How To Be More Attractive To Women

How To Be More Attractive To Women
By: Christian Thorne  Author of Factors Of Attraction
The question of how to be more attractive to women is a very
broad subject. For this article I will focus on a somewhat
counter intuitive way of attracting women and that is to not
care if you attract them at all.
Let me explain you see women have a very keen sense to know
when a man is trying too hard to gain there attention and when
they sense this they automatically lose any kind of attraction
they may have had for you. The reason being when you're
trying too hard to gain the approval of a woman you're actually
sub communicating to her that you are of lower value then she
is and you desperately need her approval to make yourself feel
better about yourself. This is very typical behavior of a man
with little of no confidence. Examples of this can be buying a
woman a drink before even knowing one thing about her.
Telling her how beautiful she is without taking anytime to get
to know her and any type of behavior that could be considered
"sucking up."
So what do you do? Simply don't care about what a woman
thinks of you. If she doesn't like you, who cares! Is it really that
big of a deal if some little cute girl doesn't like you NO, life
goes on. So many men give such high value to women just
because of their looks. They place them on a pedestal as if
they're some great prize that they're trying to win. You have to
learn to be confident with who you are and not seek any kind
of validation from anyone else. This is called being non
outcome dependent. Meaning in any interaction with a woman
you don't care what the outcome is. Is she ends up liking you
great if not that's great too because you don't care. You're
okay with who you are with or without her approval.
The next time you go out practice being non outcome
dependent and you'll be amazed on the way women seem to
become more and more attracted to you. You'll actually have
women competing for your attention and trying to win your
Don't waste another day not being able to attract the women
you want. If you'd like more information on how to attract
women feel free to sign up for my free course which includes
videos, pdf special reports and a weekly newsletter. In the
course I teach you how to attract women naturally and give you
the secrets that 99% of men will never know. You can sign up
Christian Thorne


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