Hamstrings KT method

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Screening Test Tape Specification KT Method
KT Method
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient Position: Neutral standing.
With the hip joint in extension, extend
the achilles tendon.
Apply the base of the  Y tape to the
muscular bifurcation of the biceps
femoris muscle and the
semitendinosus muscle.
Apply the both ends of the  Y tape to
the medial condyle of the tibia and the
head of the fibula
With the trunk in flexion, apply the
other end of the  Y tape to the ischial
tuberosity, following the middle of the
posterior thigh.
Completed Kinesio Tex
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0198-KN-HI Hamstrings Go
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved
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