CPA Hypnotist

The CPA Hypnotist
By:Vivek Narayan&Daniel Marquez
Copyright © 2014 by Vivek Narayan&Daniel Marquez. All rights reserved.
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What is up, my friend?! Welcome to The CPA Hypnotist. I'd like to
first say thank you for your trust in me to help you take another step
closer to your online success. It really means a lot to me and I will not let
you down. These methods have been tried and tested by myself, and
know they will work for you just as they do for me.
There are four different methods that I share with you in this guide, each
use the same principle as the last. I will first explain the idea behind each
method and why they allow you to hypnotize your prospects into
completing virtually any offer you send them. Then we will move on to
step by step guide to setting the methods up. The trick behind each
method can be a bit tricky to master, but once you do, I am confident that
you will see floods of conversion in your CPA account.
Before we get started, I want to to share something with you... If you take
anything from this guide, I wish it to be this... NEVER GIVE UP! You can
only fail when you cease to try. Failure isn't real, it's simply a figment of
the imagination of man. There is only temporary defeat, and with
temporary defeat comes an answer to the problem which made you "fail"
in the first place. Everyone has an equal opportunity to Live their dream,
but the one's who make it never give up, never stop dreaming, and truly
believe they can achieve anything. If you can think it, you can achieve it.
"They can because they think they can."
So keep your head up, believe you can do it, never stop trying, and you
will live the Life that you know you deserve.
So with that being said, let' the madness begin!
Method to the Madness
The name The CPA Hypnotist was quite easy to come up with when I
started using these methods becuase it pretty much sums up the idea
behind the methods. To sum it up quickly, the idea is to make the end
user of your offers feel obligated to complete the offer they are interested
in. But how do we do this? With angles, how it's approached, and story
So what can you get for free nowadays? Nothing, right? Okay well this
mentality is ruining the credability of all squeeze pages and makes free
offers a lot harder to convert on.
"Enter your information here and get something for FREE"
This simply doens't work as well as it used to because of all the scams
floating around the internet. The very second people see the word "FREE,"
a red flag instantly raises and their guard is immediately put up. Chances
are they're not going to opt in to your list, and if they do, they are already
skepticle and weary about doing so, so the information you send them
might be marked off as spam without even taking a look at it.
So what I have found is a way to use this to my advantage. We need to
make the end user believe that they are getting something for FREE
because of something they do, not something for nothing. When you
change this around, they feel obligated to complete the offers sent to them
becuase hey... they worked for it! See where I'm going here?
But how do we make them feel as if they worked for something, when in
reality, it's still FREE! Simple, we send them through a series of steps
before they can access the offer they have chosen to participate in.
Although the steps taken are the natural opt in process, we must make
them feel as if so they are doing extra work to get to the prize, or literally
put in an extra step...
Example: The natural opt in process looks like this
Squeeze page > FREE offer > Opt in > Confirmation
By adding just one step to this process, and captilizing on each of four
natural steps, we have them in the bag! There are many extra steps to
use and we will go over 3 of them which are outlined in the methods of
this guide. The placement of the extra step is very important and can
play a big role in the success of using these methods.
So lets take a look at each method and how it works. I will outline each
method in a step by step process explainign things as we go. I suggest
that you do the work while reading the steps. Don't think about it, just do
it. If you think too much, you'll end up talking youself out of it. As Nike
says, "just do it."
Note: Before we get started I want you to know there is a general step by
step set up process guide with screenshots at the end of this guide. So if
you get stuck in the set up process, just refer to the screenshots.
Ready or not, here we go!
Method #1:The CPA Hypnotist
This method revolves around dating offers. This is one of my
favorite methods to use. Follow my intructions exactly for premium
results but don't be afraid to throw your own twists in there or try
something totally new. Test everything to optimize each campaign to its
full potential. Let's dive right in...
Step 1: Find CPA dating offers to promote. You want to promote offers
that pay upon a free account creation. These offers usually pay from $4-
$9. Copy your affliate link(s) and set it/them to the side.
Step 2: Create 3 separate email lists labled Blondes, Brunettes, and Red
Heads. Use double opt in for each one so that they have to confirm their
subscription. This step is vital. (See screenshots at the end)
Step 3: Insert your CPA affiliate link into the double opt in confirmation
link. If you can find landing pages that target blondes or brunettes or
redheads, then use those corresponding CPA offer landing pages for the
corresponding lists that you have already created.
Step 4: Create custom confirmation text for each email list. This is the
message they will see when they opt in to your list and get the
confirmation email. The link they click to confirm their subscription is
the same link that will forward them directly to the CPA offer.
Confirmation message #1: "So you like Blondes huh?! Well I have good
news for you. We found a dating site with a ratio of 4 to 1 of Blondes
than every other hair color. Wanna check it out? Click the link below to
claim your FREE membership!"
Confirmation message #2: "So you like Brunettes huh?! Well I have good
news for you. We found a dating site with a ratio of 4 to 1 of Brunetts
than every other hair color. Wanna check it out? Click the link below to
claim your FREE membership!"
Confirmation message #3: "So you like Red Heads huh?! Well I have
good news for you. We found a dating site with a ratio of 4 to 1 of Red
Heads than every other hair color. Wanna check it out? Click the link
below to claim your FREE membership!"
Step 4: Create a landing page. You want to arrange pictures of good
looking Blondes, Brunetts, and Red Heads (this can be used with guys too,
but we're using girls as an example). Angle the lander as if they are
participating in a poll of which girl is hottest and will get a FREE
membership to a dating site because of their participation.
Step 5: Link each image to its corresponding email list/opt in form. The
image of the Blonde to the email list with the Blondes confirmation
message. The image of the Brunette with the email list to the Brunette
confirmation message and so on... So now, if they choose Blondes as who
they think are most attractive, they will get the blonde confirmation
message claiming to have a dating site with more blondes than any other
hair color, and they get a free membership to it.
Step 6: Drive traffic! Plenty of Fish and Facebook paid ads are work great
with this method.
Okay so easy enough, right? Notice how it's all about the story telling.
So here's what it should look like to the end user.
1. They land on your squeeze page.
2. They participate in your "poll" by choosing which girl they think is
the most attractive.
3. They choose the girl and the opt in form pops up requiring their
information for their free membership.
4. They get a confirmation email stating that a membership dating site
has been found with more of the blondes, brunettes, or red heads,
whichever they think is most attractive, and now get a free
membership to that site because of their participation.
5. They visit the dating site by clicking the confirm link in the email
which sends them directly to the CPA dating offer page. They fill
out the form to complete their free membership, and you get paid!
Awesome huh? Notice how to story telling plays a key role in it?
Every time you market something, whether it be CPA, an information
product, or a physical product, you have to view things from the
consumers eyes. You should walk yourself through the very process of
what they are going to see on your site or squeeze page and how it is
being portrayed. This is crucial becuase if you wouldn't buy from you,
why would they buy from you?
Method #2:Compelled Conversions
This method was created specifically for email and zip submits. The
idea behind is to make the end user believe the CPA landing page is
where they will confirm their email address.
If you really want to turn this into a successful, long term business, then
you can literally send an iPhone or whatever it is that you are promoting
to one of your subscribers! Randomly choose one of your subrcribers
when you reach a comfortable amount of money so you can purchase a
prize for them and choose a winner. When you send out their gift, ask
them to provide picture and a testimonial so that you can prove to your
list that they can actually win something. This
will skyrocket your credability which in turn will skyrocket your
conversions and give you long term subscribers who will fill out multiple
offers that you are promoting.
So lets get started...
Step 1: Find an email or zip submit offer that has at least 3 different offers
that are in the same niche.
" Free Apple iPhone
" Free Apple MacBook Pro
" Free Apple MacBook Air
" Free Apple iPad
" etc
Step 2: Create as many email lists as offers that you plan to promote. If
you're promoting 3 offers, then create 3 email lists, if you're promoting 4,
then create 4 email lists. Label the email list correctly to its
corresponding offer. Use the double opt in feature for each list.
Step 3: Insert your CPA affiliate links to the corresponding email lists
confirmation link.
Step 4: Add 'copy' to the confirmation email. Here you need to compell
the end user to click the confirm link to "confirm" their email on the next
page, which is the CPA landing page.
"Congratulations! We still have 9 (of the product they choose) left to give
away! Click the link below and confirm your interest on the next page!
Thank You and Good Luck!"
Step 5: Create a landing page. You can approach many different angles
here. Test them out to see what works best for you.
A poll - What is the best Apple product? Give us your opinion and have
a chance to Win it for FREE!
Freebies  Test an iPhone and and keep it for FREE!
Drawing  Win a FREE Apple product of your choice! Pick one by
clicking image and get more details for a chance to win it for free.
Step 6: Drive traffic! Free traffic methods work best for this one. I like
Twitter and Facebook.
Here's what it looks like to the end user.
1. They visit your landing expecting a chance to win something for
free. Keep in mind that the story telling begins from the very
beginning, the ads.
2. They choose the item they want and must opt in for further details.
3. They recieve an email telling them that there are "X" amount of the
products they chose left to give away, now they must click the link
below (confirmation link) to confirm their email address on the
next page.
4. They click the link and the CPA offer corresponding to the item they
chose now shows. They will "confirm" their email on this page by
entering their email address on the CPA offer page which gets your
Simple enough right?
Realize that these methods all use the same principle. Use your
imagination and make them your own. Your only limit is the limit of
your imagination, and your imagination is the absolute best tool that you
possess, period. Learn to think outside the box and try new things. If you
have an idea, just do it, don't think too much becuase that leads to
Method #3:The Spellbound Subscriber
This method can be used with a wide variety of offers. The idea
behind the method is to spark emotion in your traffic so that they voice
their opinion on the subject matter. Just as story telling, interaction is
another way to compell end users to complete offers. This method works
perfectly when there are big events happening. Big sporting events,
presidential election, movie awards, music awards, the Olympics etc.
We're going to use the Superbowl as a step by step example.
Step 1: Find NFL related offer(s). Copy your affliliate link and set it to the
Step 2: Create two email lists, one for each team going to the superbowl.
Again, we're going to use the double opt in process. Note: This can also
be done during the playoffs. So if there are 6 teams left, create 6 email
lists per team. The squeeze page will have an interactive multiple choice
Step 3: Insert your CPA afflilate link into the double opt in confirmation
Step 4: Write a custom confirmation message for each team.
Example: "So you think the Ravens are going to win the Superbowl this
year, do you? If you're right, you can Win a FREE NFL Jersey of your
choice! Just click the link below to choose your favorite team jersey and
confirm your email address. Let's hope you're right! Go Ravens!"
And so on for each team...
Step 5: Create a landing page. You want your traffic to interact with
your page so you need to spark emotion in them if they are to do so...
Example: "Go COWBOYS! We'll get 'em next year! But since the
Cowboys aren't in it, who do you think will win the Superbowl? Make
your predictions by clicking the team of your choice and if it comes true,
you can win a FREE NFL Jersey of your favorite team!"
Okay so why "Go Cowboys"? Becuase you either Love or hate the
Cowboys. And people are either going to side with you, or side against
you. Either way, they will let you know by making their choice or
predictions as to who is going to win the superbowl. And the fact that
they potentially have a chance to win a free jersey just makes it that
much more enticing...
Step 6: Link each image to its corresponding opt in form.
Step 7: Drive traffic! I have the best conversions using Facebook traffic.
Reasons being is the end user is already in the social mood by browsing
facebook and talking with friends, which is the perfect time to spark
Here's how it looks for the end user.
1. As a football fan, they land on your page and see a choice of
predictions who will win the superbowl and a chance to win a free
2. They read your opinion and disagree or agree, so they become
compelled to interact and voice theirs.
3. They choose the team they think will win.
4. They recieve an email saying they have a chance to win a free NFL
jersey of their choice if their prediction comes true, but first must
confirm their email on the next page and choose the jersey of their
You see how lucrative CPA marketing can be? There is virtually no limit
to what can be done because your only limits are that which you put on
yourself. You need to believe that you can do it, you need to believe that
you can have breakthrough ideas, and you will. Learn to use your
imagination as if you were a kid again. Don't let anyone tell you no, don't
let anyone tell you it's wrong, becuase it's the crazy, obsurd, outlandish,
"impossible" ideas that are the real game changers. If at first you idea isn't
obsurd, then it's probably already been done.
Method #4:"Captivate to Fascinate
The title says it all... we're going to use the same good ol' freebie
giveaway to capture leads, except with a twist. This can be used to
promote CPA offers as well as Clickbank offers. It's pretty much the same
concept for both, but in this example, we're going to using dating offers
again. So let's dive right in...
Step 1: Write a report on dating advice, or re-write a PLR report. It's easy
to do guys, don't let this discourage you. 10-20 pages is plently, and it
should only take an hour of your time.
Step 2: Find a dating offer to promote. You can either use free
membership sites or paid membership sites for this method.
You can get a really nice eBook cover design for $5 from fiverr.
In the report, you want to upsell the dating site that you chose to
promote. You can do this in a few different ways...
1. Free membership bonus offer because of the download of your
2. Upsell one specific dating site throughout the entire guide.
3. Simply promote a plethura of dating sites as "rescources" in your
Step 3: Set up your email list. You can use the single opt in or double opt
in. The process doesn't make a difference; however, people who are
willing to confirm their subscription are more likely to complete your
offers. Keep that in mind.
Step 4: Write an autoresponder series. This series should consist of at
least 15 messages. The longer the better as it'll increases your chances of
making money on autopilot.
Your series should consist of valuable tips and resources. Establish your
authority in dating advice to increase credability and conversion rates.
Do not attack your subsribers with offers desperately trying to sell them
something. You will quickly lose your credablility, and your conversion
rates will plumet.
Step 5: Create a squeeze page. Split test everything from your headlines
to your opt in form placements. You must find what works best for your
niche, and capilize on it. Your opt in conversion rate will make or break
Step 6: Drive traffic!
The world of marketing is very lucrative and is only moving forward and
getting better. You have what it takes to come up with the "next big
thing," so next time you have an idea, just do it! If you think too much
about it, you only think about why it won't work. Every new idea you get
is a potential life changer becuase it's never been done before, so it might
fail at first, but you must keep working it until it works. Remember, there
is no guidlines to follow when you're working with a original idea, and
that original idea will take work to perfect, but it literally has the
potential to make thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of
dollars. You don't know. Think of a new idea as a jackpot, only you don't
know how big the payout will be. Keep your eye on the end result and
don't stop until it has been achieved.
So there you have it, four methods that will make you money right
out of the box, four methods that can sponsor thousand of niches and
ideas limited only to your imagination, and hopefully a new outlook on
marketing, your own capabilites, and some motivation and inspiration to
live up to your potential. You have no excuse to not make money. You
will either work and make money, or not work and not make money,
plain and simple. There is no in between. So if you're following my step
by step guide, or have your own ideas, don't think about it too much, just
dive right in and let action take it's course.
"Action is the real measure of intelligence."
-Napoleon Hill
Below you will find quick link resource that you will need, a general step
by step process with screenshots to help you along with the set up, and
my thanks and farewell...
CPA Networks
Paid Traffic (PPC)
Setting Up The Basics
Step 1: Find an offer
I work with multiple CPA networks, but Peerfly is always my first choice.
I've never had a problem with them when it comes to payment or
anything else.
Step 2: Create email list
Step 3 & 4:
Insert affiliate and create custom confirmation message.
The rest is up to you, my friend. As they say, "you can lead a horse to
water but you can't make him drink." Creating the landing and/or
So you now have all the tools that you need to make money, so just jump
right into it and just do it. Don't think about it too much becuase that'll
allow you to make an excuse to why you shouldn't do it, or why it won't
work, without even trying...
To Your Success,
Vivek Narayan&Daniel


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