Sean Michael Tales of Leather Finding Kasey

Finding Kasey
By Sean Michael
Curt wandered up the street, enjoying the warm
evening. He was freshly showered, shaved and was
lightly splashed with Calvin Klein's Eternity. Now he
just needed a place to park his ass for the evening,
maybe pick up a pretty little man or a big old stud; he
was easy tonight.
He bypassed The Frayed Rope. He was in the mood
for something a little lighter, no pressure, no
expectations. A little voice in his head told him to hit
one of the 'regular' gay bars tonight.
He caught sight of a cute ass and craned his head
watching it go past him.
And smacked right into someone, hard enough he
was a little winded. "Shit. Sorry."
"'s all right, man." A matching pair of twinks grinned
at him, winked. "You were distracted."
"I was." He chuckled and glanced back at that ass
"You looking for some boys to dance with,
beautiful?" They were a matched set -- blond and lean
and little, one with dark eyes, one with blue. Oh, they
were tempting, pretty and eager. And sweet-talking him
with their complements.
But that little voice told him not yet.
"Maybe another night, boys?"
Brown-eyes pouted prettily, lashes fluttering. "He
likes Kasey's ass, man. We saw him looking."
He looked back again, watching the ass in question
turn into the Golden Feather at the end of the block.
"You know him?"
"Everybody knows him. He's like an artist and stuff."
"Well, I don't know him, pretty-one." He thought
maybe he wanted to, though.
"Oh, man. He used to be an actor -- dated Randy
Hasten, the soap opera guy? Randy made it big, moved
to New York, and dumped him. Kasey came down the
beach and started doing performance art, paintings, all
Blue-eyes nodded. "He's a boozer, sort of, but wicked
cool. He let this dude tie him on a big wooden cross and
hit him, over and over.
Oh, someone who knew how to take pain, who
maybe was into the lifestyle.
Curt licked his lips. "Thank you, boys. I owe you
"Any time, beautiful." Blue-eyes reached out, stroked
his belly. "Anytime at all."
His cock swelled a little, and he nodded. If he struck
out with the sweet-assed Kasey, maybe he'd come back
this way and dance. He gave the pretty boys a salute and
headed off to the Golden Feather.
The place was rocking -- loud and happy, men and
boys rubbing and bouncing on the dance floor, twinks in
gold lame hot pants carrying trays of shots. The band
was on stage, hair flying, guitars screaming. Curt
scanned the dance floor, but didn't find the man with the
golden ass.
He chuckled at himself, and then headed for the bar
when he found the object of his search sitting on one of
the stools at the end of the bar. A geeky looking man
came up to the guy -- Kasey, the pretty boys had said --
and handed him a CD case and a Sharpie. Kasey smiled,
nodded, and signed it.
Curt moved slowly, giving the geek his space. When
the guy left, Curt slid onto the stool next to Kasey. The
man had one empty shot glass in front of him, one full
one waiting.
"You need a chaser for that?"
The man was lovely, really. Gaunt and lean, one eye
dark brown, one pale, pale blue, set off by thick chestnut
hair -- Kasey was almost breathtaking.
Curt smiled and puffed up a bit, making sure his
hard-earned muscles were showing to best advantage.
"I'd like to buy you a drink."
"Would you? Okay. I'm drinking Jack."
"Jack it is." Curt waved a hand at the bartender,
pointed to Kasey's shot and held up two fingers. He'd
drink with the man. Then he held out his hand to Kasey.
"I'm Curt."
"Kasey. Nice to meet you."
"And you."
The bartender set up their shots and Curt paid the
man. Kasey shook his hand, smiled once, briefly, then
sat back, eyes half closed.
"So, I hear you're an artist."
"I dabble, yeah. You?"
"Contractor. I mostly do renovations for people. Help
'em realize their dreams." Curt loved his job most of the
"That sounds honorable." Kasey rolled his eyes,
shook his head. "Christ, that sounded self-righteous. I
just mean it sounded real."
"It's real enough -- I work hard. I like it, though and
I'm good at it." He took a mouthful of his Jack, feeling
the burn go down to his stomach.
Kasy nodded, then started drinking, focused on his
"You come here for the dancing?" Curt asked, eyes
not on the dancers, but on Kasey. The man was sexy, all
lean lines. And even though Kasey was sitting on it right
now, he had a fine, fine ass.
"I came for the band. I did the cover for their last CD.
The dancing's not half bad, though. You?"
"Honestly? Your ass caught my eye and I followed
you in."
Kasey looked over, one eyebrow quirking up.
"Honesty. I like it."
Well, he didn't see the point in not being up front
about that. Especially as he was hoping to get a piece of
that ass. "The truth's the easiest thing to remember."
"I hear that." Kasey finished his drink, took a deep
breath. "Thanks for the drink, man."
"You're welcome." He finished his own shot, letting
his eyes linger over Kasey again, making his interest
Kasey was paying attention, he could tell, the lean
cheeks flushing dark.
A pair of leather daddies came up -- bald and
mustachioed -- muscling around Kasey. "You want to
play tonight, Kay? We have a gig at the Dream Theater."
Kasey arched one eyebrow. "What happened to
One of the men shrugged. "Things got a little intense.
He buggered off."
"What kind of gig?" Curt wouldn't stand in Kasey's
way if this is what the man wanted, but he had been
there first and he be damned if he let the leather daddy
duo just muscle in without a how do you do.
He got a nod, a grin. "Just the normal -- tie him up,
spank him under the lights. Maybe some candle play.
Money's not bad, Kay."
"Not tonight, guys. Sorry. I'm just not in the mood."
"Maybe you're in the mood for something where you
don't get paid, hmm?" He gave Kasey another hot look.
He could offer Kasey so much more than a little
spanking and candle play, something infinitely more
satisfying in the long run. Jesus, he was getting ahead of
One of the guys snorted. "Everyone knows Kasey
only plays for cash. He's there for the visual, that's all."
It seemed to Curt that everyone seemed to think they
knew a lot about Kasey.
"Oh, is that all?" Curt let one eyebrow go up and
reached over to cover Kasey's hand on the bar. "Maybe.
Maybe not. Don't you have a vacancy to fill?"
The leather daddies stared for a second, then one
smiled. "We do. Come on, Leo. Let's go see if Tom and
Andy are around. They might play."
Curt watched them go for a moment before turning
back to Kasey. "You interested in going to find a bite to
eat? I've got a sudden craving for meat."
"I... Sure. Sure. It's loud in here." Kasey downed one
last shot, then stood. "Let's go."
Curt's own drink was already done, so all he had to
do was follow Kasey. He stayed behind as they threaded
through the crowd to the door, enjoying that ass. Damn,
he was smitten. Of course, it swayed back and forth like
a watch on a chain, tempting him, teasing him.
He licked his lips and managed to be right at Kasey's
side once they hit the sidewalk. It had taken a lot of self-
control, though, to get there.
"The Monkey's Paw has the best burger and fries in
town," Curt noted, pointing toward the sign several
blocks up.
"I painted the mural inside. I love their chili burger."
"Oh, neat. I like the atmosphere in there -- kind of
quirky without being trendy or really odd. The chairs are
comfy, too."
They walked together easily, strides matching as they
walked, Kasey falling into step.
"So, murals, CD covers, what else do you paint?"
"Whatever I get paid for, I suppose. I've done ads, big
installations, performance art."
"And what do you do for pleasure?" The sign for the
Monkey's Paw was growing closer. They were almost
there and Curt swore he could smell the burgers
"I drink. A lot."
"Expensive hobby." He had a few things in mind that
wouldn't cost Kasey a damn penny.
Kasey laughed and the sound had him immediately,
painfully hard. "No shit, man."
Curt swallowed, trying to shift so he could walk
without every step cutting off his circulation. Thank
God they were there. He held the door open for Kasey.
The place was much quieter, which was nice for
talking. Not so nice when Kasey brushed against him
and he had to fight off his moan. They sat and he spread
his legs as wide as he could, like a slut. Kasey's eyes
were on his crotch, looking hard, staring.
Trying to just ignore it was obviously not going to
work -- he decided straightforward had worked for him
so far, he might as well stick with it. "What can I say,
man. You do it for me."
"That's... an impressive sight."
He grinned and nodded. "I have a great cock, Kasey.
I'd like for you to see it up close and personal."
One of Kasey's eyebrows went back up again.
"You're not shy at all, are you?"
"Not when what I want is right in front of me." Curt
didn't see the point in being shy.
"You know, there were some hot guys back at the
"Were there?" He honestly hadn't even noticed. "I
was pretty focused on the one I was chasing."
"Why chase me?"
Seriously? Did Kasey even have to ask?
One foot slid against his ankle, sweet as anything and
Curt had to swallow around another moan. "Have you
seen your ass?"
"Uh. No. Not in person. On screen, on film, yeah.
It's... ass-shaped."
Curt laughed. "Well, I happen to be a big fan."
"Thanks. I'm not an ass man, really." Kasey looked
up as the waitress showed. "I'd like a Coke, please."'
"I'll have a Sprite and your special burger, please."
They changed them out every week and Curt really
wasn't picky. Besides, the food was just a reason to
spend more time with Kasey. "Do you want anything to
eat, man?"
Kasey nodded. "Order of fries."
When the waitress went off, Curt turned his attention
back to Kasey. "So if you're not an ass man, what kind
of man are you?"
"I like cocks, really." There wasn't a bit of hesitation,
a bit of embarrassment.
"Then it's your lucky day. I've got a great cock." He
was pretty sure he'd already mentioned that, but hey, he
was going to hedge his bets here, make sure he kept
Kasey's interest.
"Yeah? What's great about it?"
"It's thick and it's long and I know how to use it."
It might have sounded like bragging, but it was the
Kasey chuckled, grinned. "You sound pretty sure
about that."
"That's because I am. I'm also sure that your ass and
my cock ought to be introduced to each other." In fact he
was really, really sure about that.
"Ass. Cock. Cock. Ass." He got another one of those
laughs, then Kasey leaned back. "What if I don't like it?"
"My cock?" He shook his head. "You'll like it."
"I've heard that before..." That sounded like a
He could rise to that. Hell, he already was rising to it.
"Come home with me after we're done eating and I'll
prove it."
"What if you're a serial killer?" That foot brushed his
ankle again.
He chuckled, the sound hiccupping a little from
Kasey's touch. "I'll go home with you if you prefer."
"No. No, I don't take men home with me. It's a rule."
"Well then, you either have to trust that I'm not a
serial killer, or we can find a club with private rooms."
Did Kasey make it this hard for everyone to take him
home? Or did he just not do pick up as the leather
daddies had suggested?
"I." Kasey tilted his head, looked over. "The club
scene is a job for me. Let's go to your place and fuck."
He grinned at Kasey and nodded. "That works for
me. After we've eaten," Curt added with a wry grin as
their waitress brought over their food.
Kasey chuckled, waiting for the gal to leave before
continuing. "So, do you have pick ups a lot or am I a
rebound fuck from a break up?"
"Neither, actually. There's a couple of clubs I usually
frequent where I get together with people who have
similar tastes to mine. Tonight I felt the need to go
outside of my usual box, so to speak. I'm so glad I did."
Kasey bit into a fry. Curt watched, the mis-matched
eyes fascinating him.
"What tastes?" Kasey asked.
"Have you heard of the Frayed Rope?" Kasey
obviously dabbled in the scene, even if only as a paid
participant. The Frayed Rope was actually fairly subtle
and had a private membership, but it well enough
"I've heard of it, yeah. It's for serious people." Kasey
shrugged. "Lifestylers, not players."
"Well, I'm a member there. I Top." It was far more
complicated than just that, but he didn't know if Kasey
was interested in the particulars or not.
He took a bite of his burger, eyes closing for a
moment as he nodded; they were so good here. Kasey
didn't say anything, really. They just sat and ate.
"Hey Kay." A young girl, covered in piercings and
ink, wandered over, green hair falling in her face.
"How's it hanging?"
"I'm good, Cat." Kasey didn't even look at her.
The silence stretched on for a while, then the woman
just shook herself. "Okay. Right. I just saw you in the
"Yeah. Have a good night."
Curt had a drink, watching the interchange. Once the
girl had gone, he raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"
"She's the sister of someone I used to know. She
hasn't quite come around to the 'not a part of the family
anymore' concept."
"An ex, I take it?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Don't want to talk about it, huh?" He could
understand that. Exes were not usually happy subjects.
Nor sexy ones.
"There's just not much to say. He was my one big
thing; he got a better offer. He's in New York now."
"I'm sorry you were hurt." Curt reached out and
squeezed Kasey's hand.
He got a surprised look, then a smile. "Thank you. I
am too."
"How are your fries?" It wasn't the best segue in the
world, but he didn't figure dwelling on the past was
going to lighten the mood any.
"Not bad. Not bad at all." Kasey picked one up, held
it out. "Want to try?"
"Sure." He leaned forward and took the fry, licking
the salt from Kasey's fingers.
Kasey hummed, chuckled low. "Now, that's hot,
"Just a preview of what you're in for when we get
back to my place." Nothing like a little foreplay at
dinner to get revved up for later on.
"You have a house? An apartment?" Kasey asked
him, sounding like he was really interested, not just
making conversation.
"I have a little house." A large garden, a room for
playing. It was a nice place.
"Cool. I'm renting a room, a studio."
Curt finished off his burger, drank down his Sprite.
"That where you do your painting?"
"Yeah. It's not huge, but it works for me."
"Cool. Well, I'm done." He smiled and licked his lips.
"You ready to go back to my place?"
"Sure. You can seduce me with your amazing prick."
That made him laugh, then he nodded, still grinning.
"It's a deal." He left some bills on the table for the
waitress and led the way out.
He heard Kasey's steps behind him, knew the man
was following. It didn't take long to get to his place; he
lived near the club scene and they were quiet on the way
there. It wasn't awkward or anything, just two guys
walking together.
He opened the door and invited Kasey in. "Home
sweet home."
"It's a nice place. Did you build it?" Kasey brushed
against him on the way in.
His prick throbbed at the bare touch and he
appreciated that Kasey had actually listened, had paid
attention when he'd told the man what he did for a
living. "Yeah. With some help from some friends. The
interior is entirely mine."
"You'll have to give me the tour sometime." Kasey
stepped in close. "Later. Do you kiss or not?"
"I like kissing. Kiss me, Kasey." He put his hands on
Kasey's shoulders and tilted his head back.
"Mmmhmm." Kasey hummed, leaned down and
touched the corner of his mouth, his bottom lip.
He licked his lips, and then Kasey's. God, warm and
soft and tasting of salt and musk. There was a
connection between them, too -- sharp and electric, fiery
-- and Kasey gasped, pulled back.
He reached out and took Kasey's hands, began to
walk backward. "Are you ready for the bedroom,
"I. I don't... Did you feel that?"
"This?" He leaned up and pressed their lips together,
harder this time, groaning as that connection proved
itself to be right there. Kasey gasped, lips opening,
tongue pushing alongside his. Groaning, he opened
wide, letting Kasey in.
"Fuck." Kasey stepped closer, hands grabbing his ass,
dragging him closer.
He wrapped his own hands around Kasey's back,
holding on. God, he hadn't felt this much heat in a kiss
in forever.
They rubbed together, hips humping and rolling,
Kasey hard against his belly. His own cock was hard as
nails, his fingers clawing at Kasey's back. At this rate,
they wouldn't last long, they wouldn't have to. They
were just running for the finish line. That was okay by
him. The way the pleasure flared between them, there
would be more.
He sucked on Kasey's tongue. Kasey moaned into his
lips, pushing into him faster and harder. He found a wall
with his back, tugging Kasey in closer. He was getting
some of the most amazing sounds -- low and rough and
oddly musical. He found Kasey's ass and squeezed it
Kasey's hands clenched, almost bruising, those two-
colored eyes staring at him. He slid his other hand
between them, tugging at belts and buttons and zippers.
Kasey's cock was long, hard, slender -- sort of like the
man himself. Curt wrapped his hand around it, jacking.
"Oh." Kasey ducked his head a little, chin down, and
started fucking his hand.
"That's it. Take what you need, Kasey." He wrapped
his lips around Kasey's skin, sucking as he let Kasey
dictate the speed of their movements.
"Fucking hot." The motions were a little desperate, a
little wild.
Curt nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, good boy. Take it."
"I... Fuck." Kasey shuddered, humping harder.
"Like that. Damn, look at you." He tightened his
hand. Curt squeezed and Kasey jerked and shot, bucking
into his hand, driving into his touch.
"Oh, fuck." His own hips pumped as he came in his
jeans, the scent of Kasey's come sending him over the
Kasey leaned against him a little, panting.
"Mmm... nice." He turned his head, taking Kasey's
lips. This kiss was softer, slower, more gentle. Almost
sweet. Almost. He tugged on Kasey's lower lip. "You
ready to move this out of the front hall?"
"Round number two? I'm a fan."
"Me, too. After all, you haven't had a chance to see
my amazing cock yet."
"Don't want to miss that."
"No, no you don't." He gave Kasey a wink and
headed deeper into the house.
Warm hands landed on his ass, rubbing, as they
"I thought you weren't an ass man." His voice had
gone all husky.
"I'm not. I'm just touching."
Chuckling, he waved toward the living room as they
went past it. "Living room. Office slash den is down the
hall that way, kitchen to the right. We're going up the
"Very nice. Good use of color. Nice proportion."
He snickered at that, Kasey making it easy to ignore
the mess in his pants that was growing cold and feeling
rather disgusting.
They headed upstairs and Curt started stripping,
wiping himself off and tossing his clothes in the hamper.
His bedroom was dominated by the bed stand, made
completely out of wood, with carvings in the head and
base boards. He'd done it himself -- it had been one of
his first pieces. He'd made the rest of the furniture as
well, but the bed was what was on his mind.
Naked, he turned to Kasey, letting the man get a good
look at him. Kasey's eyes dragged down his body -- he
knew he looked good, he worked hard at it. Short guys
needed bulk sometimes. "Pretty."
He let one of his eyebrows go up. "Pretty?" He was a
guy for fuck's sake.
"Yep. Do you prefer sweet?"
"I liked studmuffin better," Curt admitted.
"That one definitely qualifies. You're built like a
statue. It's kind of stunning." And maybe, he thought, a
little intimidating, because Kasey wasn't getting naked.
"Thanks, man. My job helps with the muscles and the
cock... well, I told you it was a good one." He winked
and went right up to Kasey. "Do I get to see your ass
"It's kind of your standard ass, you know. Nothing
unique." Kasey stripped off, exposing a long, gaunt
frame, random bits of ink sprinkled haphazardly -- like
unfinished paintings.
"You must have magic jeans, then, because it had me
drooling and following you down the street." He'd given
up a pair of sweet dancing boys for Kasey's ass. So far,
he wasn't disappointed.
"Magic jeans... I like that." Kasey stepped out of his
boots, his jeans. Oh now, that was pretty.
"Mmm... now, why would you call that standard?"
He cupped Kasey's ass. "There's nothing standard about
Kasey pushed into the touch, the globes of flesh in
his hands warm and firm, the skin soft, silken, pale as
milk. He could understand why people paid to beat it. "If
you were mine, I'd tattoo my name on this." He could
see it, his name on one beautiful, pale cheek.
Kasey chuckled. "Now, now. People wouldn't hire
me out, then."
"If you were mine I wouldn't let them." He grinned,
squeezing Kasey's ass again, not dwelling on the fact
that he wished he could command Kasey to never work
with anyone else again. "Come on, bed."
"No, no. My name's Kasey." Kasey wandered to the
bed, crawling up, giving him a beautiful shot of ass, and
balls swinging down below.
His laughter at the joke was swallowed up by the
view. "I know. I won't be forgetting it." His voice was
hoarse but he managed to make his chuckle happen and
he followed Kasey up onto the bed, kneeling behind the
man and rubbing up against that ass.
Kasey pushed back, letting him feel, letting him
touch. He leaned in and rubbed his face against Kasey's
"Stubbly." Kasey spread a little, cock bobbing.
"A little rasp, hmm?" He rubbed some more, his
fingers spreading Kasey's asscheeks so he could get a
little rubbing going along the wrinkled skin around the
man's hole.
"It's nice." Kasey pushed back, hips moving into him.
"How about a little change-up?" He slid his tongue
along Kasey's crack, offering the soft and sweet.
That earned him a moan, Kasey relaxing, cheek
resting on his hands. So he did it again, this time
focusing on the taste, the heat, the way that wrinkled
little hole clenched. Soft little sounds, quiet, controlled
noises, started filling the air.
"Anyone ever do this to you, Kasey?" He licked
again before Kasey could answer, teased the tiny hole
with the tip of his tongue.
Kasey didn't answer, just moaned, soft and low.
It didn't matter, anyway -- no one had ever given it to
Kasey like this, like he was. He kept alternating between
licking and poking and rubbing. Kasey started moving,
rocking back into his tongue with a sure, steady motion.
He slid his hand along Kasey's prick, the hold loose,
letting Kasey's own movements slide that heat through
his palm. Kasey was hard, muscles rippling, focused on
"You smell amazing. You really do have the best ass
"Thank you." Kasey's whole body blushed. That was
"You're going to let me fuck you." He pushed his
tongue in deep.
"Am... am I? You sure?"
"Uh-huh." He sucked on his thumb, and then pushed
it slowly inside.
"Fuck... What if I don't bottom?"
Curt almost laughed at Kasey's words. What if the
man didn't bottom? Right. "You want me to stop?" He
pushed his tongue deep this time.
"Fuck, no. I was just asking."
Curt did like the sound of Kasey's laughter.
"You bottom." He bit Kasey's right ass cheek, hard
enough to leave an impression in his skin.
Kasey squeaked and jerked forward, the scent of need
sudden and strong. "Fuck."
He slapped the spot, to see if Kasey liked that, too.
Oh, look at that... Kasey rippled, arched, entire body
right there with him. "I... I don't do that for pleasure,
"But you like it." He understood having to draw a
line somewhere if Kasey did such things for pay, but
there were no lines like that to be drawn between them.
He wasn't going to pay Kasey for this. Ever.
He smacked the beautiful ass again to prove the
point. His handprint showed up, red on that white ass.
Hell, yes. Kasey groaned, beginning to dance for him.
He traced the red handprint with his tongue, and then
smacked the other ass cheek.
"Oh, fuck. I don't..." Kasey groaned. "Fuck it. Do it
again, man."
"I can do that." He was good at spanking, knew how
to keep the smacks from being too much, how to move
them around for maximum burn.
"I don't get off on it, but this is... yeah. Just do it."
"It's good. It's more than just a quick fuck."
Spankings, beatings, they lasted. Kasey would be able to
feel it when he sat for a couple of days.
Curt worked the beautiful ass, slowly making it turn
rosy red.
"I..." Kasey groaned, riding it out, cock leaking onto
the bedspread.
The man looked amazing. Curt bet he made a lot of
money participating in shows, letting other men beat
him so people could watch and learn, get off. He
wondered how far Kasey let them go, how much he
sold. The thought had him smacking harder, a little
growl coming up from somewhere deep inside.
He let that be his last smack, panting, staring at
Kasey's ass in surprise. Where the hell had that come
"Shit. Come on, man. Let's fuck." Kasey was
shivering, one hand working the thin cock.
"Stop touching yourself," Curt ordered automatically,
slipping off the bed. "I need to get condoms and lube.
Just a second."
"I won't come before you get back, man." Someone
was not used to taking orders.
If they were to see each other again, and given his
reaction to Kasey, they would be seeing each other
again, that would change. "I know you won't. Hands off
your cock, anyway. I will make it worth your while."
He headed for the en-suite bathroom without waiting
for an answer. There was a box of condoms and a new
tube of lube in the cabinet under the sink and he fished
them out, returning eagerly to the bathroom.
Kasey was lying out on his side, hands on the
headboard as he stretched his muscles.
"Mmm, you do make a lovely picture, Kasey." His
cock jerked at the sight of the man, his balls pulling up
and beginning to ache in the best way possible.
"I do. I make them all the time." Wicked little shit.
"Hands and knees, Kasey. Let me at that fine ass
"You're not going to say please?" Kasey moved, ass
wiggling enticingly.
"Nope. Not this time." He slid his hands over the
heated skin. "Mmm..."
Kasey leaned right into his touch. "This time?"
"Yep. This time." He already knew he wanted to see
Kasey again. A lot. He squeezed once and then grabbed
the lube, slicking up his fingers and nudging Kasey's
little hole with two of them. That tight ring of muscles
relaxed for him, left him in deep, then squeezed tight.
Fuck, that was going to feel amazing around his cock.
He twisted his fingers, looking for Kasey's gland. It
only took a few thrusts, then Kasey was grunting,
climbing up the headboard to push back against him.
"Hot. Tight. You feel as good as you look." He
couldn't wait to push inside with his cock, feel Kasey's
muscles massage him.
"Fuck me, huh? Deep and hard."
"That's the plan." He let his fingers slide away, lining
up with the hot little hole. Kasey leaned back, bearing
down against him, taking him in. Fingers digging into
Kasey's hips, he tugged the man back harder, sinking his
cock deep inside.
Kasey groaned for him. "Jesus, you're strong."
"Uh-huh." He circled his hips, cock moving inside of
Kasey. "I know how to use it, too."
"Good. Good. Show me."
"I will." He started to thrust, working his prick into
Kasey's ass over and over.
That tight hole gripped him, squeezed around his
cock, working him.
"I knew your ass would be awesome." He kept
working it, sliding in at different angles, giving Kasey as
much sensation as he could.
"Your... your cock's not bad."
Curt laughed and thrust harder, angling just right and
hitting the man's gland, hard.
"Fuck!" That sweet ass clenched around him.
"Yeah, that's right." He thrust again. He could fuck
that tight ass forever. For fucking ever.
He did his level best to do exactly that, pumping in
and out like there was nothing else ever. Kasey bounced
on his cock, moving up and down on his prick, moving
"Yes. Yes." He grabbed tighter to Kasey's hips, their
bodies slamming together now.
He could feel Kasey's orgasm in the tight grip around
his cock. Reaching around, Curt grabbed Kasey's prick,
jacking him quickly.
"Fuck." Kasey grunted, working his dick, cock
leaking in his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah." Curt moved harder. "Come on."
Heat sprayed in his hands, spreading over his fingers.
"Yes!" He thrust a couple more times before letting
Kasey's ass milk his orgasm from him. Kasey moaned
and he rubbed his face against the man's sweaty back.
He pulled out and disposed of the condom before
collapsing on the bed. Smiling, he slid his hand along
Kasey's side, and then opened his arms, silently inviting
the man to cuddle. Kasey looked at him, staring for a
long minute, then scooted in, sighing quietly.
"Mmm... good man." Smiling, he patted Kasey's arm
and closed his eyes.
It was turning out to be a great night. Funny, how
he'd just been looking to have a little fun and get laid
and now& well, that little voice in his head hadn't led
him wrong before and he was glad he'd listened to it.
He hadn't even known he was looking for Kasey. It
was a good thing Curt had found him anyway.
If you liked this book you might like: Following My
Heart, Rescue Me, The Question
Finding Kasey
Copyright © 2012 by Sean Michael
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / November
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680


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