prbrief simatic powercontrol 2007 en

Increased Power Transparency, Reduced Costs 
the Modular Power Management Software
Controlling your operating costs
with optimum resource utilization
Almost all businesses have an enormous potential for a sustainable
reduction of power related costs. So that you may successfully uncov-
er these potentials for savings, we offer the modular SIMATIC power-
control power management software. This standard software is based
on tried-and-tested industrial technology. It provides transparency
of power related costs and energy flow within your facility, thanks
to automated recording of power data. With this knowledge, you can
optimize your energy consumption step by step, and thereby reduce
your power related costs.
Step-by-step towards optimized operation
The SIMATIC powercontrol power management software and its expansion
module SIMATIC powercost create the basis for a continuous improvement
process by providing you with comprehensive knowledge of your power
flows and costs. This transparency facilitates cost allocation based on
actual consumption analysis of your power costs and avoidance of demand
peaks through the management of loads. At the same time, you also
improve your power system s availability.
Actual State Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Cost center
Transparency Load Management
Rising power costs
Consumers not transparent
Documentation of power flow
Reduction of power
Allocation of consumption
Optimization of the power
to cost centers
procurement contract
Balancing of high- and low-
Raise cost awareness
Improvement of the system
load periods
Efficient management
Optimization of investments
of the production process
using energy information
Continuous improvement process
Ensuring maximum power transparency:
the basis for further optimizations
The SIMATIC powercontrol power Moreover, this does not only
management software reflects your apply to electrical power 
perspective by tracking power flow SIMATIC powercontrol also
from the infeed to the distribution facilitates the visualization of
down to the consumers. The overall other energy types, such as
objective is to manage the operation water, gas and compressed air.
of your equipment as cost-effectively
as possible.
To accomplish this, all power-rele-
vant data are continuously recorded
and centrally evaluated. This ensures
maximum transparency as evaluation
of the data provides information on
the power flow and clarifies the cor-
relation between processes and their
consumption. In addition, the reliabil-
ity of your power supply is improved
as possible anomalies are diagnosed
faster and in more detail  these can
therefore be rectified in a targeted
Take the first step towards optimum power management with
SIMATIC powercontrol.
The advantages of SIMATIC powercontrol at a glance.
" Reduced operating costs
through increased transparency of power
flow from the infeed to the consumer
" Improved system availability
e.g. through early detection of critical system states
" Parameterization instead of programming
Fast and easy engineering through a pre-programmed and
system-tested solution, combined with the advantages
of the open SIMATIC world
2 I 3
The SIMATIC powercontrol basic software
Creating transparency:
with the SIMATIC powercontrol basic software
The transparency of your power system forms the basis for any type Targeted optimization:
Graphical comparison options
of energy optimization. This can be achieved, easily and reliably with
for logged values
the comprehensive functions of SIMATIC powercontrol.
Measured values cannot only be dis-
played online, but also regularly stored
Improved information: Online Fast troubleshooting:
as demand values. SIMATIC powercon-
representation of measured Event logging of current alarm
trol software offers various intervals
values and power distribution conditions in the system
for calculating demand. For electrical
system status
Everything under control  this is the
power parameters, demand values of
Knowledge about what is going on in motto of SIMATIC powercontrol. Every
15 min. intervals are standard. The kW
your power distribution system is a important event can immediately be
demand values, with maximum limits,
requirement comprehensively fulfilled displayed via the message list, irre-
often make up a critical portion of
by SIMATIC powercontrol. On the one spective of which part of the system
power contracts with utilities. In the
hand, you can have all measured val- is currently shown on the monitor.
trend representation, SIMATIC power-
ues of your power distribution system The category of the respective event
control offers the possibility of display-
displayed online on your monitor. It as well as the displayed message text
ing the power demand values, com-
does not matter whether you are is specified by you during configu-
paring them over specified periods and
dealing with electrical values or other ration, as is the question whether
normalizing them to specific sales 
types of utilites. Which values you a message has to be acknowledged
all of which are essential to targeted
choose to display are up to you. On when it occurs. Default text as well
optimization measures. Of course,
the other hand, the graphical single- as the three standard message cat-
the displayed trend curves can also be
line representation offers the possi- egories  warning ,  information and
printed. The sequence of all switching
bility of monitoring the states of your  alarm ease configuration. Of course,
operations for the project can be de-
circuit breakers at a glance  via vari- information such as date/time and
picted as digital traces  a further step
ous monitoring stations. Abnormali- the various message information, e.g.
towards the complete transparency of
ties down to fault conditions can thus location, gear, devices or function,
your entire power distribution system.
be detected earlier to improve the are included in the message list. Com-
availability of your systems. prehensive filter mechanisms support
Thorough analysis:
the targeted search for messages.
Standardized evaluation and
export of archived energy data
On the one hand, transparency is
achieved by displaying all relevant
power distribution system data and,
on the other hand, by a standardized
evaluation of available data. To
identify possible savings potential,
SIMATIC powercontrol offers com-
monly required analysis in the form
of standard report templates.
Power distribution, updated values
and consumption curves at a glance
The SIMATIC powercost module
Cost allocation by actual energy usage:
with the SIMATIC powercost module
Intuitive data presentation: Easy
The automatic allocation of energy consumption and costs to individ-
and open presentation of results
ual business units and departments based on actual usage ensures
a transparent understanding of energy usage. At the same time,
On the basis of the defined costs and
it also serves as the basis for benchmarking the success of energy tariff structure SIMATIC powercost
calculates the total consumption dur-
conservation measures. The intuitive engineering tools and high
ing runtime for any given period, as
flexibility of SIMATIC powercost (the cost-center allocation module
well as the resulting costs of the cost
of SIMATIC powercontrol) offers you all of these possibilities.
centers. This data can be printed out
periodically, as needed, in the form of
Reduced time, increased reli-
be entered manually into the system
reports or exported to other systems
ability: Cost allocation by actual
for meters that can only be read man-
for further processing.
The modelling of a company s cost
Improved efficiency: Flexible and
center structure forms the basis of
transparent cost determination
any cost and energy allocation sys-
tem. To accomplish this, SIMATIC In addition to the pure energy con-
powercost comes with a configu- sumption, the resulting costs are vital-
ration interface, on which all cost ly important. SIMATIC powercost facil-
centers can be configured reliably itates flexible specification of tariffs,
and intuitively via drag and drop, i.e. costs per energy consumption, in
and which allows for the measuring the form of cyclic tariff models as well
points to be allocated to their respec- as the input of special tariffs for limit-
tive cost centers. The cost centers ed periods. Fixed costs, e.g. revenue
can also be assigned a percentage meter rental, as well as percentage-
of a measuring point or via formulas based surcharges, e.g. taxes, can be
Cost center report
from multiple measuring points, in a allocated to each cost center.
 virtual measuring point.
Reliable reports on energy consump-
tion are only possible when all types
of utilities and all consumers can be
recorded. Which includes consumers
that do not have a communication
capable meter. This is comprehen-
sively addressed by SIMATIC power-
cost, which allows for the allocation
of all types of utilities to cost centers
and even supports the use of manual
measuring points whose values can
Fast and easy engineering:
parameterizing instead of programming
Efficient operating and
Effortless configuration
Even in its programming/engineering
environment, SIMATIC powercontrol The runtime software, already pro-
grammed and tested for the standard- An equal amount of efficiency was
follows these principles. Implement
designed into the operating and
ized power management functions,
resources more efficiently and guar-
monitoring features. The SIMATIC
can be effortlessly configured for a
antee the highest reliabillity. For this
powercontrol library offers elements
customer system via parameterization
purpose, the program is designed as
for displaying realtime data and
windows requiring only a few user
a pre-programmed and system-tested
specially designed windows for the
settings. For larger systems, a very
solution, with a runtime software that
analysis of archived values. An opti-
effective bulk entry function virtually
is combined with the advantages of
mum and transparent representation
excludes setting errors.
the open SIMATIC world.
of the data can thus be created with
only few clicks.
Parameterization instead of programming
Easy documentation
The program code for power monitoring is generated automatically:
The required paper documentation
SIMATIC powercontrol
SIMATIC powercontrol
can also be produced easily and effi-
(Runtime, HMI, OCX)
3 ciently. The company business units
configuration and departments can be flexibly
mapped to the company s cost cen-
ters, including the hierarchies within
the company. The data are output in
the form of a pre-formatted, standard-
ized report.
download (FB/DB)
Variable connec-
tion automatically
What about specific
Specific requirements are incorporat-
ed in the known flexibility of SIMATIC
and SIMATIC WinCC. Add-on packages
can gain access the available realtime
or archived data for further process-
ing, via standard interfaces.
Operation and
monitoring level
Bus systems
(e.g. Ethernet)
Processing level
Bus systems
Distributed I/O
e.g. ET 200
Detection and
control level
Multi-function E-meters Circuit Protective Motor
measuring breaker e.g. devices e.g. management
devices SENTRON 3WL SIPROTEC system e.g.
4 I 6
Analog and digital signals of contactors,
meters, flow meters, ...
Thanks to the modular design of SIMATIC powercontrol, the software
can be effortlessly expanded as required  for example with the
SIMATIC powercost module for automatic cost center Allocation by
actual consumption.
SIMATIC powercontrol in action
Benefiting from integration:
Totally Integrated Automation
and Totally Integrated Power
SIMATIC powercontrol is based on
Totally Integrated Automation, our
consistent portfolio of products and
systems for automation applications
throughout all sectors, as well as on
Totally Integrated Power"!, our com-
prehensive portfolio for power distri-
Load curve representation
bution in commercial and industrial
buildings. Compared to stand-alone
Situation and requirements:
products, our software offers many
More and more companies strive to
advantages such as the consistency
achieve more efficient power consump-
of products and systems, the use of
tion. This is also true for an internation-
standard components, a uniform op-
ally successful manufacturer of environ-
eration philosophy as well as reduced
mental technology products whose
engineering expenditures. In short:
low- and medium-voltage power distri-
SIMATIC powercontrol is a sensible
bution systems were modernized with
supplement to your existing automa-
the help of power management based
tion solution and power distribution.
on SIMATIC powercontrol.
Benefits and solution:
% Seamless transparency of the pow-
er consumption and infeed with
Automation and optimized power distribution
SIMATIC powercontrol for the distrib-
for industrial and infrastructure applications
uted visualization and evaluation
of all power flows; power data for
low-voltage power distribution equip-
ment is monitored by means of the
communication-capable SENTRON
circuit breakers
% Optimum combination of hardware
control level
and software for data recording, doc-
umentation as well as storage and ar-
Betriebs- Management
chiving of long-term evaluations leitebene
control level
Result and added value:
% Transparency and targeted procure-
ment optimization
% Demand and Energy logging in the
typical 15-minute intervals of utilities
Totally Integrated Power
Totally Integrated Automation
Order information, scope of supply
and system requirements
SIMATIC powercontrol basic software: available versions
SIMATIC powercontrol is available in four different versions: Lean, Standard, Ad-
vanced and Unlimited. In addition, a demo software or trial version, limited to a
30-day runtime period is offered, which contains all the basic functions of V2.0.
The Lean, Standard, Advanced and Unlimited basic versions are functionally iden-
tical and, in addition to the server license, contain a client license each which can
be run on the server or any client. The versions merely differ by the number of
connectable devices. The advantage: You get exactly what you need  no more,
Easy download of catalogs and
no less. Upgrading is possible at any time. The package type as well as the respec-
information material
tive license costs can be conveniently determined by the number of communica-
Current catalogs, customer maga-
tion-capable measuring devices or used measuring points.
zines, brochures, demo software
and special bargain packages on
the SIVACON 8PS portfolio and fur-
Order No.
ther low-voltage power distribution
products are available for download
Trial version, 30 day use period 3ZS2 730-0CC20-0YA7
from the information and download
Lean version, 1 20 devices 3ZS2 731-0CC20-0YA0
center at:
Standard version, 21 50 devices 3ZS2 732-0CC20-0YA0
Advanced version, 51 100 devices 3ZS2 733-0CC20-0YA0
Unlimited version, > 100 devices 3ZS2 734-0CC20-0YA0
SIMATIC powercost module
SIMATIC powercost is the additional module for the cost center allocation of
energy consumption and costs based on actual usage. It supplements SIMATIC
powercontrol (Lean, Standard, Advanced and Unlimited). SIMATIC powercost
is independent of the number of measuring points.
SIMATIC powercost 37S2 740-1CC20-0HY0
Scope of supply
The SIMATIC powercontrol product CD-ROM contains
" SIMATIC powercontrol software and SIMATIC powercost module
Always up-to-date: Our regular
" Library with graphical objects and SIMATIC S7 blocks
newsletter provides you with topical
" Manual
information on our industrial con-
" Siemens A&D license administration with Automation License Manager
trols and power distribution prod-
ucts. Simply register at:
V2.0 system requirements
The following minimum requirements must be met by the respective components
for SIMATIC powercontrol:
" PC: Pentium 4, 2.0 GHz or higher, 1 GByte RAM; min. 80 GByte hard disk
" PLC: CPU 315-2 DP with Ethernet-CP or CPU 317-2 PN/DP or higher
" Bus system: PROFIBUS® DP and Industrial Ethernet
" WinCC V6.0 or comparable operation or monitoring system
(further information available upon request)
" SIMATIC NET PC software V6.3 or higher
" STEP7 V5.3 or higher

Service & Support
Order information, scope of supply
and system requirements
SIMATIC powercontrol basic software: available versions
SIMATIC powercontrol is available in four different versions:
Lean, Standard, Advanced and Unlimited. In addition, a demo
software or trial version limited to a 30-day runtime period is
offered, which contains all basic functions of the V2.0.
The Lean, Standard, Advanced and Unlimited basic versions
E-Business at the A&D Mall Technical Assistance
Online Support
are functionally identical and, in addition to the server license,
24/7-access to a comprehensive in- Detailed technical information,
You are looking for the right prod-
formation and ordering platform?
contain a client license each which canserv- uct suiting your application? You
product support and further be executed on the
Comprehensive information on our ver or any client. The versions merely differ by the number
have technical questions, require
ices and support based on helpful
complete portfolio? Product selec- support tools can be found at:
spare parts or want to localize a
of connectable devices. The advantage: You get exactly what
tion, order tracking, service, sup- regional expert? Our experienced
you need  neither more, nor less. Upgrading is possible at
port and training information? All team of engineers and technicians
any time. The package type as well as the respective license
this can be conveniently found at will be pleased to assist you:
costs can be conveniently determined by the number of com-
the A&D Mall at:
munication-capable measuring devices or used measuring
% Personally from
points. Monday to Friday
8.00 am to 5.00 pm (CEM)
via telephone support:
% +49 (911) 895-5900
Order No.
% Via e-Mail:
Trial version, 30 day use period technical-assistance@
Lean version, 1-20 devices Via fax:
+49 (911) 895-5907
Standard version, 21-50 devices
Advanced version, 51-100 devices
you can search the FAQ database
for information and solutions
Unlimited version, > 100 devices
matching your task or directly
XXX send your questions to our techni-
cal consultants via the support re-
SIMATIC powercost module
SIMATIC powercost is the additional module for the cost-by-
cause allocation of the power consumption and costs to cost
centers. It supplements SIMATIC powercontrol (Lean, Stand-
ard, Advanced and Unlimited).
SIMATIC powercost is independent of the number of measur-
ing points.
SIMATIC powercost
8 I 9
Fax order +49 (911) 978-3321  CD/Z1334
Information material
Power management system
Please send the selected information
material to the following address
SIVACON power distribution boards
SIVACON 8PS busbar trunking systems
SIVACON cubicle systems
SENTRON circuit breakers
Street, ZIP/city/country
SENTRON switch disconnectors
Dimensioning with SIMARIS design
Configuration, visualization and control
with SIMATIC powercontrol
Totally Integrated Power
For further information, please contact your local
Siemens sales partner.
For technical questions, please contact:
Technical Assistance
Tel.: +49 (911) 895-5900
The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions
Siemens AG
or characteristics of performance which in actual case of use do not always
Automation and Drives
apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of
the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only
Low-Voltage Controls & Distribution
exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.
P.O. Box 48 48
All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG
or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could
violate the rights of the owners.
Subject to change without prior notice 03/07 | Order No. E20001-A440-P307-V1-7600 | DISPO 27605 | 2100/3244 EVPM.52.7.01 WS 06073.0 | Printed in Germany | © Siemens AG 2007


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