Fake Music Library
Que Sera, Sera
1. When I was just a lit - tle girl, I asked my
2. When I grew up and fell in love, I asked my
3. Now I have child - ren of my own, They ask their
Dm7 G7
Moth - er, What will I be? _______________ Will I be pret - ty?
sweet-heart What lies a - head? _____________ Will we have rain - bows
Moth - er, What will I be? ______________ Will I be pret - ty?
Dm7 G7 Dm7 G7 C
Will I be rich? Here s what she said to me:
day aft - ter day? Here s what my sweet - heart said:
Will I be rich? I tell them wait and see.
Que Se - ra, Ser - ra. ___________________ What ev - er will
be, will be.__________________ The fu - ture s not ours to
Dm7 G7 Dm7 G7 C
see. ____________________ What will be, will be. _______________________
Jay Livingston
1965 Artist Music Inc.
words and
music by Ray Evans
Easy-Read Notation Ó 1990, Visions
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