Version History

Web Wiz Discussion Forums Changes

Changes from 5.21 to 5.22

1. - fix db connection closing bug
2. display_forum_topics.asp - fix db connection closing bug and reply anchor
3. forum_members.asp - replace the ADO filter with a SQL query
4. search.asp - moved creating rsTopic recordset
5. post_message.asp - added the ability to send e-mail notification so users can be notified
of any replies to there replies
6. - same as above
7. - same as above
8. registration_rules.asp - Fixed bug where the page to return in the forum after registering
is not remembered.

Changes from 5.22 to 6 beta 1

The entire admin section has been re-written from the ground up and you will need to delete
the old admin directory and replace it with the new one.

Nearly all files in the entire forum changed to support the new skin file

1. default.asp - decresed server load by less opening and closing objects
2. common.asp - change some of the db connections and added script timeout and added ability
to get the moderator for an individual forum
3. delete_topic.asp - removed script timeout
4. amend_forum_details.asp - fixed bug when entering a password for a forum
5. admin_menu.asp - reformated the page so it is simpler to use
6. SQL_server_setup.asp - all new database configuartion details added
7. login_user.asp - added auto login at login page
8. pofile_edit.asp - removed the db reference to the login_cookie field
9. register_new_user.asp - removed the db reference to the login_cookie field
10. change_admin_username.asp - same as above
12. display_forum_topics.asp - changed to add ability to lock topics
13. display_forum_topics.asp - same as above
14. lock_topic.asp - added page to lock and un-lock topics
15. post_message.asp - altered to get moderators for each individual forum
16. default.asp - changed to allow forum categories
17. display_forum_topics.asp - changed to allow categories
18. search.asp - changed to allow categoires
19. search_form.asp changed to allow categories
20. - file added to move the forum jump code to one location
21. - file added to move the profile code to one location
22. pop_up_profile.asp - changed to allow admin and moderators to change the status of members
23. profile.asp - same as above
24. profile_edit.asp - more security added
25. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to use the new forum jump include
26. New star images added
27. New no entry icon image added
28. New un-lock pad lock image added
29. default.asp - page altered to add link to forum lock and un-lock page for admin
30. lock_forum.asp - page added to allow the forums to be locked and un-locked from main page
31. display_topic_threads.asp - changed layout of threads
32. register_form.asp - changed to allow e-mail activation of forum membership
33. register_new_user.asp - same as above
34. actvation.asp - added to allow users to activate there accounts via e-mail
35. register_mail_confirm.asp - added to notify user they are being sent an e-mail to activate membership
36. - added to move the drop down list of countires used in the regiter_form.asp
page and the profile_edit.asp pages to this file for simpler translation to other langauges
37. login_user.asp - changed to allow the user to set auto login when logging in
39. register_new_user.asp - changed to allow better use of ADO objects
40. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to add icons for topics eg. hot topic
41. search.asp - changed to add icons for topics eg. hot topic
42. added new post icons
43. common.asp - changed to support the icons for the topics
44. post_message.asp - improved performance, mail preview of post, set priority of post
45. message_form.asp - changed to add more formating options and for post priority
46. IE_message_form.asp - same as above
47. edit_post.asp - changed so you can now edit the topic title
48. - changed the way forum codes are formatted into HTML
49. - changed the way HTML is formatted back into HTML
50. post_message.asp - changed the way IE posts are formatted
51. display_printer_threads.asp - changed the way threads are converted into printable text versions
52. display_topic_threads.asp - changed so you edit topic details when editing first post
53. IE_textbox.asp - changed to support changing the topic details
54. - file added to convert post back to text so that it can be used on multiple pages
55. - changed to send mail in HTML format as well as text
56. e-mail_topic.asp - changed to support change above
57. forum_password_form.asp - same as above
58. register_new_user.asp - same as above
59. forum_codes.asp - new page added to display the forum codes
60. delete_topic.asp - improved performance
61. delete_member.asp - added to delete a member from the forum

The following pages are added or changed for the private messenger
1. pm_inbox.asp - added to show private message inbox
2. pm_show_message.asp - added to show a private message
3. pm_new_message_form.asp - added to be able to write a private message
4. - file changed to add support for private messages
5. - same as above
6. IE_textbox.asp - changed to support private message
7. post_message_form.asp - changed to add new veriables
8. edit_post.asp - same as above
9. pm_post_message.asp - added to check and send private message
10. pm_buddy_list.asp - added to hold the users buddy list
11. pm_delete_buddy.asp - added to delete buddy from buddy list
12. pm_add_buddy.asp - added to add a new buddy to the buddy list
13. pm_welcome.asp - added to welcome and explain the private message system to users
14. pm_delete_message.asp - added to delete private message
15. - file added to check for new private msg
16. display_forum_topics.asp - changed to link to private messenger
17. display_forum_threads.asp - same as above
18. default.asp - same as above

The following pages are changed for the new layout
1. New buttons and images added or swapped over
2. default.asp
3. display_topic_threads.asp
4. display_forum_topics.asp
5. search.asp
6. - added for the new skin

The following pages and images have been added to allow avatars
1. avatars folder created containing avatar images
2. register_form.asp - changed to allow user to select avatar
3. register_new_user.asp - changed to save new avatar to database
4. profile_edit.asp - changed to allow user to change avatar and save new avatar to db
5. - file added containing a selction list of avatars (placed in 1 file so
it's easier for someone to change if they would like to use different avatars)

The following changes and pages have been changed to allow Guests to post in the forum

1. common.asp - added login for guest account identification
2. forum_members.asp - changed to not accidently modify guest account
3. delete_forum_members.asp - changed to not accidently delete guest account
4. default.asp - changed so can't change the profile for the guest account
5. display_forum_topics.asp - same as above
6. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
7. edit_post.asp - stop guest account being able to edit post
8. delete_post.asp - stop guest account deleting posts

The following changes and pages have been added to allow different user levels within the forum

1. common.asp - gets the member level of the user from the database
2. - added file to get what permissions the user has on the forum
3. insufficient_pemission.asp - added page to display if the user doesn't have permission level
to use the forum they are trying to enter
4. default.asp - displays the forum as locked or no entry sign if user can't use forum
5. display_forum_topics.asp - locks forum if the user only has read permissions
6. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
7. edit_post.asp - same as above
8. delete_post.asp - same as above
9. search_form.asp - remove choice to search forums that the user can't use
10. saerch.asp - changed so the member only searches forums they have access to
11. forum_members.asp - changed to show member status in the forum
12. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to show member status
13. default.asp - letest forum posts only show those forums the user can use

The following pages and files have been changed and added to allow threads to be split over multiple pages
1. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to support thread pages
2. delete_post.asp - same as above
3. forum_members.asp - same as above
4. edit_post.asp - same as above
5. post_message_form.asp - same as above
6. serach_form.asp - same as above
7. log_off_user.asp - same as above
8. login_user.asp - same as above
9. edit_profile.asp - same as above
10. profile.asp - same as above
11. register_form.asp - same as above
12. register_new_user.asp - same as above
13. - same as above
14. - same as above
15. post_message.asp - same as above
16. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
17. defualt.asp - same as above

The following files have been changed to fix a bug in the where by
the access driver reports the following error - Too many client tasks.

2. default.asp
3. display_forum_topics.asp
4. display_topic_threads.asp
5. post_preview.asp
6. forum_members.asp
7. profile.asp
8. pop_up_profile.asp
9. search.asp
10. display_printer_threads.asp
11. IE_textbox.asp
12. post_message_form.asp

Changes to the database
1. tblConfiguration - added Guest_post, true/false datatype
2. tblAuthor at position 2 has had a Guest account created
3. tblModrators - New table added to the database
4. tblAuthor - removed moderator field
5. tblAuthor - removed login_cookie field
6. tblTopic - added Locked field, true/false datatype
7. tblAuthor - added Status field, interger datatype, default value 1
8. tblForum - added Guest field, integer datatype, default value 1
9. tblForum - added Standard field, integer datatype, default value 1
10. tblForum - added Super field, integer datatype, default value 1
11. tblForum - added Power field, integer datatype, default value 1
12. tblCategory - added table to the database
13. tblForum - added Cat_ID field, inetger, foreign key to tblCategory primary key
14. tblAuthor - added a text field called Avatar
15. tblConfiguration - added Avatar, true/false datatype
16. tblConfiguration - added Email_activate, true/false datatype
17. tblTopic - added Priority field, integer datatype, default value 0
18. tblConfiguration - added Hot_replies field, inetger datatype
19. tblConfiguration - added Hot_replies field, integer datatype
20. tblConfiguration - added Email_post field, true/false datatype
21. tblPMMessage - table added to hold private messages
22. tblBuddyList - table added to hold address book for private messages

Changes from version 6 beta 1 to version 6 beta 2

1. forum_details.asp - fixed bug with setting permissions for Gold members

Changes from version 6 beta 2 to version 6 beta 3

1. activate.asp - fixed bug that stoped the page from being displayed.
2. delete_forum.asp - fixed to make compatible with the cheap nasty accounts you get on Brinkster
3. delete_category.asp - same as above
4. pm_delete_message.asp - changed to fix bug with the delete button on the page you read
private messages on.
5. - add way to change colour of IE Text box
6. IE_textbox.asp - changed to support above skin modification
7. defualt.asp - fixed out of place dot when new visitors comes to the site.
8. pm_welcome.asp - fixed the forum jump bug
9. default.asp - improved the security gropus so that guests still have optiunity to login
10. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
11. display_forum_topics.asp - same as above
12. edit_post.asp - same as above
13. post_message_form.asp - same as above
14. login_user.asp - table background was displaying the wrong colour
15. forum_codes.asp - fixed error with displaying blue as blue
16. display_topic_threads.asp - fixed bug that shown other members as forum moderators in
topics where the forum modrator had posted a msg
17. search_form.asp - fixed bug of forums not being in correct order

The following pages have been changed to allow the setting of a moderator on all forums
1. default.asp
2. common.asp
4. display_topic_threads.asp
5. forum_members.asp
6. member_profile.asp

The following pages have been cahnged and added to add a side bar, header, and footer, include
files so that you can integrate the forum into you own site easier.

1. All pages in the main forum changed
2. - page added to hold whatever you want displayed in the side of the forum
like navigation for the rest of your site.
3. - page added to hold anything that you want displayed at the bottom of the forum

The following pages have been added or changed to allow toipcs to be moved to another forum

1. display_topic_threads.asp - link to move topic page added
2. move_topic_form.asp - page added to display a drop down list of forums to move topic to
3. move_topic.asp - page added to move the topic

Changes from version 6 beta 3 to version 6 beta 4

1. - changed so that the Admin and Guest accounts can't be shown as unactive in the profile
2. member_profile.asp - changed so you can't make the Adin and Guest accounts look like they are un active
3. member_profile.asp - fixed javascript bug and case sesitive field name bug
4. forum_details.asp - fixed case sesitive field name bug
5. member_profile.asp - same as above
6. pm_inbox.asp - fixed javascript error when there are no pm's to delete
7. common.asp - fixed CDate bug on some servers and made the time of last visit more accurate
8. default.asp - decreased the number of recordset to increae the performance
9. - changed to add the words used in the new pages

The following files and pages have been changed so that the original private message can be seeen
when you reply to a private message
1. pm_show_message.asp
2. pm_new_message_form.asp
3. IE_textbox.asp

The following pages hae been changed or added for the active users counter and a database table added
1. tblAvtiveUser - Table added to the database
2. - file added to caluclate the active users on the forum
3. default.asp - page added to display the active users on the forum
4. active_users.asp - page added to show active users and some statistics on them
5. register_new_user.asp - changed so that a user can be annoymous in the active usres list
6. register_form.asp - same as above
6. login_user.asp - same as above

Changes from version 6 beta 4 to version 6 beta 5

1. e-mail_topic.asp - changed the size of the e-mail fields
2. register_new_user.asp - sorted bug when entering a link in a signature
3. post_message.asp - corrected problem where by a moderaor of all forums wasn't geting
notified of a new post.
4. pm_post_message.asp - fixed bug where a msg is replied to that contains an image
5. move_topic_form.asp - fixed whereby moderators couldn't move the topic
6. move_topic.asp - same as above
7. not_posted.asp - page to display if a post is not posted
8. post_message.asp - changed to stop people from spamming the forum with 100's of posts
9. search.asp - changed to fix bug when posting a new topic when searching all forums
10. - changed to add the words of the new pages
11. default.asp - changed to link to pages to delete cookies and mark posts as read
12. mark_posts_as_read.asp - new file that marks all posts as read
13. remove_cookies.asp - new file to delete cookies set by the forum
14. spam_configure.asp - page added to set up anti-spam settings
15. admin_menu.asp - page updated to link to the new anti-spam settings page
16. date_time_configure.asp - changed to allow more flexibility of time changes
17. pm_inbox.asp - fixed error were it doesn't go to the previous page if you delete all the
pm's on a page higher than page 1
18. - changed to better support access which can be a little slow in updating
and to check the user isn't listed twice if they return within 10 minutes with a new IP address
19. Spam_seconds and Spam_minutes - fields have been added to the tblConfiguration table in the database
20. Smilies moved to smileys folder

The database name has now been changed for extra security
1. database name has changed from froum.mdb to wwForum.mdb
2. common.asp - both files have been altered to make changing the path to the forum database
and the name of the database itself simpler.

The following pages have been changed for the active topics page
1. active_topics.asp - pages added to display active topics
2. defualt.asp - changed to link to this new page
3. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to link back to the active topics page

Updated Skins
The skins have been redone and as such almost every page in the main forum is changed to support
the new functions in the

Changes from version 6 beta 5 to version 6 beta 6
1. - improved perfomance of the file
2. search.asp - removed so small bugs in the HTML
3. active_topics.asp - fixed the missing space around the word on when displaying the last
visit date
4. pm_welcome.asp - improved performance
5. register_new_user.asp - fixed bug whereby a user could enter a blank username
6. post_preview.asp - prevent browser from caching this page
7. - same as above
8. post_message_form.asp - changed to display post reply when quoting a post
9. actice_topics.asp - fixed bug with moving between pages and the order of the topics
10. - added some missed out text to the langauge file
11. active_topics.asp - changed to fix bug with some foriegn langauge servers
12. register_new_user.asp - changed so that when e-mail activation is on you can only use
an e-mail address once to register (stops a user having multiple accounts)
13. login_user.asp - changed 'Don't add me to active users list' to 'Add me to active users list'
14. register_forum.asp - same as above
15. register_new_user.asp - same as above
16. - fixed bug where by it wasn't removing all un active users.
17. post_message.asp - fixed bug where you could enter a post thet could be got to that had
blenk spaces as the subject heading
18. not_posted.asp - changed to support the bug above
19. - fixed formatting bug when emoticons are turned off
20. forum_password_form.asp - fixed auto login bug

The following pages have been changed to add Stored Procedures for SQL Server
1. SQL_server_setup.asp
2. common.asp - in main directory
3. display_forum_topics.asp
4. defualt.asp
6. search.asp
7. pm_check.asp
10. active_topics.asp
11. display_topic_threads.asp
14. active_users.asp
15. forum_members.asp

Changes from version 6 beta 6 to version 6 full
1. - fixed bug where the admin and moderators can't choose to receive
e-mail notification reply to posts when the admin e-mail notification is off
2. - same as above
3. post_message.asp - same as above
4. common.asp - changed to support SQL views
5. default.asp -same as above
6. active_uesrs.asp - same as above
7. SQL_server_setup.asp - same as above
8. display_topic_threads.asp - fixed bug where the link back to the search page wasn't working when
moving between multiple pages of a topic

The following pages are chaned to log the users IP address when they post a message
2. post_message.asp
3. display_message_thread.asp
4. IP_addr - database field added to the table tblThread with a datatype of text 28

The following pages are changed to add the page numbers for topics with more than one page
1. display_forum_topics.asp
2. search.asp
3. active_topics.asp

The following files have been changed to prevent malicous code in links
1. post_message.asp
2. pm_post_message.asp
5. display_topic_threads.asp
6. pm_show_message.asp
7. profile_edit.asp
8. code_check.asp - page added

Changes from version 6.0 to version 6.10

1. code_check.asp - changed so that links that have & in them work.
2. - fixed bug where by admin and moderators can't select receive e-mail notification
if the admin e-mail notification is turned off
3. - same as above
4. display_forum_topics.asp - fixed bug where priority topics where not displayed at the top of the page
after the show topics date had expired.
5. SQL_server_setup.asp - same as above (SQL Server version only)
6. - fixed bug where Norton Internet Security's add blocker was placing an empty image
tag in posts if users had this running on there machines.
7. IE_textbox.asp - same as above
8. common.asp - fixed last date bug on some servers
9. mark_posts_as_read.asp - same as above
10. pm_show_messsage.asp - changed some code that was not on the language file
11. display_topic_threads.asp - changed to allow forum admin to post in locked and closed topics
12. post_message_form.asp - same as above
13. edit_post.asp - same as above
14. search.asp - changed so that any words seached for are highlighted in the results
15. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
16. active_topics.asp - fixed bug where active topics forums where shown in the wrong order

The following pages have had added security added to them
1. forum_members.asp
2. seacrh.asp
3. pm_add_buddy.asp
4. check_code.asp
5. post_message.asp
6. pm_post_message.sp
10. post_preview.asp
11. register_new_user.asp
12. profile_edit.asp
13. login_user.asp
14. forum_password_form.asp
15. seacrh_form.asp

Changes from version 6.10 to version 6.11

1. register_new_user.asp - fixed bug when registering with an avatar

Changes from version 6.11 to version 6.12

1. insufficient_permissions.asp - changed to add login and register buttons to this page
2. pm_show_message.asp - fixed bug where the profile edit button linked to the wrong page
3. forum_members.asp - fixed bug where when you clicked on a character it didn't show members
strating with that character.
4. display_printer_threads.asp - fixed langauge file bugs
5. forum_members.asp - same as above
6. - same as above

Fixed bug where e-mails are not correctly sent to some e-mail addresses
1. code_check.asp
2. register_new_user.asp
3. post_message.asp
4. pm_show_message.asp
5. forgotten_password.asp

Changes from version 6.12 to version 6.20

1. common.asp - fixed date bug on foriegn language servers where the CDate function would
return an error
2. mark_posts_as_read.asp - same as above
3. register_new_user.asp - fixed bug where signature wasn't going through the bad word filter
4. profile_eidt.asp - same as above
5. code_check.asp - improved the filters
6. register_mail_confirm.asp - made the text telling the user they need to activate there account
via an e-mail larger so they don't miss it
7. - changed to add new forum text
8. profile_edit.asp - changed so that members have to reactivate there accounts if they change there
e-mail address when e-mail activation is enabled
9. register_new_user.asp - fixed so that a welcome message is now displayed to new users
10. - same as above
11. display_topic_threads.asp - added add buddy link
12. move_post_form.asp - page added to allow posts to be moved to another forum or topic
13. move_post_form_to.asp - same as above
14. move_post.asp - page to do the actual moving of the topic
15. pm_add_buddy.asp - fixed bug where you couldn't add administrator to the buddy list
16. pm_post_message.asp - add more security
17. display_topic_threads.asp - changed the layout and look
18. member_profile.asp - the forum admin can now change a users password for them

Changes from version 6.20 to version 6.21
1. - changed to set the focus on the text box when clicking on a formatting button
2. IE_emoticons_smilies.asp - changed to set the focus on the text box when clciking on an emoticon
and to close the pop up window once the emoticon has been selected.

Changes from version 6.21 to version 6.22
1. common.asp - both are changed to set the LCID to US so there is some capatibilty with dates
between different servers.
2. display_topic_threads.asp - fixed bug where if the page position was above 1 when linking back
and there where no page above 1 it now autmactically drops back to page 1
3. change_admin_username.asp - fixed bug where when changing to a username containing the
word admin it reported the uesrname as being taken.
4. common.asp - put a time limit on how long a member has to edit or delete there posts
5. display_topic_threads.asp - same as above
6. pm_post_message.asp - changed so that someone can't use a cached copy of the PM post form to
try and send a PM when they are logged out.
7. - changed so that it shows super moderators as moderators when not inside a forum
8. forum_members.asp - changed the look and improved perfomance
9. SQL_server_setup.asp - removed a stored procedure that is longer used in the forum
10. - changed so that the buddy drop down list is in alphabetical order
11. - same as above

Changes from version 6.22 to version 6.23
1. - changed to more acuratly covert [IMG] images tags to images
2. - changed to stop a crash with missformed links and images
3. code_check.asp - fixed bug that corsed post formating errors if someone tried posting an image that didn't
have an extenstion to it.
4. pm_post_message.asp - changed so that if JavaScript is disabled the user cannot send a pm with no
subject and/or message body.

Changes from version 6.23 to version 6.24
1. Search.asp - fixed bug where clicking on the last post icon didn't work
2. - improved the formatting code
3. code_check.asp - improved the security filters
4. - improved post editing filters
5. - improved post editing filters and removed bug where incorrect quots would course problems.
6. post_preveiw.asp - changed to improve the way the tables are formatted.
7. forum_members.asp - changed so that the add buddy button is not shown if the PM system is turned off

Changes from version 6.24 to version 6.25
1. post_message.asp - changed so that the guest account doesn't come under the anti-spam settings.
2. - fixed bug when quoting messages
3. - same as above
4. signature_preview.asp - page added to preview a new signature enetred by a user
5. pm_post_message.asp - changed to allow the user to edit there post if they give an invalid subject or message
6. active_topics.asp - fixed SQL error on case sensitive SQL Server installations.
7. search.asp - changed the way authors and searched to give more accurate results.
8. activate.asp - fixed SQL query bug
9. register_new_user.asp - now encodes the usercode stored in cookie for better forum security
10. profile_edit.asp - same as above
11. common.asp - both thses fiels are changed to encode the cookie when read from the users
machine to unsure there is no malicious code in it.
12. code_check.asp - refined SQL encoder

Changes from version 6.25 to version 6.26
1. code_check.asp - inproved the filters
2. common.asp - admin area file added more security and changed the size of allowed cookies
3. date_time_function.asp - same as above
4. remove_link_buttons.asp - same as above
5. activate.asp - changed so that suspeneded users can't use the code in their cookies to try and reactivate
their account
6. - same as above
7. register_new_user.asp - same as above
9. change_admin_username.asp - same as above
10. - changed to profile_inc.asp
11. profile.asp - updated to reflect the change in name of the file
12. pop_up_profile.asp same as above
13. coomon.asp - fixed last date cookie bug that ment the cookie refreshed on every page
14. every page is changed for better integration with the header and footer include files

Changes from version 6.26 to version 6.27
1. common.asp - fixed bug that occurs when delet all cookies link is clicked
2. code_check.asp - better detection of web images and fixed resize image bug
3. send_mail_functions.asp - fixed Metadata regsitery bug for servers that don't have CDOSYS installed
4. signature_preview.asp - file added to preview signatures with
5. register_form.asp - added link to signature preview
6. profile_edit.asp - added link to signature preview
7. - file updated to support signature preview window

Changes from version 6.27 to version 6.28
1. register_form.asp - fixed JavaScript bug
2. login_user.asp - changed so passwords are not case sensitive
3. forum_password_form.asp - changed so that passwords are not case sensitive
4. profile_inc.asp - fixed bug where the accountr with ID 3 could not be changed.

Changes from version 6.28 to version 6.29
1. code_check.asp - fixed bug where images with the extension in capital letters were not displayed correctly
2. mark_posts_as_read.asp - fixed variable bug when not logged in
3. remove_cookies.asp - same as above
4. - fixed message formating bug when editing a quoted message with a non IE web browser
5. - same as above
6. post_message_form.asp - same as above
7. IE_textbox.asp - same as above
8. common.asp - better use of coding
9. forum_password_form.asp - fixed table colour bug
10. display_topic_threads.asp - fixed return page bug when clicking to search for an author
11. post_message_form.asp - fixed bug for ferign languages displaying the wrong text when quoting
12. - improved performance and fixed a few bugs
13. post_message.asp - fixed email notification bug that effects some systems running the Access version
that are using older MDAC drivers
14. login_user.asp - fixed recordset closing bug
15. log_off_user.asp - same as above
16. forgotten_password.asp - same as above
17. forum_password_forum.asp - same as above
18. IE_textbox.asp - same as above
19. remove_cookies.asp - same as above
20. registration rules.asp - same as above
21. search_form.asp - same as above
22. signature_preview.asp - same as above
23. register_new_user.asp - re-written to improve performance

Changes from version 6.29 to version 6.30
1. SQL_server_Setup.asp - changed the stored procedure wwfSpThreadDetails to include tblTopic.Forum_ID
2. disply_topic_threads.asp - changed to fix security bug where you can see topics in restrcited forums.

Changes from version 6.30 to version 6.31
1. code_check.asp - security update fix

Changes from version 6.31 to version 6.32
1. code_check.asp - bug fix where links were trunkated if there was an image in the post



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