Merchant and the genius

The story is about a man who is a merchant. He is obliged from time to time to takes journeys
to arranges his affairs. One day, when he is traveling far from home, he takes with him only a
small wallet in with he has put a few bisciuts and dates, because he has to pass through a
desert where no food is to be good. The journey takes place without mishap. When he returns,
he gets very tired so decides to rest in the shade of walnut trees. The sun is shining and he is
very thirsty. Fortunately, he finds a fountain and eats a frugal meal. Whlist eating the dates he
throws the stones right and left.
Then he sees the enormous genius who comes towards him and says that he will kill him as a
merchant killed his son. The man is desperate and does not understand why the genius wants
to kill him. He says the monster that never killed nobody, and never saw his son. Genius
explains that when the man came here and threw stones on the right and left, killed his son.
Merchant asks for forgiveness and mercy, but the only thing he manages to convince the
monster to give him another year of life. Initially, the genius can not agree on it, but the
merchant gives him his word of honor, and then he agrees. After that the genius disappears.
The merchant arrives home and tells his wife and children, what happened on the road.
Everyone is desperate, but they want to experience this year as well. The next day the man
begins to settle his affairs. He pays his debtd, gives presents to his friends and large alms to
the poor. He sets his slaves at liberty and provides for his wife and children.
When a year passes he is obliged to return to a place where the monster will kill him. He sits
down at the edge of the fountain and awaits the genius in terrible suspense.
Suddenly, he noticed an old man, who asks him why he came to this dangerous place. He says
this is a beautiful desert, but there are many evil monsters. Merchant tells the old men why he
is obliged to come there. The old man is very suprised and wants to be a witness of his
interview with the genius.
While they talk, another old man comes up, followed by two black dogs. They are talking,
explaining what they are doing here. Then comes the third old man, who decides to stay with
them to wait for what happens when the monster comes.
The genius arrives and wants to kill the man. The merchant and the three old men begins to
weep and groan. After that one of the three old men throw himself at the monster s feet and
says that if he find it more marvellous than that merchant whom is about to kill, he will do
away a third part of his punishment. The genius considers some time and then he agrees.
And that is all. ;)


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