overview 3sb3400 2007 en

3SB34 Switching Element
with Mounting Monitoring
Enhanced safety and availability of systems
It is common practice to equip actua- The advantages are obvious:
tors such as EMERGENCY-STOP but-
tons with standard switching ele-  Increased safety through the test
ments. The disadvantage: The correct required for initial commissioning
interconnection of both components  Enhanced system availability
and their impeccable functioning in through automatic monitoring of
case of emergency cannot be reliably the mounting state during opera-
assured. Least of all during ongoing tion (according to Machinery Direc-
operation. The new 3SB34 switching tive)
element with mounting monitoring  Space savings through compact
from the SIRIUS range, which auto- size and low mounting depth
matically monitors both the connec- (max. 63 mm)
tion to the actuator as well as the  Free slot through integrated
correct mounting on the EMERGENCY- mounting monitoring
STOP, offers more safety.
Functional principle of the 3SB34 switching element
Compared to standard switching elements, the new and com- In addition to increased safety, the SIRIUS 3SB34 switching ele-
pact SIRIUS 3SB34 switching element monitors the proper ment also supports compliance with the Machinery Directive.
mounting on and correct connection to an actuator such as First of all, this applies to initial commissioning: The circuits
an EMERGENCY-STOP button. In case of incorrect mounting or only close to enable the switching element for operation after
drop-out from the actuator, the innovative switching element implementation of a function test as specified by the directive,
initiates an automatic shutdown of the machine or system. As i. e. after one-time activation. Moreover, it offers operational
long as the system is in operation, it is thus ensured that all re- advantages: The switching element s mounting state is continu-
quired contacts function impeccably. ously monitored and the machine is immediately shut down in
case of faults. The added value for system operators: reduced
downtimes and fully available systems.
Mounting, commissioning and failure
Work steps Operating state of the switching
System state
element (monitored state)
Delivery state open
Mounting open
1st operation open
1st release (reset) closed
2nd operation open
2nd release (reset) closed
Switching element separated from open
Failure (no reset)
Connection system Order Number
Screw-type connection 3SB3400-0M
Spring-loaded connection 3SB3403-0M
The information provided in this brochure contains
merely general descriptions or characteristics of
Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice
performance which in actual case of use do not always
Automation and Drives Order No. E20001-A830-P305-X-7600
apply as described or which may change as a result of
Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution DISPO 27602
further development of the products. An obligation to
P.O. Box 48 48 21/7845 FGSB.52.8.01 SB 10073.0
provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if
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expressly agreed in the terms of contract.
GERMANY © Siemens AG 2007
All product designations may be trademarks or product
names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use
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rights of the owners.


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