365 Level3 wordlist

wed (verb) /wed/
Unit 2 The art of management Unit 3 Hitting the headlines
marry (verb) / m ri/
Managing organisations Getting started
accept (verb) /Yk sept/ Break the ice
Unit 5 Financial planning
accountable (adj) /Y kaÅntYbl/ Hello, I don t know anyone here. Do you
Financial planning and control
be accountable for mind if I talk to you?
cash flow projection
adapt to I hardly know anyone here myself.
financial environment
build (verb) /bild/ Say who you are
financial indicators
change your way of working My name s &
financial management
concentrate on I m [Marcus/Jane, etc.].
financial modelling
cut down on (phrasal verb) /k t daÅn Rn/ I work in &
financial planning
earn (verb) / n/ Read newspaper headlines
financial reporting
encourage (verb) /in k rid / appear (verb) /Y piYr/
income statement
experiment with turn up (phrasal verb) /t n p/
profit and loss accounts
focus on (phrasal verb) / fYÅkYs Rn/ arrive (verb) /Y raiv/
risk management
involved (adj) /in vRlvd/ turn up (phrasal verb) /t n p/
lead by /li d bai/ ask for (phrasal verb) /Q sk fT r/ assess (verb) /Y ses/
profit from (phrasal verb) / prRfit frRm/ demand (verb) /di mQ nd/ borrow (verb) / bRrYÅ/
provide (verb) /prY vaid/ comprise (verb) /kYm praiz/ break even /breik i vYn/
reduce (verb) /ri dju s/ consist of (phrasal verb) /kYn sist Rv/ budget (noun) / b d it/
resolve (verb) /ri zRlv/ discover (verb) /di sk vYr/ expenditure (noun) /ik spenditƒYr/
set up (phrasal verb) /set p/ find out (phrasal verb) /faind aÅt/ forecast (verb) / fT kQ st/
sort out (phrasal verb) /sT t aÅt/ distribute (verb) /di stribju t/ income (noun) / iKk m/
start (verb) /stQ t/ hand out (phrasal verb) /h nd aÅt/ interest payment / intrYst peimYnt/
take advantage of escape (verb) /i skeip/ invest (verb) /in vest/
take responsibility for get away (phrasal verb) / et Y wei/ overrun (verb) / YÅvYr n/
take risks examine (verb) /i z min/ borrow (verb) / bRrYÅ/
treat (verb) /tri t/ look closely at debt (noun) /det/
try out (phrasal verb) /trai aÅt/ organise (verb) / T Ynaiz/ inflation (noun) /in fleiƒYn/
set up (phrasal verb) /set p/ investment (noun) /in vestmYnt/
Writing 1: Email, register and  down-toning
resemble (verb) /ri zembl/ lend (verb) /lend/
Dear &
look like /lÅk laik/ loan (noun) /lYÅn/
I m sorry to say it seems there are some
market (noun) / mQ kit/
axe (verb) / ks/
projection (noun) /prY d ekƒYn/
Could you & ?
dismiss (verb) /di smis/
risk (noun) /risk/
Would it be possible & ?
back (verb) /b k/
We need to have & Presenting 1: Progress reports
support (verb) /sY pT t/
maybe (adv) / meibi/ briefing (noun) / bri fiK/
ban (verb) /b n/
perhaps (adv) /pY h ps/ The background is &
prohibit (verb) /prY hibit/
unfortunately (adv) / n fT tƒYnYtli/ We decided &
boost (verb) /bu st/
Do please call me if you need any further We introduced &
help (verb) /help/
explanation or assistance. We are in the middle of &
deal (noun) /di l/
Best wishes What we ve done so far is &
agreement (noun) /Y ri mYnt/
It may be that & We ve already completed &
halt (verb) /hRlt/
It seems that we should & What s next?
stop (verb) /stRp/
We must & The next stage is &
hit (verb) /hit/
I suggest that we & Now we plan to &
badly affect
We will & We need to continue &
jobless (adj) / d RblYs/
Is that convenient for you?
unemployment (noun)
Unit 6 Top cities
Right? If not, tell me.
/ nim plTimYnt/
Building rapport
If not, could you suggest & ?
pledge (noun) /pled /
Are you [a sports fan/keen golfer, etc.] too?
You must &
promise (noun) / prRmis/
Who do you work for?
It might be a good idea to &
quit (verb) /kwit/
Have you been to & ?
(name of person) may have to &
resign (verb) /ri zain/
It must be very interesting.
(name of person) must &
row (noun) /raÅ/
dispute (noun) /di spju t/
Wordlist 1
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005
Economic issues council department Temperature
consumer goods economic policy boiling (adj) / bTiliK/
economic environment election campaign chilly (adj) / tƒili/
education (noun) / ed Å keiƒYn/ general election cool (adj) /ku l/
housing (noun) / haÅziK/ global citizen freezing (adj) / fri ziK/
medical and health considerations global economy hot (adj) /hRt/
natural environment Head of State mild (adj) /maild/
political and social environment health authority warm (adj) /wT m/
public services and transportation international relations Light
recreation (noun) / rekri eiƒYn/ Leader of the Opposition bright (adj) /brait/
socio-cultural environment local authority clear (adj) /kliYr/
Member of Parliament cloudy (adj) / klaÅdi/
electricity (noun) /i lek trisiti/
political party dull (adj) /d l/
public transport
strategic partnership hazy (adj) / heizi/
traffic congestion
trade and investment sunny (adj) / s ni/
water (noun) / wT tYr/
bright sunshine
Presenting 2: Structuring
cinema (noun) / sinYmY/
gale force
State the subject of your presentation
leisure (noun) / le Yr/
heavy rain
I m going to talk about &
restaurant (noun) / restYrRnt/
low temperatures
My intention is to give a short
theatre (noun) / ¸iYtYr/
strong winds
sport (noun) /spT t/
sunny periods
Say how long you will talk for
thick fog
My talk will last for about [ten minutes /
censorship (noun) / sentsYƒip/
weather forecast
half an hour, etc.].
limitations on freedom
I ll only talk for [ten minutes / 15
crime (noun) /kraim/
Unit 11 Quality control
minutes, etc.] or so.
law enforcement
Quality assurance
Signal the parts of the talk
political stability
automated (adj) / T tYmeitid/
First I m going to &
banking services
cost savings
Then I ll talk about &
currency exchange
customer needs
Finally, I ll conclude with &
accommodation (noun) /Y kRmY deiƒYn/
efficient (adj) /i fiƒYnt/
Say if the audience can ask questions or discuss
furniture (noun) / f nitƒYr/
experienced (adj) /ik spiYriYntst/
feedback (noun) / fi db k/
Please ask questions at any point.
climate (noun) / klaimYt/
handmade (adj) / h nd meid/
We can spend some time later on
natural disaster
highly trained
questions and a discusssion.
air pollution
labour-intensive (adj) / leibYrin tentsiv/
medical services
Unit 9 How s the weather? market research (noun) / mQ kit ri s tƒ/
medical supplies
professionally trained
waste disposal
production oriented
Show that you re listening
currency (noun) / k rYntsi/
skilled (adj) /skild/
inflation (noun) /in fleiƒYn/
specialist school
That s great. I m glad to hear it.
the manufacturing sector (noun)
quality monitoring
Sounds fantastic!
/ðY m njÅ f ktƒYriK sektYr/
visual checks
Check your understanding
organised labour
But I thought & Meetings 1: Listening and helping
privatisation (noun) / praivitai zeiƒYn/
Where exactly did & ? understanding
public services (plural noun)
Manage the process Show you understand
/ p blik s visiz/
Well, it sounds as if & OK.
renationalisation (noun)
The weather
/ ri n ƒYnYlai zeiƒYn/
I think I understand that.
the service sector (noun)
I see.
drizzle (noun) / drizl/
/ðY s vis sektYr/
Of course.
heavy showers / hevi ƒaÅYz/
skills shortage
Thanks, that s all very useful
light showers /lait ƒaÅYz/
stable (adj) / steibl/
I understand.
thunderstorm (noun) / ¸ ndYstT m/
unemployment (noun) / nim plTimYnt/
Winter weather
frost (noun) /frRst/
Unit 8 Twin towns
So what you mean is &
hail (noun) /heil/
Do you mean & ?
ice (noun) /ais/
Chamber of Commerce
So is that & ?
sleet (noun) /sli t/
city council
So, in other words &
snow (noun) /snYÅ/
community group
2 Wordlist
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005
progress meeting halt (verb) /hT lt/
Unit 12 I was a couch potato
quality control inspection (noun) /in spekƒYn/
Dealing with  no
pledge (verb) /pled /
Take your time
carry out research
point out (phrasal verb) /pTint aÅt/
I understand that you re trying to help.
come to a decision
recall (verb) /ri kT l/
I d really prefer to &
evaluate performance
refund (noun) / ri f nd/
Examine the consequences
get/give the go-ahead
settlement (noun) / setlmYnt/
Can you tell me why not?
get/keep in touch with someone
small print (noun) /smT l print/
Can you tell me when [he/she / Mr Jones,
meet/miss deadlines
upfront (adv) / p fr nt/
etc.] will be available?
sort out problems
voucher (noun) / vaÅtƒYr/
Change direction
work out a schedule
warranty (noun) / wRrYnti/
Is there anyone else I can talk to?
Negotiating 1: Stating positive expectations
I d rather do it myself this time.
and preferences, suggesting alternatives Unit 17 The marketing mix
TV and TV programmes
State positive expectations
Marketing 1
brat (noun) /br t/
We think & will be very successful.
advertising (noun) / dvYtaiziK/
broadcaster (noun) / brT dkQ stYr/
We expect to have a good working
benefit (noun) / benifit/
cartoon (noun) /kQ tu n/
competition (noun) / kRmpY tiƒYn/
celebrity (noun) /si lebriti/
We re confident that &
competitive environment
chat show (noun) /tƒ t ƒYÅ/
We think that we share the same aims.
consumer (noun) /kYn sju mYr/
contestant (noun) /kYn testYnt/
State preferences
consumer group (noun)
cookery (noun) / kÅkYri/
It would be good to &
/kYn sju mYr ru p/
documentary (noun) / dRkjÅ mentYri/
We think the best option would be &
economy (noun) /i kRnYmi/
exploit (verb) / eksplTit/
Our main concern is &
economy pricing /i kRnYmi praisiK/
fly-on-the-wall documentary (noun)
We d like to see &
franchise (noun) / fr ntƒaiz/
/flai Rn ðY wT l dRkjÅ mentYri/
We d like to suggest &
franchise agreement
game show (noun) / eim ƒYÅ/
Suggest alternatives
leaflet (noun) / li flYt/
hoax (noun) /hYÅks/
Another way of doing that would be to &
location (noun) /lYÅ keiƒYn/
live sport /laiv spT t/
We d like to consider an alternative to
marketing mix
makeover (noun) / meik YÅvYr/
that idea.
marketplace (noun) / mQ kitpleis/
police drama /pY li s drQ mY/
There are a number of possibilities.
market research (noun) / mQ kit ri s tƒ/
quiz show (noun) /kwiz ƒYÅ/
Alternatively, &
position (verb) /pY ziƒYn/
reality show (noun) /ri liti ƒYÅ/
A [second/third, etc.] possibility is &
poster (noun) / pYÅstYr/
series (noun) / siYri z/
premium (adj) / pri miYm/
Unit 15 Are customers always
sitcom (situation comedy) (noun)
premium brand / pri miYm br nd/
/ sitkRm/
product positioning
soap (noun) /sYÅp/ Complaining
target (verb) / tQ it/
studio debate / stju diYÅ di beit/ Be clear about the problem and the result you
target audience
viewer (noun) / vju Yr/ want
weakness (noun) / wi knYs/
winnings (plural noun) / winiKz/ There is a problem with &
Presenting 3: Using visual supports
I d like you to do something about it.
flowchart (noun) / flYÅtƒa t/
Unit 14 Project management
Don t give up if you think you are right
graph (noun) / rQ f/
Project management
I m very disappointed with &
map (noun) /m p/
budget (noun) / b d it/
It s not a very good start to &
pie chart (noun) /pai tƒQ t/
deadline (noun) / dedlain/
Praise if the complaint is dealt with well
table (noun) / teibl/
get the go-ahead / et ðY YÅYhed/
Thank you. Yes, I d be happy with that.
Introduce the picture
monitor (verb) / mRnitYr/
I appreciate the way you ve responded.
This [graph/table, etc.] shows &
progress (noun) / prYÅ res/
Consumer issues
Look at this [pie chart/map, etc.].
recruitment (noun) /ri kru tmYnt/
admit responsibility
Here you can see a [map/flowchart, etc.].
schedule (noun) / ƒedju l/
best buy
Highlight the main points
sort out (phrasal verb) /sT t aÅt/
breach (verb) /bri tƒ/
We can see that &
stakeholder (noun) / steik hYÅldYr/
claim (noun) /kleim/
We can compare &
team management
compensation (noun) / kRmpYn seiƒYn/
The largest segment on the chart is &
defect (noun) / di fekt/
aims and objectives
delay (noun) /di lei/ Unit 18 Wish you were here
contingency plan
deposit (noun) /di pRzit/
cost-benefit analysis
entitle (verb) /in taitl/
Gantt chart
Make it attractive
expiry (noun) /ik spaiYri/
monitoring and controlling
It s just fantastic [seeing/being/playing,
fine (noun) /fain/
etc.] &
Wordlist 3
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005
It really is an incredible way to & direct marketing hardback (noun) / hQ db k/
Make it personal internet marketing intractable (adj) /in tr ktYbl/
I honestly believe you d enjoy it. market research library (noun) / laibrYri/
You d really get on with the other guys. market segmentation non-fiction (noun) / nRn fikƒYn/
Repeat the message mass marketing novelist (noun) / nRvYlist/
Let me show you & relationship marketing paperback (noun) / peipYb k/
It s up to you but I d love you to come. sales promotion pattern (noun) / p tYn/
poet (noun) / pYÅit/
Holidays and holiday problems Meetings 2: Teleconferencing
plot (noun) /plRt/
appear (verb) /Y piYr/ Begin with small talk
put down (phrasal verb) /pÅt daÅn/
look (verb) /lÅk/ How s it going?
recommend (verb) / rekY mend/
avoid (verb) /Y vTid/ How s the weather in & ?
be selling handsomely
keep away from Ask for opinion
be set in [Moscow/London, etc.]
break (verb) /breik/ What do you think about & ?
single out (phrasal verb) / siK l aÅt/
smash (verb) /sm ƒ/ Ask for repetition
suspense (noun) /sY spents/
grab (verb) / r b/ What did you say?
turn out (phrasal verb) /t n aÅt/
snatch (verb) /sn tƒ/ Can you repeat what you said about & ?
word of mouth
inspect (verb) /in spekt/ Summarise at the end
check (verb) /tƒek/ So we ve agreed &
Unit 23 Children s world
learn about /l n Y baÅt/ To sum up, there are three things to do.
Meetings and conferences
get to know / et tu nYÅ/ First & Then & Later &
Before the meeting
look out (phrasal verb) /lÅk aÅt/ I ll send a summary by email.
arrange venue
keep your eyes open Let s sum up &
fix up accommodation
reserve (verb) /ri z v/ In summary &
plan agenda
book (verb) /bÅk/ In conclusion then, three points &
planning (noun) / pl niK/
select (verb) /si lekt/
Unit 21 The Curious Incident of the registration (noun) / red i streiƒYn/
choose (verb) /tƒu z/
Dog in the Night-time send out invitations
take away (verb) /teik Y wei/
During the meeting
Dealing with people who are difficult to
remove (verb) /ri mu v/
interpreting (noun) /in t pritiK/
bother (verb) / bRðYr/
networking (noun) / netw kiK/
Make sure the person understands how much
deter (verb) /di t r/
provide refreshments
you know
distract (verb) /di str kt/
provide technical support
I m sorry but I don t understand &
hide (verb) /haid/
simultaneous (adj) / simYl teiniYs/
Assume that I don t know much about &
leave (verb) /li v/
video link
Ask them to explain difficult words
lock (verb) /lRk/
After the meeting
The & ? What s that?
minimise (verb) / minimaiz/
plan next meeting
Can you explain that, please? What s
report (verb) /ri pT t/
study feedback
the & ?
write report
charter flight Ask them to explain instructions and ask
food poisoning questions to check you ve understood
administrative support
money belt Can you talk me through what to do
chair (noun) /tƒeYr/
package holiday exactly?
delegate (noun) / deli Yt/
service charge Where s the & ? Is it at the [top/bottom,
organising committee
shopping area etc.]?
PA (noun) / pi ei/
tour operator
Books and reading
tourist sight
be about [dogs / life in Japan / cooking, conference (noun) / kRnfYrYnts/
travel insurance
etc.] congress (noun) / kRK res/
youth hostel
award (noun) /Y wT d/ security (noun) /si kjÅYriti/
bookshop (noun) / bÅkƒRp/ teleconferencing (noun)
Unit 20 Everybody s business
browse (verb) /braÅz/ / telikRnfYrYntsiK/
Marketing 2
character (noun) / k rYktYr/ translation (noun) /tr nz leiƒYn/
after-sales service
characterisation (noun)
arrange another meeting
brand image
/ k rYktYrai zeiƒYn/
complete the registration process
brand name
empathy (noun) / empY¸i/
fill in a feedback form
business-to-business marketing
entanglement (noun) /in t K lmYnt/
keep to the agenda
consumer product
fiction (noun) / fikƒYn/
pay attention to security
consumer research
flip through (phrasal verb) /flip ¸ru /
study the feedback
customer satisfaction survey
gift (noun) / ift/
write up a report
database tools
4 Wordlist
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005
environmental impact Personal finance
Negotiating 2: Bargaining and reaching a mass marketing agreement (noun) /Y ri mYnt/
compromise maintain relationships deal (noun) /di l/
Making suggestions PR strategy angry complaints
We d like to suggest & public relations uproar (noun) / prT r/
Can we say & ? relationship marketing attraction (noun) /Y tr kƒYn/
What about & ? shelf life charm (noun) /tƒQ m/
Bargaining sustain relationships get smaller
If you & , we ll & target audience shrink (verb) /ƒriKk/
Reaching a compromise make worse
accountability (noun) /Y kaÅntY biliti/
We accept that & aggravate (verb) / rYveit/
high moral standards
OK, then we ll & number (noun) / n mbYr/
ethics (plural noun) / e¸iks/
We agree to & proportion (noun) /prY pT ƒYn/
honesty (noun) / RnYsti/
receive (verb) /ri si v/
integrity (noun) /in te rYti/
Unit 24 Going up?
draw (verb) /drT /
openness (noun) / YÅpYnYs/
Dealing with conflict
speed (noun) /spi d/
transparency (noun) /tr n sp rYntsi/
Try to make things better
pace (noun) /peis/
plan (noun) /pl n/
I really am sorry.
strategy (noun) / str tYd i/ company/private/state pension
I guess I should have &
stakeholder (noun) / steik hYÅldYr/ interest rate
Don t give in
welfare (noun) / welfeYr/ fixed/variable rate
It would be a real pity to &
health/accident/car insurance
Meetings 3: Summarising and closing
Try and see it from my point of view.
investment property
Indicate the end of a meeting
Try not to accept too much pressure
ethical/foreign investment
Let s close the meeting now.
You have to agree that it s not always
current/savings/deposit account
Time s running out.
income/Value Added/inheritance tax
I m glad that you accept my point.
student/personal/fixed interest loan
We ve agreed that &
The main point is &
negotiation (noun) /ni YŃi eiƒYn/ earn money
To sum up the discussion &
negotiate (verb) /ni YŃieit/ get into debt
Ask for questions
operation (noun) / RpYr eiƒYn/ make [weekly/monthly, etc.] contributions
Any questions?
operate (verb) / RpYreit/ open a bank account
Any other points anyone wants to make?
operational (adj) / RpYr eiƒYnYl/ pay (money) into an account
Sound positive
organisation (noun) / T Ynai zeiƒYn/ pay into a pension fund
This has been really useful.
organise (verb) / T Ynaiz/ repay money
It s been a good meeting.
organisational (adj) / T Ynai zeiƒYnYl/ save money
We can look forward to the future.
pension (noun) / pentƒYn/ save for retirement
We ve made some very useful decisions.
progression (noun) /prY reƒYn/ take out a loan
Look ahead
progress (verb) / prYÅ res/
The next step will be &
qualification (noun) / kwRlifi keiƒYn/
Unit 29 Talk to a lawyer
We should fix another meeting.
qualify (verb) / kwRlifai/
We ll have another meeting soon.
Legal issues
succession (noun) /sYk seƒYn/
Get in touch if you need &
acquisition (noun) / kwi ziƒYn/
succeed (verb) /sYk si d/
There ll be a report.
appeal (verb) /Y pi l/
Your education
bankrupt (adj) / b Kkr pt/
apply to university
Unit 27 When I m 74
breach copyright
be awarded a doctorate
Giving feedback
claim compensation
complete a Master s degree
Give focused praise
be cleared
go to nursery school / kindergarten
I particularly liked the way you &
company law
go to university / YÅ tu ju ni v siti/
Identify obstacles
contract (noun) / kRntr kt/
graduate from university
What did you find most difficult about
court (noun) /kT t/
move to secondary school
draw up a contract
sit university entrance exams
Is there anything else you think you
employment law
start primary school /stQ t praimYri sku l/
should work on for next time?
joint venture
study for a higher degree
Define an action plan
judge (noun) /d d /
write doctoral thesis /rait dRktYrYl ¸i sis/
[Reading/Deep breathing, etc.] can be very
lose a case
Unit 26 Public relations merger (noun) / m d Yr/
I m sure [reading/practising, etc.] can
patent (noun) / peitYnt/
Public relations
sue (verb) /su /
build relationships
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005
Wordlist 5
take legal action Personal development be assertive
trademark (noun) / treidmQ k/ bashfulness (noun) / b ƒfYlnYs/ develop your skills
shyness (noun) / ƒainYs/ draw up an action plan
Writing 2: Clear writing
ebb (noun) /eb/ get your work life balance right
level (noun) / levYl/ have fun
This [essay/report, etc.] concerns &
gradual (adj) / r d uYl/ learn from your mistakes
complaint (noun) /kYm pleint/ manage time
The history of this [plan/project/problem,
grievance (noun) / ri vYnts/ set a goal
etc.] is &
intimidated (adj) /in timideitid/ take risks
frightened (adj) / fraitYnd/ think positively
The main recommendations are &
put in (phrasal verb) /pÅt in/
Unit 30 Personal change
work (verb) /w k/
stringent (adj) / strind Ynt/
Getting important messages across
strict (adj) /strikt/
Choose the right moment and stress the
thumbs down
negative answer
Are you busy at the moment?
tricky (adj) / triki/
I m sorry, but it s really important.
difficult (adj) / difikYlt/
Give the message a heading
wimp (noun) /wimp/
It s about the [car/meeting, etc.]
6 Wordlist
English365 Student s Book 3 © Cambridge University Press 2005


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