ine elementary test01

Test one: Units 1 to 5
(  ) No word in this space.
Tick the boxes.
1 Hi, David. Good ( meet to meet see ) you.
2  Goodbye. See you later.  Yes, see you (  now at the moment ).
3  Can you ( spelling tell spell ) your name?  Yes, P E T E R. Peter.
4 What s ( you your yours ) phone number?
5 Good afternoon. A table ( of by for ) two, please.
6 How old ( are  re  s ) your children?
7 Are you married (  or and ) single?
8 Sorry, I ( I m not don t not ) know the answer.
9  An espresso, please.  Anything ( to  for ) eat?  No, thanks.
10 ( How How s What s ) about a cheese sandwich?
11 The painting s about five ( hundreds hundred 00 ) years old.
12 Are these ( we us our ) seats?
13  What are they?  They re ( a  an ) oranges.
14 Who s that painting ( of from by )?
15 ( Have Are Do ) you got any aspirins?
16 ( She s She She is ) got brown hair and blue eyes.
17 Has ( you he they ) got any cousins?
18 Can I ( see to see seeing ) the doctor tomorrow, please?
19 Yes, he ( got has has got ).
20 Have they got ( they they re their ) books?
This page may be photocopied for use with the course. It may not be bound, collated or used in any other way. © Oxford University Press / Three Vee Ltd. PHOTOCOPIABLE


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