wieza Tomaszow config

region "Poland"
type "skrajnia"
name "Wieza Tomaszow Mazowiecki"
light 1
mesh-table {
default {
mesh "wiezaTM.im"
auto-create 1
category-class "BR"
category-region-0 "PL"
category-era-0 "1960s"
category-era-1 "1970s"
category-era-2 "1980s"
category-era-3 "1990s"
category-era-4 "2000s"
category-era-5 "2010s"
description "Wieza Tomaszow Mazowiecki"
trainz-build 2
asset-filename "wieza Tomaszow Mazowiecki"
username "Wieza Tomaszow Mazowiecki"
author "grabash"
organisation "ind^"
contact-email "ryszard77@tlen.pl"
contact-website "www.grabash.cba.pl
license "This file is released free of charge for your enjoment. You may use, redistribute and (where appropriate) re-skin the model as long as you do not do so for profit or suggest that the work contained in this file is your own. If you redistribute the file must not be altered in any way (including this licence).
Copyright of the original mode/textures must be acknowledge in the licence and readme files of any re-skinned models. Copyright of all models, layouts, scripts and original textures remains with Ryszard Choinski (grabash) who can be contacted at rysiek.banita[at]wp.pl"
kind "scenery"


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