SEO Solid Foundations

This course is for your own personal use only. You do not
have permission to copy, or distribute to any third party or by
any third party website. Material is protected by copyright ©
By reading this document you agree that any figures or
advice that may relate to increased income are for
illustration purposes only.
Furthermore the Author cannot be held responsible or liable
for the success or failure of your business, based on the
information contained herein.
Some of the Hyperlinks included in this article are affiliate
links and as such I may get a payment from them. However I
have tried to include products here that are totally free to
the user, the choice is up to you.
Author: James Paris
SEO SOLID FOUNDATIONS  Back to the Future ! ............................................................................... 2
Who am I ? .................................................................................................................................... 2
Why is Google no 1 so important ? .................................................................................................... 4
 No 1 Disclaimer: .............................................................................................................................. 5
The Case Study! ................................................................................................................................. 5
Let s start at the beginning: ........................................................................................................... 7
Choosing the Site: .......................................................................................................................... 7
How I Found My Niche ...................................................................................................................... 9
Choosing a URL.................................................................................................................................. 9
What comes first  the product or the domain ?.............................................................................. 11
Web Hosting / Domain Registration ............................................................................................. 12
Choosing a Wordpress Theme ..................................................................................................... 13
Wordpress Plugins ....................................................................................................................... 13
SEO Pressor ..................................................................................................................................... 14
SEO Pressor Settings: ................................................................................................................... 15
Article Layout & On-site SEO............................................................................................................ 16
Wordpress Settings ..................................................................................................................... 18
Permalink settings: ...................................................................................................................... 18
Reading Settings: ......................................................................................................................... 19
The Main Articles ............................................................................................................................ 20
Off  Page SEO ............................................................................................................................. 21
Article Writing ............................................................................................................................. 21
Blog Posting................................................................................................................................. 22
Paid Reviews: .............................................................................................................................. 23
Bookmarks: ................................................................................................................................. 23
Social Networking: ....................................................................................................................... 23
General Link Dropping: .................................................................................................................... 24
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 24
SEO SOLID FOUNDATIONS  Back to the Future !
Who am I ?
Hi my name is James Paris and I live in  sunny Scotland. I am
53 years old and a real enthusiast of Internet Marketing. I got
interested in Internet business over 15 years ago through
dealing in the stock market as a day trader, specializing in
derivatives  a business that is super fast moving and real
 heart attack stuff !
Through browsing the net and speaking to successful
Internet marketers, it was revealed to me that the real
future lay in the Global business opportunities available
through the World Wide Web. The prospect excited me 
and still does !
Am I one of these multi-millionaire  Gurus ? Definitely not 
I ve still got too much to learn  and not enough cash in the
Bank to qualify Jð However over the years I have learned
some great foundational stuff I ve made mistakes that you do
not have to make- that, I believe is more relevant now than
ever before, if your serious about making money on the Web.
The Panda updates of 2011 really played havoc with many
money-making websites, my own included. However I was
able to return most of my good sites back to where they
once were in a matter of weeks or even days, how did I do it
Simple really. Getting back to basics! I am more and more
convinced that it is not the quantity, but the quality of your
material that counts. There is growing evidence that Google
is now able to spot  spun articles for instance, and so are
able to discount thousands of links at a stroke !
The site I am using as an example here, I will be honest is a
kind of  sacrificial lamb inasmuch as everyone will now go all
out to boot me off the top spot Jð but that s ok  we all like a
The phrase  Hypoglycemia without Diabetes does not get
that many searches as we shall see later on, however the
competition for that spot is tough in that it is up against PR
5,6,7 and 8 websites; and has a PR of 0 !
How did I do it ? as I said SEO Solid Foundations is a way Back
to the Future of Internet marketing. What do I mean by this ?
Simple really, Google is really  hot for quality over quantity.
Sure the latest backlinking blast may get you up a few
notches in the SERPS, but I m not the only one that s noticed
what goes forward quickly usually goes backwards at
double speed, sometimes never to recover!
I m not knocking automated software, far from it I m all for
any labour saving devices that will do the job efficiently so I
can expend my energy elsewhere. However I do think that
reason has to step in and quality take over from quantity if
you are to see long term gains that can be relied upon, and a
Google number one spot that can be held long-term.
Why is Google no 1 so important ?
Ok, this may be a silly question to most of you, however it is
one that maybe needs emphasising for the sake of the
newbies in affiliate marketing  we all had to start
somewhere right !
The fact is that if you are involved in internet marketing of
any kind, it is good if not essential, to be on the front page of
the mighty Google. More than that, if you want to get any
traffic at all then you have to be in the top 2 positions on the
front page  preferably No 1. Why? The simple fact is that
the No1 position gets up to 45% of the traffic on the whole
page, and the top two positions between them get around
65% of the whole page. That leaves only 35% of the rest of
the traffic divided between the other 8 sites !
If you are trying to rank for a key phrase of say around 10,000
searches per month and are not in the top 2 positions then
you can reasonably expect around 437 visits per month.
That s only about 14 visits per day  you won t retire early on
that Jð
 No 1 Disclaimer:
Before I go any further I must make it clear, at the time of
writing this (Feb 2012) I am indeed at no 1 on Google search
front page for the keyphrase  Hypoglycemia without
diabetes  see screenshot. However Google is able (and
likely) to change this without any prior notice or warning 
please take note that Google owes you nothing and will only
leave you on the top spot for as long as they think you are
giving value to their readers. How is that established 
Quality content and relevant backlinks.
The Case Study!
Ok, now that that s settled lets get down to the nitty gritty 
how did I get this site to the no1 spot on Google ?
My Case Study:
Let s start at the beginning:
This site is typical of the many that I have and is generally
speaking a  focus site, in other words it is aimed at selling
particular product. Ebooks have been the most successful for
me, but it can work just as well with Amazon products or
monetizing with AdSense or other ppc ads. This particular
site sells an ebook  Overcoming Hypoglycemia .
Choosing the Site:
There are a few things to consider when choosing a niche to
build your money-making site around, here are what I
consider the most important if you are hoping to rank in
Google 1st page within the next decade Jð
·ð Your Niche: It is important to choose something that
you are interested in  why? Simply because you do not
want to commit a lot of time to something that bores
you to tears !
·ð Product: Can you find a suitable product to sell, whether
it be digital or physical ?
·ð Domain: Can you link the product to the domain name
·ð Competition: What are the competition levels like, are
you aiming to high ?
·ð Searches: Are there enough searches to justify the work
involved ?
The first decision I had to make when building this site, is just
what Niche I would be aiming for. This particular Niche is of
course the medical, but more than that, it is broken down to
a specific area of the Niche I.E. Medical = Diabetes =
Hypoglycemia and finally  Hypoglycemia without Diabetes
this is a search term that has 3,600 Phrase searches per
Why did I choose the medical niche ? Quite apart from the
above points, the answer is simply that a lot of us can relate
to different medical issues that we have faced or indeed are
facing. This means that from the get-go it is a little easier to
write about with some authority.
Another good reason why the medical niche is such a good
topic for a  Focus site, is simply that a large percentage of
people who search medical terms, have a problem they
would like the answer to  you provide the answer to their
problem and in turn make sales !
Digging a bit deeper still, you may want to try the
 embarrassing ailments micro niche. This can be very
lucrative because of the simple fact that people are more
embarrassed to go to their physician with  genital warts for
instance, and so will look for an answer online. This can be a
huge market for ebook sales.
I also have sites in finance (good for adsense cpc), DIY,
Alternative energy and others. Choose a subject that you
have an affinity with or an interest in, and you will not run
short of writing ideas. More on this later..
How I Found My Niche
There are many tools on the market for finding a suitable
niche to get you started, Brad Callens  Niche Finder is the
one that I have personally used with great results. It will find
not only your key words, but the amount of searches done,
the competition level on Google, the availability of the
domain name and much more besides. If you are serious
about getting business then you need the tools for the job.
Another great FREE tool is the Google adwords search tool,
it s absolutely free All you have to do is sign up for Google
adwords and then make full use of their keyword search tool.
Top Tip  just type any keyword or phrase into the google
search bar, and Google themselves will drop down
suggestions for you ! These are worth checking out because
they are searches that Google recognises as popular. You can
get the info on this Free tool, HERE
Choosing a URL
·ð Key phrase : Always choose a URL that has your key
phrase included, and best of all the complete phrase.
This example says it all Immediately it
is a  few rungs up the ladder in terms of on-page SEO.
When someone does a search for Hypoglycemia
Without Diabetes, this URL immediately screams out
PICK ME to the search engines. As for the domains .com
.net or .org are the only ones I would consider if you are
looking to rank with the search engines.
·ð Search numbers: This is about the number of people
who search for your chosen product every month. I ve
always found that to choose anything with under 2,000
 phrase searches per month is just a waste of time. So I
would choose over 2,000  phrase or preferably exact
searches to make the site viable.
·ð Competition: If you go to the Google search bar and
type in you key phrase, you will see underneath the
number of pages that you are competing with. However
this is not the whole truth ! put the same search phrase
like  Hypoglycemia without diabetes and you will see
the real competition. See the example under.
Whaaaa, almost 4 million pages ! The good news is that
you now put the keyword in a phrase search like so
 Hypoglycemia without diabetes
Your competition has PLUMMETED ! to under 20,000 This
is a mega-important piece of information when deciding
on any key phrase around which to build your site, and a
Major ranking factor. In truth using my techniques I would
target any key phrase with  phrase competition under
500,000. Obviously however the less competition the
better, and under 25,000 is preferable.
All this is laid out in much greater detail in the  Niche
Finder product.
As mentioned, domain tag should always be .com if possible.
However if that is taken then .org or .net will do just as well.
My own example here is .net so you can see it works just fine
Jð A word to the wise though  DO NOT choose .info, for
some reason it is just not popular with the search engines  I
know this to my cost when  back in the day I made up
numerous sites because the .info was cheap and some
 helpful Guru gave me bad advice. I wasted hundreds of
hours making sites that just would not rank using .info sites 
hindsight is a great thing!
What comes first  the product or the domain ?
It s a bit like song writing really, ask and musician/song writer
sometimes it s the lyrics first, other times it s the music or
maybe even both at the same time.
It is not really important what comes first, the important
thing is that they are well matched.
For instance, if you are considering a site on diabetes
because you have found a good ebook to sell, Consider the
name of the ebook itself. If it is Diabetes Cure then you
would immediately try for Not
available ? Fine, just add an  x or  v at the end (Google does
not seem to pick this up at all). Example, ( Available at time of writing ! )
This term has 27,100 searches pm. And 782,000  phrase
competition. This makes it just do-able in my book.
I always avoid using a dash  - within the domain url if
possible. Far better ending with a letter that is not
recognisable as part of the name, such as  v for instance.
Web Hosting / Domain Registration
There are so many different hosts out there that I won t even
try to name them ! The two that I use to both purchase and
to host my domains are Godaddy and Hostgator. Both are
well established hosts, with good credentials and easy
If I were to prefer one of them however it would be
Hostgator for two reasons  the  Live chat which is available
24/7 and always sorts my problems out; and the cpanel
which again is very versatile and widely recognised.
Choosing a Wordpress Theme
This is a fairly painless process Jð After uploading your
wordpress onto your host  both Godaddy and Hostgator do
this for you with minimal hassle (simpler and quicker with
The theme I chose for was  Intrepidity
one of the WP free themes which I find very versatile and
suited for the job. Most marketers will choose a simple black
and white theme for their  focus sites, however I find that a
little color can add to the overall look of the site  but that s
just my opinion Jð As long as there are not too many
distractions on the page!
To find you theme just go to the wp control bar on your page
and choose Appearance  Themes, there you can browse
through the different options available. Alternatively you can
buy Themes, however I really don t see the need for this type
of site.
Wordpress Plugins
When uploading Wordpress for the first time, various plugins
are included. Some of these I would deactivate such as
 jetpack and  hello dolly . I have found the Jetpack in
particular often causes me conflict problems with some of
my other plugins.
To access the plugins simply go to the control panel on the
left, and choose the  Plugins tab.
The Plugins I use that I consider to be essential for both my
SEO and my affiliate sales that have to be added are:
·ð Platinum SEO Pack (free)
·ð Pretty Link  lite version (free)
·ð WP Super Cache (free)
·ð XML Sitemap Feed
·ð SEO Pressor ( $7 trial version available through this link )
SEO Pressor
SEO Pressor I would consider to be almost a  must have
piece of kit and I would highly recommend the $7 trial
version to at least give it a try and see what it can do for
you in regards to fully optimizing your page for SEO
There is no doubt that if you are experienced in this area
then you can do the on-page SEO work yourself with some
confidence, however SEO Pressor just takes away that
element of doubt from your mind when you check out the
great scoring system and see that you have scored 100% for
your efforts.
Here is how your score should look after you have applied
SEP Pressor to your page:
SEO Pressor also underlines your Key phrase with bold, italic
and underline  a great help with on-page SEO.
When using the SEO Pressor I would always aim for 100%
score and a 2 - 3% keyword density. Why settle for any less ?
maximize your chances of getting on that Google front page
by spending a little more time on good on-page SEO.
SEO Pressor Settings:
After uploading the SEO Pressor software I use these settings
Pick up your $7 special Offer through This Link
Another favourite, and a  Freebie is the Pretty Link plugin,
you can find this in the plugin admin on your Wordpress. It
quite simply converts your ugly clickbank link (which can
scare off potential customers who think it may be a dodgy
item) to something a little more professional looking. A
Clickbank link can be converted from: http://5f3316p1x-
What do you think looks better ?
Article Layout & On-site SEO
If you are seeking to maximize the FREE traffic that you can
get through Google and other search engines, then you must
really  go the extra mile when it comes to on-page SEO. This
is arguably the most important factor for page rankings and
there-for FREE traffic  the life-blood of any site.
When it comes to the Keyphrase I targeted only the main
Keyphrase  Hypoglycemia Without Diabetes . Many would
disagree with this and do a % or variable of two or three,
however I m telling you what works for me Jð During the
course of the article writing it is natural (if not deliberate)
that long tail Keywords will fit into the article anyway.
The article itself should be at least 800 words and preferably
over 1,000 words. This is a change from the usual 500 word
advice. Owing to last years Panda updates it is now
recognized that smaller articles carry less weight on the
rankings scale.
It is also easier to get that 100% score with SEO Pressor with
a longer article.
Here are a the main points that I took into consideration with
my site and which
in turn led to a No 1 ranking even over PR 6,7 and even PR 8
·ð Catagories: Name the Post Categories the same as your
Keyword or Phrase.
·ð Tags: Tag for each post the same as your main Keyphrase.
·ð Title: Keyword MUST be in the title
·ð H1 Tags: Title must be H1 tag and subtitles a combination
of h2 and h3 (at the bottom) This tells The search engines
just what the article is all about.
·ð Outgoing Links: I always include at least one outgoing link
somewhere in the article , Wiki links are great for this, but I
do add a  nofollow like so.. href=""
rel="nofollow">Hypoglycemia without Diabetes

·ð Interlinking: Link pages within your own site for added
 link juice .
·ð Title: Make sure that the Keyphrase is in the page title
preferably at the front.
·ð Images: It is important to not only name images but also to
include the Keyphrase in the  alt tags of the image. This is
easy to do with WP. Just click on the image and edit.
·ð Blogroll: Choose to name Link categories in the blogroll the
same as your Keyphrase. Add the blogroll to the sidebar
and get about 4-5 links added. This is showing Google that
you are not being greedy and is a way of  spreading the
love sounds stupid I know  but it works for me !
·ð Pages: Always include a privacy policy page (esp for google
adsense) an  about me page and a  terms and conditions
page. The terms can be picked up free from your plugin
panel just type in the search  wordpress terms and you
will get a great selection of choices.
Wordpress Settings
These are some of the wordpress settings I have used in this
and other sites. All these will be found in the admin panel on
the left side of your WP admin.
Permalink settings:
As a default Wordpress just chooses the top option, which is
fairly grim and hopeless for SEO purposes. Choosing the
 postname gives you the page title at the end of the URL so it
would read like :
Great for your SEO efforts.
General Settings:
This should include your main keyword in the Title and
Reading Settings:
For this site I have chosen the setting that you see below.
However I often use a static front page, and you can
choose this by simply clicking on the appropriate tag and
then choose from the drop down. Choose  static page and
choose form drop-down if you just want your front page to
be permanent.
The Main Articles
It would be somewhat remiss of me if I did not mention the
single most important item with on-page SEO& The main
article (s) !
You will notice that this example site has only 3 articles, One
page article and two blog posts. The main article title
 Hypoglycemia without Diabetes is of course reflected in the
URL (most important), but more than that it is almost 900
original words, my own, not spun but totally original. Am I
boasting here ? far from it, this is not a work of literary
genius and I m unlikely to win the Pulitzer prize Jð it does
however  float Google s boat as they love original work
that is not robot generated, and is relevant to the website.
Automation is a great thing  where would we be if it were
not for the industrial revolution that mechanized productivity
and took it off the scale ?  however there is still a very
important place (increasingly more so) for hand crafted
original work.
Off  Page SEO
When it comes to off-page SEO then there are a number of
things to take into account  little of which really apply to
this article, why ? Well the simple fact is that I have done
very little in the way of link building or article writing to
promote this website  which is after all what this work is all
However, not wishing to upset anyone ! There are a number
of things considered to be essential with off page SEO, which
is in one way or another all linked to  backlinking (getting a
link on another website that links back to your own)
Article Writing
Ezine articles is generally recognized as one of the best  but
also one of the most particular or choosy. They will not
accept  spun articles for instance, which is ok by me as I
think the value of Spun articles ( particularly Auto Spun
articles )is falling by the day, as Google seems to have found
a way to detect and there-fore discount them.
I have found some of my sites really jumping in the serps
with an article placed here after just a few days.
Hubpages is another great place for publishing articles, with
the added bonus that they will give you a % of Adsense
commission that comes in through ads they place in your
Some other popular article directories include: Go Articles,
Articles Base, Article Alley to name just a few!
One of the benefits of using article directories is that other
sites can pick them up and use them in their own websites,
thus giving you another backlink from their site to yours. If
you have a popular article well written this can mean a good
number of backlinks, from many different sites  all great for
Quite apart from other writers choosing to promote your
work, you will get a backlink from the directory itself, which
in the case of Ezines is a backlink from a PR 6 website!
Blog Posting
Posting on other blogs is another way to get good backlinks,
if the blog administrator keeps the post on. To help in this
respect do not make stupid posts such as  great post with a
great big html link on it ! your just wasting your time and
If you post at all make it relevant and meaningful to the
reader and the chances are they will keep it, thereby giving
you a valuable link back. If you would like to check the page
rank of the blog and thereby rate it s value to you, there is a
great FREE page rank checker here..
Paid Reviews: offers blog reviews for as little as $1
or posts for as little as 0.10c ! can be great value but do insist
that the work is original or you will not approve it. is another slightly more expensive
at around $3 per review, but generally better quality.
Another great way is to book mark your sites in places like where you can get 100 bookmarks
for only $10
Social Networking:
Do you have a face book, twitter, stumble etc account ? Then
do not be shy about using it to promote your site. This can be
a great way of getting free traffic and a link back from a high
PR website. Not to mention the fact that there is a chance to
reach hundreds if not thousands of online users.
General Link Dropping:
If you are a registered user on any site  drop a link in the
 my bio section where-ever you can. It s surprising just how
many membership sites allow this and it can be a valuable
source of link traffic. Even sites like istock photo allows a
backlink in your bio section, and this is a PR 7 website ! a
great place to drop a link.
When it comes to SEO, the fact remains that there are a
multitude of ways to promote a site or to get it ranked by
Google. No-one, no matter how good has the exclusive
licence to, or can guarantee you the No 1 spot. Simply
because it is the search engines who call the shots.
Yes sometimes you can  fool them for a while, and get a
Keyphrase into the first page in a matter of days  only to
find it  crashing to the floor shortly afterwards. Sometimes
this is simply the  Google dance , other times it is more
sinister and is the result of a Google penalty.
The fact is that  slow and easy is the way that Google likes it,
and any site that rises through the ranks this way is far more
likely to keep the top spot when it gets there.
Google likes age  that s undeniable, but it doesn t have to
be collecting a pension Jð I have found that after say, the first
6 months it get s far easier to rank any site.
SEO Solid Foundations, means quite simply getting back to
the simple foundations of Good original content, Good on-
page SEO, Quality backlinks set up intelligently and most of
I hope you have found this work to be helpful in the on-going
battle for traffic, which is what this is all about really. If you
would like to know more about the techniques and websites
that I find really help with my own SEO methods then check
out my upgrade package >>>
My Top Tips & Resources


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