function hw insertdocument 7BT6SLJZZCBSI665HRWHYS3L2F7WCL2X5YZPAAQ

hw_InsertDocumentPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyhw_InsertDocument (PHP 3>= 3.0.3, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)hw_InsertDocument -- upload any documentDescriptionint hw_insertdocument (int connection, int parent_id, int hw_document) Uploads a document into the collection with parent_id. The document has to be created before with hw_new_document(). Make sure that the object record of the new document contains at least the attributes: Type, DocumentType, Title and Name. Possibly you also want to set the MimeType. The functions returns the object id of the new document or FALSE. See also hw_pipedocument(). PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyhw_InsDocPoczątek rozdziałuhw_InsertObject

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