nsmfargo hotmail emails sent 2009

Possible move to PortlandŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Thu 6/11/09 2:25 AM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) By summer's end I may be moving out to Oregon. My current girlfriend grew up there and wants to go back. I escaped this state once, I may do it again. Again Sir, thanks for being patient while I am getting things back on track. 88! RE: fuck you!Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 5/11/09 9:03 PM To: gwh1488@yahoo.com Dude- are you completely fucking insane? I have been reading your mass emails for over a year now. I havent placed you in the "junk" catagory simply because you amuse me. But Jesus tap dancing Christ you are a fucking nutcase! Kill yourself or find a hobby (besides serial killer). Please. Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 08:21:06 -0700 From: gwh1488@yahoo.com Subject: fuck you! To: yorkcreator@yahoo.com; alinder@kvmo.net; aryannationspa@hotmail.com; brianholland@usa.com; comes88@yahoo.com; commander@newsaxon.org; creativityalliance@hotmail.com; gcy0ung311@aol.com; i_am_naziskin@yahoo.com; illinoisanswp@hotmail.com; jackg15@hotmail.com; jimcrow88@yahoo.com; kentuckyanswp@yahoo.com; nationalsocialistworkers@yahoo.com; ns4tenn@yahoo.com; nsm_libbymt@yahoo.com; nsm_newmexico@yahoo.com; nsm_norfolk@yahoo.com; nsm_west_georgia@yahoo.com; nsm-nova@hotmail.com; nsm88_missouri@yahoo.com; nsm88madskins@nsmwisconsin.com; nsm88middletn@cs.com; nsm88philly@yahoo.com; nsmberkspa@hotmail.com; nsmbillingsmt@yahoo.com; nsmcentraloregon@msn.com; nsmcommander@hotmail.com; nsmfargo@hotmail.com; nsmhaysville88@hotmail.com; nsmkansascity@hotmail.com; nsmnordic@yahoo.se; nsmnorthhq@yahoo.com; nsmnv@yahoo.com; nsmnz@hotmail.com; nsmontario@yahoo.com; nsmphx@yahoo.com; nsmquebec@yahoo.com; nsmsacramento@hotmail.com; nsmsasweet@yahoo.com; nsmwv@yahoo.com; nsoa88@hotmail.com; nynsmunit@yahoo.com; nyunit@nsm88ny.com; o_cobblepot@hotmail.com; odinslass@yahoo.com; ohiocreator74@aol.com; oklahomacitynsm88@hotmail.com; paxrahowa88@hotmail.com; revdevalez@aol.com; siegrunen@hotmail.com; truenaziparty@yahoo.com; uber_sneak@hotmail.com; voice_of_thepeople@hotmail.com; vonbluvens@hotmail.com; wcotc14@hotmail.com; wd@nsm88womensdivision.com; werwulfss@yahoo.com; westtexasnsm@yahoo.com; michael_von_koch@yahoo.com; akp_chairman@yahoo.com Fuck You! Prose by Hardy Lloyd (written on 11th of May, 90fe) www.hardylloyd.com You think I care about you? Well, you are DEAD wrong! I’ll kill you dead and rape your wife too! You think I need you? You ain’t even my dad! I’ll cut your nigger loving balls off and make ya eat them! Your faith makes you my slave! While I am free to kill and enjoy it! That’s right, High Priest, I enjoyed what I did! Thrice I headed the call of the WOLF! Thrice I killed! Nye was I wounded for it but once! The animal that I am LIVES, while you sleep your dreams of Smith! HA HA HA HA HA HA Sheep you are; Wolf am I! FUCK YOU! I’ll kill and kill again and againŚ Until the world falls into flames of my hatred! My mind has the plan, and I shall destroy that which you love! FUCK YOU! You are weakness; I am the strong of the Universes will! In your head the snow fallsŚ For a child of Smith is what you wantedŚ But I was too much for your Deseret soul to love! But you gave me the learning to start the warŚ You gave me my pushŚ You opened the doorŚ YOU, you brainwashed me! Without you I would never have found my HATE; my fuel! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA JA! Sei Fromm? HA HA HA HA HA HA FUCK YOU! I am your worst nightmare! I am of different flesh and soul and MIND! You think I wont kill you, or my friend? Killing is the only true state of happiness in life!! I will come for you all! Knife in hand, alibi in pocket, bought pig with cashŚ And you will die a slow death! I have a key to your house! HA HA HA HA – JA! Sei Fromm? NEIN! FUCK YOU! I’ll send you to that heaven you pray for! FUCK YOUR BOOK! FUCK YOUR CHURCH! FUCK YOUR LIFE! YOU AIN’T EVEN MY DAD, ASSHOLE!! You are dead to me! my situationŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 5/11/09 2:15 PM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) Sir- I have finally gotten my life back to where it used to be. Things are actually OK. But even though circumstances were outside of my control, I have been neglecting my duties to the NSM. Please accept my apologies Jeff. The NSM has meant everything to me since I first joined over 2 years ago. My life has been a fucking roller coaster the last 6 months, but shit is back to normal now. I have 2 jobs working over 60 hours a week, and I feel like I have finally gotten past the shit I went through. It was hell man. After that shit with Angela happened, I had no one and nothing to back me up- my entire life was utterly fucked. But I am back and better than ever. I feel great and life is good. I bought a laptop, and if you would like me to resume my former duties helping you with emails, I would be more than happy to assist. On another note- I am embarressingly behind on my Party dues. Please do not think this is because I stopped giving a shit! Jeff, life has kicked the living shit out of me for the last year or so, and although I was always loyal to yourself and the NSM, I let all the bullshit get to me and I almost went to my knees. It was that bad man. I consider you a Brother Jeff and my position in the NSM with the SS is the best thing in my life. Please understand that I have in no way ignored or left my duties behind. Life decided to kick my ass for awhile and now it is over. You all are my family and I feel that in a way I have let you down. I will always stand beside, no matter what. As far as my dues are concerned: I get paid on Tuesday. Consider it done. The NSM is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I feel ashamed that I let a pile of horrible bullshit come between me and the people I love the most. 88 Commander Schoep! : A Concerned American!!!Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Fri 4/03/09 3:14 PM To: james.siegrist@live.com James- I am back in Fargo. my number is 701-610-8922 From: james.siegrist@live.com To: aaron.johnson@rasmussen.edu; hoserish@yahoo.com; prufrockscoat@gmail.com; beth.jones@sprint.com; nsmfargo@hotmail.com; senator@dorgan.senate.gov; cpringle@nd.gov; sandwick25@hotmail.com; viz_steele@yahoo.com; cory@hangovertoycompany.com; m.f.davek@live.com; bridgegal7nt@meltel.net; g.leingang@hotmail.com; janel.ames@freedomccu.com; jean.siegrist@gmail.com; jmsiegrist@live.com; jhennings@nd.gov; jadelinsmama@comcast.net; js.einherjar@gmail.com; klundby@iemiller.com; magan_marie@hotmail.com; nick.s1997@live.com; james.siegrist@live.com; elrushbo@eibnet.com; scott@scotthennen.com; samilless@comcast.net; s.simpsom1488@hotmail.com; ebodin@charter.net; toyc420@aol.com Subject: A Concerned American!!! Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 13:27:48 -0500 If you truly care you will watch the videos at the following links! I sent the following message to both the North Dakota and Minnesota Senators and Congressmen as well as to the speaker of the house, the senate leader and to the white house!!! Forward this message on to all you know requesting that they do the same. Take the time to send it to your senators, congressmen, CEObama the MESSIAH president Theodore Rosevelt MALBAMA at the white house, the speaker NAZI Pelosi and to Dingy Harry Reid!!! Do your part to help save America from being destroyed. Help ensure a bright future for your children and grandchildren and you care for!!!! I am an angry North Dakotan and I think that you need to watch the videos at the following web addresses, and pass it along to your constituents. I am mad as hell and want my country back!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeYscnFpEyA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFKGrmsBDk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUBIJCXz9M8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEjTR_RVCns RE: READ THIS!!! VERY IMPORTANT VIRUS INFORMATION!!!!Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Thu 3/19/09 3:14 PM To: james.siegrist@live.com Hey brother, its me Bill. My number is 610-8299. Give me a call sometime. I am back in Fargo. 88! From: james.siegrist@live.com To: aaron.johnson@rasmussen.edu; hoserish@yahoo.com; prufrockscoat@gmail.com; beth.jones@sprint.com; nsmfargo@hotmail.com; cpringle@nd.gov; sandwick25@hotmail.com; viz_steele@yahoo.com; cory@hangovertoycompany.com; m.f.davek@live.com; bridgegal7nt@meltel.net; g.leingang@hotmail.com; janel.ames@freedomccu.com; jean.siegrist@gmail.com; jmsiegrist@live.com; jhennings@nd.gov; jadelinsmama@comcast.net; js.einherjar@gmail.com; klundby@iemiller.com; magan_marie@hotmail.com; nick.s1997@live.com; james.siegrist@live.com; elrushbo@eibnet.com; scott@scotthennen.com; samilless@comcast.net; ebodin@charter.net; toyc420@aol.com Subject: READ THIS!!! VERY IMPORTANT VIRUS INFORMATION!!!! Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:02:21 -0500 I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes, and it is for real Get this E-mail message sent around your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,' regardless of who sent it. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e mail all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simpl y destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. COPY THIS E-MAIL, AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. hope you are OKŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 3/03/09 4:41 PM To: aw7914@yahoo.com Hey there stranger. I hope it doesn't seem weird that I am still writing to you. I am ok, I guess. Working, doing what I have to, etc.... I still love you and Ian and I hope that you and him are doing well. Angela- I'm sorry for everything baby. I miss you so much. You and I can never be together again, but that doesn't mean that I can just stop caring for you. I hope that you are safe and happy. Whatever happens in your life honey, I hope you are happy. I don't have any bad feelings towards you, although some say I should. But thats just not how I am. The time I spent with you here and in Missouri was the best time of my life. I sincerely hope that you and Ian have a happy and fulfulling life. I sure as hell would not want anything bad to happen to you baby. You may not believe it, but I still love you as much as I did the first time I said it. By the way- I am celebrating today- 75 days without a drink! I feel pretty goddamn good about that! It makes me feel good. I don't need that shit. I never needed it. Just one of those things I guess. Ihope this reaches you. The last few I have sent came back "unsent". Whatever. For what it's worth- I love you Angela. I really, really do. Please tell my boy that his Daddy loves and misses him. Take care of yourself and be careful sweetheart. I love you. Doing my bestŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 3/03/09 4:30 PM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) Sir- I don't know if you got my last message or not. I am doing as well as I can. I am currently living with double-pnuemonia and living in a homeless shelter working a shitty part time job. Things are just fucking great! The current situation I am in is not necessarily my fault. I wanted you to know that I am still firmly behind the NSM in every way, but my life is a total fucking train wreck at the moment. (Thank you Angela, you fucking whore....) It is not a certainty that I will make it to Nationals this year. I am having a hard time buying toothpaste at the moment. Recently I was so goddamn ashamed of myself that I wanted to quit the NSM. But bad things happen to everyone from time to time and this shit will pass eventually. But Jeff I gotta be honest- the last 6 months have beaten the shit out of me. This was not my fault, but it is what it is.... I love the NSM and I am proud to be a part of it Sir.Please allow me a little time to get my shit together and I will be back on top of things. When I left Angela's cheating, slutty ass I had nothing and I still have nothing. I am doing absolutely everything I can to change that. Whatever happens Commander, I will always stand behind the NSM and all of it's members. I need a little time to put things back together. Sincerely, SS Mann Herring (No Subject)Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Thu 2/26/09 11:35 AM To: singleagain79@yahoo.com Hope all is well with you. I am fine, for the most part. Working 2 jobs now and will soon be getting my own place and car once again. Kailey and I are building a great relationship, but it will take some time. I should never have left her. Apparently, Eric is not being much of a father to her and is treating Lisa like shit, so she left him. Life is crazy.... They shut down "Up the Creek" and are turning it into an Applebees. Tim asked me if I wanted to come and work for him as his assistant kitchen manager- I said "Fuck yes!!" hahaha! So money will soon cease to be an issue. Thank god- I was starting to get worried. Please give my little man a kiss for me and tell him his Daddy loves and misses him. Unless of course you have already replaced me...ha! Best of luck to you and all that you do Angela. And please be careful- you never know what kind of sick fucks you will run into at one of these little "get togethers" you go to. Best Wishes Bill My situationŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 12/09/08 1:45 AM To: commander@newsaxon.org Well Sir, everyone was right about Angela. I don't need to go into a long story about it, but she is a lying whore and right now is out of town fucking someone she met on the internet. I got into her email account and a fucked up website she has been on. I have been totally betrayed. I am moving the fuck out of here day after tomorow. I will not be online for some time until I can get everything set up. I have been so stupid Jeff. I came all the way here because I loved her and she has utterly and completely fucked me over royally. I remain devoted and loyal to the NSM, but due to the current clusterfuck I will not be able to assist HQ online for some time. My sincere apologies Sir. Never saw this shit coming. Sincerely, SS Mann Herring (No Subject)Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Wed 12/03/08 3:13 PM To: rekhi@netspace.net.au I can certainly understand how you feel sister. Please visit our main site and look under the units and contacts section. There you will find a complete listing of all NSM units worldwide along with contact information. No Nationalist is alone, no matter how far we are separated! We are all family and we are all comrades! 88! NSM Staff Corps (No Subject)Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Wed 12/03/08 3:11 PM To: lion54mm@yahoo.com Thanks for the kind words comrade. Why not join our ranks and become a member of the vanguard against those who would see our race destroyed? NSM Staff Corps All emails updatedŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Wed 12/03/08 3:09 PM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) I was out of town for a few days Sir- went to visit some family a couple states over. all correspondence caught up and taken care of. SS Mann Herring Your queryŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Wed 12/03/08 3:07 PM To: stevee528@aol.com Thanks for contacting us! Please go to our main site and look under the "Units and Contacts" section. There you will find a complete listing of all NSM units worldwide along with contact information. We look forward to seeing you in our ranks! (No Subject)Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 11/25/08 11:57 AM To: avonthediver@yahoo.com Thanks for your email! Our plan is very simple- we engage in public speaking events, participate in local and state elections, distribute information and literature, etc.... It is a daunting task, no doubt of that,but we are up to it. Our plan is to convince others that this system is broken beyond repair and that the principles of National Socialism are superior to this "democracy" we find ourselves in. There are decades of work to be done, but it is something that must be done or this country and this race will be disappear forever. We want to appeal to American's sense of logic and reason, if they have any left. Eventually, we hope to gain seats in state and national government. Our plan is to win legally and honestly with none of the double-speak and obfuscations used by today's politicians. We do not lie or sugarcoat anything- perhaps something that appeals to politics-weary Americans..... : SS HerringŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Fri 11/21/08 10:21 AM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) I will take care of it ASAP Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:48:14 -0500 From: commander@newsaxon.org To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: SS Herring SS Herring, Are you keeping up on the staff mails I send (remember I said I would ask every so often)? I have been able to keep up on most of them, but here is one for you. This guy actually sent a letter in super long, and I don't have time to answer his million questions. He sounds like a good guy, but he is really worried about zog finding out if he joins us. Name is Brooks Batson from Oregon, his e-mail is Nordic@operamail.com Please contact him as NSM HQ Staff and see if you can answer his questions please. He is a long time member of the Council of Conservative Citizens but is looking for a more serious group (like us), he sent in 3 typed pages. Alright thanks again. It was good seeing you and your Family at the MO. Rally, always a pleasure. 88 -- Commander Jeff Schoep "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: commander@newsaxon.org RE: Your emailŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sun 11/16/08 3:16 AM To: caintoomey@hotmail.com Thanks for writing. Actually, 10 out of 10 times when someone is arrested at our functions it is a protester. You do make excellent points though. I think that this entire "equality" idea is bunk. "Equal" means "the same". We are not all the same. We should of course all be afforded the same opportunities to succeed, not a guarantee that you will be "forced" to succeed simply because of your minority status through legislation. We certainly do live in some very confusing and chaotic times, no doubt of that. Who is to say that one opinion is correct while another is invalid? I would have to agree with you on that. People tend to think in absolutes these days without realizing the implications of such ideologies. It is 2am and I just finished a 15 hour day at work, or I would certainly speak with you more tonight. I would enjoy communicating with you anytime. I am always up for a lively conversation. Take care man. Sincerely, SS Mann William Herring NSM Staff Corps From: caintoomey@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your email Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 10:19:26 -0500 I find it amusing in a way, for I have looked at your site, and it seems that, 9 times out of 10, when someone gets arrested at one of your rallies, its a protestor. I will say this. I am not racist (though I am nationalist in the sense that we should take care of america first and other countries second) But I will state that you are correct that Racial equality is a hypocracy, but perhaps in a different way. What many people dont realize, is that when they say racial equality, they dont realize that they are actually meaning economic, religious, and political equality. They only think that it means they have to treat them as if calling them racist names is "politically wrong" when it isnt, since it isnt the governments decision to say what is politically right or wrong to say (otherwise, they would have been forced to get rid of the NSM) Racial equality when it comes to how we treat and think of them, that cannot be accomplished so long as humans live on this earth. Thats the hypocracy. People think racial equality means treating minorities to the highest standard. It doesnt. It just means giving them the same oppurtunities that any regular person gets. You dont have to treat them as if voicing your opinion will get you in trouble. Interestingly, I also find it funny how convinced of their opinion anti-white groups are. They show the same conviction as white supremecist groups. Goes to show that, in a way, neither side of the spectrum is right, nor is it wrong. It is merely how you view things in life. Hope this doesnt confuse you too much. I can tend to get longwinded in such things. From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: caintoomey@hotmail.com Subject: Your email Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 09:28:01 -0500 Thanks for your email. The state that we find our country in is no surprise, considering the administration of the last 8 years. We in the NSM are doing all that we can to ensure that future generations will not have this same mess to clean up. As for the statement you saw in that magazine, it is simply more liberal claptrap and another evidence that the general public are clueless cattle who live by a huge double standard. The hypocracy is actually quite amusing. Feel free to check out our main website and see if perhaps the NSM is an organization you would consider supporting. Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps RE: SS Herring please confirm you are getting these Fwd:Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 11/10/08 8:20 AM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) Will do Sir! Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 05:09:57 -0500 From: commander@newsaxon.org To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: SS Herring please confirm you are getting these Fwd: Bill, Please do follow ups and confirm with me they are getting done. I want to be sure. Thanks, and good job this weekend. 88 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Scott Smith Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:03 AM Subject: To: commander@newsaxon.org My name scott and im writing from united kingdom . I have seen most of your website and agree with everything. The aryan race needs this a well organised and loyal organisation like the NSM.I my self belong to a couple of nationalist far right groups in england and regional organiser for south east london. This is because iam sick and tired of the state my country is in because of influence on the young white generation from the muds and every nationality thinks they can come here and show us no respect they will learn..Gang culture among our own and the niggers is at a all time high all influenced by coons. I would be honoured to join the NSM . As soon as i can print the membership form . No Surrender We Will Win This Struggle Yours Sincerly Scott Smith   ; -- Commander Jeff Schoep "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org RE: Your messageŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 11/04/08 11:45 AM To: stormwolf98@hotmail.com I am certain that we have members in that area, but I need to verify that. Go to our main page and look under the units and contacts section. There you can find a complete listing of all NSM units worldwide with the contact information. 88 From: stormwolf98@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 07:57:02 -0700 SS Mann Herring, Sorry to bother you again but I wanted to find out if the NSM has any members in the Colorado Springs area? If so, how can I contact these members or can you pass my email on to them and see if they'll contact me? Thanks for your time. Respectfully, Jeff Heuermann From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: stormwolf98@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 10:22:57 -0500 No my friend, we encourage all of our members to speak thier mind at all times. At the moment we are nearly overwhelmed by the influx of new membership applications and our staff needs to be expanded to deal with this new flow in a more timely fashion. You are absolutely right Sir- a whole lot of organizations out there are all talk and no balls. We take this fight to the streets all over this country doing all that we can to ensure the survivall of our race. We would be proud to count you amongst our ranks. I will speak with you soon. 88! From: stormwolf98@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 08:02:48 -0600 Mr. Herring, I received an email back from the Commander confirming your identity. If you or someone from NSM would still like to speak with me then please, feel free to give me a call. If you receive my voicemail please leave me a message and a number I can reach you. I typically do not answer my phone when I do not recognize the number calling. I also live in the mountains so I do not get signal on my cell when I am at home. I sent a couple of emails to the Colorado POC but have not heard anything back from them. I hope I haven't ruffled any feathers by my emails. I am just tired of the organizations that represent the white race not having the foresight to actually take some action to work toward our goals or some of these idiots who cannot speak intelligently or persuasively and try to take stupid actions that actually hurt our "cause" instead of helping it. A lot of these organizations are political dinosaurs and they need to either evolve or stay out of the way of those who actually want to accomplish goals for our race. Anyway, I always speak my mind until I see I shouldn't speak my mind. I hope I haven't angered some in the NSM but if I have, tell them to give me some of their time and I'll convince them I am right. I convinced a black the other day that society is better when it is segmented into sections of ethnicity so I figure I should be able to convince my own race of the same. Of course, my plans and ideas are little bit more drastic but not much. I hope to hear from you or the Commander soon. 88 Jeff Heuermann From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: stormwolf98@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:36:35 -0400 My name is William Herring and I am a member of the NSM staff corps. The Commander recieves literally dozens and dozens of emails a week and sometimes it is impossible for him to handle every one. So he often defers this overflow to myself as he trusts my judgement. I am also a member of our Security Team. I moved from Fargo last July down here to Springfield Missouri, but have neglected to change the email address. Its a good trait you have- you are cautious and observant. That is what we look for in a member. It is understandable if you would like to verify my identity. Just drop the Commander a quick message and he will confirm who I am. Talk to you soon my friend. 88! Sincerely, SS Mann Herring NSM Staff Corps From: stormwolf98@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 06:36:22 -0600 I'm sorry but I'm curious how someone in Fargo, North Dakota received my email. I sent an email to the Commander and to the Denver, Colorado NSM. I am glad to speak with you but the NSM website mentioned hoax emails. Thanks, Jeff From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: stormwolf98@hotmail.com Subject: Your message Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 05:12:15 -0400 My apologies in replying to your excellent email. (Computers are great when they are working, and a curse when they are not) I will call you at the number you supplied this weekend. I would enjoy speaking with you! It is 4 AM and I have finally gotten my service working correctly so I must go through dozens of unanswered messages. I will speak with you soon Comrade. RE: Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 11/03/08 10:16 AM To: kamma48@yahoo.com Just go to Google Maps and look up Jefferson City, Missouri. It will give you detailed instructions on how to get there from you location. 88! > Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:13:31 -0700 > From: kamma48@yahoo.com > Subject: RE: > To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > > Okay, but where is Jefferson city? > > > --- On Tue, 10/28/08, William Herring wrote: > > > From: William Herring > > Subject: RE: > > To: kamma48@yahoo.com > > Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 4:54 PM > > Our next event is in Jefferson City on November 8th. You can > > attend in plainclothes. Depending on wether or not you > > decide to join the Stormtroops division, yes, you will be > > required to attend all events in uniform unless otherwise > > specified. All other divisions are non-uniformed. We sell > > all uniforms and accesories through our store at > > www.nsm88records.com > > > > You can find a list of uniform requirements on our main > > site at www.nsm88.com > > > > > > > > Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 09:37:07 -0700From: > > kamma48@yahoo.comSubject: RE:To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > > > > > > > > when and where is the next event in November taking place? > > And do I have to buy the uniform after I join? If so how > > much is it, and how do I get it?--- On Mon, 10/27/08, > > William Herring wrote: > > From: William Herring Subject: > > RE:To: kamma48@yahoo.comDate: Monday, October 27, 2008, 3:36 > > PM > > > > > > Well, Roger, we have units in 38 different states. We also > > have units in several different countries. As far as the > > rallys are concerned, no one expects our members to make it > > to every single event, but we all try to make it to at least > > 2 events a year. We all have families and jobs, so it is > > understood. The 2 most important events of the year are our > > National meeting in April and our November 9th rally. Other > > than that, just try to be active in your own community. Many > > of us save travel expenses by carpooling and sharing hotel > > rooms, etc.. If you have any other questions, feel free any > > time. > > Sincerely, > > SS Mann > > Herring > > NSM Staff Corps > > > > Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 06:37:01 -0700From: > > kamma48@yahoo.comTo: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > > > > > > > > Yes, but how do I become a member if I live in a different > > city or even a different state? How will I attend the > > speeches along with everything else? > > RE: from Darin MalecŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 11/03/08 10:14 AM To: dm26442@yahoo.com Sorry buddy- for some reason my emails are not getting through to you. I will try and call you tommorow. 88! Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 21:15:06 -0700 From: dm26442@yahoo.com Subject: from Darin Malec To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Hey buddy, Haven't heard back from you. Also dropped a note at your odinrahowa88 address. Hope to here from you. Would like some contact information. Don't get to check the e-mail often but call me if you can 701-658-9014. Darin Malec 14/88 RE: Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 10/27/08 11:36 AM To: kamma48@yahoo.com Well, Roger, we have units in 38 different states. We also have units in several different countries. As far as the rallys are concerned, no one expects our members to make it to every single event, but we all try to make it to at least 2 events a year. We all have families and jobs, so it is understood. The 2 most important events of the year are our National meeting in April and our November 9th rally. Other than that, just try to be active in your own community. Many of us save travel expenses by carpooling and sharing hotel rooms, etc.. If you have any other questions, feel free any time. Sincerely, SS Mann Herring NSM Staff Corps Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 06:37:01 -0700 From: kamma48@yahoo.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Yes, but how do I become a member if I live in a different city or even a different state? How will I attend the speeches along with everything else? RE: Your messageŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 10/25/08 1:36 PM To: Jeff Heuermann (stormwolf98@hotmail.com) My name is William Herring and I am a member of the NSM staff corps. The Commander recieves literally dozens and dozens of emails a week and sometimes it is impossible for him to handle every one. So he often defers this overflow to myself as he trusts my judgement. I am also a member of our Security Team. I moved from Fargo last July down here to Springfield Missouri, but have neglected to change the email address. Its a good trait you have- you are cautious and observant. That is what we look for in a member. It is understandable if you would like to verify my identity. Just drop the Commander a quick message and he will confirm who I am. Talk to you soon my friend. 88! Sincerely, SS Mann Herring NSM Staff Corps From: stormwolf98@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your message Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 06:36:22 -0600 I'm sorry but I'm curious how someone in Fargo, North Dakota received my email. I sent an email to the Commander and to the Denver, Colorado NSM. I am glad to speak with you but the NSM website mentioned hoax emails. Thanks, Jeff From: nsmfargo@hotmail.com To: stormwolf98@hotmail.com Subject: Your message Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 05:12:15 -0400 My apologies in replying to your excellent email. (Computers are great when they are working, and a curse when they are not) I will call you at the number you supplied this weekend. I would enjoy speaking with you! It is 4 AM and I have finally gotten my service working correctly so I must go through dozens of unanswered messages. I will speak with you soon Comrade. New North Dakota contactŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 10/20/08 3:32 PM To: commander@newsaxon.org A good friend of mine is interested in becoming a contact for the NSM in North Dakota. He will be applying for membership shortly. I felt somewhat guilty about leaving ND without any sort of contacts for the NSM there, but now it looks like we will have one. Sincerely, SS Herring Excellent questionsŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 10/14/08 3:40 PM To: wolf_2131@hotmail.com First of all, it is not so much the jews as a race that we detest, but the ideology of Zionism that so many of them follow. It is a plague and will ultimately destroy anything and everything that is not jewish. We do tend to focus on the more heinous crimes of non-whites in order to enlighten the public on the dangers of multiculturalism, but at the same time, we must admit to and report on the terrible crimes that many whites comitt in order to show that our race is falling into decadence and that this behaviour is further destroying us. We are not so one-sided as many think. But we do see the root causes for most of society's ills and feel that the "meat" of the matter must be brought to the forefront. There is not much time left for our race, and the time for half-measures and political correctness is far past. I look forward to speaking with you further Sir, but I am heading out of town for 3 days in about 20 minutes, so I must cut this short. By all means, if you have any further questions, please send them and I will answer much more in depth when I am not so pressed for time. Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps (No Subject)Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 10/14/08 3:34 PM To: ymanakce@earthlink.net Comrade, know all too well what is waiting for us if we do not act now. That is why we are working so hard to thwart the jews at thier own game. You are correct Sir, there is precious little time left. We are leading the charge against this beast. See you on the frontlines! RE: Congratulations!Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Fri 10/10/08 12:50 AM To: obamaextention2@live.com Barack Obama huh? Fuck that nigger monkey and your fucking retarded internet spam bullshit. I hope a nigger sodomizes your wife in front of you. PS Eat shit. > From: msli@mail.ynao.ac.cn > Subject: Congratulations! > Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 11:21:48 +0800 > To: > > Barack Obama-Organization, Iowa > London/Germany Extension Office > Foreign Relations Committee > Address:20 Bedford Row > London WC1R 4JH, England. > > Revised Oct. 10, 2008 > OBAMA FOR AMERICA: > This electronic mail is to inform you that you have won the sum of Ł500,000.00 [FIVE > HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (GBP)] in the just concluded UK/Germany Barack Obama > campaign [CHARITY] extension network held in London. > > The result of our computer draw (#978) selected your email address attached to: > Voters Card Number: 58775600545 > Serial Number : 3168/10 > Batch Number: 074/05/BO457 > Reference Number: Dem/2008/11781/ > > You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of Ł500,000.00 [FIVE HUNDRED > THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (GBP)] in cash credited to file KTU/8823118308/07. Participants > were selected through a computer e-mail ballot system drawn from a pool of over 25,000 > names drawn from Europe, America, Asia, Australia, Middle-East and parts of Africa as > part of our international charity program conducted to encourage the supporters of > President Barack Obama " Democrat Barack Obama. > > Contact the remittance department below to process/forward your prize to you. > *************************************** > Name: Mr. Mark Belvin > Contact E-mail: obamaextention2@live.com > *************************************** > Please provide him with the below information for verification: > E -ticket Number: 58775600545 > ========================== > Full Names: > Address: > Date of Birth: > Telephone/Fax number: > Nationality: > Marital Status: > Age: > Occupation: > > Note that, all claims process and clearance procedures must be kept confidential until > your winning funds is transferred to you and duly completed early to avoid impersonation > or double claiming. All claims should be made before 4th NOV. 2008 [United States > presidential election of 2008] > > CONGRATULATIONS!!! > Truly Yours, > > Mr. David Plouffe, > CAMPAIGN MANAGER, > BARACK OBAMA CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. > Copyright ©, 2008 UK/GERMANY BARACK OBAMA ORGANIZATION INC. November 8thŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 10/07/08 10:01 PM To: commander@newsaxon.org Hello Commander. November 8th is fast approaching and I was wondering if you already assembled a speaker's list as of yet. I can put a little something together if you like. I am looking forward to this rally and I am sure it will be a success as always. Sincerely, SS Herring RE: Your requestŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 10/07/08 12:20 PM To: anton_batey@yahoo.com I will be at work on Wednesday evening, but off all day Thursday. We'll eventully coordinate our schedules! Take care! > Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 05:15:02 -0700 > From: anton_batey@yahoo.com > Subject: RE: Your request > To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > > What about Wednesday night? I get off work at 8 o'clock (your time). > > My number is 313-550-6571. > > > --- On Mon, 10/6/08, William Herring wrote: > > > From: William Herring > > Subject: RE: Your request > > To: anton_batey@yahoo.com > > Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 3:03 AM > > I live in Springfield, Missouri. I work weekends, but I am > > home until 2PM on Saturdays. My name is William Herring, 31 > > years old and NSM member for about 18 months now.> Date: > > Sun, 5 Oct 2008 08:03:58 -0700> From: > > anton_batey@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Your request> To: > > nsmfargo@hotmail.com> > Cool. Thanks. We'll > > probably record the interview via telephone and relay it on > > Saturday. As you know probably, Detroit is a mess, and > > that's where this interview will be broadcasted. What > > part in the United States do you live?> > > --- On > > Sat, 10/4/08, William Herring > > wrote:> > > From: William Herring > > > > Subject: Your > > request> > To: anton_batey@yahoo.com> > Date: > > Saturday, October 4, 2008, 1:11 PM> > My apologies for > > the delay in replying. (Always one thing or> > the > > other with the internet service around here.) We would> > > > be happy to supply you with an interview. I can think > > of> > several members who would be able to accomodate > > you. Let us> > know when would be the most convenient > > for yourself and we> > can set something up, almost > > certainly though the interview> > would be by > > telephone.> > > > I look forward to hearing from > > you.> > > > > > Sincerely,> > > > > > > > NSM Staff Corps> > E: Your emailŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 10/07/08 12:19 PM To: Mike Cook (bassnash@hotmail.com) Of course not my friend. You said nothing offensive in the slightest. A man's religion is his own. From: bassnash@hotmail.com To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Your email Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 08:27:45 -0500 Comrade Herring, Hopefully no offense was taken on your part by anything you read of mine either in my last email or on my web page. If so, I apologize. If you have yet to even have read my previous response to you then I will apologize ahead of time. My views on religion stem from the National Socialist viewpoint that it DOES NOT belong in the political spectrum. I have much respect for Aryans of all religious backgrounds but I would never raise my children (if/when I have any) with any sort of religious bias as I believe faith is an adult decision. Anyhow, for what it is worth, I am still eager to contribute to your movement with the ferver and respect I have for our race and country! Any response from you is welcomed and I hope you are well. Cordially, Mike Cook Your emailŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 9/27/08 12:06 PM To: lottobs@yahoo.com The only way to effectively fight the Jewish plague is to beat them at their own game. Education is the key. Educate yourself and become active in state and national politics. Stand up, speak out, and be seen by your countrymen. Have you considered joining our organization? We are always looking for sincere and dedicated white patriots to stand with us. Respectfully, SS Mann W. Herring NSM Staff Corps RE: ArkansasŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 9/27/08 11:59 AM To: mikelong@tcworks.net Heil Comrade- Basically we have several different divisions so that individuals may choose their level of commitment. We have the skinhead division for those who aren't to keen on wearing the uniform. We also have support divisions for those who simply wish to support the Movement financially and don't wish to be seen publically because of career or family concerns. But our Stormtroop division is for those who are sick of this mess and are willing and proud to be seen in public and wave our sacred symbols. The Stormtroops are our most visible and vocal division, our main "fighting force", so to speak. We would be proud to have you amongst our ranks and march beside us at our next rally. I will contact HQ myself and see to it that an informational package is sent out immediately. For Race and Nation, SS Mann W. Herring > Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:11:13 -0500 > Subject: Arkansas > From: mikelong@tcworks.net > To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com > > > Racial greetings, my brother! I'll be waiting for the info I requested > before I decide to join or not. You said to email you with any questions > though, and so here goes... > > What seperates the storm trooper branch of the NSM from the rest? That's > what I'm interested in at this point because I like the suit and would get > to wear it proudly. Of course, a suit isn't why I would join, but it does > sound like a bit more up my alley.88 > > In Blood And Honor, > MIKE LONG > > > RE: CONFIDENTIAL IS THE CASE.Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 9/27/08 2:07 AM To: hansinomar001@hotmail.fr Dear motherfucking nigger- It is hard to believe that niggers are still dumb enough to try and scam people with this retarded shit. For Christ's sake, at least make an effort to come up with something credible you fucking imbecile. Best Regards, A Racist White Devil > From: hansinomar@eircom.net > To: hansinomar001@hotmail.fr > Subject: CONFIDENTIAL IS THE CASE. > Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:45:58 +0100 > > From The Desk Of Mr Hasin Omar. > The Head Of File Department, > African Development Bank (A.D.B). > Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso West Africa. > PLANE CRASH WEB SITE...http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm. > ("REMITTANCE OF $15 MILLION U.S.A DOLLARS > (CONFIDENTIAL IS THE CASE") > > Compliments Of The Season, Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and may offend your personality for contacting you without your prior consent and writing through this channel.I got your contact from the proffesional data base found in the internet Yahoo tourist search.When i was searching for a foreign reliable partner.I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity. > > After series of prayers/fasting.i was divinely directed to contact you among other names found in the data base Yahoo tourist search.I believe that God has a way of helping who is in need. > > I am (Hansin omar),the Head of file Department in African development bank (ADB). In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $15 million U.S.A dollars ( fifteen million U.S.A dollars) . In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in (Monday 31st July 2000) in a plane crash. > > Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines, but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died along side with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. > > It is therefore upon this discovery that I and one official in my department now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. > > The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner, and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. We agree that 40% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account,and 60% would be for me and my woman colleague. That means ($6 million) six million dollars for you,and ($9 million) nine million dollars for me and my partner. > > There after i will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remitted. > > Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer. > Your's faithfully, > > Mr HANSIN OMAR. > FROM (ADB) OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA-FASO. > GOD BLESSINGS,PROTECTIONS AND GUIDIANCE TO YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. > > (FILL THIS FORM BELLOW PLEASE AND RESEND IT TO ME ). > > 1) Your Full Name............................. > 2) Your Age....................................... > 3) Marital Status................................ > 4) Your Cell Phone Number.............. > 5) Your Fax Number....................... > 6) Your Country................................ > 7) Your Occupation............................ > 8) Sex................................................ > 9) Your Religion................................. > 10) Your Private E-mail Adress........... > > POST SCRITUM:You have to keep everything secret as to enable the transfer to move very smoothly in to the account you will provide to the bank.As you finished reading this letter write to me immediately. > > > RE: Fargo unitŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 9/23/08 6:21 PM To: dm26442@yahoo.com Hey there stranger! Your email for some reason went into the junk box. I just happened to check it before I deleted all of them. Buddy, I moved to Springfield, Missouri in July. I really didn't have much left for me in North Dakota and I missed the hell out of my girl, so I moved to where she lives. I was under the assumption that you were back in the pen for 2 years. Robin told me that you only got 6 months. Sweet... I assume that you are all done now and have no paper or any of that shit. Excellent! We do still need a unit in Fargo and it would be fucking great if you could be our ND contact. Let me know bud, and I'll set it up. 88! Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:20:58 -0700 From: dm26442@yahoo.com Subject: Fargo unit To: nsmfargo@hotmail.com hello my name is Darin Malec. I was wondering about the Fargo unit of the NSM. I have a friend from Fargo who is a member of the NSM. He and I were at one time talking about getting a unit started in Fargo. I will be sending my membership to the NSM in shortly but would like to more about the Fargo Unit because i would like to be active in it. My friend Bill Herring was active but i have lost contact with him if you know him or how to contact him could you let him know i would like to get in contact with him?? thank you Darin Malec For Race and Country 14/88 Your interest in the NSMŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Tue 9/23/08 10:19 AM To: mikelong@tcworks.net Greetings Comrade! We would be proud to have you marching with us towards our victory. The information you requested will be sent out shortly. I am currently living in Missouri where the NSM has a strong presence. It is good to hear that we will be adding men down in Arkansas. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me any time. Sincerely, SS Mann Herring NSM Staff Corps Alive and well in MissouriŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 7/28/08 10:52 AM To: commander@newsaxon.org Sir-I have relocated to Springfield Missouri. I am on a computer at a local career center. I will not be on regularly for a while yet, but Angela, Ian and I are doing well. Angela has enrolled in college and I am already working. We are going through a rough spot, but we are Aryans: with hard work we will rise above! We both firmly stand in support of the NSM, in case anyone was wondering what the hell happened to us! HA! Our mailing address is: 1500 South Golden, #114, Springfield, MO 65807. We both are working our asses off to ensure that we can provide a good home for our son and continue to contribute the the NSM. Sincerely, SS Probate Herring RallysŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Wed 7/09/08 5:41 PM To: mmesserjr@webtv.net Due to security issues, information concerning rallys is generally kept under wraps until just a week or 2 before hand, as I am sure you can understand. The best way to stay up-to-date it to check out our main web site weekly for updates. Security and the safety of our members is priority #1 and so we must exercise all caution. Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps RelocatingŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 7/07/08 9:48 PM To: commander@newsaxon.org As of July 23, I will be moving to Springfield Missouri. It may take a week or two to get internet service hooked up there. Thought it would be a good idea to let you know so that emails are not being answered! Wish me luck Commander! On another note- it seems that the retarded rumors of Angela's children not being white have resurfaced from an unknown party and she is terribly upset. She is unsure how to prove these allegations false except for photos of her babies- blonde hair and blue eyes... Anyway, I will still be ready and able to handle any and all emails forwarded here until July 22nd. Sincerely, Herring E: NSM Uniform Standards: Policy Document for Party MembersŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 7/05/08 10:06 PM To: Commander Schoep (commander@newsaxon.org) Excellent! Hope all is well with you and your wife Sir. On top of things here! Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 21:15:09 -0400 From: commander@newsaxon.org To: nsmworld@yahoogroups.com Subject: NSM Uniform Standards: Policy Document for Party Members THE NSM UNIFORM These uniform standards are effective as of April 20th, 2008 and supersede all previous standards. For internal meetings and various other occasions as dictated by command, the Stormtrooper and Women's Division dress uniform will be used as they have in the past. For all public functions, the new Duty uniform will be used. Commander Jeff Schoep Uniform Requirements: The NSM has strict requirements of attire. We wear our uniform with pride because it represents our strength and the warrior code found within the precept of National Socialism. These uniforms are to be worn at all NSM functions, including meetings, rallies and protests. Stormtrooper Dress Uniform and Women's Division Dress Uniform: The standards for the dress uniforms are as they have been prior. Duty Uniform (both sexes): Shirt – black BDU purchased through NSM Records www.nsm88records.com or by mail to Party HQ. Pants – black BDU (battle dress uniform) style or Dickies black slacks (Pants should be bloused into boots) Boots - black military style (black laces only) Belt - black belt with silver buckle or Stormtrooper buckle Cap(optional) – Black SWAT style cap Rank insignia – in keeping with the spirit of modernizing our image, Black BDU rank insignia are the only approved badge of rank. They are to be worn mid chest along the button line in keeping with current US military standards, sewn on with the upper edge even with the upper pockets, directly on the fabric covering the buttons on the BDU . Rank will be verified. See below for ordering of the official new rank insignia, $5 NSM Patch – on left shoulder 1 inch below shoulder seam State patch(optional) – only official approved State patch, on right shoulder 1 inch below shoulder seam. See below for ordering of the State patch for your state $6 Party pin – 1 party pin may be worn over the left pocket. Order form for Rank Insignia and State Patches # Patches State or Rank needed Total for Line _______ __________________________ $_____________ _______ __________________________ $_____________ _______ __________________________ $ _____________ State Patch $6 Total for order $_____________ Rank Insignia $5 Shipping and Handling will be initially free for NSM Members Name ____________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________ __________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ______ Zip ___________ Phone, or email to contact if questions about order _________________________________________________________ Mail order With Check or Money Order payable to NSM Wisconsin to: Lt. Kris Johnson Attn : Uniform Insignia 2321 S Oneida St. Suite 6 PMB 260 Green Bay, WI 54304 Credit card orders, or questions, email Lt. Johnson at NSMNorthHQ@yahoo.com to get info on how to arrange payment. Hail Victory! www.nsm88.org -- Commander Jeff Schoep "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org RE: Read And Reply Urgent PleaseŹ From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sun 6/29/08 12:53 PM To: p.kabore21@yahoo.fr I have an idea- why don't you go home, sodomize your sister and mother and then blow your fucking brains out with a shotgun? Have one of your gay friends take a picture of your skull splattered all over the ceiling and send it ot me. I will frame it and put it on my desk. Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 22:51:34 +0000 From: pascal_kabore012@unimail.mn Subject: Read And Reply Urgent Please FROM THE DESK OF MR.PASCAL KABORE AUDITS & ACCOUNTS FOREGN REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT ECO BANK (ECOBF) OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASO . Phone number +226 78 78 04 51 Please reply through this e-mail/ pkabore21@yahoo.fr This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign partner made me to contact you for this transaction. i got your contact from yahoo tourist search when i was searching for a foreign partner. i assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when i prayed to god or Allah about you. I am Mr.Pascal Kabore the Audit Manager & Accounts dept. in the Ecobank (Ecobf). i am writing to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $19.300, 000.00 (nineteen million, three hundred thousand united states dollars) into your accounts. the above sum belongs to our deceased customer late Mr. Nicolas Francois from Paris France who died along with his entire family in the Egyptians plane crash on January 6,2004 and since then the fund has been in a suspense account. after my further investigation, i discovered that Mr Nicolas Francois died with his next of kin and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking institution stated that after the expiration of (5) five years, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin, the fund will be channel into national treasury as unclaimed fund. Because of the static of this transaction i want you to stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the recognition and have the fund transfer to your account. the total sum will be shared as follows: 50% for me, 50% for you and expenses incidental occur during the transfer will be incur by both of us. The transfer is risk free on both sides hence you are going to follow my instruction till the fund transfer to your account. more details information with the text of application form will be forwarded to you to breakdown explaining comprehensively what require of you. Your full name............................ Your sex................................. Your age................................. Your country.............................. Your occupation.......................... Your personal mobile number.................... Please indicate your willingness by sending the above information for more clarification and easy communication. Trusting to hear from you immediately. Thanks & best regards, Mr.Pascal Kabore. I am a little fucking pissed off!Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sun 6/29/08 12:42 PM To: commander@newsaxon.org I know that you already deal with drama and crap on a daily, shit, an hourly basis, but I have recently heard a few rumors about myself that have my balls in a knot. But first off Jeff- I love the NSM. I respect the hell out of you and all of our members. I have had the best times of my life with this organization. But it has come to my attention recently that there is a rumor that I am on the verge of being booted for drinking too much, Angela's daughter has been called into question again, etc,etc.... I quit drinking 2 months ago. Haven't touched a drop. I am lifiting weights, jogging, working my ass off to get in shape and I hear that at the Memorial Day event, an individual was telling Angela that I am a fucking drunk and have pretty much been kicked out of the NSM.... I won't mention his name because that is not what this is about. Jeff- I fucking love this organization and I look up to you. I never wanted things to come to this point, but I am FUCKING FURIOUS right now! I have stood up for and supported everyone in the NSM. I consider you guys my family and this is how I am treated? People talking shit about me behind my back? Telling my fiance that she would be better off without me? I was so fucking hurt when I heard that, especially considering who it came from. Is this Aryan unity? An episode of the Jerry Springer show? Yes- I will not lie. I had a drinking problem. And I quit! Absolutely and completly- I fucking quit because it was a betrayal of my oath. We all have our faults, and that was mine. I want to ask the motherfucker who talked behind my back if he may not have tipped the bottle a few times after being beaten nearly to death most of his childhood by a drunken asshole and then spending 8 years in a maximum security prison..... Sometimes, a hug just doesn't fucking cut it! I am sorry if this pisses you off Jeff- but I have not been this fucking angry in a long time! I love you man and I love the NSM. I have been waging an internet war on your behalf for 6 months. That cocksucker Jim Ramm is one of my favorite targets. I have been faithfully doing all I could for the NSM on a "budget" that is laughable at best. I have been down to washing my clothing in the bathtub and using coffee filters for toilet paper- just so I could keep my internet and phone on and continue helping you with these emails. Am I to be discarded because I had a drinking problem? Am I nothing more than some ex-con piece of shit to be thrown away when I am no longer useful? I think that this is the case and it breaks my fucking heart. Commander- I will not ever quit the NSM. i took an oath and you will have to kick my ass out. But my goddamn heart is broken right now and I want to stomp someone's fucking guts out. My life is going great right now. I am happy, healthy and working hard to spread the word and get our message out there. And then I hear this shit! If I really am about to be booted for drinking too much a few months ago, then fine. But I will not resort to slandering the NSM or starting a whole fucking internet page about it. You may not even be aware of this and so I apologize for bothering you with this. But it needed to be brought to your attention. From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Fri 6/27/08 4:47 PM To: lottobs@yahoo.com What you need to do, my young friend, is stay in school and get yourself the best education you can. Continue to spread our message, but more importantly, develop yourself as a young white man. This will not be a war of bombs, guns or knives, but a war of intellect and intelligence. When you turn 18, please contact us. 88! Your question.Ź From: William Herring (nsmfargo@hotmail.com) Sent: Sat 6/14/08 4:25 PM To: zippyz91@gmail.com The Viking Youth is simply a division for the younger members to learn about NS before they jump right into an active division. They must learn our history and heritage so that they can more effectively fight our enemies when they reach adulthood. Our different divisions give people a chance to contribute to the best of thier abilities and so we have these various divisions and different levels of committment in order to more effectively utilize individual's talents. Sincerely, NSM Staff Corps


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