In-Link 2.0.4 SQL Directory Engine Documentation
related tags
Description: Displays
a list of all reviews related to the current link
Scope: Any
link-detail template
Result: Output
of all linkłs reviews using list_reviews.tpl
Processing: Long
Example: <%insert_list_reviews%<
will produce a list of all reviews of a link
Describe: Displays
the number of reviews displayed on the screen
Scope: Any top level template, where the
<%insert_list_reviews%> or similar tag is called
Result: Number
Processing: Short
Example: (<%insert_rev_count%>) will
display (N), where N is the number of reviews
Description: Displays
the review text
Scope: Review-detail
template, list_reviews.tpl
Result: Text
Processing: Short
Example: <%review_text%> will produce:
“this is a sample review" for a review with that body.
Description: Displays pre-formatted date of the review
(can be changed by the admin)
Scope: Review-detail
template, list_reviews.tpl
Result: Pre-formatted
Processing: Short
Example: <%review_date%> will produce
“mm/dd/yyyy" , if those are the admin date settings.
Description: Displays the email of the user who
submitted the review. Can be used in the HTML <A> tag, HREF option, in
conjunction with mailto:
Scope: Review-detail
template, list_reviews.tpl
Result: email
Processing: Short
Example: <A
href="mailto:<%review_user_email%>">email me</a>
willproduce a link, which will generate a new email message.
Description: Displays the user name of the user who
submitted the review.
Scope: Review-detail
template, list_reviews.tpl
Result: text,
user name
Processing: Short
Example: <%review_user%> will display
“intechnic" for a review submitted by a user “intechnic".
Intechnic Corporation, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
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