_____________________________ Changes made in this version: ----------------------------- Weight= 20.00 Health= 8000 Chop= 20-65 Slash= 10-35 Thrust= 15-50 Speed= 2.0 Reach= 1.0
______ About: ------ Katana of Misty Moon is a enchanted katana, the same enchantment that gravedigger from Tribunal has. Drain health 40 points for 3 seconds and paralyze for 3 seconds.
The sword you find in Seyda Neen Lighthouse.
This weapon is for high leveled players (+90) and who is running Morrowind in difficulty settings (100). Recommended mod's (Morrowind Comes Alive) and (Morrowind Advanced).
_____________ Installation: ------------- Unzip direct into your Morrowind\Data Files folder.