blueprint project

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Hello & thanks for requesting this report!
When we released the first version of this infamous course, it sold out super-fast and we had to shut down the site as
too many people were downloading it and we only had limited spaces.
However, the good news is that the new version of the course is now live. It s called  The Blueprint Project  Black
Edition and it takes this amazing area of online business to a considerably more profitable level!
Basically, this is the perfect opportunity for:
...either those who are struggling to make money online.
...people looking for a realistic way to supplement their income.
...or even more experienced online business owners who are already making a decent income, but simply want to
make A LOT more!
No matter if you are a work at home mom that wants to make a bit of extra cash... or even a corporate executive
looking for a way out of their mind-numbing day job... you CAN do this.... fact, literally anyone can do this. A student, mother or grandfather. Anyone.
Here are the reasons why&
You do not need a list, a product of your own, any experience or investment because all you do is set up push-
button sites, get other people to do the grunt work for you... and you just cash the checks.
Then you rinse and repeat the process, depending on how many sites you want, and how much money you want to
be earning.
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...and the best thing is that when you register for The Blueprint Project - Black Edition, once we go live, we will give
you a complete end-to-end guide to get everything set up quickly so you can start cranking out money faster than
you ever imagined was possible!
Personally, we have used these techniques to:
- Generate between $2740 and $8,378 each day from bizarre and unheard of markets with almost no competition.
- Make instant cash gains of up to $173,000&
- Grow a $1 million Business from Scratch in Just 8 Months!
& and we are going to show you exactly how we did it and how YOU can copy these methods to replicate both our
own and our previous students' success stories!
These techniques truly work, our customers are proof of this and to date we ve had thousands of positive posts and
success stories in the forum (& and this is growing daily).
So what is this report about?
It s a very high level overview to give you an idea of how this process works  but of course, once you see the main
 Blueprint Project Black Edition system in full detail and get access to the 60 videos, 24 manuals, all the software,
tools, resources and support& then ALL the pieces of the puzzle will come together.
You will quickly realize the potential and how it could change your life in 2011.
Ok, to begin, take a look at this 5-step process&
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Step 1: Find a market that people are already buying products in...
This used to be a major hurdle for our customers but we have solved this issue with our amazing 'Discover Niches'
tool ( more about this in the next section... )
Step 2: Evaluate this market to be sure it is worth your time & effort to build a website for...
Markets that have heavy search volume are great but you still need to evaluate them for a number of reasons. We
have another tool called  Keyword Blueprint that does all this work for you too  you just enter the terms you found
from the discover niches tool and with the click of a button it evaluates everything for you.
Step 3: Source Products and Suppliers
A market is no good if you can't source products and suppliers for it  This problem is solved with our  Dropship
Blueprint tool which is free for  The Blueprint Project  Black Edition members. It uncovers products and suppliers
with a click of a button.
Step 4: Build Your eCommerce Store
We provide push-button software which does this for you. Simply upload the software we provide to your website,
run the  install and add your product line  and that's it! No website experience needed!
Step 5: Get Targeted Traffic to Your New eCommerce Store  Free Traffic that is
We show you exactly how to get tons of visitors to your website without having to pay a dime in advertising costs
using various techniques and tools that we provide.
Ok... let's go into more detail on all of the above:
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Step 1. Find a Market that People are Already Buying Products in...
This used to be a real hurdle because of the time and effort that was required to research and find potential markets.
However, we have completely solved that problem in  The Blueprint Project with our incredible Discover Niches tool.
This tool not only lets you see at a glance what people are actually buying... it also shows how competitive these
markets are as well.
There are a couple of ways of using this tool ( as you can see from the options above ) but for the purposes of this
example I m going to click on the 'Search Options' link & see what results come back if I only select phrases that have
low competing pages in Google s search listings. (and which will therefore be easy for me to get my website into the
top 5 of Google  something we will show you how to do)
I m going to keep the interface a secret for now, but let s see what I discovered after only 5 seconds of research...
żð The keyword phrase 'k swiss sneaker' (a type of shoe) appeared and was getting over 1.8 million searches per
month with very few competing pages (at the time). It meant that it would be very easy to rank for in the
search engines and start selling these items using our own automated website.
żð Now, even though this seems like an amazing opportunity, I still have to run this keyword through our
evaluation tool called Keyword Blueprint (see the next section) to be sure this really is worth pursuing. (On a
side note, during this stage, we will recommend you research about 20 markets and draw up a list of 3 to 5
opportunities you would like to pursue.)
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Step 2. Evaluate Our Research From Step 1 Above...
Once we have found a market from our research, we now have to take it through the evaluation process using our
 Keyword Blueprint Tool ( This tool is also included with The Blueprint Project -Black Edition)
What we do is create a Keyword Project with these default settings & click on the green  + tab (see below)
Then, we add our keyword phrase 'k swiss sneaker' and click on the 'Add Keyword' button.
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Keyword Blueprint will then search for, find and evaluate this and other keyword phrases related to this market, as
you can see on the screenshot on the following page.
The reason for doing this is to ensure that we can successfully rank in the top 10 Google rankings for our chosen
keyword phrases.
In addition, I have also selected 4 other related keywords to evaluate by ticking them and clicking on the  magnifying
glass icon at the top of the column to analyze them ( You can analyze a maximum of 10 keywords at a time).
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Above, are the results. What Keyword Blueprint has done is to calculate the number of competing pages there are for
each of these keywords in Google, assess the optimization levels of those pages which are currently ranking in the
top 10, and then evaluate whether we could realistically target the top 10 of Google for each of the phrases ourselves
to draw in free search traffic and consequently make sales and money.
As you can see in the screenshot, our chosen keyword shows a 'golden star' in the evaluation column which is
excellent. There are only 3 possible symbols that keywords can evaluate to and here is what they mean:
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This means that a particular keyword has failed the evaluation process as Keyword Blueprint has determined
that it would be too difficult to rank in the top 10 of Google. Therefore we would ignore this keyword.
This means that although the keyword has successfully passed the evaluation process, it has determined that
it would take some additional work (such as link building) in order to rank in the top 10. The Score you can
see to the right of the tick is the evaluation score and this ranges from 1 to 20. The higher the score the
easier it will be to compete for a keyword. As this keyword has a score of 9, we can assume that it would take
a little more SEO work in order to compete. As a further example, if we had ten keywords we were evaluating
which all had the same  value ... but nine of them had a score of 6 and one had a score of 16, we would
obviously try and target the keyword with the score of 16.
The gold star means that you would probably be able to set up a website or Web 2.0 page and rank in the top
10 of Google without having to do much additional search engine optimization other than a few incoming
links and optimizing your website pages properly (on-page SEO). These gold star keywords are exactly what
we are looking for and in this case Keyword Blueprint is telling us that the keyword  k swiss sneaker' is
something we could realistically target and hopefully make some money with.
Now before we move onto sourcing suppliers, let me just say that this is demonstrating just ONE of the features of
Keyword Blueprint. There is SO much more to this tool and in  The Blueprint Project -Black Edition course you will
find numerous tutorials on how to use all its features.
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Step 3. Finding Products And Suppliers...
Now that we have found a product that people are searching for and that has also passed our evaluation process, we
now need to find a supplier before we build our e-commerce store.
Now remember, the idea here is to source suppliers that will dropship the product for you (as in send the order
directly to a customer who purchases from your e-commerce store) so you don't get involved at all with inventory of
any kind.
Please note there is a module in The Blueprint Project that covers this topic extensively ( as in how to communicate
with suppliers / dropshippers etc, how to locate manufactures directly etc... ) but for the purpose of this example we
are going to use another tool we have called Dropship Blueprint ( included with The Blueprint Project ) that is a good
place to start.
After logging in I just type the root keyword 'sneakers' into the Search box and a number of suppliers / dropshippers
were returned.
I would then click on the links to find out the actual details of the suppliers & either phone them or email them to
find out if they could dropship this product to my chosen region or country. That way I do not need to worry about
stocking the item at all.
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If you don't happen to find a supplier in the Dropship Blueprint database listing then don't worry as there are a
number of other ways to successfully source suppliers. Of course, we will tell you what these are in the main course.
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Step 4. Create An eCommerce Store...
Now that we have our product and a supplier who is going to dropship it for us, it is now time to build out our
eCommerce store. But before we do that we need to&
& Choose a Domain Name.
Based on my research above I can see that 'k swiss sneaker' is being heavily searched for each month so I should look
at trying to register this domain name for my e-commerce store as this will help in the ranking of my website in
Google as well as the other search engines.
The method for doing this is extremely simple; the problem is usually to do with availability. If you plan on selling a
product in a specific country then you should look at targeting a top level domain ( TLD ) for that country. For
example -
if in the US I would look at targeting .com, .org and .net ( in that order )
if in the UK I would look at targeting
if in Canada I would look at targeting .ca etc..
A quick search reveals that this domain has already been taken for my chosen country - US
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So the next best thing to do is see if my preferred domain name containing a hyphen '-' in it is available. Luckily it is so
I will go ahead and register the .com version of this domain for my new eCommerce store . Now I am ready to upload
the software that will create my website which you will get within  The Blueprint Project - Black Edition .
Installing the website software&
Installing your website requires absolutely no HTML knowledge at all.
You simply...
Øð Upload and extract the software to your website.
Øð Run the installation process.
Øð That s it
On the next page you can see a screenshot of an example website that the software has created with a push of a
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There is a complete module in The Blueprint Project on how to setup your store (including how to add your products,
categories and custom logos) so, I repeat, no knowledge of html or web design is required for this at all.
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Step 5. Get FREE Targeted Traffic...
After your store is set up and ready to run, the next thing you ll need is website traffic! In other words, people who
want to buy the products that you are selling.
The most targeted traffic for these types of e-commerce stores is going to be the 'organic' free traffic from the search
engines. Because of the research and evaluation process I have already gone through in this report, I know that I
stand a very good chance of getting to the top of the Google search results and therefore enjoy FREE Targeted
Visitors to my website who most likely will want to buy my products.
As you will probably know, the lifeblood of any online business is website traffic and without it you won t make any
money. It is a HUGE subject and one that we cannot go into depth in this report as it is simply too vast.
However, that is why we have nearly 40 videos dedicated to traffic generation in The Blueprint Project and it is
without doubt the most comprehensive traffic package we have ever put together on the subject. Indeed it may be
the most comprehensive pack that ANYONE has put together.
In fact& what you ll discover are the exact traffic techniques we have used to generate over $13,500,000 online in
the past few years and they are completely newbie friendly& and most of them are FREE !
& want to know what they are?
Then grab The Blueprint Project -Black Edition using the link below and we will get you started immediately.
So, to wrap things up&
Watch The Amazing *Blueprint Project* Video To Get Started... Click Here >>
Setting up a highly profitable niche eCommerce empire is easy once you have the right tools & resources. Essentially
the formula is:
Market Research => Evaluate => Source Suppliers => Build Store => Get Free Traffic => $$$ => Rinse & Repeat
... and it is something that works - time and time again.
So even if you only make a sale a day per website (which is VERY possible if you follow the steps correctly), all you
need is to set up 5 - 10 of them and that alone will produce a substantial monthly income in VERY a short period of
Personally, we have generated a fortune in this area and the great thing is that anyone can make money from his
area of online business no matter what experience they have and no matter how much time they have.
Obviously, the more effort you put in, the more money you ll make. In fact, because of the millions of people who
search Google each day, the potential is practically unlimited& There are thousands of markets, niches and sub
niches out there to take advantage of. So get to it!
Thanks for reading&
Get Started With The Blueprint Project Black Edition & Start Making Money Today!
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