topic 4 positions used in nursing

4  Positions used in nursing
Exercise 1: Read the text and answer the questions below.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
1. What positions are used in nursing the patients? List all.
2. Describe: A) the supine (dorsal) position; B) the prone position; C) the Fowler s position;
D) the semi-Fowler s position; E) the lateral position
Exercise 2: Complete the following table with reference to the reading passage.
Position Cases in which the position is used Contraindications, if there are any
Exercise 3: Make questions so that the parts in bold are the answers. Then, decide whether these sentences are
TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.
1. The position in which the patient lies depends on the type of his illness.
2. In the supine position the patient lies on his side.
3. The supine position is contraindicated for young persons and those who have had
an operation on the lower limb.
4. In the prone position the patient lies flat on his back.
5. Bedsores on the back may form when the patient lies in the supine position for a long time.
6. The patient s headrest is raised to a 90 angle in the semi-Fowler s position.
7. The semi-Fowler s position is used for patients with a chest infection.
8. A footrest is needed in the Fowler s position.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Exercise 4: HELPING THE PATIENT MOVE. Listening.
Julia and Su, two Ward Nurses, are using a slide sheet to move Mrs McKenzie, a patient.
Listen to the conversation and put the following extracts in the correct order.
________ I ll take out the slide sheet now.
________ First, roll over on your left side.
________ Now, roll over again on your left side.
________ I ll just pull the slide sheet through to my side.
__ 1 ___ We re just going to tuck the slide sheet under you, Mrs McKenzie.
________ Now, roll over to the other side.
________ Su s going to tuck in the slide sheet.
________ One, two, three  lift.
________ I ll lift up the head of the bed so you can eat your lunch.
________ Julia and I are going to help move you up the bed.
Exercise 5: Match the words listed below with their definitions. Then, use them in the correct form to complete
the sentences below.
relieve; treat; vaccinate; diagnose; prescribe; hospitalize; cure
1. to & & & & & & & .. means to identify the patient s condition
2. to & & & & & & & .. means to eliminate an illness or injury using drugs, operation, physiotherapy, etc.
3. to & & & & & & & .. means to make someone who is ill healthy again
4. to & & & & & & & .. means to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have
5. to & & & & & & & .. means to reduce or remove the symptom
6. to & & & & & & & .. means to immunize a person against a specific disease
7. to & & & & & & & .. means to take to hospital for treatment
1. If this medicine doesn t help, the doctor will ............................................... you something stronger.
2. All children should be ................................. against measles.
3. She had appendectomy and was ........................................... for 5 days.
4. There are some diseases which cannot be .......................................
5. After physical examination, the doctor ................................... bronchitis.
6. He took a painkiller to ....................................... the pain.
7. Pneumonia is ....................................... with antibiotics.
Exercise 6: Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Pozycja leżąca płasko na wznak jest zalecana dla ciężko chorych pacjentów.
2. Jest ona przeciwwskazana dla pacjentów z infekcjami dróg oddechowych oraz po niektórych
operacjach brzucha i klatki piersiowej.
3. Pacjent jest ułożony na boku podczas masażu pleców lub mierzenia temperatury w odbycie.
4. Pozycja siedząca ułatwia oddychanie i zmniejsza ryzyko zakrzepicy.
Exercise 7: Translate the following expressions describing patient s position into Polish.
astride recumbent with legs
horizontal semi-prone
left lateral slumped in a chair
procumbent sprawled on the floor
prone supine, with legs apart
propped up on several tilted 45 degrees to the
pillows right
reclined at 45 degress upright
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012


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