fashion Hot English Magazine

Objective: To learn some useful words and expressions.
Think about it!
What are some of your favourite looks and styles? Why? What would you say your current  look is ? Do you enjoy
shopping for new clothes? Why? Why not?
Learn some useful words and expressions to talk about fashions and styles!
Useful clothes words
Smart Business casual Rapper look
Here are some useful words to Smart clothes are for This look is professional This consists of
help you understand the text. formal situations such as but relaxed with light- baggy trousers,
job interviews, coloured suits or jackets. T-shirts and
office jobs or baseball caps
formal social (often worn
events (such as to the side or
dinner parties). back-to-front).
Military look
men wear suits,
and women This involves
wear dresses or dressing in
Suit Skirt
suits. colours
and styles
Smart casual Sporty
that are
The smart- People with based on the
casual look is a sporty designs worn
a semi-formal look will be by soldiers,
look, with a wearing sports sailors or
shirt and jacket clothes such members of
for men, and a as trainers, the airforce.
Dress Sweatshirt
blouse or top T-shirts,
Bohemian look
for women. sweatshirts and
tracksuits. This is a slightly
hippy look
This is a relaxed, that s popular
informal look. This is a sophisticated with artists,
For men it look with elegant, musicians
could consist of expensive, designer- and actors.
polo shirts and label clothing. Typical clothes
chinos; and for include
Checked shirt T-shirt
women it could colourful
be a jumper and skirts, linen
jeans. suits, flared
trousers and
loose fitting
This look is shirts or
created with blouses.
clothes that
Classic /
were made
traditional look
Trench coat Flared trousers
in a previous
decade such as This
Urban look
the 1950s or involves
60s. This wearing
consists traditional
of clothes clothes
People with a such as such as
 business look wear baggy a smart
dark-coloured or grey jeans, suit for
suits. trainers, a man
Hooded top Tracksuit
T-shirts, and an
hooded elegant
tops and evening
casual dress for
jackets. a woman.
Bow tie Trainers
10 / / For an English language course abroad, e-mail
Mod look
sweatshirts, trench
This is a classic coats and long sleeved
1960s look. For T-shirts.
men it consists
Trendy look
of Italian
suits with Those with
thin ties and a  trendy
winklepickers look are very
(shoes with fashionable and
pointed ends), wear the most
or a parka jacket modern fashions.
and desert boots.
Rugged look
For women, it s
short, bobbed hair and This is
mini-skirts. the look of
Preppy look
who's just got
This is a college back from a
style of dressing. safari or other
Preppy such adventure. Melissa is packing for a business trip to Rome.
men wear Khaki shirts Her boyfriend, Dale, is helping her.
polo shirts, and a rugged
blouse tracksuit bottoms leather boots
rugby shirts unshaven look
and cardigans; for men are
singlet headband suit ripped jeans dress
women wear essential.
summer dresses
Scruffy look
and skirts. Typical
Melissa: I ve got no idea what to take with me! And I ve got to leave for
preppy brands include This is a dirty,
the airport in an hour.
Ralph Lauren, Burberry unwashed
Dale: Well, you need to take something smart for your meetings.
and Tommy Hilfiger. look. It
A (1) maybe?
Melissa: Mmm& I was thinking of something a bit more  smart casual .
Punk look
consists of
Like a nice skirt and a (2) . I don t want to overdress.
This style is an old
What do you think of this? [She holds up an outfit.]
influenced by the T-shirt and
Dale: Hmmm& The Italians are pretty chic. Have you got something a
bit more stylish?
punk rock bands unwashed,
of the late 1970s, ripped Melissa: Oh, I m so stressed! I have NO clothes!
with metal jeans. Dale: Maybe you need to go for something a bit bolder. Italy is the
home of fashion after all. Why not go to your meetings wearing
chains, ripped
Nerdy / geeky look some of those vintage clothes you got from your mum? Vintage
clothing and
is very trendy.
spiky hair dyed This often
Melissa: You think so?
bright colours. consists of
Dale: Or& You ve got those (3) . Why not go punk? I m
sure the Italians would be reallly impressed by such a daring
Gothic style
pulled up
fashion statement.
This style is above the
Melissa: You re right& But maybe punk is too obvious. I know! I went
through this Gothic phase in college& I could go to my meetings
inspired by waist and
dressed as a Goth, with big, black (4) and my face
Victorian some glasses.
painted all white.
gothic Velma from
Dale: Brilliant!
horror Scooby Doo
Melissa: Now, what about the dinner on Saturday night? The invitation
stories has this look.
says black tie. I was thinking of the (5) I wore to
and consists
your sister s wedding.
Black tie
of black clothing and
Dale: You do look great in that dress, but&
dyed black hair. A very formal
Melissa: What?
style of dress
Dale: Only boring people follow dress codes. Remember, Italian
Grunge look
for a high-
fashion is all about breaking the rules.
Those with a society party.
Melissa: You re so right&
grunge look Men wear a
Dale: There s dancing after the dinner right? So, go sporty! Wear
wear ripped black suit and a (6) and some (7) and maybe a
(8) . Or, maybe go surfer and wear a bikini. It is
and second- a black bow
summer after all!
hand jeans, tie; women
Melissa: Hey, these are all great ideas! I m so excited! This business trip
checked / plaid wear an
is going to be such a success! Now, help me get all these clothes
shirts, combat elegant evening
into my suitcase. Look, if you sit on it, I can try to zip it up.
boots, hooded dress. Ready? One, two, three, jump!
For more company classes or private tuition, contact / / 11


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