & & &
Exercise 18: Translate the following words used to describe patient s temperature into Polish.
algid warm
cold lukewarm
chilly tepid
cool hot
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012


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