function hw insertobject

hw_InsertObjectPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyhw_InsertObject (PHP 3>= 3.0.3, PHP 4 )hw_InsertObject -- inserts an object recordDescriptionint hw_insertobject ( int connection, string object rec, string parameter) Inserts an object into the server. The object can be any valid hyperwave object. See the HG-CSP documentation for a detailed information on how the parameters have to be. Note: If you want to insert an Anchor, the attribute Position has always been set either to a start/end value or to 'invisible'. Invisible positions are needed if the annotation has no correspondig link in the annotation text. See also hw_pipedocument(), hw_insertdocument(), hw_insdoc(), and hw_inscoll(). PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyhw_InsertDocumentPoczątek rozdziałuhw_mapid

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