My worst holidays ever busuu

Vocabulary and key phrases
*sSm the cancelled flight
hng bn bŁi q xio They've cancelled my flight to Argentina!
w qł  gn tng de hng bn bŁi q
xio le 0
*s^ the delayed flight
hng bn yn wł I'm late, because my flight was delayed.
bŹ0RąN ąV:Nb"v*s^ąN0
w ch dąo le y%2łn wi w de hng
bn yn wł le 0
LNg_"N to lose your suitcase
xng l bŁi nng dik Maria had to buy clothes, because they lost her
s)RN N_ NSpNc g ąV:NyY"vLNg suitcase.
m l yą bł d bł qł mi y%2ł fś y%2łn
wi t de xng l bŁi nng dik le 0
LNgą{_OW to break your suitcase
xng l xing bŁi nng huąi We made an official complaint, because they
bNck_\OśQbɋ ąV:NbN"vLNgą{ broke our suitcase.
w men zhŁng sh zu chk tóu sł
y%2łn wi w men de xng l xing bŁi
nng huąi le 0
LNgćę excess baggage
xng l cho zhng I had to pay Eur80 for excess baggage.
y%2łn wi xng l cho zhng w d fł b
sh Mu yun 0
r΀ to get a flat tyre
bąo ti He arrived late for the excursion because the
NĘ8nŹ0RąN ąV:NlQfŹr΀ąN0 bus got a flat tyre.
t jio yóu ch dąo le y%2łn wi gMng
ch bąo ti le 0
UffŹ to feel dizzy
ykn ch I felt dizzy on the bus, because it was going too
b(WlQfŹ NUffŹ ąV:N__*Y_ąN0 fast.
w ząi gMng ch shąng ykn ch y%2łn
wi ki detąi kuąi le 0
MOn] to be badly located
wŁi zh chą The hotel was very badly located, it was far
Rę^MOn^8^] y^:S_Ź0 from the city.
ji diąn wŁi zh fi chng chą l sh
qk h%1łn yun 0
ywmn_Ź to be far from the beach
l hi tn h%1łn yun On the website it said the hotel was next to the
QŁz NRę^'}`@wwmn FOś[E
Ny beach, but it's very far.
wng zhąn shąng shuM ji diąn jn kąo
zhe hi tn dąn sh j shąng l hi
tn h%1łn yun 0
|ś"vĄc_XT the rude receptionist
ck l de ji dąi yun The receptionist was very rude and unfriendly.
Ąc_XT_|ś N NS}Y0
ji dąi yun h%1łn ck l r qi%1ł bł yu
ho 0 - All rights reserved 1/5
ąeJ"vhozN the boring entertainer
wś lio de bio yn y rn The hotel entertainers were very boring and
Rę^"vhozN_ąeJ N_ćpN0 annoying.
ji diąn de bio yn y rn h%1łn wś lio
r qi%1ł h%1łn fn rn 0
lQ(utmń[ to share the bathroom
gMng yng ył sh I booked a room with an individual bathroom,
b"Ś[ąNN*N grztmń["v?b FOś[ but I have a shared bathroom.
w ył dng le y%2ł gŁ yu dś l ył sh de
fng jin dąn sh j shąng g%1łi w de
sh gMng yng ył sh 0
Ąl gól`l not to have a swimming pool
mi yu yng ch I demand an explanation! The hotel was
bN*NćĘ꣏ś[Rę^/f"^ gN*N supposed to have a swimming pool, but it
8nól`l FONś[v^^Ydk0 didn't.
w yąo y%2ł gŁ ji%1ł sh zhŁ ji ji diąn
sh y%2łng gi yu y%2ł gŁ yóu yng ch
dąn sh sh bng fi rś c 0
ó[n to be full
kŁ mn I arrived at the hotel and it was full.
dng w dąo d ji diąn de sh hu y
j%2łng kŁ mn le 0
5uŻhOWąN the out-of-order lift
diąn t%2ł huąi le The hotel lift was out-of-order.
zhŁ ji ji diąn de diąn t%2ł huąi le 0
Ąl gp4l there's no hot water
mi yu rŁ shu Excuse me, there's no hot water in my room.
ąbIk b"v?bĄl gp4l0
bąo qiąn w de fng jin mi yu rŁ
shu 0
?b_ the dirty room
fng jin h%1łn zng A four-star hotel and the room is dirty!
N*NVfż~Rę^ ?b_
y%2ł gŁ s x%2łng j ji diąn r fng jin
h%1łn zng 

fl N]\O the heating doesn't work
nun q bł gMng zu Excuse me, the heating in room 321 doesn't
ł[ Nwć 321?b"v
fl N]\OąN0 work.
du bł q 321 fng jin de nun q
bł gMng zu le 0
k] the dirty towels
zng mo j%2łn The towels in my room are dirty, they haven't
b?b"vk]/f"v NNżĄl gbcŹ changed them.
w fng jin de mo j%2łn sh zng de
t men dMu mi yu huąn gu 0
łQ1Y"vŻOmNXT the indiscreet cleaning staff
mąo sh%2ł de bo ji rn yun The cleaning staff entered my room despite the
=\Ą{c@w RSbpb "vLrP[ ŻOmNXT "Do not disturb" sign.
jn gun guą zhe  qng wł d ro  de
pi z bo ji rn yun hi sh jn rł
le w de fng jin 0
yl to have diarrhoea
fł xiŁ Excuse me, I've had diarrhoea due to the hotel
ł[ Nwć bTąNRę^"vŚir1\yląN0 food.
du bł q w ch%2ł le ji diąn de sh
wł jił fł xiŁ le 0 - All rights reserved 2/5
NS_S to deceive
shąng dąng shu piąn I feel deceived!
bɉ_ NS_SąN
w ju d shąng dąng shu piąn le - All rights reserved 3/5
N*N$a`"vó[NcśQck_bɋ Ąc_XTckՋV;
bkyY An angry customer tries to make an official complaint,
0 while the receptionist tries to prevent her.
y%2ł gŁ fŁn nł de kŁ rn yąo t chk zhŁng sh tóu sł r ji
dąi yun zhŁng sh tś z zh t 0 Customer: I want to make an official complaint. I
booked a room with an individual bathroom and I've
ó[N: bcśQck_bɋ0b"ŚóąNN grztmń["v?b been given one with a shared bathroom.
gTŁ~b"v/fN*NlQ(utmń["v?b0 Receptionist: I'm sorry, but all the rooms with
individual bathrooms are full.
w yąo t chk zhŁng sh tóu sł 0w ył dng le y%2ł jin yu
Customer: That's why I want to make an official
dś l ył sh de fng jin r zu hu g%1łi w de sh y%2ł gŁ
gMng yng ył sh de fng jin 0 complaint.
Ąc_XT: _ąbIk FO/f@b g grztmń["v?bżó[nąN0 Receptionist: The hotel will give you a 25% discount
h%1łn bąo qiąn dąn sh su yu yu dś l ył sh de fng on your next visit.
jin dMu kŁ mn le 0 Customer: I assure you there won't be any next visit.
ó[N: ŁŹck/fb:NĄNHN\OśQck_bɋ"vźSąV0
zhŁ zhŁng sh w wi sh me yąo zu chk zhŁng sh tóu
sł de yun y%2łn 0
Ąc_XT: Rę^(W` N!keQOO"vePOŁ~`N*N25%"vŚbcb0
ji diąn ząi nn xią c rł zhł de sh hu hu g%1łi nn y%2ł gŁ
25% de sh ku 0
ó[N: bT`OŻObćQ NOegŁŹęąN0
w xiąng n bo zhŁng w ząi bś hu li zhŁ l le 0 - All rights reserved 4/5
Please choose the correct answer
1. Ł*Nó[Nó`ĄNHN{|W"v?b
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo shn me lŁi xng de fng jin 
a. Ł*Nó[Nó`N grztmń["v?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł jin yu dś l ył sh de fng jin 0
b. Ł*Nó[Nó`N gqQ(utmń["v?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł jin yu gng yng ył sh de fng jin 0
c. Ł*Nó[Nó`N*NWY?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł gŁ tąo fng 0
2. :NĄNHNŁ*Nó[NĄl g_0RNó`"v?b
wŁi shn me ną gŁ kŁ rn mi yu d dąo t xing yąo de fng jin 
a. ąV:NŁŹś[Rę^Ąl gŁŹy{|W"v?b0
y%2łn wi zhŁ ji ji diąn mi yu zhŁ zhng lŁi xng de fng jin 0
b. ąV:NŁŹy{|W"v?bżó[nąN0
y%2łn wi zhŁ zhng lŁi xng de fng jin dMu kŁ mn le 0
c. ąV:NĄc_XT(WZP"Śó"veP_ąN0
y%2łn wi ji dąi yun ząi zu ył dng de sh hu nng cu le 0
3. `Oń:NŁŹ*Nó[Nł[N6e0R"vŚbcbnaT
n rŁn wi zhŁ gŁ kŁ rn du t shMu dąo de sh ku mn y ma 
a. Nna
bł mn y
b. na
mn y
c. /f"v Ł*Nó[Nó` NhTćQeg0
sh de ną gŁ kŁ rn xing xią zhMu ząi li 0 - All rights reserved 5/5
Answers: 1(a): 2(b): 3(a)


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