Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 2 Groceries

Groceries: A Bent Story
By Sean Michael
Marcus checked his watch and shook his head. "I have the list -- it's time to go."
It was time to go shopping. They were going to go to the deli after to get sandwiches and maybe
go to the furniture store and look for a new couch afterward; the current one was somewhat well-
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Of course they weren't going to do any of that if Jim didn't hurry up, already. His baby was
"It's time to go."
"I..." Jim came out in his jeans, T-shirts in hand. "I can't decide which one."
Jim's nipple rings caught the light, and Marcus licked his lips. "I could get behind neither."
"I have to wear a shirt." Jim's belly rippled, the tattoo that crawled around his waist shifting.
"Only if we go out." Which he was beginning to think was the lesser of their choices. It had been
too long since he'd spontaneously pounced Jim in the middle of the day. It did Jim good to
occasionally have his schedule shaken up.
"You said we were going to the store, didn't you?" Someone was still working in his head,
Marcus could tell.
"Yes, but looking at you, I'm inclined to be flexible." He ate Jim up with his eyes.
"Are you?" Jim smiled a little, eyes warming. "You approve?"
"Very much." Marcus made up his mind. The shopping could wait, and the old couch could put
in more time. In fact they could put it to good use right now." Strip in and go bend over the
couch, babe."
"Yes. Yes, sir." Jim fluttered a bit, shirts going up and down.
Marcus chuckled softly. He loved that he could still make Jim lose it just by a look and a few
words. "Baby. Breathe. And do as you're told."
"Yes, sir." Jim took a deep breath, eyes closing. Then his baby folded the shirts, put them aside,
and headed for the sofa. Such a fucking natural.
He watched Jim move, his prick leaping in his trousers. Jim was still the sexiest man ever.
Shoes, socks, jeans, briefs -- they were all carefully removed. Not reluctantly, but purposefully,
Jim sinking into sub space. Jim piled the folded clothes on the floor by the door.
"Stunning," Marcus proclaimed. He followed and began to strip slowly. He started with his shirt,
pulling it out of his jeans and over his head.
Jim blushed and ducked his head, offered him a shy smile. "Over the back or the cushions?"
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"Over the back; I want to see that sweet little ring." He wanted to play with it, twist it and tease
Jim bent for him, the wide expanse of ink on his baby s back a riot of colors and patterns.
Marcus groaned softly and his hands stuttered on his zipper. "Spread your legs, baby." Let me
"Yes, sir." Jim shivered and spread wide, pretty bare balls hanging loose. Jim's ass clenched, a
soft moan filled the air. "Master."
Oh, hell yes.
"Yes, baby."
Marcus stripped the rest of his clothes off quickly and bent to kiss the small of Jim's back, his
tongue tracing the colors there. Jim whimpered for him, muscles rippling as he braced on the
sofa. He kissed one rosy cheek, and then the other. Then he smacked Jim twice in the two most
sensitive-looking spots.
"Sir!" Nothing looked as good as his baby's ass.
He rubbed his cheek against one of Jim s ass cheeks, and then the other. "You make me want
such wicked things."
"Wh...what? What do you want, Marcus?"
"Everything." He licked at Jim's crack. "I want to make you scream for me."
Jim's moan was like music. "Anything."
He kept licking down over Jim's crack, until he'd reached the sweet little hole. He ran his tongue
around the wrinkled skin, teasing, tasting his lover. The tiny ring of muscles contracted,
clenched. Marcus smiled as Jim fought to stay still for him.
Finally, he indulged himself -- and Jim -- and pushed his tongue right into the tight hole.
"Marcus!" Jim straightened up, leg muscles rippling.
He smacked Jim's ass. Hard.
"Master! Master, I'm sorry." Jim leaned back down, beginning to pant.
He just rumbled and licked again at Jim's asshole, his fingers moving up along Jim's inner thighs
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to grab the little guiche ring. It was hot from Jim s body and this time Jim stayed still, not
moving a bit.
"Good man." He went back to licking at Jim's hole and then pushed his tongue into it.
Jim tasted of soap and man and desire, and it made Marcus ache with need. He slid his hands up
along Jim's balls, curling his palm around them. Then he moved to the long cock, enjoying the
heat of it, the way it was wet at the tip, the ring there slick and moving easily.
Jim's hips rolled, just barely.
Sweet, eager baby.
Marcus continued to fuck Jim with his tongue as he slowly jacked his baby's cock. The silky skin
was a fire against his palm. He loved that heat; he loved Jim.
Soft words started pouring out of Jim -- pleas and adorations.
He stopped long enough to remind his baby, "No coming," and then kept tongue-fucking his Jim.
"Oh. Oh, fuck. Master. Marcus. Sir. I need a ring. Please." No, Jim wanted a ring. There was no
need about it. At least not yet.
"In a minute." Or two. Maybe three. He loved pushing his baby. He squeezed Jim's cock instead
of jacking it, though, his tongue pushing harder into Jim's body. Jim relaxed a bit, balls pressing
against the heel of his hand.
He continued to fuck Jim's hole for a bit, then he stood up and slowly let go of Jim's hot prick.
"I'll be right back, baby."
"Stay here?"
"Yes, baby -- you stay here. I'm just getting that piece of equipment you want."
"Yes, sir. Thank you." Jim stretched a little, relaxing, exercising.
He grabbed a cock-ring from his work desk drawer, the leather supple, almost soft. It would look
wonderful wrapped around Jim s needy prick. Then he grabbed a new flogger he'd made with
hundreds of thin, soft leather tails coming from it. It would warm Jim's skin beautifully.
When he returned to the living room, Jim was still there, just as he'd known his baby would be,
leaning and humming softly to himself.
"God, you're beautiful, baby." The long red curls fell around Jim's face, the tattoos standing out
on the pale skin.
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"I'm glad you think so, Marcus."
"You know I do." And one day Jim would, too. They'd have to fuck in front of the mirror soon,
so Jim could watch. It would make Jim uncomfortable, make him shudder, make them both
He made a soft noise as the images played in his mind and then shook his head at himself. He
had the read thing right in front of him, naked and needy. He had no need to fantasize, not here,
not now.
"Stand up, baby."
He went over and, when Jim had straightened, he slid the cock ring in place, capturing the heavy
balls and trapping them up tight against Jim's body as well.
"Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, thank you." Jim's hands slid down the ripped belly, the muscled thighs
parting. "Thank you. I fucking love that."
"I know." He patted Jim's cock and balls and then twisted the ring in the tip of his lover s prick,
rolling it through its hole in Jim's penis. "It's sexy."
"I love wanting you." Jim s words were soft, so sincere and honest.
"Mmm, the feeling is mutual, baby." He brought their lips together, tongue pushing into Jim's
Jim stepped in, arms wrapping around his shoulders, fingers slipping over his scalp. Groaning, he
deepened the kiss, his hands wrapping tight around Jim's hips. Jim was hot, leaking against him;
deep sounds pushed into his lips.
Marcus finally broke the kiss and took a step backward. He held up the hundred-fingered
flogger. "Did you see what else I brought?"
"Mmm. That one is... heavy." Jim's fingers trailed through the strands. "Are you sure you don't
want to sell it?"
"It'll just leave tiny stings on your skin if I use it gently. Like a hundred tiny bites. And yes, I'm
quite sure that I don't want to sell it. I want to make your skin rosy with it."
Jim smiled, leaned down to bury his face in the leather, inhale. "Oh, that's so nice."
"It was made for you." His best pieces always were.
"It's beautiful."
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"Like you." Marcus would tell Jim he was beautiful until his baby finally believed it.
He slid the dozens of tails over Jim's shoulders, and flipped them gently against the pale chest,
enough to feel, not enough to really hurt; he wanted Jim's skin rosy, not deeply red.
"Mmm." Jim arched, stretched out for him.
He slapped the tails along Jim's arms and chest over and over, knowing that the repeated sting
would sensitize the skin so that even the softest touches would make Jim gasp for him.
Jim closed his eyes, panted, breathed for him, with him. They slid into the rhythm together, and
it felt good. Wonderful. It was the best part of what they did together -- this connecting that he d
never found anywhere else. Or with anyone else.
"Master. Master, so good."
"Yes." He hissed the word, hearing 'Master' on Jim's lips still enough to do it for him. With a cry,
he came, so in love with his beautiful Jim.
Jim whimpered, clinging to him, cock red and swollen.
"You'll have to make me hard again if you want my cock, baby."
"Let me suck you?"
He grinned; sucking him was Jim s reward, Jim s passion. "Yeah, baby. That would be just fine."
Jim nodded, so serious, so focused. So hungry.
He slid his hands over Jim's shoulders and encouraged his lover down. Jim's lips were already
open, tongue flicking out to taste the tip of his cock, sliding on the slit. A shudder went through
him. "Yes, baby. Do it."
"Love you." Jim whimpered, then that amazing mouth dropped over his cock.
"Yes! Yes! Love!" He pushed with his hips, sending his cock in deeper.
Jim took him deep, then even more, his cock sliding into Jim's throat. With a low growl of need,
he began to thrust. Jim's fingers slid up around his balls, tugged and rolled. There was no chance
of him going soft now.
Marcus slid his hands into Jim's hair, slowed him down a little. While the suction got stronger,
Jim moved slower.
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"Careful. Too much and you'll make me come, baby." And he wanted to fuck Jim over the back
of the couch.
Jim eased up, eyes on him.
He smiled down at his lover. "You're too good at that."
"Can I be too good at it?"
His lips twitched and he stroked Jim's cheek before stepping away. "I think maybe you can, baby.
Though it's not usually a problem."
""I. Good." Jim reached for him, moaned low.
"Over the couch again, baby. Let me have that rosy ass." He stroked himself a few times, eyes on
Jim s.
"Anything." Jim stood up, carefully.
He admired the flushed, needy body. A low groan rumbled through him. Jim moved, grabbing
one of the T-shirts and draping it over the back of the couch before bending. Just the sight of him
made Marcus groan.
He moved to step up behind Jim's body.
"You're warm." Jim went up on tiptoe, rocking against him.
"I'm hot for you." He took Jim's hips and guided the movements, rubbing Jim's ass along his
"I want you. Need you."
"I know. I know, baby. Me, too." He kept rubbing them together, drawing it out. The anticipation
was delicious.
"You make me ache." That skin was rosy and warm, his marks in every inch, every bit of ink.
He licked his finger and then slipped it into Jim's ass, twisting it, making Jim writhe for him.
"More? Please?"
"Seeing as you begged so prettily." He slipped a second finger in with the first. Twisting both, he
hit Jim's gland.
"Master. Thank you..."
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Mmm. He loved how he could make Jim moan. Using more saliva, he pushed in yet another
finger and worked them in out. Jim pressed back, rode his fingers steadily. Still working Jim's
ass, Marcus slid the fingers of his other hand over the tattoos that moved on Jim's skin.
"Yours." Yes. Yes, Jim was.
"From the top of your head to the bottom of your toes." He slid his fingers away and lined up
with that sweet little hole.
Jim stilled, not even breathing, just waiting.
"Yes, now." He took a deep breath and pushed in.
Jim's moan rang out, the sound perfectly pleased. Happy. Joyous.
"Baby. Jim." He pushed and pushed until he'd worked himself all the way in.
Jim's hips moved restlessly, steadily, muscles like bird's wings around his cock. There was
nothing like it. Nothing.
He started slowly moving, pushing in and out. They had a rhythm, found it easily, knowing what
each other liked. Hard and deep, he pushed into Jim like he was going to do it forever.
Jim started sliding on the sofa, and they both laughed a little, the sounds desperate. Fingers
tightening, bruising Jim's hips, he sped up.
"Harder. Harder, sir. Deeper."
"Yes. More." He pounded in, giving it to Jim as hard as he could.
"Love..." It would have been a scream, if Jim had any breath left to make it so.
He shifted and found Jim's gland, hitting it as he jerked, so very close. Jim's ass clenched tight
around him, and he gasped for breath.
"Jim!" He cried out and pushed in hard. With another gasp, he came.
He could feel Jim trembling, body fighting to come. He waited a beat, maybe two, and then
pulled the cock ring open, freeing Jim's cock and balls.
"Master?" He knew what Jim was asking.
Marcus was so proud of Jim, his lover holding on until permission was given. Such devotion was
only one reason why he loved Jim.
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He waited a moment and then slid his hand around Jim's cock. "Yes, baby. Come."
Heat sprayed over his fingers, Jim crying out his name.
"Yes, baby!" Jim's body squeezed tight around his prick. It made him shudder and shiver.
Jim relaxed under him, breathing hard, the moans steady and so damned happy. He leaned over
Jim, pressing kisses over the inked skin.
"Love you." Jim s voice was quiet, at peace.
"I know."
He should have picked up a plug as well when he d fetched the ring and flogger so he could lock
his come in Jim's body while they shopped. Of course, Jim would stay, right there, clenched tight
until he came back. All he had to do was ask.
"I'm going to go get a plug, baby." He licked the top of Jim's spine. "I don't want you to lose a
drop of my come."
"Oh, fuck." Jim's entire body rippled around him.
"Mmmhmm." He drew slowly out, feeling Jim's body start to tighten around him.
"I... I'm. Oh, fuck."
He loved it when Jim became incoherent. "Be back in a minute, baby."
Marcus chuckled and ambled off. Jim's moan followed him all the way. He searched for a
smallish plug -- it needed to be big enough to keep it in easily, but small enough there wouldn't
be a risk of it falling out. He found one right away, quite wide where it flared to the biggest, but
otherwise small, and went back into the living room.
Jim was moaning, panting, ass cheeks clenched tight.
"Christ, baby. You're absolutely stunning."
He lubed up the plug and rubbed the end against Jim's crack, Jim's hole.
"Please." Jim was shaking. "Master."
"I have you, baby." He pushed harder, watching as Jim's body wrapped slowly around the plug.
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"Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuck." Jim pushed up, muscles working.
"That's it, baby. A nice little plug to keep me inside you while we go shopping."
"We... we're still going?"
"Of course. We still need the groceries, and this couch isn't getting any less in need of replacing."
And watching his baby walk around with the plug in his ass, Marcus' come still inside, was going
to be sweet.
"Master..." Jim moaned, shook for him. "I don't know if I can..."
"Of course you can. We can take ten minutes if you need to compose yourself. You know, splash
a little water on your face and whatnot."
"It's going to make me crazy." Jim stood, pushed into his arms, looking for comfort.
He wrapped his arms around Jim and stroked along his lover's back. "That's kind of the point,
"Yeah? You'll like it?" Jim moaned softly, snuggled in. "Oh, you smell so good, love."
"Thank you. And yeah, I like it a lot. I love knowing I'm inside you and nobody but you and me
"Marcus." Sweet, needy baby  every day Marcus was more and more addicted. More in love.
"Every time you feel my eyes on you, you'll know what I'm thinking, imagining."
"That's not helping."
Chuckling, he gently smacked Jim's ass. "Not helping what?"
"Me remember how to breathe."
"Oh, I'm sure you'll remember when you need to." He had faith that Jim could do this.
Jim nodded, took a deep, deep breath.
"All right. Let's get dressed again, get ready to go out."
"Are. I..." Jim took another breath. "Yes, sir."
He chuckled and patted Jim's ass again, and then went to where he'd dumped his own clothes.
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Jim dressed slowly, fingers trembling a bit. Marcus slid his hand over Jim's back, along Jim's
hip, gentle touches designed to soothe his sweet baby.
"I'm sorry. I know it's nothing huge. I just didn't expect it."
He knew Jim always had a hard time when he switched things up; he was going to have to do it
more often. "You don't need to apologize, Jim. You're doing great."
"Thank you." Jim leaned into him, fastened the button of the jeans.
He kissed the top of Jim's head. "You about ready to go?"
"I'm... You can't tell, right?"
"Go on, let me see you walk."
Jim moved across the floor, slinky and elegant. Fucking sexy.
"No, baby. No one will be able to tell." Just him.
Jim relaxed, pulled on a shirt. "Okay, then. I guess I'm ready."
"Good. Let's go get our groceries."
Jim's fingers twined with his, held on.
It was going to be a glorious fucking day.
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Groceries: A Bent Story
Copyright © 2009 by Sean Michael
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / January 2009
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX
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