Kick Back CPA

Set it up. Kick back and profit.
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Lazy-Man's CPA formula builds a $250+ per day income stream in 12 days
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This guide may not be copied or shared with anyone without my
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should be used for informational purposes only.
Hello everyone!
Thanks so much for investing in Kick Back CPA. I am very grateful that
you've given me the opportunity to show you how to really kick up your CPA
earnings and sneak your way into the Super Affiliate section.
Kick Back CPA is so simple, that it is deadly tough to complicate it.
I've been around the WF for a while and have noticed some warriors like over
complicating simple methods and a lot of the times that is the reason they
never take action on whatever steps are involved.
I've decided to describe this method in this simplest way any person could
ever explain, hopefully that will get it across to the readers, how simple
making money with this method really is, instead of over analyzing everything
and asking tons of questions before getting out there and showing up when
the money calls.
I've put together a bullet proof formula that involved syphoning someone
else's traffic to an awesome offer that is converting like gangbusters right
now, for the people matching the offer up with the right audience.
Luckily, I've already found a way to tap into a perfect audience for this offer so
all you have to do is follow directions.
As discussed in the sales page, this offer has a payout up to $27, even $30 in
some places. That is absolutely huge! And the hugest part is, the people you
are targeted won't even have to shovel over any cash upfront in order for you
to get paid.
In a nutshell, this is what we're going to be doing here:
1. Make sure you're signed up with a CPA network that holds the CPA offer
we need or sign up for one.
2. Get us a short and easy to remember domain.
3. Contact a few people that hold the key to the traffic gates.
4. Propose a deal of a lifetime to these people and get the money rolling!
Making it more than that is unnecessary, for this WSO, I will do my best to
cut out all fat and waste that's usually included in WSOs. If I leave something
small out and you are a fresh newbie at CPA marketing you are more than
welcome to email me at my support email, which will be given at the end of
this WSO. I want everyone reading this to understand, money isn't made by
reading extensive training guides and sitting on it for days!
I don't know how many times I've read a 132 page pdf course or watched a 8
part video training series with hour long sessions and finished it thinking,
 Now, where the heck do I start? .
I've designed this WSO in a short and action oriented manner to make it
easier for you to get up and get the money rolling in faster than ever! Just
follow the steps with me and let's get this money!
Start setting up on the next page.
Step 1: Sign Up
Couple things to note here, in order to have the highest chances of seeing the
earnings I quoted throughout this launch, you will have to do everything
exactly as I said because this is the only way I've done this method! You will
need to be apart of a CPA network that has the offer you want to use with this
The offer:
This offer is widely available throughout CPA networks and it's pretty easy for
Affiliate Managers to get if your network doesn't have this offer, specifically
the incentive version. If you don't see the Gamefly offer in any of your current
CPA networks, then you need to go ahead and apply for a network that does
offer it. This offer is converting like gangbusters seriously! They are offering a
free 30 day trial, so the consumer spends nothing upfront!
There are a lot of them, best way to find which network is best for you, with
the offer is
Head over to and type in gamefly.
Check out all of the networks that are currently offering gamefly, look at the
terms, payout, etc.
Note, we are looking for an incentive version of the gamefly offer just so our
method is 100% safe, although for the networks that have the gamefly offer
but don't have the incentive version, they probably don't have it because no
one requested it, so if you just request it, I'm sure your AM will bring the
incentive version on board, just ask!
As you can see there are already a number of networks that offer the
 incentive friendly gamefly offer, these are the networks we want to work
The offer above is Incent Friendly AND it starts off at $26.00 per lead! That is
crazy! You could probably get a bump up to $30+ per lead if you start sending
in quality traffic.(Oh we have that!)
An offer being $26 per lead, you don't even need that many leads per day in
order to have a job replacing income!
Before you move on and do anything else, you need to be apart of one of these
networks. Get that done now, apply and give them a call as soon as you're
done applying and ask to speak to an affiliate manager about the speeding up
your approval process. This alone raises the chances of being accepted by a
mile and let's the network know you're serious about sending traffic.
If you need a little more direction about how to properly sign up for a CPA
network and get accepted, there are a ton of free resources on the WF,
covering the process in great detail, but if you'd rather hear it from me, just
shoot me an email and I will get you set straight!
I don't want to take up any space going over the basics of getting accepted to
a CPA network but I am more than happy to help you at my support desk.
Once you are officially a part of a network with the offer we need, move on to
the next step!
Step 2(Choose Domain)
Now we need to choose a domain for us to use during our first campaign.
Make it short, easy to remember and along the lines of games. Dont overthink
this one, just go over to godaddy or whereever you buy your domains from
and see what is available.
Here are a few ideas off the top of my head, I have no idea if these are being
used or not:
You get the idea, something short, easy to remember and along the lines of
playing games. Don't pick a name with the word gamefly in the domain, don't
even get into that mess. All of the above examples are pretty good, so you can
choose one of those if they are available or just think of something similar.
Let's say we chose,
Once you've got a name that hasn't been chosen yet, go ahead and register it.
Okay step 1, you've signed up for the CPA network(s) with the gamefly incent
offers, step 2, you've chosen your domain name. We're going to be using this
domain name simply to forward our audience to the CPA offer directly.
As of right now, I've only direct linked to the offer, no landing page or squeeze
pages in between, although I have been thinking about testing a landing page
for a while now, I just haven't gotten around to it and direct linking is working
just fine for me!
You've got to set your domain up now, so it will forward to your CPA offer for
gamefly. Go to godaddy and go to domain management. When you get to the
edit page, go to the forwarding section and stick your affiliate link from your
CPA network into the box as show below.
Then stick in your affiliate link, which you will get from your CPA Network
under the gamefly affiliate link section.
Stick your affiliate link in the forwarding section of your new domain and wait
about 20 minutes for it to register. Then, type your domain in and make sure
it leads to the gamefly registration page. That's it for step 2!
Step 3.
Step three is where things pick up a little bit, here is where those people I was
talking about earlier will make things harder than they have to be. This idea
is already set up to sell itself so just do yourself a favor and don't fret about
this step at all, just do it, that is if you want to make money, period.
What we're going to be doing here is finding some people who hold the key to
the targeted traffic we want to get a piece of. We're then going to simply
contact them, tell them about our campaign and see if they want to partner
up with you, if not, then you move on, if so, then you get ready for the money
to roll in.
Now this can be done in any city, no matter where you live so you dont have
to stick around your local area. All contacts will be held by phone, which cuts
down time wasting to an extreme low and let's up find the people we are
looking for much quicker.
For this example purpose of this WSO, I am going to make a random choice of
a city to target. So let's choose Miami, FL for example purposes.
First thing to do is to go over to Google.
Type in the following search term or something similar.
Once you get a list of colleges or universities near your city, go ahead and
write them down on a piece of paper for record keeping. We're going to break
each of these schools down one by one while we find our traffic.
As you can see the first one on the list for our example is University of Miami,
so that is the first school we are going to work around.
Go back to a clean google page and type in the following search term or
Pizza places are the number one priority but all restaurants are good game for
this method. Pizza places are best, they bring me the most money and they
are super duper easy to get on board with your campaign.
Not only that, the decision makers for these pizza places are in house a lot
more than other businesses and restaurants.
As you can see from our example's search results, there are a great number of
pizza places near university of Miami, PERFECT! I smell the money already!
Note, we are targeting the smaller mom and pop type pizza spots so stay away
from the larger chains like Dominos. The rest of these listings above look
perfect so far.
Go to each shop website and look for a link to their Facebook Fan Page.
Click on their Facebook link and it will bring up their fanpage.
First, like their page. Then, immediately after click the message box and send
them the following message.
Yes, we give a bold statement. But it is so true!
Yes, we don't need to mention a lick about our  Internet Marketing Company .
This message is built to come off as a real live person, not a company.
Yes, it'll only take 5 - 10 minutes before they say YES, LET'S DO IT!
Yes, I said please twice!
There, those questions are out the way. Go ahead and send this message to
however many pizza places you find around 'University of Miami' until your
fingers hurt. Make sure you're writing down the information of everyone you
send a message to!
I suggest doing this one little easy step for two days straight. Well, that's how
I did it to see the money I saw! I messaged pizza places for two days straight
with the same exact message. If I ran out of pizza places near one university, I
just found another university in the same state, or anywhere and started my
search over again.
This way you are building up your pipeline full of leads, which makes the
chances of you seeing a nice rush of business once we give it some time and
then start following up with our contacts. Within this 2 day period, you WILL
have some pizza places calling YOU back! Yes, it will happen, so just be
prepared, in which I plan to get you prepared in the next chapter.
See ya there!
Chapter 4: Propose
Now is the time to seal the deal and move on so we can get the money rolling
in ;)
We're going to speak with this decision maker on the phone. Relay a few
simple lines and persuade them to get the ball rolling.
You should have a list of pizza places you've sent messages to the past two
days so you have a good amount of leads ahead of you, waiting to make you

Gatekeeper: Hi, this is pablo pizza, may I help?
You: Hi, yes, I sent a message on Facebook to the manager, I was calling to
check on it...see if they got a chance to see it.
*If you ever get into Offline or are into Offline right now, this is always a very easy way to get
passed the gatekeeper and up a level to the manager or owner.
Gatekeeper: One second please.
Owner: This is John, may I help you?
You: Hi, John, this is Arron I'm not sure if you've had the time, but I sent you a
message on Facebook, I was calling to see if you got it and if you had ten
minutes to talk about it.
Owner: (Yah, I got it! No, I didnt see it yet)
You: Alright! Well, I just got this idea one day and I thought your shop would be
perfect to run it on. You guys have a great location...Do you have 5 or 10
minutes so I can run this idea by you?
Owner: Sure.
You: Okay, you guys are located right around the University of Miami, so a lot
of your customers are students who either live on campus or around the
campus. Not sure if you've heard of this, but I have a connection with Gamefly,
if you've heard of Netflix, they're pretty much the Netflix for video games...*They
usually say something here
They are running a special right now offering a free 30 day trial, so you can try
it out, order games and stuff for 30 days and cancel if you don't like it.
Well, they're actually paying out for the leads that I bring them, like if I send
someone and they sign up for the 30 day trial, no matter if they cancel or not,
they pay me for it.
I saw these restaurants around the college and I was thinking about getting
some flyers and promoting the offer to all of your customers and I'll pay you
(50%) every month for the leads we get. You're customers won't have to pay
anything to start their free trial but I'll pay you ($10) for every one of your
customers that signs up for the free trial.
You can do that math on that one sir, $10 adds up. 10 people a day is 100
extra bucks every day. And I was thinking, you would have almost everyone
signing up if you offered a free drink in return for them signing up for the free
That'll be around $2.00 off that ticket but you'll be getting a guaranteed $8
extra on that transaction and everyone is happy. $8 X 10 is still $80 cash every
day...just extra money...
So what do you think about the potential for this?
Owner: (In My experience at least 4 out of 10 LOVE the idea)
You: Okay, so if you're like me, I want to get this started so, all we have to do is
get the flyers to you.
*This is how I got the flyers FREE instead of paying out of pocket!!
We can go back and forth with the printing cost and everything. I'll take care of
the designing, 500 flyers each go around. Since I'm taking care of everything
else, are you okay with taking care of the flyers first. It's $50 for 500 flyers, so
we'll just go back and forth whenever flyers run out...
Just close your mouth after this, seriously, your job is done. That whole spiel
will go A LOT faster than you think and it's a guarantee you will have a nice
amount of takers.
If you sense some kind of hesitation at all, and you think maybe it is because
of the $50(seriously?) then the most I'd say do is offer to go half on the flyers
each time, so you'll both pay about $25 for 500 flyers. This is if you are going
through, which is an awesome choice. $50 will take care of
everything, I think it actually comes up to around $45 for $500 flyers.
You can always find cheaper deals elsewhere too, you don't have to stick to
NDF at all, if you find somewhere cheaper that will give you some profit,
heck..go for it!
About getting the design done...Like I said the 500 flyers is about $45 when I
get them so what to do with that extra $5?????
Fiverr, lol. Hundreds of great designers of Fiverr to get your design done,
seriously though, I use Fiverr every time, I don't waste time on designing a
little flyer, although I could DEFINITELY do it myself, so maybe I'm just
wasting five bucks lol. All you really need is something simple...simple enough
to catch the attention of customers. Not too much going on, distracting them
from the point.
I end all calls with the agreement that they will be offering a free beverage for
signing up for the free trial, just so we make both our chances at making a lot
of money higher and so I can include that angle on the flyers.
Here is the basic copy of the flyers:
Do You Want That
Beverage For FREE?
Yeah! Get the drink your sipping on right now, for
Zip! Zilch! Nada! HOW?
Sign up for GameFly 30 Day FREE
Trial at
on your phone!
Ask staff if you need help!
Yeah, okay, I pretty much pay $5 for that copy on a simple flyer with a picture
of an XBOX. Something anyone can really do, but if you're looking for that
99% hands free theme, it's worth it!
I send these flyers directly to the pizza shop...(hands free) and keep in close
contact with the owner. All they have to do is put that flyer everywhere in the
restaurants, on pizza boxes, or whatever and have they're staff actively
promote the offer. That is it.
The traffic WILL come and the leads will DEFINITELY come pouring in...easy
income stream, depending on how many customers this pizza shop
least an easy $100 income stream for pretty much doing nothing, and I have
some pizza shops who don't look like they are that busy but make us GOOD
money with this!!! To be totally transparent I have a total of 6 pizza shops on
board as of today! My best pizza shop made us over $800 this past weekend.
That's $400 for him and $400 for me, for doing nothing.
Look, this That's about all I can say, if you don't go out there
and try it I really feel bad for you!! Let's make this easy CPA money!!!
Any questions???
Arron ;)


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