Elsawin 3.81 - Installation guide
Installation may be very long. Be sure to have enough free space on your HD (full set needs + 50Gb)
Be sure to have PC acces as administrator
WARNING: Hard disk must ne formatted in NTFS mode..
Elsawin runs on Windows NT (SP6a), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7,
Windows Vista  Doesn runs on 64bit systems.
Insert cd  Elsawin 3.70 Installer . Open it and launch file  acrobat 505 to install acrobat (Elsawin works
better with this version).
When done open again cd, open folder  Elsawin 3.6 install , and launch file Setup.exe
Choose set up language. Click on continue
Click on  continue . Choose installation path. If you don t install into a main path you might get errors du-
ring the data setup. Click on  continue . (if a message window is showed click on  ok and wait few second
for main window reappairs)
In the next windows insert in field  company any characters, and in  serial code field write:
(sono tutti numeri)
click on  next . Choose the top option in this window  work position only (APOS) and  Apos . Click on
 ok . Choose your installation language and click on  next
DO NOT change the installation path in this window, just click on  next
Choose your program folder and click on  next , then  next again
Installation starts&
At the end  Code verify window is showed. Copy the code showed in field  temporary code .
Now open  Elsawin Installer cd, and launch  keygen .
In the little winddow paste temporary code you ve copied in fiel:  Provisional code , and click on  get
code . Copy code now showed in  Final code field, return to installation, at  verify code window and
paste it in  final code fiel. Click on  ok , and then on  ok again.
Open cd. Open folder  Elsawin 3.7 and launch file Setup.exe. Choose set up language. Click on continue
Click on  continue . Choose installation path. If you don t install into a main path you might get errors du-
ring the data setup. Click on  continue . (if a message window is showed click on  ok and wait few second
for main window reappairs)
In the next windows insert in field  company any characters, and in  serial code field write:
(sono tutti numeri)
click on  next
Choose the top option in this window  work position only (APOS) and Apos . Click on  ok
Choose your installation language and click on  next
Choose your program folder and click on  next , then  next again
Installation starts& At end click on  ok and then on  finish .
Open cd and then open folder  Elsawin 3.8 Install . Launch  setup.exe .
Choose your installation language and click on  next . Click on  continue . (if a message window is showed
click on  ok and wait few second for main window reappairs). click on  next .
Choose the top option in this window  work position only (APOS) and Apos . Click on  ok
Choose your installation language and click on  next . Choose your program folder and click on  next , then
 next again. Installation starts& At end click on  ok and then on  finish .
Now on PC desktop there are 2 icons:  elsawin administator , and  elsawin .
Launch  Elsawin Administrator
1 2
In this window write  Admin and  Admin , In new window click on  service (in upper left)
then click on  ok and select  new user
3 4
A little window is showed. In  surname and
Check  supervisor box and select language,
 name fields write what you prefer (es.  pip-
then click on  next &
po ), the click on  next &
! !
Now choose and write a password
In this window select field like in above
(WARNING! Remember it, because you ll need
image (3 zeros in first field and 5 zeros in
for access). Then click on  next &
secondo ne) Then click on  add and then on
 next . In next windows click on  next and
then on  create
If everything has gone fine, you ll find  your new user in main window.
Close it and let s procede with data installation..
Volkswagen: create a new folder named  VW data on you Pc desktop, and copy in it all files from dvd
 VW DATA DISC 1 and  VW DATA DISC 2 . Then open the folder and launch file  setup.exe .
(after installation the folder can be erased)
Audi: create a new folder named  AUDI data on you Pc desktop, and copy in it all files from dvd  AUDI
DATA DISC 1 and  AUDI DATA DISC 2 . Then open the folder and launch file  setup.exe .
(after installation the folder can be erased)
Seat: Insert dvd. If installation does not autorun, open it and launch  setup.exe .
Skoda: Insert dvd. If installation does not autorun, open it and launch  setup.exe .
Now you can launch Elsawin from  Elsawin icon on your Pc desktop.
When asked insert User and Password you have choosen
Click on this icon to
have access to
workshop manuals
WARNING: Each time you lunch Elsawin, a popup window ( Note ) will appears. Scroll down and close it
using  ok button. DO NOT close it by clicking on  x in upper right corner!
If Elsawin opens in german language, set your language from  option menu (einstellungen  settings 
ajustes  parametrer).
Wiring: If you have problem to view  electrical wiring install SVGViewer (it s in installer cd) or Acro-
bat505.exe (Elsawin runs very fine with this Acrobat version)


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