Konwersacje na wakacje czesc 2

Listen & Learn
Konwersacje na wakacje
część 2
Angielski dla początkujących
i średnio zaawansowanych
Spis treści Strona Ście\ka
Lesson 1 Getting to know you 2 j& 1-4
Lesson 2 Family and friends 4 j& 5-8
Lesson 3 Telephoning 6 j& 9-12
Lesson 4 Meeting people 8 j& 13-16
Lesson 5 Likes and dislikes 10 j& 17-20
Lesson 6 Going out 13 j& 21-24
Lesson 7 Shopping 15 j& 25-28
Lesson 8 In a restaurant 17 j& 29-32
Lesson 9 Renting a car 20 j& 33-36
Lesson 10 In public places 22 j& 37-40
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Lesson 1 Getting to know you
Exercise 1 j& 1
Listen to the dialogue.
- Hello, my name s Nowak. I ve come to attend an English course.
- Hello, Mr Nowak. Welcome to our Summer English School. Sit down, please. We
must fill in this form.
- OK.
- What s your first name and your surname, please?
- Piotr Nowak. It s Peter in English.
- OK, ... Peter. And how do you spell your surname?
- It s N-o-w-a-k.
- Very well. How old are you, Mr Nowak?
- I m twenty-one.
- And where are you from?
- I m from Poland.
- Oh! It s a beautiful country. What s your address?
- 25 Jasna Street, Warsaw, Poland.
- And your phone number?
- It s 0 48 22 765 5312.
- What s your job? Do you work or are you still at school?
- I m a student now at Warsaw Medical Academy.
- Fine. And where are you staying here in Britain?
- With an English family. Their address is 12 North Street, Brighton. They re called the
- 12 North Street, Brighton. Very well. Let me check now.... You ve chosen ... the
Medical English course starting tomorrow. Here s the schedule of your classes.
- Thank you.
- See you tomorrow then.
- Bye.
Exercise 2 j& 2
Listen and repeat.
Musimy wypełnić formularz. We must fill in the form.
Jak masz na imię i na nazwisko? What s your first name and your surname,
Nazywam się Piotr Nowak. My name s Peter Nowak.
Ile masz lat? How old are you?
Mam dwadzieścia jeden lat. I m twenty-one.
Skąd jesteś? Where are you from?
Jestem z Polski. I m from Poland.
Jaki jest twój adres? What s your address?
Jaki jest twój numer telefonu? What s your phone number?
Jaki jest twój zawód? What s your job?
Pracujesz czy nadal się uczysz? Do you work or are you still at school?
Jestem studentem Warszawskiej I m a student now at Warsaw Medical
Akademii Medycznej. Academy.
Gdzie mieszkasz tu w Wielkiej Brytanii? Where are you staying here in Britain?
Mieszkam u rodziny angielskiej. I m staying with an English family.
Do zobaczenia jutro. See you tomorrow.
Exercise 3 j& 3
Listen and repeat other expressions used in similar situations.
Jakiej jesteś narodowości? What nationality are you?
Jestem Polakiem. I m Polish.
Skąd jesteś? Where are you from?
Jestem z Krakowa. I m from Cracow.
Kraków, ul. Barbakan 10. It s 10 Barbakan Street, Cracow.
Jaki jest twój numer komórki? What s your mobile phone number?
Czym się zajmujesz? What do you do?
Jestem sprzedawcą. I m a shop assistant.
Gdzie pracujesz? Where do you work?
Pracuję w centrum. I work in the centre.
Kończę szkołę średnią. I m finishing secondary school.
Po szkole zamierzam studiować medycynę. I m going to study medicine after school.
Gdzie pracuje twoja mama? Where does your mother work?
Pracuje jako nauczycielka. She works as a teacher.
Jaki masz nr konta bankowego? What s your bank account number?
Jaki masz numer ubezpieczenia? What s your insurance number?
Exercise 4 j& 4
Now answer the personal questions yourself. After each example you ll hear another
possible answer.
- What s your first name and your surname, please?
- & & .
My name s Piotr Nowak
- How old are you?
- & & .
I m twenty one.
- Where are you from?
- & & .
I m from Poland.
- What s your address?
- & & .
25 Jasna Street, Warsaw, Poland.
- What s your phone number?
- & & .
It s 0 48 227655312.
- What s your job?
- & & .
I m a student now at Warsaw Medical Academy.
Lesson 2 Family and friends
Exercise 1 j& 5
Listen to the dialogue.
- Hello, Peter. How are you?
- I m fine, thank you, Mr Brown.
- How was it at school? When do you start your classes?
- Tomorrow at 9:00. We have five hours every day.
- Quite a lot& Peter, tell me something about your family. Have you got any brothers or
- I ve got a brother. He s called Bartek.
- How old is he?
- He s younger than me. He s sixteen now.
- Does he look like you?
- No, he doesn t. He looks like our mother. He s got her blue eyes and quite a long nose.
I think he s very good-looking.
- And what about your parents? Do they work?
- Oh yes. My mother is a teacher in a secondary school and my father is a bank
- And what are your plans for the future? Have you decided yet?
- I study medicine, and I think I d like to be a doctor, a surgeon maybe.
- Great plans. But it s hard work.
- I know. It s a difficult decision.
- Have you got a family in Britain, Peter?
- Yes, I have. I ve got a cousin. Her name s Ann.
- Where does she live?
- She lives in London but now she s studying at Oxford University. I m waiting for a
call from her.
- Let s have something to eat now.
- That s a good idea.
Exercise 2 j& 6
Listen and repeat.
Czy masz brata lub siostrę? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Mam brata. Na imię ma Bartek. I ve got a brother. He s called Bartek.
Ile ma lat? How old is he?
Jest młodszy ode mnie. Ma szesnaście lat. He s younger than me. He s sixteen now.
Czy wygląda tak jak ty? Does he look like you?
Wygląda jak nasza mama. He looks like our mother.
Ma jej niebieskie oczy i dość długi nos. He s got her blue eyes and quite a long nose.
A twoi rodzice? Czy pracują? And what about your parents? Do they work?
Moja mama jest nauczycielką a ojciec My mother is a teacher and my father
dyrektorem banku. is a bank manager.
Jakie są twoje plany na przyszłość? What are your plans for the future?
Myślę, \e chciałbym zostać lekarzem. I think I d like to be a doctor.
Czy masz rodzinę w Wielkiej Brytanii? Have you got a family in Britain?
Tak, mam kuzynkę. Yes, I have. I ve got a cousin.
Gdzie ona mieszka? Where does she live?
Mieszka w Londynie. She lives in London.
Exercise 3 j& 7
Listen and repeat other expressions used when describing a person.
Jaka ona jest? What is she like?
Jest miła i inteligentna. She is nice and intelligent.
Jak ona wygląda? What does she look like?
Jest wysoka i dość szczupła. She is tall and quite slim.
Ma jasne włosy i niebieskie oczy. She has got fair hair and blue eyes.
Czy jest podobna do matki czy ojca? Does she look like her mother or her father?
Jest podobna do swojej matki. She looks like her mother.
W co jest dzisiaj ubrana? What is she wearing today?
Ubrana jest w d\insy i niebieską koszulkę. She s wearing jeans and a blue T-shirt.
Wygląda na zmęczoną. She looks tired.
Jak się dzisiaj czuje? How is she today?
Nie czuje się zbyt dobrze. She is not very well.
Exercise 4 j& 8
Now talk about your family. Answer the questions yourself. After each example you ll hear
another possible answer.
- Have you got any brothers or sisters?
- & & .
I ve got a brother. He s called Bartek.
- How old is he?
- & & .
He s younger than me. He s sixteen now.
- Does he look like you?
- & & .
No, he doesn t. He looks like our mother.
- What does he look like?
- & & .
He s tall and slim. I think he s very good-looking.
- Do your parents work?
- & & .
Yes, they do. My mother is a nurse and my father is a bank manager.
- Have you got a family in Britain?
- & & .
Yes, I have. I ve got a cousin. Her name s Ann.
Lesson 3 Telephoning
Exercise 1 j& 9
Listen to the dialogue.
- Hello, 7765.
- Hello. This is Ann Nowak, Peter s cousin speaking. Can I speak to Peter?
- Hold on. I ll put you through& Oh! I m afraid Peter is out at the moment. Can I take a
- Tell him I ll ring back later.
- All right. Anything else?
- No, thanks. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Hello?
- Hello. Can I speak to Peter?
- This is Peter speaking. Hello, Ann. I m so happy to hear from you. What about your
- I m not sure. This exam s really important.
- Don t worry. I m sure it s going to be all right.
- You re lovely, Peter. And what do you think of your English lessons?
- I think the programme is very busy but I hope I will like it.
- I m sure you will. When are you going to visit me in Oxford?
- I don t know yet. Maybe next weekend.
- OK. Think about it. I ll call you tomorrow. Bye.
- Bye, Ann.
Exercise 2 j& 10
Listen and repeat.
Czy mogę rozmawiać z Piotrem? Can I speak to Peter?
Zaczekaj, przełączę cię. Hold on. I ll put you through.
Obawiam się, \e Piotr wyszedł. I m afraid Peter is out at the moment.
Czy mam coś przekazać? Can I take a message?
Powiedz mu, \e zadzwonię pózniej. Tell him I ll ring back later.
Dobrze. Czy coś jeszcze? All right. Anything else?
Piotr przy telefonie. This is Peter speaking.
Miło cię słyszeć. I m so happy to hear from you.
Co sądzisz o swoich lekcjach angielskiego? What do you think of your English lessons?
Mam nadzieje, \e je polubię. I hope I ll like it.
Jestem pewna, \e tak. I m sure you will.
Kiedy zamierzasz odwiedzić mnie When are you going to visit me in Oxford?
w Oxfordzie?
Jeszcze nie wiem. I don t know yet.
Pomyśl o tym. Think about it.
Zadzwonię jutro. I ll call you tomorrow.
Exercise 3 j& 11
Listen and repeat other expressions used when telephoning.
Czy mogę rozmawiać z...? Can I speak to...?
Przy telefonie. Speaking.
Czy to Tom? Is that Tom?
Zaraz go poproszę. I ll just get him.
Nie ma go. He s not in.
Nie ma jej w biurze. She isn t in the office now.
Czy mogę zostawić wiadomość? Can I leave a message?
Tak, oczywiście. Yes, of course.
Exercise 4 j& 12
Now take part in the phone conversations. After a pause you will hear another possible
- Hello, Brighton 7765.
- & & .
Hello. This is Ann Nowak speaking. Can I speak to Peter?
- Hold on. I ll put you through& Oh! I m afraid he s out at the moment. Can I take a
- & & .
Tell him I ll ring back later.
- All right. Anything else?
- & & .
No, thanks. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Hello?
- & & .
Hello. Can I speak to Peter?
- Speaking. I m so happy to hear from you. What about your exam?
- & & .
I m not sure.
- Don t worry. When are you going to visit me?
- & & .
I don t know yet. Maybe next weekend.
- OK. Think about it. I ll call you tomorrow. Bye.
- & & .
Lesson 4 Meeting people
Exercise 1 j& 13
Listen to the dialogue.
- Excuse me. Is this the Medical English class?
- Yes, it is. Are you a student, too?
- Yes, I m starting the course today. My name s Peter. I m from Poland.
- Nice to meet you, Peter. My name s Mike.
- When did you get here?
- Two days ago. I m staying with an English family, not very far from here. And you?
- Me too. Oh! It s almost 9.00. I think this is our teacher coming. Let s go in.
- Good morning, everybody. My name s Joanna Pillow and I m going to be your English
- Good morning.
- I hope you had a good journey?
- Yes, fine. It was OK.
- Lovely day, isn t it? Well, at the beginning I d like you to introduce yourselves. Who d
like to start?
- OK. I can go first. My name s Mike. I come from the Netherlands but I was born in
Belgium. I m a student at the Medical College in The Hague, so I m interested in
medicine. I think this course may be helpful.
- Pleased to meet you, Mike. How long are you staying here in Brighton?
- Till the end of June, I think.
- Very well. What are you planning to do after the course finishes?
- I m going to visit some famous places, go on a trip or something. I haven t decided yet.
- Excellent idea. I wish you good luck. Who s next?
Exercise 2 j& 14
Listen and repeat.
Czy ty te\ jesteś uczniem? Are you a student, too?
Miło Cię poznać, Peter. Nazywam się Mike. Nice to meet you, Peter. My name s Mike.
Chciałbym, \ebyście się przedstawili. I d like you to introduce yourselves.
Pochodzę z Holandii, lecz urodziłem się I come from the Netherlands but I was born in
w Belgii. Belgium.
Interesuję się medycyną. I m interested in medicine.
Bardzo miło Cię poznać, Mike. Pleased to meet you, Mike.
Jak długo zostaniesz tu, w Brighton? How long are you staying here in Brighton?
Mam nadzieję, \e do końca lipca. Till the end of June, I hope.
Co planujesz robić po zakończeniu kursu? What are you planning to do after the course
Zamierzam odwiedzić znane miejsca. I m going to visit some famous places.
Jeszcze nie zdecydowałem. I haven t decided yet.
Świetny pomysł. śyczę powodzenia. Excellent idea. I wish you good luck.
Exercise 3 j& 15
Listen and repeat different social expressions used when meeting people.
Dziękuję bardzo. Thank you very much.
Ale\ proszę. You re welcome.
Dzięki. Thanks.
Nie ma za co. Not at all.
Przepraszam. I m sorry.
Bardzo przepraszam. I m very sorry.
Przepraszam za spóznienie. I m sorry, I m late.
Nic nie szkodzi. Never mind.
Przepraszam (zwracając czyjąś uwagę). Excuse me.
Słucham? Pardon?
Proszę. Here you are.
W porządku. Zgadza się. That s right. / That s OK.
Nie martw się. Don t worry.
Rozchmurz się. Cheer up.
To nie ma znaczenia. It doesn t matter.
Naprawdę? Really?
Dobrze. All right. / OK.
Obawiam się... I m afraid&
Rozumiem. I see.
Nie mam pojęcia. No idea.
Częstuj się. Help yourself.
Exercise 4 j& 16
Now you are meeting a new person. Answer the questions yourself. After each example
you ll hear another possible answer.
- Excuse me. Is this the Medical - When did you get here?
English class? - &
- & Two days ago.
Yes, that s right.
- How long are you staying here?
- Are you a student, too? - &
- & Till the end of June, I think.
- Yes, I m starting the course today.
- What are you planning to do after
- My name s Peter. I m from the course finishes?
Poland. - &
- & I m going to visit some famous
Nice to meet you, Peter. places.
Lesson 5 Likes and dislikes
Exercise 1 j& 17
Listen to the dialogue.
- Oh. We are having a break at last. We need to relax for a while.
- Yes, you re right. So what do you do in your free time?
- I like reading very much. Newspapers and computer magazines are quite interesting but
for me a good novel is the best. How about you, Peter?
- Well, I haven t got much time for reading. I work a lot but I like listening to good
- What s good music for you?
- I love classical music, especially Chopin and Tchaikovsky but I enjoy rock music, too.
And you? What kind of music do you like?
- Well, I hate classical music. I think it s boring but I love rock.
- Oh! Who s your favourite musician?
- Bon Jovi. He s really great. What do you think of him?
- He s all right but I prefer Sting.
- Have you ever been to his concert?
- Unfortunately not but I d love to. Maybe one day.
- You are lucky. He s appearing in concert in London next weekend. Would you like to
- Oh, really?! But we need to buy the tickets.
- Well, we ll talk about it later. It s 11:15 now. That s the end of our break. We should go
- OK. Let s go then.
Exercise 2 j& 18
Listen and repeat.
Musimy chwilę odpocząć. We need to relax for a while.
Co robisz w wolnym czasie? What do you do in your free time?
Bardzo lubię czytać. I like reading very much.
Nie mam zbyt du\o czasu na czytanie. I haven t got much time for reading.
Du\o pracuję, lecz lubię słuchać dobrej I work a lot but I like listening to good music.
Uwielbiam muzykę klasyczną, a szczególnie I love classical music, especially Chopin and
Chopina i Czajkowskiego. Tchaikovsky.
Lubię równie\ muzykę rockową. I enjoy rock music, too.
Jaki rodzaj muzyki ci odpowiada? What kind of music do you like?
Nie znoszę muzyki klasycznej. Uwa\am, I hate classical music. I think it s boring.
\e jest nudna.
Kto jest twoim ulubionym wykonawcą? Who s your favourite musician?
Co o nim sądzisz? What do you think of him?
Jest w porządku, lecz wolę Stinga. He s all right but I prefer Sting.
Czy byłeś kiedyś na jego koncercie? Have you ever been to his concert?
Niestety nie, lecz bardzo bym chciał. Unfortunately not but I d love to.
Czy chciałbyś pójść? Would you like to go?
Musimy kupić bilety. We need to buy the tickets.
Exercise 3 j& 19
Listen and repeat other expressions used when talking about spending your free time.
oglądać TV, filmy to watch TV / films
komedie comedies
filmy sensacyjne action films, thrillers
filmy obyczajowe dramas
kreskówki cartoons
wiadomości the news
filmy dokumentalne documentaries
słuchać radia, muzyki to listen to the radio / music
muzyka pop pop music
muzyka klasyczna classical music
muzyka rockowa rock music
jazz jazz
czytać ksią\ki to read books
science fiction science fiction
fantastyka fantasy
kryminały crime stories
romanse romances
poezja poetry
powieść a novel
opowiadanie a story
grać na instrumencie to play an instrument
grać na gitarze to play the guitar
grać na pianinie to play the piano
grać na flecie to play the flute
zbierać to collect
opiekować się zwierzakiem to look after a pet
interesować się to be interested in
polityka politics
historia history
literatura literature
muzyka music
grać w gry to play games
gry komputerowe computer games
Exercise 4 j& 20
Now talk to a friend about your free time. Answer the questions yourself. After each example
you ll hear another possible answer.
- What do you do in your free time?
- & & .
I like reading very much.
- What kind of music do you like?
- & & .
I love classical music but I enjoy rock music, too.
- Who s your favourite musician?
- & & .
Bon Jovi. He s really great.
- What do you think of him?
- & & .
He s all right but I prefer Sting.
- Have you ever been to his concert?
- & & .
Unfortunately not but I d love to.
Lesson 6 Going out
Exercise 1 j& 21
Listen to the dialogue.
- Are you doing anything this evening? Let s go out somewhere.
- I don t know. I m a bit tired. I don t really want to go out tonight. I d rather stay and
watch something on TV.
- What about tomorrow?
- I d love to but I m afraid I can t. I m going shopping. I d like to buy a new sweater.
- OK. Let s do something at the weekend. Are you free?
- Oh yes. That s a good idea. What shall we do?
- Why don t we play tennis in the morning?
- Oh, no. It s too hot to play tennis. How about going to the swimming pool?
- Why not. It sounds OK. Would you like to go to the cinema in the evening?
- That would be lovely. What shall we see?
- There s a new horror film on with Anthony Hopkins.
- I don t like horrors, I m afraid. What about a comedy?
- All right. What do you suggest?
- I m not sure. Maybe we can find something in the newspaper.
- Let s buy a newspaper then and we ll see.
Exercise 2 j& 22
Listen and repeat.
Czy robisz coś wieczorem? Are you doing anything this evening?
Wyjdzmy gdzieś. Let s go out somewhere.
Nie wiem. Jestem trochę zmęczony. I don t know. I m a bit tired.
Nie bardzo chce mi się dzisiaj wyjść. I don t really want to go out tonight.
Wolę zostać i pooglądać coś w telewizji. I d rather stay and watch something on TV.
A jutro? What about tomorrow?
Bardzo bym chciał, lecz obawiam się I d love to but I m afraid I can t.
\e nie mogę.
Zróbmy coś w czasie weekendu. Let s do something at the weekend.
Jesteś wolny? Are you free?
To dobry pomysł. Co będziemy robić? That s a good idea. What shall we do?
Mo\e rano pogramy w tenisa? Why don t we play tennis in the morning?
A mo\e pójdziemy na basen? How about going to the swimming pool?
Czemu nie? Brzmi niezle. Why not. It sounds OK.
Czy chciałbyś pójść do kina dziś wieczorem? Would you like to go to the cinema in the
Byłoby wspaniale. Co obejrzymy? That would be lovely. What shall we see?
Jest nowy horror z Anthonym Hopkinsem. There s a new horror film on with Anthony
Obawiam się, \e nie lubię horrorów. I don t like horrors, I m afraid.
A komedia? What about a comedy?
W porządku. Co proponujesz? All right. What do you suggest?
Kupmy gazetę i zobaczmy. Let s buy a newspaper and we ll see.
Exercise 3 j& 23
Listen and repeat other expressions used when talking about spending your free time.
wyjść z domu to go out
odwiedzić rodzinę, przyjaciół to visit family and friends
iść na spacer to go for a walk
wyprowadzać psa to walk the dog
robić zdjęcia to take photos
iść do kina to go to the cinema
iść do teatru to go to the theatre
iść na koncert to go to a concert
iść na wystawę to go to an exhibition
iść na przyjęcie to go to a party
Exercise 4 j& 24
Now a friend is suggesting that you spend some time together. Answer the questions yourself.
After each example you ll hear another possible answer.
- Are you doing anything this evening? Let s go out somewhere.
- & & .
I don t know. I m a bit tired. I d rather stay and watch something on TV.
- What about tomorrow?
- & & .
I d love to but I m afraid I can t. I m going shopping.
- Let s do something at the weekend. Are you free?
- & & .
That s a good idea.
- Would you like to go to the cinema in the evening?
- & & .
That would be lovely.
- What shall we see?
- & & .
There s a new horror film on with Anthony Hopkins.
Lesson 7 Shopping
Exercise 1 j& 25
- Can I help you?
- I m just looking, thank you.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, what can I do for you?
- I m looking for a sweater.
- We ve got some sweaters over there. That one is lovely.
- Well, green doesn t really suit me.
- What colour are you looking for?
- Have you got anything in dark blue?
- I ll see. Oh, I m afraid I haven t. What about that grey one?
- I think it s nice.
- What size are you?
- Medium, I suppose.
- OK. Here you are. Would you like to try it on?
- Where are the changing rooms?
- Over there, on the left.
- Thank you.
- It s too small. It doesn t really fit me. Have you got one in a bigger size?
- Yes, that one is bigger.
- I ll take it. How much is it?
- Ł23.
- Here you are.
- Thank you. Ł7 change.
- Thanks.
- You re welcome. Bye.
Exercise 2 j& 26
Listen and repeat.
W czym mogę pomóc? Can I help you?
Dziękuje, tylko się rozglądam. I m just looking, thank you.
Czym mogę słu\yć? What can I do for you?
Szukam swetra. I m looking for a sweater.
Hmm& zielony raczej mi nie pasuje. Well, green doesn t really suit me.
Jakiego szukasz koloru? What colour are you looking for?
Czy masz coś w kolorze ciemno-niebieskim?Have you got anything in dark blue?
Obawiam się, \e nie. I m afraid I haven t.
Jaki nosisz rozmiar? What size are you?
Wydaje mi się, \e średni. Medium, I suppose.
Czy chciałbyś przymierzyć? Would you like to try it on?
Gdzie są przymierzalnie? Where are the changing rooms?
Tam, po lewej. Over there, on the left.
Jest zbyt mały. Nie pasuje na mnie. It s too small. It doesn t really fit me.
Czy macie większy rozmiar? Have you got one in a bigger size?
Wezmę go. I ll take it.
Ile kosztuje? How much is it?
Proszę bardzo. Do widzenia. You re welcome. Bye.
Exercise 3 j& 27
Listen and repeat other expressions used when doing the shopping.
Szukam spódnicy. I m looking for a skirt.
Chciałbym obejrzeć d\insy. I d like to look at some jeans.
Czy mogę się rozejrzeć? Can I look round?
Czy mogę przymierzyć? Can I try it on?
Czy pasuje? Does it suit you?
Czy masz coś w kolorze czerwonym? Have you got anything in red?
Zobaczę. I ll just see.
Czy ma pani większy rozmiar? Have you got a bigger size?
Ile one kosztują? How much are they?
Czy mogę zapłacić kartą? Can I pay by credit card?
Exercise 4 j& 28
Now you are at a clothes shop and you want to buy a sweater. Answer the questions
yourself. After each example you ll hear another possible answer.
- Can I help you?
- & & .
I m looking for a sweater.
- What colour are you looking for?
- & & .
Have you got anything in dark blue?
- What size are you?
- & & .
Medium, I suppose.
- Would you like to try it on?
- & & .
Yes. Where are the changing rooms?
- How do you like it?
- & & .
I ll take it. How much is it?
Lesson 8 In a restaurant
Exercise 1 j& 29
- I m really hungry. That restaurant looks OK.
- Yes, let s eat something before going to the cinema.
- Good evening.
- Good evening. We d like to see the menu.
- Here you are. The soup of the day is French onion soup.
- Thanks.
- Are you ready to order?
- Yes, we re ready.
- What would you like to start with?
- You go first, Mike.
- All right. I ll have smoked salmon.
- And for me onion soup, please,
- Now what about the main course?
- I ll have steak with potatoes, please.
- How would you like your steak, sir?
- Rare, please.
- Would you like roast or boiled potatoes?
- Roast, please. And a mixed salad.
- That s fine. And for you, sir?
- I d like chicken with chips.
- Would you like any vegetables?
- Mushrooms, please.
- Fine. And to drink?
- I think we ll have beer. Is that OK, Mike?
- Certainly.
- That was delicious! I think I d like some dessert now.
- There is vanilla and strawberry ice cream, apple pie, chocolate cake and fruit salad.
- I ll have apple pie.
- And for me chocolate cake.
- OK. Apple pie and chocolate cake. Would you like some coffee?
- Yes. Black, please.
- And for you, sir?
- No, thank you. Can we have the bill?
- Of course.
- Is service included?
- No, it isn t.
- Can I pay by credit card?
- Yes, of course.
- Oh, no Mike. You can t pay the bill. We should pay together.
- That s OK. You ll pay next time. Now let s go to the cinema. The film starts in twenty
Exercise 2 j& 30
Listen and repeat.
Najpierw poprosimy kartę. We d like the menu first.
Czy mogę przyjąć zamówienie? Are you ready to order?
Tak, jesteśmy gotowi. Yes, we re ready.
Od czego chciałbyś zacząć? What would you like to start with?
Poproszę wędzonego łososia. I ll have smoked salmon.
A co na danie główne? What about the main course?
Poproszę stek z ziemniakami. I ll have steak with potatoes, please.
Jaki chciałby pan stek? How would you like your steak, sir?
Poproszę krwisty. Rare, please.
Chciałby pan pieczone czy gotowane Would you like roast or boiled potatoes?
Czy chciałby pan warzywa? Would you like any vegetables?
Poproszę pieczarki. Mushrooms, please.
A co do picia? And what would you like to drink?
Myślę, \e wezmiemy piwo. I think we ll have beer.
Myślę, \e teraz poproszę deser. I think I d like some dessert now.
Wezmę szarlotkę. I ll have apple pie.
Czy chciałby pan kawę? Would you like some coffee?
Czy mo\emy prosić o rachunek? Can we have the bill?
Czy jest wliczona obsługa? Is service included?
Czy mogę zapłacić kartą? Can I pay by credit card?
Exercise 3 j& 31
Listen and repeat other expressions used when eating out.
Czy mogę prosić kartę dań? Can I have the menu?
Co mogę podać? What can I get you?
Co mógłby pan polecić? What could you recommend?
Jakie macie makarony? What kinds of pasta have you got?
Wezmę& I ll have &
Coś do picia? Anything to drink?
Poproszę wodę mineralną. I d like mineral water.
Czy mógłby mi pan przynieść...? Could you bring me & ?
Czy coś jeszcze? Anything else?
Czy podać deser? Would you like a dessert?
Nie, poproszę tylko kawę. No, I ll just have a coffee.
Tak, poproszę ciasto czekoladowe. Yes, I d like chocolate cake.
Czy smakowało? Did you enjoy the meal?
Było pyszne. It was delicious.
Czy mogę prosić o popielniczkę? Can I have an ashtray, please?
Exercise 4 j& 32
Now you are in a restaurant. Answer the questions yourself. After each example you ll hear
another possible answer.
- Good evening. Are you ready to order?
- & & .
Yes, we re ready.
- What would you like to start with?
- & & .
I ll have smoked salmon.
- What about the main course?
- & & .
I ll have steak with potatoes, please.
- Would you like any vegetables?
- & & .
Mushrooms, please.
- And to drink?
- & & .
I think we ll have beer.
- Would you like some dessert now? There is apple pie and chocolate cake.
- & & .
I ll have apple pie.
- Would you like some coffee?
- & & .
Yes. Black, please.
Lesson 9 Renting a car
Exercise 1 j& 33
- Good morning. I d like to rent a car, please.
- Yes, sir. For how long?
- For three days.
- All right. What kind of car would you like?
- Can I see the brochure?
- Here you are.
- This one looks nice. Does it have air-conditioning?
- Yes, it does.
- How much will it be per day?
- That s Ł40 for the car but if you d like the personal accident insurance that s Ł12
additionally so that will be Ł52 altogether.
- I see. And what about that one?
- It s cheaper. It has got four seats and a CD player, but it hasn t got air conditioning.
- What s the price?
- That s Ł29 a day plus the insurance.
- OK. That one will be good.
- May I see your driving licence?
- Yes, I have a Polish one.
- Fine, thank you. How would you like to pay?
- Visa, please.
- Thank you. Wait a moment. Here are your car keys and the documents. Any
- Have you got a road map of England?
- Yes, of course. You can borrow it if you want.
- Thank you. It may be helpful. Goodbye.
- Bye.
Exercise 2 j& 34
Listen and repeat.
Dzień dobry. Chciałbym wypo\yczyć Good morning. I d like to rent a car, please.
Jaki chciałby pan samochód? What kind of car would you like?
Czy mogę zobaczyć katalog? Can I see the brochure?
Ten wygląda interesująco. This one looks interesting.
Czy ma klimatyzację? Does it have air-conditioning?
Jest czteroosobowy i ma odtwarzacz CD. It has got four seats and a CD player.
Jaka jest jego cena? What s the price?
29 funtów plus ubezpieczenie. That s Ł29 a day plus the insurance.
Czy mogę zobaczyć twoje prawo jazdy? May I see your driving licence?
Tak, mam polskie. Yes, I have a Polish one.
Czy ma pan mapę samochodową Anglii? Have you got a road map of England?
Exercise 3 j& 35
Listen and repeat other expressions used in similar situations.
Chciałbym wynająć jacht. I d like to rent a yacht.
Jakimi jachtami dysponujecie? What kind of yachts have you got?
Jaka jest długość tego jachtu? What s the length of this yacht?
Jaka jest powierzchnia \agli? What s the surface area of the sails?
Jaka jest moc silnika? What s the power of the engine?
Jaka jest pojemność zbiornika na paliwo? What s the capacity of the fuel tank?
Czy jacht wyposa\ony jest w GPS i radio? Is the yacht equipped with GPS and
the radio?
Czy mogę wynająć sprzęt do nurkowania? Can I hire diving equipment?
Gdzie znajdują się kamizelki ratunkowe? Where are the life jackets?
Jaka jest cena za wynajem na 7 dni? What s the price for a 7-day rent?
Czy potrzebujecie załogę? Do you need a crew?
Nie. Mamy odpowiednie uprawnienia. No. We ve got the qualifications.
Jakie dokumenty są potrzebne? What documents are required?
Exercise 4 j& 36
Now you want to rent a car. Talk to the clerk and answer the questions. After each example
you ll hear another possible answer.
- For how long would you like to rent a car?
- & & .
For three days.
- What kind of car would you like?
- & & .
Can I see the brochure?
- What details are you interested in?
- & & .
Does it have air-conditioning?
- Would you like to know the prices?
- & & .
Yes. How much will it be per day?
- Would you like the personal accident insurance?
- & & .
Yes, of course.
- May I see your driving licence?
- & & .
Yes, I have a Polish one.
- How would you like to pay?
- & & .
Visa, please.
Lesson 10 In public places
Exercise 1 j& 37
- Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me how to use this car park? It looks rather
complicated to me.
- Yes, of course. Look. There s a machine over there. Can you see it?
- Yes.
- When you go into the car park you have to take a ticket. Just press the button.
- Yes. What then?
- Then the barrier will be raised. It s important that you keep the ticket with you. That
will be the white ticket.
- OK. The white ticket.
- When you return, insert this ticket into the machine.
- Which one? Where is it?
- Over there. Just outside the car park.
- I see.
- It will display the amount of money you have to pay.
- Uhm. Where should I pay?
- You put the coins in and then you ll get a blue ticket.
- OK. A blue ticket this time.
- Yes& . Then, when coming out of the car park insert the blue ticket into the machine
at the exit and the barrier will be raised again.
- OK. Now I understand. Thank you so much. You ve been very helpful.
- Not at all. Have a nice day.
- Thanks a lot.
Exercise 2 j& 38
Listen and repeat.
Czy mógłbyś mi powiedzieć, jak korzysta I wonder if you could tell me how to use this
się z tego parkingu? car park?
Wygląda na dość skomplikowany. It looks rather complicated to me.
Spójrz, tam jest automat. Look. There s a machine over there.
Czy go widzisz? Can you see it?
Kiedy wje\dzasz na parking, musisz wziąć When you go into the car park you have to
bilet. take a ticket.
Po prostu naciśnij przycisk. Just press the button.
Wtedy podniesie się barierka. Then the barrier will be raised.
Wa\ne, byś zachował bilet. It s important that you keep the ticket with
Będzie to biały bilet. That will be the white ticket.
Kiedy wrócisz, włó\ bilet do automatu. When you return, insert this ticket into the
Poka\e, ile nale\y zapłacić. It will display the amount of money you have
to pay.
Gdzie powinienem zapłacić? Where should I pay?
Wrzuć monety, następnie dostaniesz You put the coins in and then you ll get a blue
niebieski bilet. ticket.
Włó\ niebieski bilet do automatu przy Insert the blue ticket into the machine at the
wyjściu. exit.
Teraz rozumiem. Now I understand.
Bardzo dziękuje. Byłeś bardzo pomocny. Thank you so much. You ve been very helpful.
Nie ma za co. Miłego dnia. Not at all. Have a nice day.
Exercise 3 j& 39
Listen and repeat other expressions used in public places.
Czy wiesz, jak działa ten automat? Do you know how this machine works?
Przepraszam, obawiam się, \e nie potrafię Sorry. I can t help you, I m afraid.
ci pomóc.
Czy mo\esz mi powiedzieć, o której Could you tell me what time the performance
zaczyna się przedstawienie? starts?
Zastanawiam się, czy są jeszcze bilety. I wonder if there are any tickets left.
Zapytaj w kasie. Ask in the box office.
Czy wiesz, czy są zni\ki dla studentów? Do you know if there are any discounts for
Czy wiesz, kiedy jest koncert jazzowy? Do you know when the jazz concert is?
Pomó\ mi proszę zamówić bilety. Help me order the tickets, please.
Czy mo\esz mi powiedzieć, gdzie jest Could you tell me where the information office
informacja? is?
Czy mo\esz mi pomóc zamówić taksówkę? Can you help me order a taxi?
Czy mo\esz mi rozmienić banknot Will you change me a ten pounds note?
10 funtowy?
Czy chciałbyś, \ebym ci pomógł? Would you like me to help you?
Czy mogę ci w czymś pomóc? May I help you?
Czy mam to zrobić za ciebie? Shall I do it for you?
Pozwól, \e to dla ciebie zrobię. Let me do that for you.
To bardzo miło z twojej strony. That s very kind of you.
Nie, dziękuję. No thanks, it s all right.
Dziękuję, nie trzeba. That s OK, thanks.
Dziękuję, ale dam radę. No thanks, I ll manage.
To miło z twojej strony, ale mogę zrobić That s kind of you, but I can do it myself.
to sam.
Exercise 4 j& 40
Now you are in a street and you don t know how to use a car park. Listen to the
instructions and ask additional questions yourself. After each example you ll hear another
possible answer.
- Look. There s a machine over there. Can you see it?
- & & .
- When you go into the car park you have to take a ticket. Just press the button.
- & & .
Yes. What then?
- Then the barrier will be raised. It s important that you keep the ticket with you.
That will be the white ticket.
- & & .
OK. The white ticket.
- When you return, insert this ticket into the machine.
- & & .
Which one? Where is it?
- Over there. Just outside the car park.
- & & .
I see.
- It will display the amount of money you have to pay.
- & & .
Where should I pay?
- You put the coins in and then you ll get a blue ticket.
- & & .
OK. A blue ticket this time.
- Yes& . Then, when coming out of the car park insert the blue ticket into the
machine at the exit and the barrier will be raised again.
- & & .
OK. Now I understand. Thank you so much. You ve been very helpful.
- Not at all. Have a nice day.
- & & .
Thanks a lot.


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