So, Though, Although and Also

So, Though, Although and Also

1. You'll do it becuase I told you _______ .
a) although
b) also
c) so
d) though

2. I bought it even ______ I knew I couldn't really afford it.
a) also
b) though
c) so
d) although

3. The hotel has great service, but even ______ it is still overpriced.
a) though
b) although
c) so
d) also

4. I decided not to go out. But it would have been a good idea _______ .
a) although
b) so
c) also
d) though

5. He's not only my boss, he's _______ a friend I can trust.
a) although
b) though
c) so
d) also

6. We'd wanted to go to Greece for ages, ______ last year we finally went and of course, we had a great time.
a) though
b) although
c) so
d) also

7. I'd love to have a drink with you. Not now ________.
a) though
b) although
c) so
d) also

8. You are just ______ predictable. I knew you'd say that.
a) though
b) although
c) so
d) also

9. The farm, ______ big, is easy to manage.
a) though
b) although
c) so
d) also

10. "You suggested that we all went there." - "You're right. ______ I did."
a) So
b) Also
c) Though
d) Although

11. ______ we'd promised not to, we ended up eating all the food in the fridge.
a) So
b) Also
c) Though
d) Although

12. _______ , what have you been getting up to lately?
a) So
b) Also
c) Though
d) Although


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