Vocabulary and key phrases
*sSm the cancelled flight
hng bn bŁi q xio They've cancelled my flight to Argentina!
w qł gn tng de hng bn bŁi q
xio le 0
*s^ the delayed flight
hng bn yn wł I'm late, because my flight was delayed.
w ch dąo le y%2łn wi w de hng
bn yn wł le 0
LNg_"N to lose your suitcase
xng l bŁi nng dik Maria had to buy clothes, because they lost her
gąV:NyY"vLNg suitcase.
m l yą bł d bł qł mi y%2ł fś y%2łn
wi t de xng l bŁi nng dik le 0
LNgą{_OW to break your suitcase
xng l xing bŁi nng huąi We made an official complaint, because they
bNck_\OśQbɋąV:NbN"vLNgą{ broke our suitcase.
w men zhŁng sh zu chk tóu sł
y%2łn wi w men de xng l xing bŁi
nng huąi le 0
LNgćę excess baggage
xng l cho zhng I had to pay Eur80 for excess baggage.
y%2łn wi xng l cho zhng w d fł b
sh Mu yun 0
r to get a flat tyre
bąo ti He arrived late for the excursion because the
NĘ8nŹ0RąNąV:NlQfŹrąN0 bus got a flat tyre.
t jio yóu ch dąo le y%2łn wi gMng
ch bąo ti le 0
UffŹ to feel dizzy
ykn ch I felt dizzy on the bus, because it was going too
NUffŹąV:N__*Y_ąN0 fast.
w ząi gMng ch shąng ykn ch y%2łn
wi ki detąi kuąi le 0
MOn] to be badly located
wŁi zh chą The hotel was very badly located, it was far
Rę^MOn^8^]y^:S_Ź0 from the city.
ji diąn wŁi zh fi chng chą l sh
qk h%1łn yun 0
ywmn_Ź to be far from the beach
l hi tn h%1łn yun On the website it said the hotel was next to the
Ny beach, but it's very far.
wng zhąn shąng shuM ji diąn jn kąo
zhe hi tn dąn sh j shąng l hi
tn h%1łn yun 0
|ś"vĄc_XT the rude receptionist
ck l de ji dąi yun The receptionist was very rude and unfriendly.
ji dąi yun h%1łn ck l r qi%1ł bł yu
ho 0
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ąeJ"vhozN the boring entertainer
wś lio de bio yn y rn The hotel entertainers were very boring and
Rę^"vhozN_ąeJN_ćpN0 annoying.
ji diąn de bio yn y rn h%1łn wś lio
r qi%1ł h%1łn fn rn 0
lQ(utmń[ to share the bathroom
gMng yng ył sh I booked a room with an individual bathroom,
b"Ś[ąNN*N grztmń["v?bFOś[ but I have a shared bathroom.
w ył dng le y%2ł gŁ yu dś l ył sh de
fng jin dąn sh j shąng g%1łi w de
sh gMng yng ył sh 0
Ąl gól`l not to have a swimming pool
mi yu yng ch I demand an explanation! The hotel was
bN*NćĘ꣏ś[Rę^/f"^ gN*N supposed to have a swimming pool, but it
8nól`lFONś[v^^Ydk0 didn't.
w yąo y%2ł gŁ ji%1ł sh zhŁ ji ji diąn
sh y%2łng gi yu y%2ł gŁ yóu yng ch
dąn sh sh bng fi rś c 0
ó[n to be full
kŁ mn I arrived at the hotel and it was full.
dng w dąo d ji diąn de sh hu y
j%2łng kŁ mn le 0
5uŻhOWąN the out-of-order lift
diąn t%2ł huąi le The hotel lift was out-of-order.
zhŁ ji ji diąn de diąn t%2ł huąi le 0
Ąl gp4l there's no hot water
mi yu rŁ shu Excuse me, there's no hot water in my room.
ąbIkb"v?bĄl gp4l0
bąo qiąn w de fng jin mi yu rŁ
shu 0
?b_ the dirty room
fng jin h%1łn zng A four-star hotel and the room is dirty!
y%2ł gŁ s x%2łng j ji diąn r fng jin
h%1łn zng
N]\O the heating doesn't work
nun q bł gMng zu Excuse me, the heating in room 321 doesn't
N]\OąN0 work.
du bł q 321 fng jin de nun q
bł gMng zu le 0
k] the dirty towels
zng mo j%2łn The towels in my room are dirty, they haven't
b?b"vk]/f"vNNżĄl gbcŹ changed them.
w fng jin de mo j%2łn sh zng de
t men dMu mi yu huąn gu 0
łQ1Y"vŻOmNXT the indiscreet cleaning staff
mąo sh%2ł de bo ji rn yun The cleaning staff entered my room despite the
=\Ą{c@w RSbpb "vLrP[ŻOmNXT "Do not disturb" sign.
jn gun guą zhe qng wł d ro de
pi z bo ji rn yun hi sh jn rł
le w de fng jin 0
yl to have diarrhoea
fł xiŁ Excuse me, I've had diarrhoea due to the hotel
NwćbTąNRę^"vŚir1\yląN0 food.
du bł q w ch%2ł le ji diąn de sh
wł jił fł xiŁ le 0
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NS_S to deceive
shąng dąng shu piąn I feel deceived!
w ju d shąng dąng shu piąn le
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bkyY An angry customer tries to make an official complaint,
0 while the receptionist tries to prevent her.
y%2ł gŁ fŁn nł de kŁ rn yąo t chk zhŁng sh tóu sł r ji
dąi yun zhŁng sh tś z zh t 0 Customer: I want to make an official complaint. I
booked a room with an individual bathroom and I've
ó[N: bcśQck_bɋ0b"ŚóąNN grztmń["v?b been given one with a shared bathroom.
gTŁ~b"v/fN*NlQ(utmń["v?b0 Receptionist: I'm sorry, but all the rooms with
individual bathrooms are full.
w yąo t chk zhŁng sh tóu sł 0w ył dng le y%2ł jin yu
Customer: That's why I want to make an official
dś l ył sh de fng jin r zu hu g%1łi w de sh y%2ł gŁ
gMng yng ył sh de fng jin 0 complaint.
Ąc_XT: _ąbIkFO/f@b g grztmń["v?bżó[nąN0 Receptionist: The hotel will give you a 25% discount
h%1łn bąo qiąn dąn sh su yu yu dś l ył sh de fng on your next visit.
jin dMu kŁ mn le 0 Customer: I assure you there won't be any next visit.
ó[N: ŁŹck/fb:NĄNHN\OśQck_bɋ"vźSąV0
zhŁ zhŁng sh w wi sh me yąo zu chk zhŁng sh tóu
sł de yun y%2łn 0
Ąc_XT: Rę^(W`N!keQOO"vePOŁ~`N*N25%"vŚbcb0
ji diąn ząi nn xią c rł zhł de sh hu hu g%1łi nn y%2ł gŁ
25% de sh ku 0
ó[N: bT`OŻObćQ
w xiąng n bo zhŁng w ząi bś hu li zhŁ l le 0
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Please choose the correct answer
1. Ł*Nó[Nó`ĄNHN{|W"v?b
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo shn me lŁi xng de fng jin
a. Ł*Nó[Nó`N grztmń["v?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł jin yu dś l ył sh de fng jin 0
b. Ł*Nó[Nó`N gqQ(utmń["v?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł jin yu gng yng ył sh de fng jin 0
c. Ł*Nó[Nó`N*NWY?b0
ną gŁ kŁ rn xing yąo y%2ł gŁ tąo fng 0
2. :NĄNHNŁ*Nó[NĄl g_0RNó`"v?b
wŁi shn me ną gŁ kŁ rn mi yu d dąo t xing yąo de fng jin
a. ąV:NŁŹś[Rę^Ąl gŁŹy{|W"v?b0
y%2łn wi zhŁ ji ji diąn mi yu zhŁ zhng lŁi xng de fng jin 0
b. ąV:NŁŹy{|W"v?bżó[nąN0
y%2łn wi zhŁ zhng lŁi xng de fng jin dMu kŁ mn le 0
c. ąV:NĄc_XT(WZP"Śó"veP_ąN0
y%2łn wi ji dąi yun ząi zu ył dng de sh hu nng cu le 0
3. `Oń:NŁŹ*Nó[Nł[N6e0R"vŚbcbnaT
n rŁn wi zhŁ gŁ kŁ rn du t shMu dąo de sh ku mn y ma
bł mn y
b. na
mn y
c. /f"vŁ*Nó[Nó`NhTćQeg0
sh de ną gŁ kŁ rn xing xią zhMu ząi li 0
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Answers: 1(a): 2(b): 3(a)
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