topic 8 taking blood pressure

8  Taking blood pressure
Exercise 1: Read the text and answer the questions.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
1. How is blood pressure maintained?
2. What does the blood pressure depend on?
3. What instrument is used to take blood pressure?
4. What does it consist of?
5. What is the systolic and diastolic pressure?
6. How is the normal systolic pressure estimated?
7. What is hypertension?
8. When is the blood pressure decreased?
9. What would be the normal diastolic pressure in a patient aged 20?
10. What information do TPR and BP give about the patient?
Exercise 2: Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Diastolic pressure is a blood pressure between the heartbeats.
2. Blood pressure is measured in Centigrades.
3. Diastolic pressure is about one-third of the normal systolic pressure.
4. The sphygmomanometer is applied to the patient s arm.
Exercise 3: Choose one of the three possibilities to complete the sentences.
1. The blood pressure is the highest in the & & &
a. capillaries b. veins c. arteries
2. Blood pressure is measured in & & & & & &
a. micrometres Hg b. millimetres Hg c. centimetres Hg
3. The normal systolic pressure for an adult is & & .& . mm Hg.
a. 100-110 b. 110-130 c. 130-160
4. Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure & & & & & & & & .
a. at the heartbeats b. between the heartbeats c. both at and between the
5. Diastolic pressure is about & & & & . the normal systolic pressure.
a. one-third of b. the same as c. two-thirds of
6. & & & & . is not a risk factor of hypertension.
a. atherosclerosis b. sedentary lifestyle c. allergy
7. The cuff is inflated until the brachial pulse & & & & and slowly deflated until the first pulse beats
are heard.
a. appears b. disappears c. reappears
Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the bold words with expressions from the
reading passage which have the same meaning.
1. Blood pressure is kept up by the pumping force of the heart and the amount of circulating blood.
2. Blood pressure is taken in millimetres of mercury.
3. In a person aged 20, the normal systolic pressure is calculated as being 120 mm Hg.
4. Systolic pressure changes with the level of activity and excitement.
5. The sphygmomanometer should be put beside the patient s arm.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 5: Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
Medical Doctor: Nurse, the new order for Mrs. Baldy is to (1)& & & & & & & & & .. orthostatic vital signs TID for
the next 2 days. Take it now and notify me of the (2) & & & & & & & & , please?
Nurse: Certainly, doctor.
The nurse s talking to Mrs. Baldy:
Mrs. Baldy, from now on we are going to check your (3)& & & & & & & & & & . in the sitting, standing and
(4)& & & & position to compare the differences. The (5)& & & & & & & & & .. of this order is to find the reason for
your (6)& & & & . and syncope that you ve (7)& & & & & & & & & lately.
Patient: It must be serious then. Do you need me to (8)& & & & & & & & & .. first?
Nurse: It is nothing (9)& & & & & & & & . Mrs. Baldy; this is a routine order for patients with dizziness. I ll start
with checking in the supine position, then the (10)& & & & & & & .. and finally the (11) & & & & & & & .. position.
The nurse s talking to the physician:
Nurse: Doctor, Mrs. Baldy s (12)& & & & & & & & & BP was: supine 184/96, sitting 170/90, standing 162/88.
Medical Doctor: Thank you, nurse. I think our patient needs more (13) & & & & & & & & ..
Exercise 6: Give the nouns related to these verbs. Then, use them to complete the sentences below.
1. Careful & & & & & & & & & of all vital signs is necessary for a clinical picture of a disease.
2. Regular exercise and proper diet improves the & & & & & & & & & & ..
3. Low blood & & & & & & & & is increased by a cup of strong coffee.
4. The news that Prof. Roberts is going to visit our hospital caused a great & & & & & & & . among hospital
5. & & & & & & & & & .. of tyres in the wheels may lead to an accident.
Exercise 7: Make up dialogues as in the example. Use the list of wards and the hints given below.
Paediatric Ward; Gynaecological Ward; Neurosurgical Ward; Dermatological Ward; Ophthalmic Ward;
Ear, Nose, Throat Ward (E.N.T. Ward)
Example: Visitor: Where can I find Mrs. Stevenson? She suffers from neurosis.
Nurse: In the Psychiatric Ward, I suppose.
1. Jack Smith, aged 7 years / complicated measles
2. Mrs Peterson / women s disease
3. Mr Bell / disease of the eye
4. Mr Burns / laryngitis
5. Mrs Swan / disease of the skin
6. Mr Newman / cerebral stroke
Exercise 8: Translate into English.
1. Jednym z obowiązków pielęgniarki jest mierzenie ciśnienia krwi.
2. Wyróżnia się dwa rodzaje ciśnienia krwi: skurczowe i rozkurczowe.
3. Normalne ciśnienie rozkurczowe równe jest 2/3 ciśnienia skurczowego.
4. Sfygmomanometr składa się z rtęciowego manometru i nadmuchiwanego mankietu,
który umieszcza się wokół ramienia pacjenta.
5. Ciśnienie krwi musi być zanotowane na karcie chorobowej pacjenta.
6. Proszę usiąść, podwinąć rękaw do ramienia. Zamierzam zmierzyć panu ciśnienie krwi.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 9: Match the words that have the opposite meaning.
1. equal a. rare
2. inflate b. never
3. high c. male
4. rise d. expire
5. constant e. variable
6. increase f. fall
7. inspire g. low
8. female h. deflate
9. always i. different
10. frequent j. decrease
Exercise 10: Analyze the pictures below. Then, complete the instructions about obtaining / checking / taking /
measuring blood pressure.
1. Wrap the & & & & & & & & & . around the patient s upper arm.
2. Place the & & & & & & & & & .. over the area of the brachial artery. Raise the patient s arm so that the
brachial artery is at the same height as the heart.
3. Close the valve on the & & & & & & & & &
4. Pump up the pressure to at least 150mmHg. Open the & & & & & & & & & & .. a little and slowly deflate
the cuff while listening and watching the pressure & & & & & & & & & ..
5. The first sound you hear is the flow of blood through the brachial artery. The valve on the gauge at that
point is the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
6. Continue listening while you slowly & & & & & & & & & & .. the cuff.
7. The & & & & & & & & & & blood pressure is measured when the sound completely disappears.
Exercise 11: Translate the following expressions used to describe patient s blood pressure into Polish.
constant rising
falling spuriously high
high stable
labile static
low unrecordable
normal variable
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 12: Remember about the following abbreviations connected with taking blood pressure.
qod  every other day
ac  before meals
pc  after meals
q2h  every 2 hours
q3h  every 3 hours
q4h  every 4 hours
prn  when required
Exercise 13: Complete these sentences.
1. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the circulating & & & & & & & & & . on the walls of the & & & &
2. I feel dizzy and I lost & & & & & & & . for a few seconds.
3. To prevent from hypertension you should & & & & & & & & . your lifestyle.
4. At home, measure your blood pressure & & & & & & & & & & & .
5. My & & & & & & .. has always been normal.
6. Nurse, tell me how can I & & & & & & & .. from high blood pressure?
7. Is & & & & & & food good for me?
8. My blood pressure is one-twenty-eight & & & & & & & & ninety.
9. She came to her doctor for & & & & & & & ..
10. There are many & & & & & & & & for hypotension.
Exercise 14: Match these words.
1. vessel a. lose consciousness
2. diaphragm b. measure
3. cuff c. elderly
4. vertigo d. sitting
5. syncope e. check-up
6. orthostatic f. pressure
7. sedentary g. dizziness
8. aging h. sphygmomanometer
9. obtain i. stethoscope
10. evaluation j. standing position
11. exert k. artery
Exercise 15: SUMMARY. Provide appropriate nouns and adjectives for the following clinical expressions.
1. normal BP normotension
2. increased BP hypertensive
3. decreased BP hypotension
4. normal respiratory rate eupnoeic
5. rapid respiratory rate tachypnoea
6. slow respiratory rate bradypnoeic
7. absent respiration apnoea
8. normal heart rate normocardic
9. rapid heart rate tachycardia
10. slow heart rate bradycardic
11. normal temperature normothermia
12. presence of fever pyrexial
13. absence of fever apyrexia
14. abnormally low body temperature hypothermic
15. very high body temperature hyperthermia
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012


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