Twin Pines

Twin Pines @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } TWIN PINES Chloe Reeder  Published by Chloe Reeder  Copyright 2011 by Chloe Reeder  Smashwords Edition, License Notes  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.  Cover Design: Bev Haynes    CHAPTER ONE  Bella Mann's eyelids snapped open, and her heart hammered in her chest. The last rumblings of some unknown sound reverberated around the bedroom, ruining the silence of her slumber on a dark, dreary, winter morning. Her dog, Brandy, stiffened, tensed and growled faintly beside her. Brandy could have heard something as well. It must be the awful wind. She took a deep breath attempting to relax, then reached out and stroked Brandy's head to reassure the animal, the truth be known, also to comfort herself. Turning her head, she looked at the digital clock sitting on the nightstand. Six-thirty. Breathing deeply, she forced her heart to slow to a nice, even beat. Surely, the house would withstand the assaulting wind without her holding it up with all her worry. She punched her pillow and squirmed deeper into the comforting softness of the mattress as the supple percale sheets slid softly against her skin. Relaxing, she listened to the sound of the Wyoming wind whistling through the trees. Near the brink of sleep, Brandy cuddled into the bend of her knees mocking her every move. Another loud, rash brought Bella bolt upright in bed. Brandy yelped and growled her displeasure as she bailed over the top of Bella. "Ouch! You miserable mutt!" Bella squealed as the dog's nails scratched the tender flesh of her arm. Throwing off the covers, Bella raced behind the dog, her thin, silky sleep shirt clinging to her body. Nedâ€Åšit had to be her brother, he'd been remodeling the apartment across the hall, but she remembered he'd finished with that last weekend. Besides, she and her brother were much alike, they both liked to sleep in on a day off work. Slowly, she turned the knob, easing open the heavy oak door a crack allowing her just enough room to peek out to the landing. She couldn't see much of it from her vantage point, but she could hear movement out there--scraping sounds, grunts and groans. She tossed open the door. "Ned! What are youâ€Åš?" Her words stuck in her throat. A handsome stranger crouched on the landing, yanking on wide canvas straps that surrounded a gigantic storage crate that was perched at a dangerous angle near the landing. The box teetered on the edge of the top step. This attractive man certainly wasn't her brother. Sweat dampened the man's black, curly hair and perspiration ran in rivulets down his tan skin. His thick-muscled shoulders strained against a buffalo-plaid shirt, and a pair of soft, worn jeans hugged his backside as they stretched around perfect muscles. "Geez!" Bella cried, throwing her hands in the air, emphasizing her dismay. "What are you doing?" "Can't you tell?" He grunted as he tugged at the strap. "I'm moving in." The box, apparently filled with heavy items, refused to budge. Bella stood in stunned silence watching this masculine display of energy. The man paid her no attention. He focused all his concentration and strength on keeping the box from sliding down the stairs. Waking so abruptly put her in a grumpy mood, and she didn't want to deal with a grouchy man on moving day. All she could do was stand there, senselessly ogling this impressive display of virility, drinking in the primal smell of his sweaty skin. He had the brand of looks that turned a woman's head. Bella edged closer and leaned down to look under the box. She found the problem. "Wait," she ordered, holding up her hand as if to stop his movement. "The flooring is torn and all balled up, that's the reason it's stuckâ€Åš" He strained against the straps surrounding the box as she looked up to see the muscles and veins in his neck swell and his face turn a frightening shade of purple. "That's not going to work. Let me get a knife or something toâ€Åš" He jerked harder at the band. "Cripes! Listen to me." He took a step back, pulling at the straps with all his might. He ignored her as if she were a pesky fly buzzing in his face. Irritated at his actions, she felt her face flush and the muscles in her jaw jump. Ignorant brute. Well, he will replace the flooring. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her temper. "Are you trying to tick me off?" She shot him an icy glower and stepped away from the box. "That's the least of my worries," he grunted. "Well, you'd better worry because you're going to pay for the damage." The tone of her voice came out as frosty as the winter skyline outside the windows. "Lady," he panted, "why don't you pipe-down and help me with this box before it falls down the stairs?" Twisting the straps tightly around his hands, he uttered under his breath, "Now that would give you something else to squawk about, wouldn't it?" As if on cue, the box slid a step lower, shaking the house as it dropped. Expletives poured from his full, perfectly formed lips. Bella's eyes grew wide. She looked around the new entry, nervously nibbling on her bottom lip. With a mighty tug, he pulled at the straps again. This time, the box moved, forcefully ripping the rolled vinyl and he and the box sailed into the middle of the landing. The man lost his balance and pitched precariously toward a wall of glass at the head of the landing. "Watch out!" She jumped toward him at the last second, giving him a hard shove that diverted his movement, knocking him into the opposite wall. The correcting move kept him from crashing through the glass and plummeting to the frozen winter ground. "Are you okay?" Rushing to his side, she leaned down reaching out her hand to help him up. He had a scrape on his cheek, luckily it was his only wound. Twisting awkwardly, he pushed himself up into a sitting position without her help. Instead of looking upset, a wide grin spread across his face. His glistening white teeth contrasted with his deeply tanned skin. He looked as if he spent all his time outdoors. His heart-stopping smile made her feel like a million butterflies were trying to escape from her stomach at once. Calm yourself, Bella, no need jumping his bones just because you haven't had a man in your life for a while. A very long while. This man made her feel as if she were sitting upon a flaming box of wooden matches. "Wow! You saved my life," he said between deep breaths, catching his full bottom lip between his teeth, letting it slowly slide free as his eyes trailed up her bare legs. A flash of embarrassment burned Bella's cheeks. Her silky sleep shirt felt very thin and transparent under his scrutiny and her skin warmed with his visual caress. Something deep inside her opened like a flower touched with morning sun. "I'm Garrett Brooks." His deep, masculine voice rumbled through the entryway as he extended his hand toward her. It was deep brown and soft looking black hairs curled at the edges of an expensive watch. Bella swallowed with difficulty and tentatively grasped his sexy hand. As they made contact, a highly charged jolt sizzled up her arm. When Garrett smiled at her, his tanned skin formed laughter lines around his eyes. He looked even more handsome than she'd at first thought. His curly black hair sparkled with drops of sweat. Straight, black brows accentuated his piercing deep blue eyes, white lines radiated from the black pupils. She stood before him. They dramatically drew her into their depths. He was one handsome male. Bella tipped up her head to look at him. He was tall, overshadowing her, and at five ten, she didn't meet many men that caused her to feel petite. Garrett reached out his hand and softly brushed away a strand of auburn hair caught in her lashes, setting off another tremor of desire to rush through her body. Had he felt it, too? They stood there, gazes locked. Reluctantly, she lowered her eyes. With her voice full of concern, Bella asked, "Are you okay?" He leaned back against the wall, nodding. "You're moving into the apartment?" She tried to pull a verbal response from him. He nodded again. "No one told me. Who'd you rent it from?" "Ned Storm." His eyes seductively raked over her. "Oh," she said quietly, hearing her brother's name. The remnants of her anger shattered like a fragile light bulb hitting a cement floor. Garrett's black eyebrows knitted together as his eyes searched her face. "You know who I am, but I haven't had the pleasure--" "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm Bella--Bella Mann." A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. "My parents own this house and my brother, Ned and I are taking care--" Suddenly, she looked down at her clothing, wishing the floor would part and drop her from under his seductive gaze. Here she was, standing on the landing, having a casual conversation with this heart-stopping, handsome man--in her nearly transparent sleep shirt! Could he see through the thin material? She looked about the landing. Luckily, it was still dark outside and snowing. At least sunlight wouldn't stream through the windows to outline her silhouette. "I-I'm not d-dressed for standing out here." Garrett nodded in agreement, his eyes drifting over her. "You're right about that." A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth and his eyebrows wiggled in amusement. Bella took a step back toward her door. Why in the heck had she said that? All it did was call his attention to her nearly naked state. "Brandy, come here," she ordered sharply to the dog as she continued to back her way through her open doorway, to a safe spot far away from his approving eyes. She pushed the door in front of her, but she still felt he held her captive with his blue eyes. "Brandy!" Bella called, a note of desperation edged her voice. She demanded attention from the tan Cocker Spaniel, but the dog stubbornly refused to obey. Instead, Brandy stood with her front paws on Garrett's denim clad legs. He was no help at all the way he scratched Brandy behind her floppy earsâ€Åšthe animal's favorite thing! Please, please, Brandy, get away from him, Bella thought, trying to will her dog back into the apartment and away from the charismatic Garrett Brooks. At last, Brandy gave him a wet lick across his wrist, turned and scampered into the apartment. Bella closed the door and numbly walked into her bedroom and dropped onto the bed. It was early; maybe she could go back to sleep. Closing her eyes, all she could see was Garrett and his finely boned face, high cheekbones, the mesmerizing blue eyes, black hair that looked nearly blue. When she envisioned the way his jeans hugged his rear end, her eyes flew open. Flopping fitfully, Bella couldn't find a comfortable spot that would induce sleep. It was a lost cause. Her new neighbor had stirred-up her emotions, and then set them on a wild rampage. Trying to sleep wasn't going to cut it. Maybe work would help. The apartment needed a good cleaning; she could do that, instead of lying here like this. She tossed back the covers and jumped out of bed. Moments later, she strolled into the kitchen dressed in her grubby clothes. She knelt in front of the sink cabinet to pull the cleaning supplies onto the kitchen floor. Armed with her cleaning arsenal she entered the living room only to stop and stare at the front door. Just thinking about the landing andâ€ÅšGarrett, made her body pound with desire. Enough of this, she reprimanded herself. So, he's handsome. So what? She sprayed polish on the table, and burnished the wax with quick circular motions. The work helped, but she could still hear the sounds from the apartment next door. He made a lot of racket moving in. Bella sat back on her heels. This was going to drive her crazy. She stood, then paced around the room, and then grabbed her music player. After stuffing the ear buds in, she had country music spilling out its infectious rhythm. That should mask the sounds. She tried to ignore Garrett Brooks. Her flesh-starved body screamed out for his physical touch; her heart cried for someone to ease her loneliness, yet she wasn't ready for a relationship, nor a one-night stand--maybe. She'd been hurt too badly to risk her heart again. The music did little to mask the sounds from the apartment next door. With determination and frustration, she polished the wooden bookshelves that surrounded the rock fireplace in the living room. She attacked the sofa table behind the pillow-covered couch and rubbed oil into her antique piano. All of the incessant labor did little to prevent the barrage of feelings. Bella blushed again as she remembered how excited she'd felt, and how her heart jumped when Garrett looked at her with those eyesâ€Åšand that seductive smile as he took in her form barely hidden by the sleep shirt. Two hours later, Bella had every speck of dust removed from her apartment. After she put away her cleaning supplies, she walked into the dining room and stared out the window. It had stopped snowing and thin winter sunshine poured into the room through the sliding glass door that was fast becoming wet with melted snow. The storm had dropped at least six inches of the white stuff the night before, and her back yard looked like a frozen ocean--each drift a polar ocean wave. Winter in Evergreen, Wyoming, where Bella had lived most of her life, was cold and filled with feet of snow making her apprehensive to go outside to get her much needed shopping done before dark. She shuddered then hugged herself to ward off the imagined cold. She didn't want to going outside. Fortifying her resolve, she tossed opened the closet door and grabbed her down-filled jacket. She patted her pocket to make sure her wallet and keys were there, just where she liked them. * * * * Garrett stuffed dishes into the cabinet and pondered his meeting with the one and only Bella Mann. What a ball of fire and beauty rolled into one. He smiled to himself as he remembered how uncomfortable she'd become. All her hair covered her quite well, but he hadn't let her know that. Suddenly, a ruckus at the other side of the dining room interrupted his thoughts. Making his way through boxes on the floor in the kitchen, he saw Bella's dog scratching and whining at the patio door. It wasn't easy getting to the door, the dining room was filled with boxes that blocked his way and to get across the room, he had to shuffle them about. Finally, he reached the door. The poor dog, wet and shivering, stood on her hind legs begging to come in to the warmth of his apartment. The animal was a cute little thing. "Okay, I'll take pity on you and let you in, but you have to endure the wrath of Bella, not me." It had begun to snow again and the wind blew so fiercely he couldn't make out anything beyond the wooden deck. He slid open the door and the dog ran into the room, shook snow and ice from her fur then took off on a dead run into the living room before he could catch her. "No!" he cried as the dog jumped into his light beige recliner as if she owned the place. Melting snow dripped onto the expensive material. "Come on girl," he cooed. "I'll dry you off so you can get warm." Brandy--cute name for the little dog. He remembered Bella calling her that, and he smiled picturing the woman's long shapely legs. He rummaged through a stack of boxes before he located the bath towels. He whistled softly at her and said, "Come on over here sweetie, I'll dry you off." The dog jumped from the chair and rushed over to her new friend with her wet fur flinging water about the room, the dog plopped into his lap and licked his face with gratitude. Briskly rubbing her coat, he talked to her in a soothing voice. "Your mama's not going to like it when I take you home, is she?" Garrett continued to rub the animal's thick coat. "Ah, this is a better way to greet her. Will you help me, little pet?" Garrett rambled on, telling her about Arizona, where he lived, until her coat was soft and dry, and she was snoozing in front of the fire he'd started earlier. He didn't understand his motives as to why he took on the investigation of Bella Mann. He was President and owner of Southwest Enterprises, and investigating employees was something he normally assigned to one of his department heads. Maybe he just needed to get out of the city, but he suspected intrigue had more to do with it than any other reason. Whatever. Here he was in Wyoming--freezing his butt off.  CHAPTER TWO  BELLA OPENED THE DOOR TO THE COLD STAIRWAY. Her father built the glass entry that created a private entrance to the twin apartments occupying the top floor. He'd designed the glass shell to catch the weak winter rays of sun and to amplify them, which in turn would warm the apartments. But not today, there was no sun and the exposed glass transferred the cold into the entryway instead of warmth. Apparently, Garrett had finished moving. She'd convinced herself she didn't want to see him again, but if her frame of mind was a true indicator of her feelings, she was lying to herself. Something about Garrett Brooks tripped a hormone switch in her body to the on position. While shopping in the lingerie department, she had drifted into the most sensual daydream--Garrett was the central player. Now, she had an expensive teddy that she would never wear, to remind her of the man each time she opened the dresser drawer. There was no way she would wear this for Garrett--what a daydream! It was just as well. Bella sighed and trudged up the stairs. Nothing seemed to excite her anymore--until this morning. Her life was a mess. Plastic grocery sacks hung from the crook of her arms forming a clumsy, heavy load. She struggled to insert the key in the lock and the movement juggled the bags knocking them into the woodwork. Once inside, she rushed across the deep carpet headed for the bedroom where she could drop her purchases on the bed. A small bag slipped unnoticed from her pile. A pair of black leather heels tumbled out of the box as everything scattered as they dropped. She'd spent too much money on the shoes, but they fit her long, hard-to-fit feet like comfortable gloves. She needed to wear them to the Gala a week from tonight, that was, if she couldn't get out of it. Mistress of Ceremonies! The words made her shudder. Just because part of her duties as supervisor of the activities department was to lead the group exercises, introduce speakers and such, the Board of Trustees decided that she was the perfect person to emcee the annual fund-raiser. Public speaking was not her forte. She'd spoken for groups, but she preferred surrounding herself in the audience--hiding. Nervous? Yes. She worried about making mistakes. And the way everything was going at work, a shower of rotten tomatoes might pelt her when she took the stage! Bella couldn't understand what was happening to her life. When she'd gone to the administrator with information about the resident's missing personal property and the degrading way a few of the staff members spoke to the elderly residents, most of them had begun to shun her. They were treating her as if she'd been the one abusing and stealing from the residents! A sharp knock at the front door erased the disturbing thoughts from her mind. Brushing her tangled hair from her eyes, she strolled to the door. "Hello--?" Bella's words seemed to stick in her constricted throat. Garrett Brooks stood at her door with Brandy snuggled in his muscular arms. "This little lady wandered to my door while you were out," he said in a rush. "She gave me the perfect opportunity to tell you I'm sorry." Bella stood there, her mouth agape. She struggled to find words. "Okay?" "Soâ€Åšcan I come in?" She felt as tongue-tied as a teenager with her first crush. Finally, she gestured widely for him to enter. Garrett put the dog down on the blue braided rug that graced the wood floor in the small entry. Once freed, Brandy tore through the room, around the corner and into the kitchen. Bella shook her head back and forth in disbelief. "Brandy handles stress by eating," she said softly. "That's one weakness we have in common." Oh shoot! Why had she said that? She felt blood rush to her face. "Well, it sure doesn't show on you." He raised an eyebrow while assessing her feminine curves. "Thanks, you're too kind." She felt her face get hotter. Looking up at Garrett, she changed the subject saying, "How about a cup of coffee? I was just going to make some to warm up. And since you deserve a reward for saving Brandyâ€Åš" "That sounds great. I haven't found my coffee or the machine, yet." "I'll be right back," she said and walked to the bedroom to get the bags of groceries from her bed where she'd dropped them. "What a strange place to keep your food." Bella whirled around to find Garrett smiling at her. "Oh! I didn't know you were behind me." She gaped at him. "I really like your apartment," he spoke absently, "it's laid out the same as mine, but yours looks much more homeyâ€Åšuh, inviting." Once out of the room, she pulled the door shut. It was much to unsettling to have Garrett in her bedroom. Taking a deep breath to relax her strained nerves, she realized she had her fists clenched. Shaking her hands, they walked across the living room and into the kitchen. "You have a flair for decorating." "I love it. Nothing here is expensive. Nearly everything came from yard sales and flea markets. I like doing that in the summer. It's the only way I can control my lust for extravagance and stay within my tap water budget." Bella laughed, keeping the anxiety from her voice and turned her attention to plugging the coffee maker into the electrical outlet. "You don't really think I keep groceries in the bedroom, do you?" "Bella, I know that." He smiled. "I was just teasing you." "Oh," she whispered softly. Teasing was something that hadn't happened to her in a long time. She didn't remember how to respond. The only sound in the room was the gurgling sputter from the coffeepot as it pumped hot water over the coffee grounds. Bella pulled out a gold colored tin and walked toward the table where Garrett sat. He made quite a scene in her dining room with his legs stretched out in front of him and his hands folded over his flat stomach. "Do you like chocolate chip cookies?" she asked, opening the lid and placing the container in the center of the table. Garrett pulled his legs under the chair and sat up quickly causing the chair legs to clatter against the tile. "I love them. Did you make these?" Something about him reminded her of a ten-year-old boy as he leaned forward, looking into the cookie can; his tan hand disappeared into its fragrant depths. "I sure did. I love to bake, but I don't need to eat the stuff." Bella walked back into the kitchen and began storing her groceries. Her nervousness had abated a little. Garrett bit into the flat, soft cookie and rolled his eyes. "Mmm, they taste wonderful. My grandmother made me cookies when I was a child. When I came home from boarding school for the summer, she had a summer's worth stored in the freezer. All I had to do was ask for a specific kind." He turned in the chair, giving her a wide smile. "Sometimes we didn't wait for the cookies to thaw!" Bella laughed along with him. The picture of Garrett and his grandmother warmed her heart. It reminded her of her childhood, except she had no idea about boarding school. Bella had attended all twelve years of school right here in Evergreen. "Boarding school? Was it exciting?" she asked. Garrett shook his head and the smile in his eyes died. "No. I really hated it. I harassed my father to let me attend public school. And he finally gave inâ€Åšthe summer before I began high school." Taking another cookie out of the can he continued, "I think father enjoyed it as much as I did, though. He came to all my basketball games." "Did you live in a large city?" The coffee maker gave a final bubbling groan and fell silent. "Phoenix, Arizona." "Wow, you must have been really good to make the team in a city." She returned the short distance to the dining room with two mugs and the coffee carafe. "Not really," he reached out and touched her arm as she poured the black liquid. "My school was small, and my father was rich and influential. All it took was a donation on his part and I could do most anything I wanted." Garrett used his touch to emphasize his words, and as they talked, shivers of desire ran along Bella's spine. Her body responded with jolting awareness to his caressing gesture. She had to calm her breathing to a slow, steady pace. She was practically salivating with desire. "I played basketball in high school, too." Bella offered as she sat down in the chair beside him. "It was my favorite pastime. I think my hoop is still hanging over the garage door." Garrett raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. "You did?" "Sure. That's a big thing around here in the winter. You probably haven't noticed yet, but there's very little to do in Evergreen. High school sports are a big deal." "You want to go one-on-one when the weather clears?" His eyebrows rose in question. Bella's heart jumped. One-on-one. She swallowed the hot coffee with a gulp, scalding her tight throat. "Uh, you bet. My brothers won't challenge me so, I'm a little rusty." She lowered her eyes and stared at Garrett's legs--his jeans fit his muscular thighs just right: snug enough to outline the muscle separation, and loose enough to appear comfortable. Bella returned her attention to the coffee, and stirred a heaping teaspoon of sugar into the steaming liquid. She wondered if her body looked vaporous to Garrett, because she felt herself reach the boiling point. Surely, she was visibly steaming. What the heck was the matter with her? She was acting like a sex-starved teenager. Well, that really was the problem. She was hungry for sex. Trying to return her concentration to their conversation she asked, "How's your project coming along?" "P-Project?" His black eyebrows rose. "What do you mean?" Suddenly, he smiled and reached out and squeezed her shoulder. "Oh! You mean the moving. It's going quite well, really. I only have a few boxes left to unpack, nothing too time consuming." Her shoulder tingled from his touch. "You seemed taken aback by my question--worried. Are you keeping a secret?" Bella frowned with feigned suspicion, then laughed. She swallowed her surprise when a blush crept up Garrett's neck and broke over his sculpted cheekbones. Had she hit upon something? Garrett sat up straighter, but kept his eyes aimed at the cookie tin in the middle of the antique oak table. Reaching for another cookie, he said, "Yes. My secret is this, I'm terrible at moving, witness my destruction of the landing!" "Garrett, it's all right," Bella interrupted. "It was an awkward situation for both of us. I should apologize to you for acting so--so rude! You were in an awful situation and I didn't help you at all. I guess I'm a bitâ€Åšgrouchy in the morning." She grinned shyly. "We were both wrong," she said, pouring them each another cup of coffee. She felt awkward and clumsy with Garrett sitting at her table, looking at her as if she was one of the cookies. This was a new experience. After sugaring her coffee, she reached for a cookie. Only one remained. Garrett shrugged. "I'm addicted to good food. I told you I had a weakness for cookies. As I remember it, Grandmother had a problem keeping cookies in the house, too. Besides, this is a great way to spend a cold winter day." "Do you see your grandmother very often?" "No," he said, shaking his head in response. "I've been too busy working to enjoy the nicer things in life." Breaking off a piece of cookie, he popped it in his mouth. Bella put her elbows on the table and leaned her head on her hands as she watched him. "What do you do?" She asked softly. "Uh, I suppose you'd say I'm in management. Yeah, management." He straightened his legs under the table, grimacing with pain. "What's the matter?" Bella cried. "I-I'm fineâ€Åšit'sâ€Åšjust a spasm." He stood, placing pressure on the muscle and hobbled toward the glass door. "You knowâ€ÅšI-I really hate moving. I'd rather paint the house and let the movers do all that kind of work." Bella rushed to his side as another spasm struck, and taking him by the arm, led him back to the table. "Here, sit down and I'll massage it. Just talk to me. It'll keep your mind off the pain." Garrett raised his foot and she pulled his leg across her thighs. "Why do you hate moving so much?" When she began squeezing the muscle, he gritted his teeth from the torture. "Because my fatherâ€Åšowww. Don't be so rough." "Sorry," She muttered, easing her grip. "Making me go away for school.... He thought I would adjust. I would come home for the summer, make friends, and then it was time for me to go back." He didn't say anything else and Bella didn't want to pry so she rubbed his leg for a few more minutes until she felt the muscle relax. Just being with this man made her realize how isolated her life had been these last years. The tight, lonely feeling in her chest eased in much the same manner as Garrett's calf relaxed. Garrett glanced at the clock. "It's getting late and I have more unpacking to get done," he spoke quietly and took the last sip of his coffee and walked into the living room. The waning light of the day reflected off his expensive wristwatch. "It'll be dark soon." Bella remembered the way he'd looked at her earlier that morning when he was sitting on the floor. He made her feel vulnerable--and oh, so feminine. She longed for the feelings he evoked in her. She looked away from him and shivered. "Night comes so early this time of the year. It makes me cold." Crossing her slender fingers over her bulky green sweater, Bella rubbed her arms as she tried to warm herself. "I enjoyed the cookies and coffee." Bella smiled and leaned against the arm of the couch. One of the ruffled pillows tumbled away from the others in the grouping, catching Garrett's attention. She picked up the pillow and clutched it to her chest. "Hey, did you make all this stuff in the living room?" "Yeah. That's the life of an activity director. I know how to make stuff," she said jokingly and tossed the pillow at him. It bounced off his chest. If anyone besides Garrett had called her treasured, handcrafted pillow stuff, they would feel the full force of her temper. His brows knitted together, "Activities director?" Bella snickered, "It's a complicated job, but--sit down. I can tell you're not ready to go back to work yet." "You're right." He smiled as he dropped into the overstuffed chair. "It's a gratifying occupation. I feel the biggest responsibility I have is being a friend to the residents at Twin Pines. That's the local nursing home." Garrett nodded thoughtfully. "I know. I--" "I plan group and individual activities," Bella interrupted. "I try to encourage the residents to pursue activities in the community." Then, with a wide wave of her hand, said, "I've made everything in this room--except for the furniture. I've learned many crafts from the residents themselves." "All this stuff sure gives your apartment a homey feel. Mine is filled with boxes! Truthfully, I really do have more than just a few to empty. It's more like a few emptied." Garrett laughed as he absentmindedly scratched at a small piece of chocolate chip that had fallen onto his shirt and melted into the fabric. "It sounds like fun. You have a happy life, don't you?" Bella took a deep breath. Her job had been fun until last year when the administrator of the facility gave her another responsibility--social services director. He told her that the facility needed her to help the residents pay bills, buy personal items and such. Since she'd established an exceptional rapport with the residents, she was the perfect candidate. Bella wished that she had the courage and the ability to say no. But she never had, and the administrator, Mr. VanHorn had used her restrained posture against her. "Oh, I don't know if I'm all that happy. There have been some problems around there and I've gotten into a bit of trouble lately." "Really?" Bella nodded thoughtfully. "I've reported a few incidents to the administrator. Occurrences of theft and abuse. Now, I'm being punished by my co-workers for doing this." "Well, they should be happy you're concerned!" Garrett's eyes darkened with anger and the muscles in his jaw twitched. "That really sounds unfair!" The veins at the side of his neck protruded and his eyes narrowed. Her confession seemed to upset him more than it did her. Bella shrugged, saying, "Everyone pretty much avoids me now. I just wish Mr. VanHorn would do something to get to the bottom of the problem. I can handle the accusations, but the residents are much too vulnerable. They're the ones losing property, but I can't see things changing until the administrator acts." Garrett shook his head in wonder. "Well, it sounds as if his side-stepping is increasing the problem." "It is, and I'll do what I can to find who's behind all this. I'm hoping to vindicate myself, but every time I feel I've found a clue, I'm the one who ends up in trouble." Garrett bent down to pick up the pillow she knocked off the couch. Beside it lay a small bag. He peaked inside the sack. Looking at the item concealed by the pink plastic; he whistled softly. "Whew! I'd love to see you wear this. It's even better than the sleep shirt you wore this morning." His crooked grin widened as he held up an emerald-colored, lace teddy by its thin straps. Bella snatched the garment from his hands. "Where did you get that?" "I-I found it lying on the floor. Hey! You aren't embarrassed, are you?" She turned her back toward him so he wouldn't see her face flushing. Embarrassed? She was dying! He touched her elbow and turned her around to face him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fluster you. It's all right. I have seen a few of these before." Bella caught her lower lip between her teeth and let it slip slowly from their grasp. "I guess I'm being oversensitive." Garrett placed his arm around her shoulders and walked with her to the door. "Don't worry about it, I just like to tease. I won't do that anymore if it bothers you." Secreting her shy tendency she said, "No, it's fine, I'm just not accustomed to it." Changing the subject she offered, "I have an idea. Would you like to have a late lunch with me tomorrow at the sports bar? A few of us from Twin Pines get together every Sunday to watch the Denver Bronco's football game?" He nodded, and then reached out to move a strand of her hair caught in her lashes. "Well, sure. I'd enjoy that." He opened the door and stepped out onto the landing. His eyes took in the ripped vinyl. "I'll have the floor fixed as soon as I can. I'm really sorry." "Get a hold of Ned. He'll tell you where to buy the vinyl that matches it." Garrett nodded then raised his brows in question. "Why is your brother's last name Storm and yours Mann?" Bella cringed. "I was married." "Oh, I see." Garrett said. "Was?" Nodding, she offered, "Yes, I'm a widow. Scott, m-my husband, died in an auto accident three years ago." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to open old wounds." Her mouth curved into a smile that pushed away the gloomy topic. "At least I got a more appealing last name." Garrett's eyes narrowed as he asked, "I don't understand?" "The kids in school teased me unmercifully when I was a teenager," she confessed. "Bella Storm! In my senior yearbook, I was nominated 'One most likely to become an exotic dancer.'" Garrett threw back his head and roared with laughter. The ringing telephone split the air and dropped the jovial atmosphere in the room. "Can you wait a moment?" "Sure. Go ahead with your call." It was the director of nursing. There was a crisis at the nursing home and she wanted Bella to handle the problem. Immediately. Gladys Fortney, a resident, threatened to walk out the door because someone had stolen a ring. Her treasured Mother's ring. Bella hung up after assuring the nurse she would be there as soon as she could. Garrett gave her a long look. "Is there a problem?" She glanced at him as she rounded the couch and felt the power his intent look cast over her. "Yes, there's an emergency at work. One of the residents is threatening to leave this very minute. I need to get over there." Bella bound up the steps and raced to her bedroom remembering that her coat was lying on the bed where she'd left it. She slipped into the outer garment as she raced back into the living room. Garrett was gone.  CHAPTER THREE  WHY HAD GARRETT GONE without telling her goodbye? It wouldn't have taken that long to wait for her. Reaching out to open the closet door, Bella stopped. There it was again--the instant betrayal of her heart. She didn't need a man to make her feel whole. She could do that herself. And she had. Here she was, three years after Scott died, making her own way, and quite successfully, too. Bella opened the door, took down a heavy knitted scarf, and wrapped it around her neck it to keep out the bitter cold. She snapped furry muffs over her ears because the temperature had hovered near zero all day. Now that the sun had set, the mercury in the thermometer would drop rapidly. The weather forecaster on the radio predicted twenty below by midnight. Just the thought of going outside made her shiver, and knowing her car; it probably wouldn't start. Walking was her only other option since she only lived a few blocks from work, but in this weather it made it seem much farther. She opened the door, and looking back into the apartment, snapped off the light. "Good, you're ready. I'm driving," Garrett said behind her. A warm glow blossomed within her as she whirled around. Garrett stood in the middle of the landing dressed in a lamb's wool lined, leather jacket. On his head was the ugliest stocking hat she'd ever seen. It reminded her of the picture on the front of "A Cat in the Hat," only Garrett's consisted of purple, yellow and bright turquoise splotches. He wore a scarf around his neck and matching gloves. Pea green, of all colors, and they clashed horribly with the hat. But he did look adorable in a mismatched kind of way. A slow smile pulled at her lips as she yanked the door shut. "Geez, Garrett! The clash from of all the colors you're wearing makes my eyes hurt. Where did you get that stuff?" Bella's words ended in a hoot of laughter. He rolled those dark blue eyes and chuckled. "Hey, I'm lucky I had this garb. I'm from Arizona, remember?" He reached up and touched the hat. "Grandmother gave this to me one year for Christmas when I went skiing in Colorado. I can't remember who gave me the gloves and scarf." "You'll freeze in those gloves," she said with a shake of her head. "For this bitter climate, you need lined leather. Knitted gloves stretch and the opening between the knitting make holes for the cold to seep in and it'll freeze your skin." She reached out and grasped each end of the scarf that hung over his shoulders. "And overlap the material at your throat and tuck the ends into your coat." She demonstrated with her scarf. His eyebrows rose. "Yes, ma'am." "Oh, knock it off. I'm trying to help you," she said in mock irritation. "And I want to say thanks for your offer." Bella smiled. "What made you think I needed a ride?" Averting his eyes he said, "When I brought Brandy back to your apartment, I saw your car at the curb. Its been snowing ever since so I just assumed your car was covered with snow." He looked back to her. "At least we won't have to scrape ice off the windows because mine is tucked away in the garage. Bella nodded then glanced down to the street. He was right. At least three inches of snow covered her car. "I need a new battery, too. It doesn't like to start when it gets this cold." "Shall we go?" As much as she guarded her independence, it felt great having Garrett here to ward off the loneliness. * * * * Following Bella's directions, Garrett steered his sport utility vehicle into the deserted parking lot in front of the hospital and conjoined nursing home. Two huge pine trees stood in front of the building nearly hiding the entrance. Bella felt a special warmth when she saw the pines, giving the nursing home its name, Twin Pines Care Center. The drive over was uneventful, but her arrival was not. "Where have you been? I thought you were coming right over. Mrs. Fortney is packing her clothes!" An indignant nurse, her face twisted in anger, greeted Bella. Bella took off her earmuffs and slipped them into her pocket as she stalled to give the nurse time to explain the problem. Garrett leaned forward slightly and took in the nurse's name badge. "Ms. Howardâ€Åšyou're the director of nursing?" The nurse's nostrils flared, "Yes, I amâ€ÅšAmanda Howâ€Åš" "I would suspect," he interrupted, "that someone in your position would have better people skills." Garrett pulled off his hat and said, "Why are you verbally attacking Bella?" Garrett glanced at his watch. "It's only been ten minutes from the time you called her." Amanda Howard crossed her arms over her flat chest glaring at Bella. "The nursing staff doesn't have time to mess around with upset residents. That's your job." She pointed her finger at Bella. "I've told you that I expect someone from your department on the floor during the weekend." Bella sighed, then returned her breath to a gentle cadence. She used a relaxation technique to gain controlâ€Åšand the director of nursing gave her plenty of practice. "Amanda," she said softly, we don't have a budget to support that many staff besides, what would that person do? My assistant, Nikki Cook is here on Saturday, and she's bored to death." Bella took off her coat and scarf, draping them over her arm. "Well, you won't know until you try." Amanda's lips pursed, giving them a pruney, aged look. Her nasty disposition had carved lines into her face making her look older than her years. "Actually," Bella drawled sweetly, "I suspect if I scheduled as heavy as you liked, it wouldn't satisfy you either. The next thing you'd insist would be my staff scheduled twenty-four hours a day, and I won't hear of either demand. A crisis doesn't happen very often and I'm only a few minutes away. Now, tell me exactly what upset Gladys?" Bella looked at Garrettâ€Åšhe was smiling. Amanda followed her gaze and glared at him. "Who is this?" She poked her index finger at him. His eyes widened at the nurse's rude behavior. Calmly, to defuse Amanda's irritation, Bella answered, "This is Garrett--a friend of mine. He drove me over here." Amanda rolled her eyes. "Well, I can't talk to you in front of him! This information is confidential. Come to my office," she ordered. "And you shouldn't drag your boyfriend to work. That makes our facility look cheap, and I don't like it!" Bella turned toward Garrett. "Do you want to wait? If not, I'll walk home, it's really not that far." "You aren't walking in bitter weather like this. I'll wait here until you finish talking toâ€Åšher." "Thanks," Bella said softly, flashing him a fleeting smile. "We'll only be a minute." Bella followed Amanda past the nurses' station toward an office. Amanda's grating personality and brusque demeanor belittled the facility. They entered the office at the junction of two crossing hallways. The hall sides of the office were glass and she could look through them to see Garrett standing on the other side watching them. When the door closed, Amanda flew into an animated frenzy, throwing her arms into the air and whirling on Bella. "Gladys Fortney is the most influential woman in this area. I won't have her upset. I want you to do something about her missing items." Bella shook her head and closed her eyes. Not this again. When she opened them again, she nailed Amanda with triumphant daggers. "I can't do one damn thing about all the thefts around here. Maybe you should look at your staff. Some of the nurse assistants' have unsavory pasts." Amanda crossed her arms over her chest as Bella spoke. "That's not my concern. Patient care is." She pointed her finger in Bella's face and barked. "Do something." "Fine." What she really wanted to do was break the woman's finger off, but of course, she'd do no such thing, even if it was tempting. "I'll call the police and they can do an investigation. Would that satisfy you?" Amanda's shoulders dropped as she said, "No, I don't think we need to go that far. It would only put our problems under a magnifying glass with the community as the viewer." "Then I suppose we should work together to sort this out, don't you?" Amanda glared at her. "Go calm down, Gladys." She shouldered her way around Bella and flew out the door. Garrett paced the lobby trying to sort out all he knew about the tension at this facility. The administrator's report gave Bella the distinction of troublemaker. Could this be the reason for Amanda's over reaction? He hated conflict. For a successful facility, everyone had to work together and he suspected Amanda Howard had her own agenda. "I'm going down to see Mrs. Fortney," Bella said as she walked up behind him. "You can wait in my office if you like." He turned around. Bella's face was a pale canvas. Her eyes appeared huge and dark against her light skin. A sprinkling of freckles dusted her nose and spread across her cheeks. "Are you all right?" He tipped his head in the direction of the office. "I saw the way that bitch raged at you." "Good name for her, y'know. I think she takes pleasure in humiliating the staff in there." Her voice sounded tight and filled with pent-up frustration. "She has blinds to cover the windows, but she keeps them raised so she can see if there's a problem on the floor." "Bull!" Bella raised her auburn eyebrows at his exclamation. "I'm sorry, but that woman is evil. Think about it. Didn't you have someone in your class at school who liked to start trouble, then stood back and smiled smugly?" "Now that you mention it, I did," she laughed, "it was Amanda!" She motioned him to follow her, and they continued the conversation as they walked toward the nursing home. "Can you tell me what's going on?" Garrett asked She shrugged. "I understand--and I'm sorry that I asked. It's not fair of me to put you on the spot like that, but--" Bella remained silent. As they approached a set of closed doors, she pushed a button and they quietly swung open. "This bridge spans the street and connects the hospital and nursing home. We keep it closed after six o'clock." Garrett stood mesmerized looking at the overpass. A myriad of fragrant plants filled the area. Greenery sat on platforms with wheels for portability. Others hung from rustic macramé holders fastened to the ceiling. He whistled softly under his breath. "This look like a greenhouse in the middle of a blizzard! It is beautiful." "Garrett, it's hardly a blizzard out there. It snows like this nearly every day." "Every day?" Bella nodded. "You're in the mountains, what did you expect?" "I-I didn't think about it." His throat thickened. This wouldn't be like his ski trips to Colorado. There'd be little time for such activities. He had to get his job done and head back to Arizona before he froze to death. Flashing him a smile, the tension faded from Bella's face. "I'm glad you like this. The residents and I have this as our special project. In the summer, the maintenance men replace the glass with screen and the residents sit out here and enjoy the fresh, bug free air. It's their favorite spot." "Here?" She nodded. "I thought they'd like to be outside working in a garden." "No." She shook her head causing the long hair to gleam under the florescent lighting. "It's dangerous. The meds they take can make them burn easily." "Is there a congestion problem with staff going back and forth between the buildings?" How many other facilities had innovative ideas that no one at the home office knew anything about? "I like to think that it has a calming effect on everyone." Garrett visually scanned the area. He liked it too. "You've thought of everything. Your boss must love having you for an employee!" "Ha," she laughed, "I wouldn't say thatâ€Åš." As they exited the bridge and entered the nursing home, Bella added, "We allow the residents full run of the building, including the hospital. One woman makes daily rounds visiting all the patients." "That's nice," he added with a smile, but Bella rolled her eyes at him. "What?" he asked. "Sure it's great, except she goes back to her room and calls all her friends, who in turn spread the information to their friends!" "Oh, I see." "There's no solution at this point." Bella pointed to a large room shaped like a stop sign. "That's the activities room--the center hub of the nursing home. The set-up is much like a wagon wheel," she said, her voice became full with pride. "The design allows activities the main focus of the facility. The older nursing homes are patient care centered. We wanted something different. These people are old, not so ill they need critical careâ€Åšthey need to feel useful. So far, it's worked wonderfully." Garrett nodded. He didn't dare tell her he'd been skeptical when the architect had presented him with the blueprints. This was the first time he'd seen the finished product, and he was very impressed. "My office is right over there." Bella pointed to an area near, from what he could remember from the blueprints, was a huge patio area. "You can wait for me there." She turned and started to walk away. "Wait! Aren't you going to unlock the door?" Bella's hair swung around her body as she turned. "No, it's unlocked. I have all the activity supplies in a cabinet inside the office. It gives the residents access." He grinned at her and shook his head in wonder. "You really care about these people, don't you?" "Of course. They are my friends." She turned and walked down a hallway marked "Green." He'd have to ask her about the color notations at each hallway when she returned. * * * * Over an hour later, Bella rushed up to him and said, "Garrettâ€Åšthere you are. I'm afraid this is going to take a bit longer than I thought." "Anything I can do to help you?" She shook her head and sighed. "Thanks, but I don't even know what to do about this." They walked into her office and she dropped into the desk chair. Turning, she faced the file cabinet, opened the drawer and replaced a file. "Garrett. Are you sure you don't want to go back home? I don't know what to tell youâ€Åš" He shook his head. The way she spoke his name caused his groin to tighten. He ignored the feeling. "Don't worry about it. Is it okay if I look around the building?" "Follow me, I'll show you where the dining room is located. Mrs. McTavish, our official hostess loves guests. She'll ply you with carrot cake." "Lead the way," he uttered. "I love sweets." Her special fragrance, like a mixture of flowers and vanilla were the sweets he thought of at that moment, and he wondered what she would think of him if she knew about the thoughts rushing through his head. Bella looked at him, her eyes wide. "After all those cookies you ate at my house, do you still have room?" He patted his trim waist. "Always, my dear, always!" Garrett and Bella walked back down the hall that led to the activities room. "This is where I leave you. Gladys must be wondering what happened to me. Enjoy your goodies." "Do what you have to do and don't worry about me. I saw some magazines I've wanted to read. Good luck in there." He waved with his free hand, and walked down the hall. As he entered the large room, it struck him that he'd not seen any residents out here. That bothered him. He walked over to her office door, pulling it open, and entered. A long cabinet filled an entire wall. He opened the doors one at a time. Sure enough, the shelves held games, videos, puzzles, and craft materials--everything to interest the residents. Opening the last door, inside, he found a smaller door that sported a shiny silver lock. Reaching out for the handle, he felt like the king of snoops, but he pulled it open anyway. Looking inside he didn't feel so bad for prying. It was empty.  CHAPTER FOUR  "LEAVE MY GRANDMOTHER'S THINGS ALONE." Venomous black anger filled the booming words hurled at Bella. Vibrations from the deep, menacing voice rumbled about the room, the tremors battering her body. The air rushing from her lungs made an obvious gasp, and her heart pounded wildly behind her full bosom. This was a familiar voice. She closed the drawer, spinning around. The atmosphere crackled with hostile static as Judd Fortney, Gladys' grandson glared at her from the doorway, his hands balled-up into fists resting at his hips and his face aglow with anger. Bella's knees turned to gelatin and her blood pounded wildly in her ears. "I-I--" she stammered, the shock of it all pulled all the moisture from her throat. "Shook up are you?" He glared at her. Bella could actually visualize his eyes throwing lightning at her! "Well, you should be shook-up. I just caught you stealing from my grandmother!" Judd continued into the room, his angular face was flushed and caused the veins at the sides of his neck to protrude. Bella's friend, Becky Roberts arrived at the door at the same time as Garrett, their eyes wide with astonished concern. "Bellaâ€ÅšJudd, what's the problem? This commotion's gonna scare the residents." Becky said, pushing her way around Garrett. "I'd suggest you get the director of nurses in here," Judd commanded Becky. "I've caught the thief." Becky's curly, short hair bounced around her face and her rose-colored lips formed a perfect O of stunned shock. Hostile static crackled about the room. "Judd, surely--" "I know what I saw when I walked in here!" Gladys Fortney marched out of the bathroom. "What's going on?" she questioned, her voice filled with authority. "It sounds like a war zone." She walked over and stood beside Becky. "Gram, this woman," he whispered in a voice loud enough to be heard in the next county, "was pawing through you dresser drawers. I want her fired for stealing!" Gladys shook her head in disbelief. Her eyes reflected the deep, punishing pain her grandson was inflicting upon her by acting this way. "I'm sorry for all this Bella." She turned back to faced her grandson. "Juddson...I asked her to look for my missing jewelry. She was helping me at my request!" Judd's face paled, but his angry gaze never left Bella's and she didn't avert hers. Judd's hair and clothing were dripping wet from the melting snow and he tossed his wet coat haphazardly on the floor. "I told these people to get the nursing directorâ€ÅšI want her here, now!" Bella believed, nevertheless, that he didn't trust her. It didn't matter that his grandmother took her side; he wanted to believe that she was guilty. "But she told you..." Becky began. "I don't care what she said, I don't want to hear any more explanations!" Judd interrupted. Clumps of snow caked the hem of his jeans, and as it melted, moisture spread into the sculptured fibers of the new carpet. "For heaven's sake, Judd. Take your coat into the bathroom and get it off the carpet." Bella's words wielded strength that announced her returning composure. Everyone stared at her and Judd picked up his coat. "This carpet's only a few days old, and you're ruining it." Her eyes narrowed and she leveled her angry gaze at him. She grasped his arm in a commanding manner, and pulled him into the tiled bathroom. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not impressed." Bella hissed, closing the door. "Why are you here?" "Grandmother called me. She was cryingâ€Åšreally upset." He laid the dripping coat across the sink. "Now, I find you in her room, by yourself I may add, going through her things." "Well, your temper tantrum won't help a damn thing!" Bella felt angry and confused. What was this all about? She'd not thought Judd was such an arrogant jerk. "I think I'm missing a few pieces of information here." "I'm worried about my grandmother," he said, concern replaced the hostility in his voice. "I am too. That's why I'm here tonight. I'm helping her." The muscle in Judd's jaw jumped with irritation as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. "I'm uneasy about the things going on around here. She's been telling me about the corruption." Bella crossed her arms across her breast. "At this moment, you're more a problem than a help. Didn't you see your grandmother shaking?" He reached around Bella, removed a white towel from the wooden dowel, and pushed the thick fabric across his wet hair. "Yes I did. It was because you upset her and I want you to stop this stealing from her or there is going to be a great deal of trouble for you. I'm just the guy that can bring in the police and have you put in jail," he warned her austerely. He draped the wet towel across the edge of the bathtub. Bella didn't know what to think although; she could see he was acting strange. "I have taken nothing from any of the residents!" The seconds seemed to drag on as he gazed coldly at her, not commenting to her rebuttal. Looking her straight in the eyes, he offered, "This really wasn't any of your business, now was it?" He turned on his heel and walked out of the bathroom. Taking a cloth from the towel rack, Bella ran cold water over the material and pressed the cloth to her face to fight back the fury that bubbled through her like a sixties Lava Light. None of her business indeed. Helping the people of the nursing home and assisted living area were her business. That nasty imp inside her mind pushed her to swear and curse at arrogant Judd Fortney. The insults he hurled at her, in front of Garrett, no less, infuriated her. "Bella, are you okay?" Garrett called opening the door a crack. "I'll be right out," she said at a volume that carried through the heavy oak door. How could this man accuse her of stealing? His threats sounded unreasonable. Yes, it was difficult adjusting to a loved ones placement in a care center, but Judd had to wake up to the reality that she worked for the resident, not against them. Ever since his grandmother entered assisted living, Judd had made a pest of himself asking her out on dates, calling her on the phone. She wondered if her reluctance to accept his invitations was the reason he was so angry with her tonight. Moments later, as she exited from the bathroom, she heard Judd ask Garrett, "Are you a facility representative?" "I'mâ€Åš" "This is Garrett Brooks, my neighbor." Bella interrupted, stepping out of the bathroom. "He was kind enough to drive me over here when Amanda called about your grandmother's problem." "Amanda?" Judd asked. Bella nodded. "Yes, about an hour ago." Her words were forceful and clipped. "Your grandmother threatened to pack her things and leave. I had to do something, so; I helped her look for the missing items. So far, I've found nothing." Gladys Fortney sat in her antique rocker looking out into the wet courtyard, appearing to ignore the conversations, but her voice rang out curtailing the discussion. "I hate it when you talk as if I'm not in the room. It is extremely rude!" "Oh! Gladys, I'm sorry," Bella cried, walking numbly across the thick carpet to Gladys' side. She bent her knees and lowered herself to the elderly woman's eye level. Bella gave her a weak, but sincere smile as she touched her hand. "Are you all right?" she asked softly. Gladys raised her faded green eyes, the same color as her grandson's, shaking her head in affirmation. "I know this is a terrible situation, but I love it here. I don't want to move. Please, find my jewelry," she implored. All the furniture in the room was priceless antiques, making the woman a prime target for the thieves in the building. A bow window added visual space to the room and the view from the massive window was beautiful. Bushes covered with red and gold leaves filled the garden, shimmering in the fall sunset. They gleamed with moisture from the wet snow. "Do you want some privacy while you look through your things?" Bella asked softly. The elderly woman smiled up at her. "It would be lovely if you stayed to help me. I have specific thoughts about the search, but I'll understand if you can't help." Turning, Gladys turned her head and spotted her grandson. "And you," she hitched her chin in Judd's direction, can go on homeâ€ÅšI can do this after I watch my Seinfeld rerun tonight." "I'll be back to visit after I clear this up." Bella said. "Thank you," Formally, Gladys rose from her chair. "I'm sorry Judd has been such a agitator. I'm afraid my relocation is more upsetting to him than it is to me. He really is a warmhearted, loving man." Regret flickered in her eyes. As Mrs. Fortney talked to Bella, she glared at her grandson who stood across the room in direct line of her fierce stare. He shifted his weight from one boot-clad foot to the other like a youngster waiting for punishment. Becky shifted her feet nervously mimicking Judd's movements as she stood in the doorway waiting for Bella to take charge of the situation. Finally, Bella broke the silence in the room. "Let's continue this discussion in the day room." She motioned with her head, and then glanced at the gold watch on her wrist. "It should be free by now." Judd grumbled obscenities under his breath loud enough for Bella to hear as he walked from the room. "Gladys?" she questioned to gain the woman's attention. "Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?" "I'll be back in a few minutes to finish your inventory. I left the sheet on your dresser." Gladys looked around. "Oh, yes, here it is. Are you sure Judd won't be angry if you come back?" She whispered, drawing it out into a sigh. "I'm just doing my job. Surely, he can't condemn me for that. "I hope this hasn't made it difficult for you and Judd to become friends." Her white brows met in the middle, forming a straight line across her forehead registering an expression of concern. "Gladys, I'm not interested in dating Judd, you know that," Bella said, hoping the woman believed her words although she knew it would hurt Gladys to know that she couldn't stand Judd Fortney. The day room wasn't far. Bella stepped aside as she opened the door and politely let everyone enter ahead of her. Garrett lacked the will to excuse himself from this situation. This was an excellent chance to see his potential activities consultant in action--probably his only opportunity, once she learned his identity. So far, Bella had expertly controlled the predicament. This room appeared more used than the huge activities area at the other end of the hallway. It held a card table covered with a jigsaw puzzle in progress, a large-screen television, and a few lift-recliners facing the set. Across another wall, a long table held crafts. Bella closed the door for privacy. Very good, Bella, Garrett thought, the last thing you need is another wave of gossip. At times when she spoke of her difficulties, Garrett noticed a weary lilt affecting her voice. There was only so much an individual could take before cracking up, and he suspected she was close to that point. Garrett leaned back against the long table that held an assortment of hand crafted Christmas craft ornaments in progress. He stretched his legs in front of him and crossed his arms over his chest settling-in to watch. "Why don't we go to your office, Bella?" Judd suggested, a wicked smile pulled the corners of his mouth into a sneer as his gaze shifted between Becky and Garrett. "You do have an office don't you?" His condescending irritated Bella and Garrett watched her pace in front of a large window draped in lace. When she turned in his direction, he saw she was gritting her teeth, causing the muscle in her jaw to jump. Garrett wondered if she was silently calling Judd vulgar names. When his insulting words elicited no response from Bella, Judd continued, "I really don't have anything to say to this...nurse, or to your boyfriend." He turned his head in Becky's direction and then toward Garrett. Judd glowered at Garrett with his back stiff, then a slow predatory smile spread across his face. The smile didn't reach his eyes. Garrett's stomach knotted. A revelation struck him. Judd thinks I'm competition! He fought back the biting anger. "Judd! That's quite enough," Bella exclaimed, the sharp words sounded stiff and foreign as they passed her lips. "We all want to work together to rally round your grandmother. It would really help if you'd cooperate even a little bit." Judd moved toward the television, turning his back to the others. He didn't say a word for the longest time. Bella started to walk toward the door when he said, "I asked to see Amanda Howard." He turned, facing them, an ugly gleam in his eyes. "I can see I'll get no help from any of you. Don't bother helping my grandmother--I'll search through her things. Alone. There are personal items in her room that the employees around here don't need to know about. Is that too much to ask?" Bella walked toward Judd and gently touched his arm. "That's fine," she said softly, "just rememberâ€ÅšI was helping her, too, not stealing." Bella shot a worried glance toward Garrett. The muscle in his jaw jumped as he ground his teeth. All she needed now was for him to lose control and bash Judd's repugnant words back down his filthy throat. Taking a breath, Bella said, "You were wrong, Judd. I'm the one who handles all resident admissions. I know everything in her room, that is, unless a family member takes something home for safekeeping without telling me." She handed him the incident report. "Would you please sign this. It outlines everything that happened tonight." Judd stared at her, eyes narrowed, nostrils flared in anger. "I'll complete the paperwork and leave it with Miss Howard before I depart." Bella's dark, frowning eyes filled with exasperation as she looked around the room to Garrett and Becky. She couldn't worry about Judd's feelings and she certainly didn't want to pull him into a room for privacy. "All right. But first, I want to know what is really going on with you." Judd squirmed under her scrutiny. "N-nothing ominous, I assure you. I suppose I'm being over sensitive. I just want my grandmother to be happy and safe." He strutted toward the door. "Good evening, ladiesâ€ÅšBrooks." Garrett didn't reply, only gave a curt nod in his direction. * * * * Leave the paperwork in Amanda's office. The words screamed through Bella's mind making her face flush red at the thought. She had never been so angry or embarrassed. She'd tried so hard to act calm and unaffected by Judd's words, but they really had bothered her. Just thinking about walking back into Amanda's office caused her blood to pound at her temples. Bella couldn't do anything to please that woman. Either Amanda complained that Bella didn't keep the residents busy enough with activities, or she wasn't giving them enough emotional support. Now, she feared Amanda was responsible for everyone's attitude toward her. That had to be the reason. Now it was time to face Amanda. If Amanda told her staff to watch Bella's actions, naturally they would be suspicious of her. Hanging out with the nursing staff wasn't one of Bella's favorite things, but she had a few select friends that worked at the hospital. She'd known them from the time they all had started first grade. They were the only staff members that didn't look at her then quickly glance away. "I'll wait for you right here in the activities room," Garrett said. She smiled at him. Her heart did a little flip-flop behind her ribs when he flashed his heart-melting smile at her. "I'm so sorry about all this muddled mess. Garrett lounged against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "That can't be helped, now can it?" She shrugged, transfixed by his eyes. "I suppose not, but aren't you getting tired of hanging around here?" "No problem. Take care of your business, I'll be waiting right here for you." Garrett launched himself away from the wall and toward Bella. Reaching out, he placed a finger to her chin and drew her eyes up to meet his. "Judd's a jerk. Don't take his words seriously--that's what he wants. He wants to hurt you." Her lips pulled into a trembling smile as his midnight eyes studied her keenly, "Thanks, Garrett, I'm glad you came with me tonight." She stepped away from him, fearing her reaction. She wanted him to kiss her. The tension between them was thick enough to stir. She'd only known Garrett a few hours, yet, when she was near him, she felt dizzy--out of control. At this time yesterday, she never would have believed this was possible. "It shouldn't take too long in Amanda's office. I'll get the inventory list. I feel strongly that Judd left it with her, and I was summoned--can't disobey the queen." The words were frosty with feigned dignity. "Amanda and I are each department supervisors, but, for some reason, she acts like she owns this facility!" Fighting down bitterness, she smiled at Garrett. "Enough of this--I'll see you in a few minutes." She turned, walking toward Amanda's fish bowl office. When Bella entered the hospital wing, the first thing she saw was Judd standing in Amanda's office. She tried not to look in the room as she walked by, but she did. Amanda reached out and touched Judd's arm, a sickening sweet smile replaced her look of concern. So much for a professional demeanor, Bella thought. Judd was extremely good looking, but as Garrett said, the man was a first class jerk. Bella turned her back on the door. She couldn't stand to see this display. If Amanda could cause her to feel guilty even when she knew she was innocent, what must Judd Fortney think of her? She didn't care about the man, but his frame of mind could be detrimental to his grandmother. The sound of the door opening behind her made her jump. Judd stood in the opening looking at her, eyes scrunched into thin slits and his lips compressed with anger. Bella's stomach clenched. "You took grandmother's things and I'm going to prove it." He clucked his tongue. "When I have the evidence, I'll make you pay for exploiting these helpless people." "I didn't do anything. I've tried to protect them from whoever is stealing!" Judd zipped his coat, preparing to leave the building. "That's not the impression I got from Aman...ur, Miss Howard. Bella's heart fell, leaving her stomach hovering as a nauseating knot at her throat. This situation was fast becoming critical; she didn't know where to turn. Should she get a lawyer? Her shoulders slumped dejectedly. Judd was the county attorney. If charges were filed against her, he became the prosecuting attorney. The man rudely shouldered past her without another word. Bella walked into Amanda's office, her mind full of curses, but she fought them back--no sense in borrowing trouble. She would know soon enough what had taken place in here. Taking a calming breath, Bella said, "I looked in on Gladys a few moments ago. She's calm, dressed for bed and ready to call it a night." Amanda's icy blue eyes took in the clock on the floral papered wall, but she remained silent. "She acted much calmer. I'm sure she felt we would find her jewelry." Those frigid eyes snapped in Bella's direction. Again, she said nothing. Discouragement wrapped around her like a boa constrictor, ready to squeeze its victim to death. If Amanda's goal was to make her feel uncomfortable, she'd succeeded. "Why is Mrs. Fortney ready for bed at six o'clock? You encouraged her to do this, didn't you? Amanda finally asked, her words sending frozen arrows through Bella's heart, cruelly accurate. "She's tired." "You know my staff is keeping her from napping because she wakes up at three o'clock in the morning. How can we readjust her schedule if you're undermining our efforts?" Yeah sure, undermine your authority. The director handled the facility like a dictator. Bella refused to feel guilty. "Gladys has had a few rough hours. She's really upset about her jewelry. Can't you give her a little consideration?" Amanda shook her head. "No. She has to adjust, and it is your job to help." Bella refused to comment. There was no swaying Amanda. They're different management styles. Bella was helpful and leveled with a person, involved the resident with their treatment. Amanda demanded results from her staff. Bella hadn't seen any positive effects from this. Because it didn't work. "I'm going home." She wasn't going to argue with Amanda, but she couldn't stand there and have her speak to her in such an insolent manner. Amanda slammed the desk drawer shut, her face purpled in rage. "Not so fast." She stood, walking around the desk. "Judd Fortney wants us to search your office for the missing items." "What?" "Sorry, but it's the only way to disprove his accusations." Amanda's words sounded sincere, but a self-satisfied grin pulled lines into the corners of her mouth. Stretching her arm in Bella's direction she asked, "Can I have the keys to your office? Bella's pulse thudded in jagged strokes and her face flushed with humiliation. "You know I don't lock the office, just my file cabinet." Amanda lifted her chin indignantly. "So, give me those keys." A flash of embarrassment burned through her flesh. Reaching into her pocket, Bella felt the keys, warm from the temperature of her body. Clutching them for a moment, she hauled them out, dangling them in front of her. Amanda snapped them from her grasp. "Let's go get this over with." Bella followed the nurse out the door and through the walkway not saying a word, but silently cursing Judd with each step she took. It seemed to take an eternity to reach her office. Garrett was sitting near the piano reading a large print magazine when they entered the area. He tossed his reading aside and stood, his smile mesmerized her; he seemed to fill the room with a masculine aura and vitality. She swallowed back the desire that inflamed her. "Welcome back. Are you ready to go?" he asked, walking toward her. She held out her hand, motioning him to stop, and bit down hard on her bottom lip to stop the quivering. Stinging tears threatened at the back of her eyelids. Tipping his head slightly at her bleak expression, he asked, "Is something wrong?" She nodded. "Don't come in here. Just wait for me out there." The words came out as a raspy whisper. She turned her back to him, entering the office, but she felt him follow them in anyway. With fists on his hips, his voice tainted with emotion he asked, "What's going on here?" Bella wrapped her fingers around his muscular arm, drawing him toward her. "She's searching in here for the jewelry from Gladys' room." Pure rage burned within her, hotter than a fire. "She thinks you took it?" he uttered incredulously, surprise flooded his face. She shrugged. "I guess so--and so does Judd. He insisted the office be searched." They stood there watching Amanda open the file cabinet, scavenge through the individual folders and around the bottom of each drawer. Finding nothing, she re-locked the cabinet. Turning to Bella's desk, she ransacked the drawers, displacing the neatly placed items. "To be safe," Amanda said with heavy sarcasm, "I'd better check the cupboards over there." "Search, but don't be such a slob about it!" The words slipped out before she could stop herself. Amanda raised her eyebrows, looking down her nose at her, but she didn't comment. She moved puzzles, opened them, and then replaced them haphazardly on the shelf. When she reached the small door with the lock, she pulled on the handle. It wouldn't open. Amanda spun around her mouth fell agape. "I thought all you locked in here were the files?" "Th-that's right. I never use this cabinet!" "Is the key on this ring?" "I would suppose so, but I've never needed it." Bella's stomach lurched. She had a bad feeling about this. Sliding the small key in the lock, it fit perfectly. When Amanda twisted it in the lock and pulled on the handle, the door came open. Bella nudged Amanda making room for herself in front of the cabinet. Gathering up her courage, she looked inside. What she saw there told her she was in trouble as deep as she'd ever been. The missing jewelry gleamed in the reflected light.  CHAPTER FIVE  "GLADYS, DO YOU WANT TO PRESS CHARGES?" The room filled with the angry voices, everyone talking at once. The shrill sound of Sheriff Tucker whistling with two fingers in his mouth quieted the pandemonium. "That's better! I couldn't hear a damn thing. I need some answers." Once again, the sound of near hysterical voices drowned out his voice." Shaking his head, he walked toward Bella. "Maybe I'll take you down to the jail. I won't have this problem there." "Wait a darn minute." Garrett walked up to the Sheriff, Amanda following him so closely that if he'd stopped suddenly, she would have careened into his backside. "I don't know what Miss Howard's trying to pull here, but I looked in that cabinet not more than an hour ago. It was empty. But when she unlocked it," Garrett nodded his head toward the nurse, "taa-daa--jewelry! Now, I don't recall seeing anything but her back as she opened the door." Bella's heart did an erratic dance. Twisting around she stared at Garrett, her eyebrows raising with shock. "You think Amanda slipped the items into the cabinet?" she asked, her voice sounded hollow. An oppressive silence filled all the corners of the room like a thick fog, and encapsulated Bella in the indistinct mystery of the situation. "You're telling me someone, uh...Miss Howard planted the watch and rings?" The Sheriff asked, his bushy eyebrows elevated his baggy eyelids, the look screamed amazed. Garrett's crooked smile took on a sarcastic twist as he looked down at the top of the nurse's head. "I don't know who did this, but it's quite apparent someone did." "I told you that Bella would never steal from me," Gladys Fortney declared, poking a thick finger into Judd's chest. "Now, you've got everyone upset." "Me? What'd I do?" "Why didn't you go home? Are you in cahoots with that nurse? And you called Sheriff Tucker after I asked you not to. Now, quit acting like an idiot." "Mrs. Fortney, please!" The Sheriff slammed his palms down on the tabletop in front of him. "I'll ask you again--do you want to press charges against Mrs. Mann?" Gladys closed her white-fringed eyes, shaking her head. "Of course not. How many times do I have to tell you this?" Becky walked to Bella, giving her a friendly hug of triumph, and glared at Judd. "Mr. Fortney," Becky said, "I think you should work with Sheriff Tucker here to find out just who is responsible for these thefts." Her gaze switched to Judd Fortney. "You do think Bella is innocent, don't you Judd? His lips curled in a sneer. "Hardly. I know she's behind this, and I'll prove it, too." He took Gladys' arm, pulling her toward the door. "Come on Gram. You're probably exhausted." She shook her arm out of Judd's hand, glaring at him. Then she walked over to Bella. "I'm sorry for all this, darling." She leaned forward, kissing Bella on the cheek and whispered, "Don't worry about Judd. I'll take care of him." "Thanks," Bella said, a windy sigh gusted through her lips. "Well, I can't do any more around here," the Sheriff said. "Call me again if you need my services." Amanda's eyes raked over the Sheriff with contempt and disbelief. "You can't be serious. I want Bella arrested!" Sheriff Tucker shook his head. "Not if Gladys won't press charges." "But, but someone took the jewelry!" "That's true, but it wasn't Mrs. Mann. Mr. Brooks here says he saw the cabinet unlocked and empty tonight. He was with Bella here in this office, or just outside the door in the activities room. She didn't have the opportunity to hide the jewelry without being seen." "No, Sheriff, that's not quite right. I did leave for say thirty minutes. There was a big scream fest down the hall when Judd arrived. I went down there to see what was happening." "Soâ€Åšsomeone could have planted the stuffâ€Åš" "Sheriff, I need to speak to you," Amanda said, then took the Sheriff's arm and guided him out the door and toward her fish bowl office. Bella, Becky and Garrett stood speechlessly in the middle of the room staring at each other. Bella's lips thinned in irritation. "God, Garrett, I don't understand what's going on. If you hadn't looked through the cabinets and found the little door unlocked and empty, I'd be in jail right now. Thanks!" "I felt quite guilty pawing through those cabinets without you in the office, but, you're right, it was a stroke of luck. The way I figure this, someone had to plant the jewelry when I was out of this area. It happened at the same time Judd was hollering in his grandmother's room." "That'd be a good distraction," Becky said. "I'm sure everyone in the building heard him and came running. The hall was full of residents and staff for a while." "God, I thought it was bad around here before, but now, everyone will think I'm a thief!" The realization stabbed at her heart. All she'd ever wanted was to help these wonderful elderly people adjust; give them a home-like environment where they could spend the end of their lives being as productive as in their younger years. She'd always treated the individuals who lived at the care center as she expected her parents to be treated if they were in the same situation. Now, she had to wonder about the security of her position. "I think we'd better get out of here before something else happens." Garrett said. "You look tired." Bella nodded her agreement. "I am, a little." "And I should have been outta here an hour ago," Becky added, "my son will wonder what happened to me. And heaven forbid, he'll have all the groceries in the house devoured. When he gets home from basketball practice, he's famished." "When is his first game?" Bella asked. "The first Friday in January. Then I'll be busy following the team around on Friday and Saturday nights!" "I'm planning on catching as many games as I can this year." Bella said. "I'm glad to hear that. We need everyone we can get in the cheerin' section. That really helps." Bella smiled and told Garrett, "I was the sports jock and Becky was the cheerleader." Becky ducked her head and said, "Yeah, but you didn't get knocked-up and have to quit school." Concern darkened Bella's eyes. "You're not still dwelling on that are you?" Becky shrugged. "I feel somewhat beneath you. I'm a nurse and you're--" "Wait one darn minute!" Bella interrupted. "You've worked hard, getting your GED then going on to nursing school. Your handsome son is one year from graduation. I'd say you've done quite well as a single mother." "Yeah, you're right, but sometimes, I wonder what I could have been if I hadn't quit." "Probably a nurse." Bella sat quietly, trying hard not to preach to her friend. Becky lacked self-confidence. Maybe the reason really was the circumstances of high school, but should one episode rule her whole life? Bella wanted to holler the well-used cliché, 'get a life,' but didn't. Right now, Bella was Becky's best, possibly only, friend. It was dark and cold when she and Garrett walked outside. Snow covered the parking lot and wind whistled through a thick grove of evergreen trees, stinging their eyes with piercing flakes of snow. The whole town sat on the side of mountain. Houses and businesses alike lined the main street running through the town. A few massive, expensive homes sat higher on the peak, but much of Evergreen followed along three miles of highway twenty-five. Garrett opened the door for Bella then hurried around to the driver's side, sliding into the cold interior of the vehicle. Bella leaned back into the contoured seat of Garrett's vehicle. She didn't feel like talking, so many thoughts rolled through her mind. Why had Amanda been so quick to think her guilty of stealing? Didn't she know by now that Bella wouldn't hurt nor compromise the residents? Not only was this situation at work bothering her, Garrett Brooks was complicating her life, too. She hadn't thought, romantically, about another man since her husband's death. She couldn't tell him about her mixed-up feeling; feelings that she'd kept hidden for a long, long time. One moment she missed her husband like crazy and the next, she nearly hated him. Bella scrutinized Garrett's profile. The light from an oncoming car illuminated his chiseled features making his face a study of sharp planes and deep hollows. A pang of guilt twisted painfully in her stomach. Surely, she wouldn't spend the rest of her life feeling guilty each time she felt attracted to a man. Gathering her courage she realized, where this man was concerned, she was in deep trouble. Garrett was far too perceptive for her peace of mind. "You're so quiet. What are you thinking about?" Garrett quizzed. He navigated the snow-packed streets without turning his head in her direction. Shrugging slightly she said, "Nothing in particular. It's been a long week andâ€Åšand I dread returning to work Monday." A fine skiff of snow whipped through the air causing the streetlights to look hazy. She shivered, pulling her coat closer to her. The icy spectacle matched the feeling in her bones. Numbing fear. She was afraid about the problems at work and she was terrified to let Garrett close to her. Would she have felt different if her whole relationship with Scott hadn't been a lie? If he hadn't wiped out their saving account leaving her nearly destitute after his death. The old women living at the care center talked about their late husbands with such fondness, and she prayed she could be like that...someday. Sharply turning the steering wheel, Garrett maneuvered the long driveway, his destination the garage. Once there, he killed the lights and switched off the ignition. "Hell of a day, huh?" She flashed him a grin. "I wouldn't call it normal. This day has felt more like a week long." Garrett walked around the front of the vehicle, then opened Bella's door. Taking his hand, she stepped out onto the aluminum running board and down onto the ground landing only inches from him. "You are a gallant gentleman, sir." "And you are a sumptuous woman." Garrett reached out for her, pulling her into his arms. "It feels ridiculous to be here laughing when I should be wailing about at work." Her mood took a sharp drop, but when she looked at Garrett, she felt her face pull into a silly perky smile. Oh geezâ€Åšthe way he was looking at herâ€Åšwould he kiss her? Her body tensed in anticipation. They looked at each other for the longest time, their smiles fading as the moment became serious. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. She wanted to lean forward and touch her lips to his just to ease the agony of the tension between them. Instead, she tilted up her face, feeling a strange tightening in her middle. His mouth moved over hers; gently coaxing, filled with hunger. The tension of the day fell away, and she forgot everything except how to respond as a woman. She'd never thought of herself as an experienced kisser, and now...? The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. Garrett pulled his lips from hers. His expression, eyes half closed, lips full and pouty looked lusty then suddenly, he grinned devilishly at her. The nearness of him caused the sounds of the night to amplify; the wind whooshing through the trees sounded deafening. Could he hear her heart hammering in her chest over that sound? Then, Garrett lowered his head again. His lips were soft, yet demanding as they captured hers. The light pressure of his mouth on hers was pleasant, but not overwhelming. Bella's back stiffened and she started to pull away, but Garrett, reached around her, took her by the shoulders pulling her deeper into his embrace. The movement pushed all thoughts from her mind. The taste of his tongue as it swept over her lips tantalized her to the very core. She surrendered into an explosion of desire camouflaging her fears and erased thoughts of anything except him. Bella became a quivering ball of desire. She wanted him to lift her to that secret realm where lovers liquefy into a pulsing pool of sensation. Suddenly, she found herself at the imagined boundary that separated her from happiness. She felt her body freeze over and tighten. The pleasant feel of the kiss was over, and in its place-- no sensations at all. Ever so slowly, Garrett separated his lips from hers and gently stroked her flushed cheek. He tilted his forehead against hers and said, "You aren't the only one who is afraid, you know. I'm afraid you'll capture my heart, and that might mean I could hurt you badly...very badly. Be careful Bella." The threat in his words caused her throat to tightened making it difficult to swallow. She was afraid to ask him what he meant. Garrett took her cold hand and led her into the warm entry. They walked together up the steps and stopped on the landing between the doors to their apartments. Garrett brushed a long strand of hair from her thick lashes then pulled her close. The embrace was more like a friend's comforting shoulder, than a romantic overture. "You have beautiful hair." Bella shrugged. "Thanks." And nervously added, "It's the same color as my mother's." The thick wave of mahogany hair fell to her waist like a giant satin ribbon. The mane disguised Bella's thirty years. Her mother had urged her, repeatedly, to cut it and add a bit of class to her life. Bella had even arranged appointments at a local salon. But she wasn't ready to let go of it yet. Ever since her parents had moved to Arizona for the winter, Bella had missed her mother's nagging. Here it was, nearly Christmas and she missed them terribly. If she weren't so busy at the care center during the holidays, she would take a vacation to her parent's winter home. Picking up a lock of hair, Bella pulled it toward her face and scrutinized it thoughtfully. Maybe her mother was right. "This mop has gotten out of hand. Ever since my husband died, I haven't thought about such things." "I'm going to break through your pain, you know," Garrett said, his voice husky with desire. "Then I'll teach you how to feel again." He touched her cheek gently and smiled. "Have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow." He closed his door softly leaving Bella standing there shaking. Why did she have to find this man now? Her life was a complete mess and she was afraid Garrett was right when he said he could hurt her. Would he open the floodgates of her feelings then show her how it really felt to hurt? * * * * The next week crept past slowly. She hadn't seen anything of Garrett, and his apartment was silent every time she switched off the stereo. Each morning she dressed carefully in the event she came across him on the landing. She stood in front of the oak-framed mirror beside her dresser. Her reflection showed a frightened look in her almond-shaped hazel eyes. She forced herself to narrow her gaze to regain that stern look to her appearance. This was her normal work expression, and it seemed to help her conceal the pain that tore at her daily. Try as she might, this week, her lips, full and pouting, betrayed the stern demeanor, and the harder she tried, the more beautiful her reflection became. Bella wanted a slim, waif-like body, but she could never diet long enough to achieve that look. She was large-framed with long, gently rounded legs that accentuated the curve of her hips and in conjunction with her full bust line, only emphasized her narrow waist. Bella tossed on her coat and opened the front door hoping to catch a glimpse of Garrett as she left for work, but he didn't appear. Maybe tonight she would knock on his door and offer him more cookies. * * * * Bella rushed down the corridor toward the staff dining room. Her cream-colored silk blouse moved softly across her tension knotted shoulders as the words Judd had spoken on the weekend played in her head. How could a man as attractive as Judd be so cantankerous? Bella's mind spun with all the words she wished she'd told him, boy, was she going to let him have it the next time they ran into each other, and the way it had been going, she felt sure they would meet again. She felt tired and short-tempered. It had been a long day with the admission of three new residents. Mrs. Randall was the last person she'd scheduled to interview. Bella was sure she would have to work late. She'd stopped by Lillian Randall's room, but the woman wasn't there. At the nurse's station, they told her she was out with family. The difference in families always surprised her. Jud Fortney was seldom around, only when his grandmother called in severe distress, and here was a new resident and she was out of the facility with loved ones. She wished she could bottle kindness. She'd dump the whole thing on Judd. Bella wrapped her arms around herself as she walked through the bridge. The small amount of gloomy light filtering in through the windows warmed the air, but she felt cold to the bone. How could plants live here? She was more despondent and lonely than ever. The din of voices and clattering dishes drifted from the cafeteria. Some of her fellow staff members sat quietly, fatigued expressions covered their faces, while others chatted freely with animation. Bella's mood fell somewhere in between. It only took a moment for the room to fall into silence as she entered. She looked around in disbelief. There was no question about it--they were ostracizing her. "Bella. Over here!" Becky waved frantically, pointing to the empty chair beside her. Two steaming mugs of coffee sat before her. This must be the way cattle feel as they head through a shoot, Bella thought. Suddenly, she felt her legs go out from under her and she pitched backward, falling. Trying to right herself, her hand smacked someone sitting at the table beside her. Strong hands came up under her arms stopping her fall. "Sorry, Bella. I was only trying to get your attention when I stuck my foot out, I didn't mean to trip you." Dr. Adam Roth offered. "Have a seat." He pulled out two chairs "I want to talk to you." "I don't know if you should say that in this crowd. The people around here might take after you like a lynch mob," she said, her mouth tightening with indignation. Adam kicked a chair in her direction. Looking around the room, Bella dropped. What was happening to all these men? It began on the weekend, Judd flipped-out and tried to have her framed for stealing his grandmother's jewelry, now Adam seemed peculiar. And she was right; nearly everyone was staring at her. "You really frightened me, you know." Her voice raged but came out a whisper. "Sorry," he said insincerely. His mouth twitched nervously. "I wanted to tell you, I-I can't make our date tomorrow night." Bella stared at him, her eyes wide. She couldn't quite miss his expression. It wasn't a real date anyway; Adam had offered to escort her to the gala. "Is this the same reason you didn't stop by my office with the assessments for your new resident?" He made a condescending clicking sound against his teeth. "Oh, are things starting to go badly for you?" Adam's smug smile ticked her off. "No," she snapped, but her heart felt like a crushed shell. "But why don't you answer one question for me before I leave your table." "Shoot." "Why is everyone blacklisting me?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You don't know?" Bella shook her head and a few wisps of red hair escaped the bounds of the tight knot at the nape of her neck. "I really wish you'd tell me." Adam's light colored gaze narrowed with distaste and he shook his head slightly as he offered, "I'm not ready for all the problems that could cause. Let's change the subject." Adam had been her friend from childhood. Surely, that meant something to him. "Please tell me what's going on!" She demanded, defiantly raising her chin with pride. He took a deep breath and studied her intently. "It all has to do with this abuse thing and the thefts. You're going to cause all of us to lose our jobs. Just drop the accusations and give it a rest, will ya? Everything will be back to normal before you know it." He covered her hand with his. She jerked her hand out from under his. The pain in his eyes made her feel instinctively guilty, but sometimes, she wondered if he did that on purpose. He had a way of manipulating her, and he'd done so since they were children. When they were in the third grade, Adam released the Science club's caged rabbits. He set them free in a vacant lot adjoining the schoolyard. Upon discovery of the deed, Adam had second thoughts. The teacher had reprimanded him sternly earlier in the day for hiding her book bag that contained their weekly math test. The young boy feared expulsion from school and begged Bella to rescue him. He thought the teacher would be forgiving to the kind girl. He seemed so sincere that Bella confessed to the animal break out. The teacher found Bella's prank delightful, but she still lost her recess privileges for a whole week. "Bella...are you there?" "Oh! I didn't mean to drift off like that." "That's all right. Now, about what I saidâ€Åš" She shook her head. "I'll have to think about this. There is a lot at stake here." "Yeah, like my job. By the way, how are the plans for the gala going?" "I'm getting a severe case of nerves about tomorrow night. Mr. Van Horn hasn't given me any of the information he promised. Have you seen him today?" "No, but I did hear he was under the weather and stayed home." Adam wiggled his eyebrows humorously. The hospital administrator had a weakness for alcohol and now that he was retiring, the business held little importance to him. "That's just great," she exclaimed. "We've worked for months to get this gala underway and now he's going to mess it up." "Wing it, babe. You're good at that." "I still have a speech to write and I need his information. Lucky me." Bella looked in Becky's direction. Becky scowled into her coffee. Becky was having a hard time understanding Bella's platonic non-relationship, friendship, whatever you wanted to call it, with Adam. Or, were they still friends at all. Becky didn't look very happy. That was all Bella needed. She felt like walking out the door and charging her absence to her sick day column on her time sheet. And it wasn't a lie. She felt bad. Right now, Becky could have Adam. All Bella wanted was to flee from this doctor, the room and her miserable life. She took a few steps in Becky's direction when Adam called back, "Still friends?" She ignored his sarcastic question and kept on moving. She heard the snickers from other staff members in the room. How could he call himself her friend when he acted this way? "I can't believe how awful this day has been." Bella slid into the chair kicking her shoes from her feet. She sighed as she reached for the cool coffee. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get away from Adam." "I feel limp after that code, but we pulled the patient through." Becky placed her hand in the crook of her neck massaging the tight muscles. "You were in ER for quite a while." She sipped her coffee silently. "What are you doing after work?" "I have parent-teacher conference. I sure hope Jody's doin' better. What'd ya have in mind?" "I need help finding something to wear to the gala tomorrow night. Now I don't have an escort. That's what Adam was dropping on me." Bella folded a straw paper into a tiny square. "Hey! He's available for you, Becky." Heaving a sigh, Becky rolled her eyes at Bella. "You sound like you have Bella Mann syndrome. You usually don't grumble like this." "It's my turn to dislike men for a while. All 'cept my kid, he's different. I've raised him for seventeen years. He's turned into a great guy." The nurse laughed. "Don't worry so much about all of this. Give it a rest. It'll blow over. I want to go outside for a smoke," Becky said. "I'm really sick of this topic. Can we change subjects?" Bella looked from the pack of cigarettes, to her friend, and back again. She'd tired of preaching the evils of tobacco. It seemed strange to her that health care facilities had the highest concentration of smokers, even though the medical staff worked first-hand with the unfortunate results of smoking. "Chill, Bella! I've cut down--a lot." A certified nurse assistant, dressed in her pale pink uniform, walked by with the coffeepot to return it to the warmer. Becky reached out her hand and stopped the woman, asking for a refill. A tingling sensation came over her, causing Bella to look up. There was no mistaking the cold stare directed at her. The frigid glare didn't go unnoticed by Becky, either. "I guess the rumors about you are spreading," she said after the woman walked away. Bella leaned toward Becky, her interest growing. "What have you heard?" Her voice a whisper, Becky turned her head toward Bella. "They're sayin' that you're sneakin' around to spy on them, and that you're lyin' about stolen property on the incident reports. It didn't help that they found Gladys' jewelry in your office, either. But the thing they're the maddest about is," her voice lowered even more, "they say you told Mr. Van Horn they're doin' it!" Bella sighed. There was a ring of truth in the rumors. She was documenting complaints from the residents, noting missing property, and she'd notified the administrator. How could this information be public knowledge? The only person she'd told was Mr. Van Horn. "Becky. You know about my concerns. As a matter-of-fact, we've discussed this. You agreed with me then. You even reported that CNA who yelled at Mrs. Colby." "Everyone reports things to ya, Bella." "Yes, that's true, but the only problem is, they won't stand behind me. Now, everyone thinks I'm just a troublemaker. Sometimes, I wonder about Mr. Van Horn. I think he's trying to sweep this under the rug. He'll retire and let someone else handle the problem." "Well, don't tell anyone I'm helpin' ya." "I think you're suspect anyway just because you're my friend. Hey, Beck, I've been thinking," Bella said in an attempt to change the subject. "Why don't you invite Adam to the dance? I know you're still hung-up on him. He canceled on me because of the stuff going on around here, but I'm sure he wouldn't hold that against you." "I've got a date already. Why do ya keep pushin' Adam at me? He doesn't want me any more," she complained querulously. She couldn't conceal her irritation that Bella and Adam were old friends. "I think he's a great doctor. All I have to do is call him and he comes runnin' to help the residents. Why, he's the one that prescribed antibiotics for my cold patients this morning." Bella shook her head. "Do you ever wonder about that? Why is it that the other doctor's on staff never write as many scripts as Adam?" "That's because they aren't as compassionate." There was no use in arguing methods and techniques with her. Becky closed her mind and nothing Bella could say would change her mind. Bella wanted to tell Becky that all she had to do was to quit pushing Adam for a permanent relationship. Becky couldn't end every date with him expecting an engagement ring. But Bella didn't want to argue with her today. "I still haven't seen Mr. Van Horn. I need to talk to him about the new administrator before my speech tomorrow night. How can I introduce someone I don't even know?" "If I see him, I'll call ya," she said sincerely. "No idea what you're wearin'?" Becky quizzed. "The last time I remember ya being so secretive was when you and Scott got married. I almost died when ya walked down the aisle dressed like Marilyn Monroe in that glittering, form-fitting dress." The humor fell from her face and she gave Bella an odd look. "Oh! You're not wearin' that tomorrow night, are you?" Bella laughed, remembering the shocked expression on Scott's face as she walked down the aisle. "No. Don't worry. I won't be so blatantly sexual. I really won't embarrass you. I just wish I knew what to wear. I bought black pumps to wear with my basic black dress, but it's too boring. Therefore, I had a different idea. That's why I wanted you to come over. I don't know if I'm brave enough to wear it." "Uh, oh...this sounds like my Bella of old. What are ya up to?" Before she could avoid answering, her pager began to vibrate at her side. She walked to the telephone through a sea of indignant faces.   CHAPTER SIX  BELLA KEPT BUSY SATURDAY MORNING, but by early afternoon, she was nearly sick with anxiety over the fund-raiser. It would be bad to stand in front of a crowd, but with everything that had escalated this past week, she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. She didn't want to think about it and she really didn't want to go to this boring event. Entering the bedroom, she sat on the edge of the waterbed, and then lay back on the warm surface. It had been a week ago this morning that she'd met Garrett Brooks. She felt cheap and wanton. She'd let a stranger kiss her, and then he'd disappeared from her life. If she hadn't talked to Ned last night, probing for any information on Garrett, she would have thought he'd been a figment of her imagination. But Ned gave her little information. She ambled into the bathroom, taking the brush off the counter she began brushing her long hair until it shone, its auburn luster reflected the light. Well, by this time tomorrow, the dreaded gala would be pushed back into her mind as a memory. She just wished the Sheriff would find who was stealing at the care center and make this disgusting time of her life a memory, also. What she needed was a long, hot shower to calm her nerves. She still hadn't decided what to wear when she stepped out of the shower wrapping a thick towel snugly around her body. The towel matched the colors in the bedroom that she'd redecorated last year, saving money each month to complete the project. The urge to live beyond her means was a constant struggle. She furnished the apartment from discarded items she found at yard sales and auctions. When she bought something new, guilt filled her with regret. She was becoming exceedingly frugal. She had a simple black dress in the closet. Along with black stockings and the new heels, she would look fine. Her hair was a mess. It probably would take her all afternoon to make it look good. As she leaned over the bathtub with the hand held sprayer rushing water over her hair, an idea struck her. She grabbed a towel and rubbed the water from her hair. She dropped the towel; her damp hair flopped around her shoulders in long strands. She ran her fingers through the damp hair and bit her lips together to suppress a giggle that rose from her chest. * * * * From the stylist's chair, Bella stared at her reflection. She'd emerged from the bulk of hair that now lay on the floor surrounding the chair. She looked nothing at all like her old self. The red highlights had overtaken the somber brown tones in the collar length bob that turned under at her chin. A fringe of wispy bangs touched her brows. The style accentuated her high cheekbones and large almond-shaped eyes. "You like?" The stylist asked as he smoothed his hand over the back of her hair to smooth a few hairs. Grant was her mother's hair stylist. When she'd called him a little over an hour ago, he'd been more than happy to have her come in immediately for the transformation. Video's blared from the television as she changed her appearance. "It's great, but now I need some color in my face. I look so pale." She seldom wore makeup, but she left the salon amid blushing cheeks, shiny, pouty lips and long, thick eyelashes. Under her arm, she carried a black bag filled with new cosmetics. After tucking her purchase in the trunk of her old car, she struck off down the street to buy earrings now that they would show with the shorter hair. Bella felt so free with the breeze playing through the bouncy hair. She couldn't remember when she'd felt the tickle of hair against her face or the heavenly smell of floral shampoo as the hair blew against her cheeks. Grant had placed a round, natural bristle brush in her hand and explained the process of blow-drying. Hopefully, she'd be able to accomplish the same look in the morning. It was five o'clock when she drove into the garage. She'd planned to drive over to the country club at seven. She had two hours to get ready. Rushing into the house, she stopped on the landing. Garrett's apartment sounded empty. She shrugged, slipped out her key and unlocked the door. Maybe it was for the best that she not see Garrett. At least she controlled her emotions when she was by herself. When she was with Garrett she felt like a tornado had swirled inside her, turning everything upside down. As she sat on the edge of the bed gliding her panty hose over her freshly shaved legs, she heard the stereo pound out a beat from across the wall. Her heart rhythmically caught the cadence and the air in her lungs froze in place. Garrett was back. Damn! She didn't want to leave for the gala. She'd rather whip up a plate of cookies and take them to Garrett. But that wasn't possible. No one would believe that she was ill or had other commitments. Trying to slow her galloping heart, she pulled the dress on over her head. The newly cut hair bounced right back in place with one swinging bounce. Six o'clock, the blue digital numbers shone into the dark room. Bella couldn't stand waiting any longer. She didn't know what she was going to do at the country club for two hours, but she couldn't sit around here any longer. Garrett's stereo switched off fifteen minutes before, and now, the apartment settled into silence. All she could hear was the sound of the wind whistling through the trees outside in the night. Closing the door softly behind her, she entered the landing and sighed with disappointment. A rubber mat covered the torn floor covering. She would have to thank Garrett the next time they met. If they met. Bella opened the door and a frigid blast of air hit her. Pulling the coat collar over her ears, she looked down at the icy walkway. "Want a ride?" Garrett yelled out the passenger side window of his vehicle. He leaned across the seat and tossed open the door for her. Bella walked toward his vehicle. "I'm not sure. I thought you were an apparition. I haven't seen you for a week." "Look. About the other night...well, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so...Aggressive, kissing you that way. I don't know why I was so brusque." Oh, his beautiful, sensitive eyes. When he lifted his gaze to here, it lingered on hers filling her with uncertainty. She was a sucker for sensitive eyes. "Okay, but you'll have to drive me up to the country club. The hospital gala is tonight." "That's no problem. I bought a ticket for myself, I'm going to the gala as well." He smiled at her. "You look beautiful. I'll bet you'll be the classiest woman there." "It must be the mink coat." "No, ma'am. It's you. I love your new hairstyle. You look so different--not as young and vulnerable." Her gaze sharpened suddenly. "First, you tell me I look old, and now you keep me standing out her in the cold wind. What's a girl to do, Garrett?"' At that moment, a ferocious gust of wind nearly toppled her. Garrett's eyebrows rose in surprise and he turned his head sharply to look at her. "You should have waited for me to help you down that slick sidewalk." An off-center grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. "Oh...I know! You wanted to make a grand entrance by sliding into my waiting arms?" Bella laughed and entered the warm interior of the vehicle. She was glad to have accepted his invitation. His nearness weakened her resolution. Her life had become too mundane and settled. As of tonight, she hoped Garrett could change all of that. Engaging the gears, he expertly entered the road, the back tires sliding slightly in the deep snow. "I've been sitting out here for thirty minutes waiting for your lights to go off. I was afraid to ask you out." "Really?" He glanced over at her and smiled. "I knew you would refuse my invitation, so I figured this tactic would work best. By the way, we're taking a slight detour." A smile played at the corners of her mouth. "Where are we going?" "Someone gave me the name of a restaurant--Mill Lodge. Is it any good?" "Good?" She gaped at him. "That's an understatement." Time was the issue. Somehow, she had to hunt down the administrator. "Scott and I went there once and it...." Her excitement turned to a somber ending. Would she ever get over the feeling of being unfaithful to her husband? "You don't have to stop talking about him, you know. He was part of your life." Garrett's words reassured her. His interest in her made her feel wanted and feminine. If felt so good to feel the emotions a seductive male could induce. And she suspected her hibernating passions were powerful. "I'll tell you about my wonderful life with Scott Mann one of these days, but right now, I don't want to think about it, okay?" Garrett nodded his head slightly but his brows knitted together in question. The wind blew the light snow across the road swirling it in the beam of the low headlights, obscuring his vision for a second. Mill Lodge was just outside Evergreen, but the drive took longer than usual because of the weather. It was six-thirty when they arrived at the restaurant. The popular nightspot featured charbroiled steak and a lavish salad bar. Garrett clasped Bella's arm firmly as he helped her up the wooden walkway that led to the log structure. The covered rough wood deck was used for outdoor dining in the warmer months. However, tonight the air was crisp and a cold wind blew snow across their path. "I hope you're hungry," Garrett remarked and pulled Bella close to his side. "It's been a long time since I ate breakfast." She tried to remember when she'd eaten her last meal. She forgot to eat, and then she became so hungry that she devoured junk food just to fill the emptiness. Becky tried to get her into a healthy life-style of balanced meals and exercise, just as Bella tried to get her friend to stop smoking. Entering the Lodge through the rustic wooden door, the smell of searing steak on the grill and the aroma of burning cedar from the fireplaces assaulted their senses. The hostess wore a western outfit, brown suede skirt and vest under which was a low-cut blouse that skimmed the top of her breasts and dipped low enough to show the area where her breasts curved back against her body. Promenading up toward the small counter, she gushed sweetly, "I'll have a table for you shortly." She slipped around the tabletop, never looking away from Garrett's eyes. "I'll seat you in the lounge until your table is ready." Bella grinned with amusement while looking down at the floor. She felt uncomfortable with the woman's blatant sexuality. How could she act that way? Bella just felt embarrassed. They followed the hostess down a short flight of steps; the woman's hips undulated in a provocative manner as she flirted with Garrett. Entering the lounge, it smelled of mellow whiskey and cigarette smoke. Bella wasn't the jealous type, but something pulled at the pit of her stomach each time Garrett grinned at the overtly sexual woman. The combination of hunger pains and fluttery nervousness felt like a bowling team on league night had been set loose in her mid-section. Her apprehension was familiar...why had she agreed to give that blasted speech? It happened each time she spoke before more than five people. She glanced at her watch. Two hours until the speech, and after that, she could enjoy the rest of the evening. "Do we have time for both drinks and dinner?" Bella whispered as the hostess seated them at a table in the corner near a roaring fire. Garrett withdrew a chair from under the table and seated her. "We have plenty of time." His breath tickled her ear and he squeezed her shoulders in a reassuring manner. She sighed trying to shake off the feeling of doubt that continued to linger as the hostess returned to the table with their drink orders and embarrassed Bella, making her flush from her chest to her cheeks as the tart brushed her breasts against Garrett's arm when she placed the drink in front of him spilling some of the drink. It looked intentional to Bella. "Don't look so serious. The weather will make everyone run behind schedule." Garrett smiled slyly at her. The hostess walked through the room with a drink order, delivered it, then sauntered over to flirt with Garrett again. "Your table will be ready shortly," she gushed, never taking her eyes from him. "What's with that woman?" Garrett exclaimed after she turned to walk away. "Don't you know? She...ah...fancies you." A laugh bubbled from her throat and she took a sip of the wine. Garrett skimmed his finger over the edge of his glass. "Well, she makes me damned uncomfortable," he grumbled with disgust. Bella tried not to giggle. He didn't recognize how handsome he was. The cold Wyoming wind had brought out the ruddy tones in his deeply tanned skin. The contradiction of his summer tan and the cold winter dryness mottled the skin that stretched across his prominent cheeks. She liked the way his jet-black hair was beginning to gray at the temples and the way it curled over the collar. The bend of each curl caught the firelight and gleamed crisply against the soft material. She could almost imagine what he looked like as a little boy. "What?" Garrett asked lightly. "I'm sorry," she spoke quietly. She shouldn't have been staring at him like that. "I was just wondering what you looked like when you were a child." "Thanks a lot," he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "My intention was to seduce you, but--you're thinking of me when I was eight years old." His remark went unnoticed as a loud crack from the cedar log in the fireplace grabbed her attention. The roaring fire sucked the heated air from the room, ignited it and tossed it up the flue where it mingled with the icy sky only to leak back between the cracks in the log structure and began the cycle again. The hostess returned to take them to their table. As she stood, Garrett's words--his proposed seduction--sunk in and her mouth flew open. He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her from the lounge. Garrett whispered in her ear. "Did my statement shock you?" Bella couldn't form a coherent answer and stood looking expressionless as she stared at him. She did know one thing. His admission had started a fire in her core that dwarfed all the flames that were offered at the Mill Lodge. * * * * The drive to the country club took very little time. It was located higher up on Bear Mountain than the restaurant. Garrett skillfully piloted the Blazer. The road, camouflaged beneath a dense shroud of blowing snow, was slick. She began to worry about the return trip. If the wind continued, the snow would make the road a treacherous mess. Right now, the vehicle floated over the small drifts that were beginning to form, but later into the night, the drifts could grow and become impassable. Garrett glanced at her. "Are you afraid? She nodded silently. "Don't worry. This is a four-wheel drive. If it gets too bad, I'll push this lever and we'll be climbing the drifts with no problems." His words reassured her somewhat. But when they rounded a curve and the lights of the country club came into view, her self-confidence evaporated. She wasn't prone to anxiety attacks, but now would be a perfect time to have one. Why was she doing this to herself? Her stomach knotted painfully and her hands felt wet with fear. Everyone at the care center hated her. Heck, she'd be lucky to get off the stage tonight before they pelted her with rotten fruit and vegetables! The heater fan blew hot air into the interior of the vehicle, but she felt cold and snuggled deeper into her fur. The coat felt nice. She hadn't expected to like it when Scott had given it to her. She hated to think about the little animals that had to die for such vanity, but Scott had explained that they were raised, much the same as cattle. She'd eaten a steak tonight without any qualms. What no one, including her husband, knew was, she sold the mink and had a copy madeâ€Åšshe was wearing a fake. "I wish the next hour was behind me. I don't even have the speech finished. Mr. Van Horn was to bring me information and of course, he didn't. Guess I'll wing it." Garrett wheeled the vehicle into the parking lot and groaned aloud. "I think I'll drop you off at the door and then find a parking place. No sense in you having to traipse through this mess." "Okay, see you insideâ€Åšwhere it's warm." She tightened her grip on her coat and quickly ran up the freshly plowed sidewalk. Music poured out the doors in an audible wave as she opened them, walking into the glass foyer. The Club was of a contemporary design unlike the numerous country bars in Evergreen. It overlooked the town that twinkled at its base far below. Bella stood looking outside and saw Garrett racing through the parking lot at a dead run. His unbuttoned overcoat flapped open and trailed behind him in the bitter wind. His mouth formed a frozen smile when he entered the foyer. "The only place I could find was at the back of the lot. I thought I would freeze before I got in here!" He stamped his soft leather shoes on the tufted mat and opened the second door that led to the interior of the club. "Are you ready to shed that fur yet?" he asked. The cold air clung to his overcoat; it smelled fresh and clean in the hot, smoke-filled room. She slid the coat from her shoulders and handed it to him. "Okay. What do you think?" She spun in a circle that set her hair flying, showing the shape God gave her. He raised his eyebrows. "Umm. You're an astonishing beauty. I love the new you." "Do you?" "Come on, quit begging for compliments." He grasped her hand guided her into the dimly lit room. "Hey! Your hands are wet. You weren't kidding about being nervous, were you?" He raised his black eyebrows in amazement. "I never would have thought, you, of all people to be the tense type." She pulled her hand from his. "What's wrong with that? So, I'm high-strung. You're the only one that will know." She took a deep breath to steady herself and gain the strength she needed. You're fine, she told herself. You're not a weak person. You can do this. "Y'know, I'd rather be giving Brandy a bath." Garrett smiled at her. "Come on." His arm tightened around her waist and the gesture gave her needed reassurance. "I want to find Becky." The Arapaho County Hospital and conjoined Twin Pines Care Center held their yearly fund-raiser near the holidays. This year, the community showed concern about the finances of the care center and they weren't a bit happy. The new assisted living center had come in well over bid. They entered the lounge. It was situated at one end of the great room where tables circled the dance floor. Bella saw Becky looking at her from across the room. She looked elegant in a soft gray dress that skimmed her knees with soft pleats. The dark room was filled to capacity and hindered Bella and Garrett's progress crossing the floor. People were clustered in small groups around the room; the buzz of their conversations filled the cotillion. Occasionally, a group would stop and stare at Bella, look at each other, then resume their discussion. She caulked it up to her new haircut, not her problems within the organization. She didn't want to think about that tonight. As they approached Becky, Bella became apprehensive and that uneasy feeling was verified when she saw Becky's eyes. Their penetrating blaze narrowed with distrust and was aimed directly at Garrett. The woman grabbed onto Bella's arm and pulled her from Garrett's side. "Thank God! I didn't think you were gonna make it on time. I like your hair, by the way, now come on." "Where?" "To the stage. It's time for your big moment. Bella's heart skipped a beat, then pounded against her ribs. "I didn't see old Leo, but Adam did. Gave him hell, too. Mr. VanHorn wrote it all out so all you have to do is read it." "Adam?" Her face contorted. "Oh, Becky, I can't do this!" Bella cried. Becky pushed her from behind. "It's too late for that. Mr. Van Horn is waiting for ya by the steps to the stage. Tonight you'll have to muddle through." Becky put her arm around Bella's waist and walked with her around the edge of the revolving dance floor. The only stationary part was the stage where the band usually set up. "I don't know how much longer old Leo is going to be in an upright position. If it were me, I'd get that speech over with in a hurry." Becky's mood was serious, but she tried to make light of the situation. Her blue eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled. "Hey, I'm kinda glad you're scared. At least it's an emotion. I was beginning to worry about ya. It's not natural for someone so pretty to lock herself away and only think about work. Wow, your hair is great." "Okay. Okay, already. Wish me luck." Becky kissed her on the cheek and gave her a gentle push toward the stage. Bella looked over her shoulder at Garrett and he winked at her. "Don't worry. I'll be right by your side," he said. Bella's heart gave an unfamiliar lurch as a wave of fear washed over her. This was it! The stage was only two steps high. Large windows behind her framed the star filled night sky and far below, the town twinkled its lights through the thin, cold air. It made a beautiful backdrop for the ballroom. She located Mr. Van Horn standing to one side of the stage. She steered him toward the steps. "Come on, Leo. Let's get this over with." He leaned on Bella to steady himself. They walked toward the microphone. Taking a deep breath, she began, "Welcome to the eighteenth annual Arapaho County Hospital and Twin Pines Care Center gala," she said, her voice growing stronger as she turned toward the group of people standing at the side of the platform. She caught sight of Garrett and he smiled at her causing her confidence to soar. "The auxiliary and the board of trustees appreciate your efforts to maintain a loving environment for the elderly of our community and the support you've shown by utilizing our physicians and hospital." She flipped to the next card. Her hands were shaking. The podium concealed the notes and the evidence of her tension. "As you know, Mr. Leo Van Horn is retiring as administrator of the combined facilities." A murmur of voices from the audience drowned Bella's voice and she paused, her nervousness at bay. "The hospital auxiliary and the board of directors would like to make a presentation." She stepped back from the microphone as the auxiliary president made his way to the podium and presented Mr. Van Horn with a gold, engraved plaque, shaking his hand. This is going great, Bella thought, the worst was over. She relaxed and brought the last card forward. Home free! She was so happy this was ending. She concluded the address. "It is my pleasure to welcome our interim administrator..." She stood their staring at the card. Shock numbed her mind and her knees felt weak.   CHAPTER SEVEN  GARRETT BROOKS? HIS NAME LEAPED FROM the card in Bella's hand. She felt as if a thunderbolt had exploded right on the stage. Garrett was the interim administrator? Why hadn't he told her? She felt such a fool. Then the realization struck her. What had she told him about her problems at the care center? Did he believe her? No, no, no, of course he believed her, he'd said so the night the jewelry was planted in her office. Gathering her wits, she swallowed with great difficulty and said, "It's my great pleasure to welcome Garrett Brooks to our facility." Garrett strolled across the stage toward her. Her emotions were confused, to say the least. He looked so handsome, no downright sexy. Her heart beat a rapid staccato behind her ribs. The noise of the crowd melted away, making her feel as if she and Garrett were the only people in the room. He stood in front of her. The hair on her arms stood out from the skin with static electricity. The force between them surged. "Surprised?" he whispered into her ear. The heat rushed to her face. Swallowing hard, she tried to find her voice to finish the introduction. Garrett reached for the microphone and began to talk, saving Bella the embarrassment of speechlessness. Applause from the audience revived her frozen muscles. Stepping back, she gave Garrett room at the podium. Her knees felt weak and she became light-headed from the aroma of his cologne as it surrounded her. "Thank you, Mrs. Mann," he said, directing his words more to her than to the audience. Then he turned and looked directly at the crowd. Bella stared at Garrett. He was so gorgeous. His easy manner drew in the audience; their attention fixed on him. In the space of five minutes, her hopes of a relationship with Garrett had changed dramatically. She couldn't have an affair with her supervisor! Then her thoughts rambled to all the conversations she'd had with Garrett concerning the problems at the center. He must have laughed at her weak attempts to solve the problems. She felt herself blush at the thoughts of how she'd spouted her disenchantment with Mr. Van Horn. She looked around the room, her gaze stopping here and there. Becky was laughing and shaking her head in wonder, but behind her, Amanda Howard stood with Adam Roth, her cheeks suffused with hot color and her lips parted slightly as if she wanted to hiss her hatred for Bella. Garrett finished his address quickly and took Bella by the arm leading her off the stage. "I hope I didn't shock you too badly. I couldn't find a way to tell you about all this. I had to remain anonymous while I was investigating the thefts andâ€Åšyou." His words tinged with worry. Suddenly all pleasure left her. "What did you find out?" "Would you care to walk with me to the bar? I really could use a drink. Hey! You look shook-up and in need of a drink, too." Bella felt disconnected and there was a sourness in the pit of her stomach. Garrett led her across the room, but she felt numb. She didn't see the look of fear cross the faces on some of the individuals in the audience. The bar was nearly empty as they walked to a table near the window. Bella looked out over the town, not comprehending her feelings at that moment, only feeling numb. Garrett was the catalyst for her massive emotional chaos over the past week. "What would you like to drink," he asked looking deeply into her eyes, covering her hand with his. Bella slipped her pale hand from under his tanned hand in a quick jerk. "Scotch on the rocks," she said glad for the semidarkness that hid the flush in her checks. She was beyond humiliated. Garrett looked at her dubiously. "I hate alcohol, but I'm hoping it will bring me back to my senses." Garrett walked from the table to the bar, placing their order then returned in a few moments. The silence between them loomed like a heavy mist as they sat before the wall of windows looking down the valley below them. Lights from the small town twinkled in the darkness. Bella saw the bartender's reflection in the window as he neared the table. She turned to look at him as he placed the glasses filled with tinkling ice on the table. Garrett slipped his sleek leather wallet from the inside jacket pocket and slid a bill out from a thick pile. Bella picked up the heavy glass and touched her lips to the rim. The oily-tasting liquor stung her mouth and throat as it moved smoothly toward her stomach. She hated the taste, but it did clear her head and within moments made her feel calmer. "Tell me, Mr. Brooks--" Sarcasm thick in her voice. "Did you enjoy making a fool out of me?" She took another sip of the drink that tasted like gasoline. "I made you feel like that?" Garrett asked. The corner of his eye twitched. "You should have known I would. There I was, standing on stage with my mouth hanging open in front of the whole town. When I read your name on that card, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me." Her coolness was evidence that she was not amused. Garrett tipped his glass and took a long drink looking at her over the top of the glass. "I thought we'd get to know each other better before this time came. I had hoped you would be more forgiving of my deceit," he shot back in a tone that was louder than necessary. Bella watched the bartender snap his head in their direction, then noticing that everything was all right, went back to tending his drink orders. She colored fiercely, wishing she could slide under the table and disappear. "I know you're angry with me, but--what else could I do? I thought it was harmless" "Harmless? Is that what you call it? I call it another one of our disastrous meetings. The first was on the stairs, and tonight, I find you're my boss. Harmless, I don't think so." Her throat ached with defeat as she sat there twirling the ice cubes with the red and white straw. "Well, I disagree. You look sensational in a nightgown, professional at work and absolutely wanton as a mistress of ceremonies." Bella looked at him and shivered with desire. How could she be angry with him one second and turned-on by him the next? She tried to fight back the passionate coil that had begun to tighten in the middle of her stomach. He was devouring her with his eyes. His full lips drew into a smile while his eyes filled with lust. "You really can make a lot of noise. I'll bet the bartender heard every word you said," she whispered to him, hoping he would follow her lead and lower his deep voice. Silence followed. Garrett looked uncomfortable as if he were toying with the idea to tell her something unpleasant. He parted his lips and the words tumbled out. "I have another confession." "What this time?" "It's about my grandmother." "Just wait a minute." Bella ran her fingers through the sides of her hair, fluffing the shorter hair. "Your grandmother?" Her voice raised an octave. "I can't keep any more secrets from you--" His brows drew together in an agonized expression. "More lies?" She shook her head in dismay. Garrett took a long sip on his drink then looked into its depths as he spoke. "My grandmother is helping me with this investigation. She's working inside the facility." Bella frowned, but didn't say a word. She wanted to hear the rest of his story. "Your new resident Lillian Randall--that's my grandmother." Her jaw dropped in surprise. "Lillian?" Garrett nodded. "She's so self-reliant, not in need of assistance. That explains a lot." She skewered him with icy eyes. "You've got a big deception going on here, buddy. I think you'd better tell me some good news before I do something I'll regret." Raising his grim, hard gaze he blew out a gush of air. "I wish I had the good news to tell you. The only thing I can offer is--I think you're innocent and that someone is going to great lengths to frame you." "You haven't come up with anything that will clear me?" He shook his head and didn't say a word. "Tonight is the wrong time for this kind of conversation," Bella whispered. "You made me as mad as hell and I don't want to feel that way tonight." He tapped his index finger on his teeth. "Yes. You're right. And we'll have this conversation again in the future," he retorted and reached for Bella's arm. Becky rushed to her side. "Here you are. I've been looking all over the building for you." "Adam was paged to the hospital. There was a three-car pile-up out on the interstate. Anyway, could I have a ride home with you?" "Adam?" She questioned, floundering for words. "How did you get with him? I thought you had a date." Becky smiled at her. "It's a long story, but we've spent the evening together. That date I told you about?" Bella nodded trying to follow the conversation. "Anyway, he turned out to be a real creep. Adam saved me from having to spend time with him...until he was paged. I told him I could find a ride, so...what do you say?" She leaned forward trying to follow Becky's story. The look on Garrett's face said he was taking in everything she said. Was he searching for reasons to suspect everyone? Bella turned toward him and asked, "It's all right if she rides with us, isn't it?" Bella noticed his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Had he wanted to be alone with her? If so, the drive home could be interesting. "Of course she can." He nodded offering his agreement. "What d'ya mean, us?" Becky shrieked. She gazed at Garrett in wide-eyed confusion. "Garrett and I came together." "I'm getting nervous," Becky said. "Should we leave now? The weather has changed again and it's starting to snow really hard." "I don't think that's necessary." Garrett shot Becky a twisted smile. "It's early and I wanted to mingle with the board members and some of the community members." Becky looked from Garrett and back to Bella quizzically. "Hey! I'll find another way back into town, it's quite apparent you don't want me with you." Becky's voice was sharp and indignant. "Good-night, Mr. Brooks," she snapped and turned on her heel and walked out of the bar and into the crowd. "Becky. Wait!" Bella cried with exasperation, but her efforts were to no avail. She dropped into the chair and reached for her drink. She drew in the liquid in through the straw until it emptied with a loud slurping sound. "What was all that about? Does your friend fly off like that all the time?" "I don't know, maybe she picked-up on our tension. This evening has been such a terrible mess, don't you think?" He shrugged. "Can we forget about this for a while? This subject is getting old. How about dancing with me?" "I don't know, Garrett. Now that everyone knows who you are, I wonder if being with you is a wise decision. I'm in a lot of trouble and this could escalate the problems." "I don't care. Yes, I'm your boss at work, but I like holding you in my arms. This has nothing to do with work. How about this--let's make an appointment right now to meet at eight o'clock Monday morning in my office. We'll talk about the problems of Twin Pines there. We'll never discuss work anywhere else, okay?" He looked at her and smiled, but his eyes pleaded with her. "All right. But I don't think we will be able to keep shop talk exclusive to the care center." Vaguely, she looked around her. The room contained happy people and she did want to join them. There was enough time for arguing and looking at Garrett caused her head to spin with desire. She wanted him to hold her in the tight circle of his muscular arms. Bella's senses were keen and sharp. As they danced by, some of the staff members glared at her. But she didn't care. She felt protected in Garrett's arms. He was a splendid dancer. The hours flew by and finally; the orchestra announced the last dance. "I imagine the road back to town will be awful, by this time. We should have left hours ago." Garrett murmured in her ear as they danced around the room. Her head fit in the crook of his neck and she felt relaxed by the drinks. She enjoyed the revived sensations that drifted through her body. "The weather and road conditions will be there no matter if we stay for the last dance of the evening or not. Just let loose and enjoy it," he said easily. The one thing Bella realized about Garrett was this, he would cause her a lot of anguish if she pursued a relationship with him, but tonight, she planned to enjoy every minute of contentment. There had been very little in her life these last few years. "I'll dance you to the coat room." He kissed her ear and trailed kisses down the smooth skin on the side of her neck. They found their coats and he helped her on with hers as they walked to the exit. The snow was deep and Garrett insisted she stay by the door until he brought around the vehicle. It had been a long time since she had had someone looking out for her and she continued to feel his cocoon of protection on the drive down the treacherous road. Blowing snow reduced the visibility and hid large snowdrifts from view of the penetrating beams of Garrett's four-wheel drive. She gripped the armrest and held her breath each time he navigated a curve. "Relax. It's been a while since I've driven in the mountains, but I do have some experience. I like to ski so, I've driven on snow and ice in the Colorado Rocky Mountains before. They make this mountain look small in comparison." He scrutinized the road and expertly dodged an enormous drift that threatened to overtake the entire road. She watched his hands firmly grip the steering wheel thinking about the way he'd used them to smooth her hair as they danced. Forcing her thoughts back to the present she asked, "Were you a nursing home administrator before coming to Evergreen?" "Sort of," he responded, and then a gust of wind hit the small four-wheel-drive making the outfit shudder and drift onto the other lane. Bella cried aloud in fear. "This weather is scaring me. If you hadn't brought the car back under control, we could have plunged to our deaths." Garrett's mouth was set in a grim line of concentration. "We don't have much choice, now do we?" "Yes we do. From here, the exit to my cabin is only two miles. The road going up to it should be all right. It's in an area that is more protected from the wind. It shouldn't be drifted as badly." "This isn't too bad. I've flown a plane in worse weather." "Flown? So you're a pilot as well as everything else?" He nodded, and then asked, "Why do you live in town when you own a house out here?" Why had she brought up this subject? She regretted doing it. "I like my job and the apartment allows me the freedom to go in early and to stay late. That way I don't have to worry about the weather. Half of the winter, I would be trapped at the cabin and not able to get to work. And stuck at work the other half." She didn't tell him that she was hit with a pathetic mess of grief and loneliness each time she stopped at the cabin. She spent hours there when she missed Scott so badly that her sadness tore through her heart like a knife splitting it in half. Sometimes she felt as if Scott would walk through the door calling her name. She longed for him to tell her it was all a horrible mistake. "Well, aren't you the perfect employee," he concluded. "I like you're work attitude." He returned his attention to navigating his outfit over the slick pavement. "I'd rather continue on down the mountain. I'm afraid if we stop and this weather continues, we'll be stuck there for days." Bella nodded in agreement. She wasn't ready to share her cabin with him anyway. The memories there were just too bittersweet. Twenty-minutes later, Garrett stopped in front of the house and switched off the engine. Bella released the sigh that had been trapped in her chest for the past hour on the trip down the mountain. "We made it!" "Did you have any doubts?" Did she have doubts? Well yeah! Garrett opened the door and eased his way to the passenger side of the Blazer. Opening the door, he helped her out of the vehicle and onto the pavement that was covered with several inches of snow. "Hold on tight," he said, his voice filled with laughter. At once she was airborne. Garrett held her in his arms with ease and bolted through the snow, stumbled up the steps onto the porch. "Garrett! Put me down. I'm so heavy I'll ruin your back!" Bella protested, she could feel his muscles supporting her weight. He sprinted up the stairs, and when he reached the landing, he gently slid her from his arms, keeping her close to his body. "Thank you for getting me home safely. I enjoyed most of the evening." She tried to distance herself from his grasp, which caused him to tighten his grip around her waist. "Let's not be angry with each other anymore. I like this much better." He inclined his head and brushed her lips with his. Bella's head swam. She was dizzy and light headed. If she didn't know better she could swear her eyes were rolling back in her head. And when Garrett pulled her closer to him she knew it was true. Everything she'd read in her beloved romance novels was true! When his lips touched hers, she went from an onlooker to participant in the kiss. An astonishing electric jolt ran up her spine. The feeling was vaguely familiar--like something long forgotten. Had she ever felt like this with Scott? Garrett was mesmerizing her. Moving her body was impossible and she really wasn't sure she wanted to anyway. Then he straightened his head, ending the kiss. "Good night." he said, walking toward his door. Bella entered her apartment and leaned against the door. She closed her eyes. The currents of sexual arousal hammered through her body. She could smell the warm fragrance of Garrett's cologne linger in the fake-fur coat and the aroma surrounded her. It was becoming more difficult to distance Garrett. After all, he was her boss. She had to find a way to eradicate her hunger for the seductive eyes, the rosy well-formed lips, and the robust shoulders. She knew it was nearly impossible, but all she wanted to do was to fall into his arms and spend the dark hours of the night wrapped in his protective embrace. No doubt about it, Bella couldn't keep up the pretense that Garrett didn't affect her. He made her heart flutter and fade all of her misgivings into the background. She loved her job and now having Garrett thereâ€Åšhopefully, he was the answer to her problems.  CHAPTER EIGHT  BELLA SELDOM SAW GARRETT ANYWHERE but at work. She must admit he was taking his new responsibilities seriously. Having him for a supervisor was far from the fun and interesting daydream she'd envisioned. She seldom heard him in the apartment across the hall. As head of the management team, he proved to be an absolute perfectionist, demanding commitment and excellence from each of his employees. Bella watched his management style, learning from her observations that he covered his soft heart, his major weakness, with stony silence and a sharp glare. It was the first week of December, two weeks since Garrett's sweet kisses. Bella sighed, and tried to return her thoughts to her work. This was the busiest time of the year for her department. Yesterday, she'd tried to call Garrett at his office without any luck. Bella tossed a notepad onto the middle of her desk in frustration as the telephone rang. "Activitiesâ€Åš" she said automatically into the receiver. "Hello, activities" Garrett's voice greeted her. Her heartbeat increased just hearing his voice. "Garrett. Great. I needed to talk to you about the meeting yesterday Iâ€Åš" He stopped her, telling her to come down to his office in the hospital wing of the facility. Bella looked at the receiver a second before she replaced it in the cradle. She couldn't get a feel for his tone. He didn't sound angryâ€Åšpreoccupied maybe, definitely in a hurry. One thing was for sure; she wouldn't figure it out sitting here wondering. Just outside her office door was the elevator to the basement, her only way to guarantee getting to the hospital side of the facility without running into a resident needing her to do something for them. Within a few minutes, she was knocking at Garrett's closed office door. Bella expected to hear him call out for her to enter, but she was taken by surprise when he opened the door himself, pulled her inside the office, kicked the door closes as he took her into his arms. She was astounded. "Garrettâ€ÅšIâ€Åš" "Shhhâ€Åšdon't talkâ€Åšdon't say a thing." His lips came down on hers, sweeping all the questions from her mind. She didn't fight against him; instead, she reached her arms around him and stroked the back of his neck, causing his lips to press firmer against hers. He tasted of sweet peppermint and he his cologne, a subtle blend of woods and grass, intoxicated her senses, drawing her deeper into his essence. As quickly as he kissed her, he separated his lips from hers, but keeping her fully in his embrace. "I've wanted to do that for days, but you've been down the hall or I've only seen a glimpse of you here and there. The only times we've been close is during meetings." She laughed lightly and dropped her arms. "Then you've done better than I have because I haven't seen you anywhere except meetings! Are you spying on meâ€Åšyou must be really good at it." Bella moved out of his embrace. "So is this why you asked me down here?" Garrett smiled a lazy, slow grin. "No, not really, but I wasn't going to pass up a chance like this. Here sit with me. I wanted to talk to you." Instead of moving behind his desk, Garrett sat in one of the two chairs facing it. Bella sat in the other chair. "If this is an official chit-chat, who begins? You or me?" she said easily. "I need information. Why don't you tell me about your job?" He leaned forward, balancing his hands on his knees as he did so. "What you doâ€Åšwhat you like and what you don't like about it. Then we'll see where this takes us. I think someone is trying to set you upâ€Åšmake you look bad." Bella sighed. Finally. Someone believed her. "What a daunting task." She smiled and continued, "I suppose I could begin by telling you why I kept calling you repeatedly yesterday." His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You called?" Nodding, Bella said, "about six times. Apparently, you didn't receive my messages?" "No. I'll ask Marjorie what's up when we finish. You'd better tell me all about it." "I was calling to tell you that I couldn't attend the supervisor's meeting yesterday. I had a one-to-one visit with an agitated resident. He actually left the unit, Garrett. I spent nearly all day trying to reason with him." She used her hands to enunciate the severity of the situation. Bella knew her movements were becoming animated. The only thing that could possibly help is if she sat on her hands to keep them from flopping around. She watched them as if they belonged to someone else. She loved working with the residents so much. Why would someone do this to her? "What about the family? Couldn't they have helped in some way?" Garrett asked. Sadly, she shook her head. "No. That's his problem. His family warehoused him here and they haven't been back." Garrett rolled his eyes in disgust. "I know this happens all the time, but it really ticks me off. How can they do that?" "That's why I try to have the residents become like family to each other," Bella said. "If they're involved in all the activities, I hope they won't miss their families quite as much." "Now we're cooking with the information I wanted from you when we began this conversation," he stated, leaning forward in the chair watching her as she uttered every syllable. Bella stood and paced the large office. "I don't know where to begin to tell you about this job. It's huge. At times, I've called it the garbage can of the facility." "Garbage can? For heaven's sake, why?" She turned and faced him. "Because if there is a job that no one wants to tackle, they give it to me." Garrett tipped back his head and roared. "Bella! That's because you're so darn capable. They know you'll get it done." Her mother told that exact thing. She'd actually told Bella to mess up something. Not something critical, just enough so that they wouldn't rely on her so much. "I guess you're rightâ€Åšbut I hate the thoughts of making something such a muddle that the staff would be a bitâ€Åšwould you say reluctantâ€Åšto have me work on a project." "Oh, Bella, you're such a treasure," Garrett smiled at her, his eyes glistening with amusement. "Come on and sit down. I understand your dilemma. You want the best for the residents and you don't care if you have to work over time, without charging the facility, to do exactly this." She dropped on to the chair. "Sounds like you know me pretty well. So where do we go from here?" Garrett raked his fingers through his long hair and sat quietly for a moment considering her question. Finally, he spoke. "I really don't think, anyone would be doing this because you're so blasted good at your job. You make them look good when you do all these things for themâ€Åšso tell me how you handle the residents' money and personal items. This must be the area where we can find a place to start." "Gads, I'm solely responsible for all the residents' personal items." She had never thought too much about this until now. She was an honest person, for lands sake. A sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach hurt her physically as well as emotionally. Frowning, Garrett asked, "Does anyone else help you with this? Any checks and balances in place." "Nikki Cook, my assistant, but she only helps with the paperwork. I go to the residents' room and gather their money and expensive possessions." Sheer black fright surged through her. "Oh, I've really messed up, Garrett." "No, I don't believe you have, Bella," he said, reaching out for her hand. "If you put their money and valuables away for safekeeping you could have just kept some of it and no one would be the wiser. Why would you take the risk to steal from their rooms?" Bella sighed. "You're right. That's why this whole situation is so stupid!" she jumped up from the chair and paced back and forth again. "Thank heavens you believe me, Garrett. I've been so lost and confused with all of this happening. Then there was the day that Amanda accused me of talking the residents' into keeping some of their jewelry in their rooms just so I could steal it." She turned her back from Garrett so he wouldn't see the tears forming at the base of her eyelashes. She wasn't about to cry on his shoulder. She'd handle this somehow as the strong woman she had become. Suddenly, she felt his arms around her and the comfort it brought her caused the tears to flow down her cheeks. "I have a theory," he whispered into her ear, "I think they're trying to drive you away. You're much too smart for your own good, Bella. Someone is afraid that you're going to find out something they want to keep hidden." His words were like a salve to her soul. "My goodness, I hadn't even thought of that. That has to be the reason. But I'm afraid they're giving me more credit than I deserve. I haven't a clue." She turned to face him. "What could be going on?" "I don't know, but somehow, we'll figure this out." He kissed the top of her head. "And I'll venture a guessâ€Åšif whoever is responsible for doing this knew how close we've become, they'd be shaking in their boots." "So that's why I see so little of you!" Bella laughed. * * * * Bella glanced at the clock. It was nearly ten-thirty. She still had to conduct the daily exercise group in the main dining room at eleven. Her body ached at the thought. After her conversation with Garrett yesterday, sleep had been elusive. The numbers on her alarm clock showed two a.m. the last time she'd glanced that direction. She'd tossed and turned after that, avoiding looking at the clock. Her overactive imagination pulled her through numerous scenarios. By the time the peal of the alarm sounded, she was convinced that everyone employed at the hospital was involved in the conspiracy. Rising from the desk and her administrative duties, she placed another imaginary hat on her head--this one was her group leader hat. She needed to move the tables out of the way so the group could form a large circle. A deep closet in the corner of the dining room held the recreation equipment. She tossed two multi-colored beach balls into the middle of the room and then busied herself pushing back the tables to make room for fifteen residents to form a circle using their wheelchairs. The activity required much strength and energy, and she enjoyed the resident's enthusiasm. This was the only form of exercise that worked with her aged friends. They absolutely detested the word exercise. When she finished with the initial preparation, she walked across the hallway to the nurse's desk. Four nurse assistants stood together talking, but when she drew near, they abruptly stopped the conversation and glared at her. She got the distinct impression that they'd been talking about her. Picking up the telephone receiver she announced, "Group exercises will begin in ten minutes in the main dining room." Her voice filled with confidence, booming out through the halls of the care and assisted living center. There was no way she would let everyone know they were annoying her. Amanda Howard gave her a weak smile as she went about pulling trays from the medicine cart, checking the resident's prescription bottles. She took a box sent in by a family member and replaced the empty bottle with the new one. Some families bought the prescriptions at the larger discount stores where the medicine was less expensive than in this little town. The local drug store offered many products, but they had less demand and, therefore, it drove the prices higher. Bella held her head high. She walked away from the desk and strode confidently down the hallways, poking her head into rooms to encourage some of the more sedentary residents to attend the activity. "Bella...will you help me?" A small woman, hunched over from osteoporosis, asked. "Oh, sure, Ada." The woman used a cane in one hand, so Bella took her free arm. It wasn't that the woman couldn't get to the dining room on her own; it was that she felt more secure if someone walked with her. It gave her the assurance she needed and it made Ada feel special. When they entered the dining room, Bella slipped a chair out from under a table and situated Ada in the circle of residents. A line formed at the wide doorway and the attendees navigated their wheelchairs into the room. They began pushing armchairs, arranged for the ambulatory residents, hither and yon using their hands or at times, ramming the chairs with the foot pedals extended in front of the wheelchair. Some of the group members were quite independent and they liked to sit where they wanted. If a chair was in the way--they moved it. After settling Ada, Bella went back into the hallway. Finding no one waiting, she entered the dining room and was greeted by an assortment of angry voices. Fearing a huge battle, she hurried into the room. Lillian Randall, stood in the center of the room surrounded by four wheelchairs. She was trying to direct traffic, but all she was succeeding in doing was elevating the turmoil and chaos. Placing her fingers in her mouth, a technique Bella learned from her older brothers, she gave a sharp whistle. The buzz of voices tapered off and, finally, stopped completely. The welcome sound of silence filled the room. "Lillian, what happened?" Bella questioned, as she rushed to help the woman separate the footrests of two wheelchairs. The occupants of the tangled chairs hindered her effort by rolling the chairs in opposite directions. "You tell me what happened. It looks like you're in the middle of this mess with me." She smiled at Bella; brushing her white, shoulder length bob out of her eyes. Being a referee was hard work for someone of her age. She grinned at Bella. "You look exasperated, not your normally calm self." "It shows, huh?" Bella laughed. Just when she thought she'd separated the chairs, she discovered another joined area. A footrest was tangled in the spokes of another chair. The occupants were losing their tempers. "My goodness, ladies, you are having a problem here. Can I help?" Garrett asked. He weaved his way into the jumble of wheelchairs looking calm and sincere. His presence had a soothing effect on the agitated group. It didn't matter how old the women were--they appreciated a handsome man. Bella saw the spectators' whispering among themselves. As usual, when a new employee arrived on the scene, it sent speculation abounding. What was his position at Twin Pines? Who was his family? Bella sighed, that would keep them entertained until this mess was fixed. Within minutes, Garrett had the room restored. "I've never thought much about how to pilot a wheelchair. It must be hard for people with poor vision," he spoke more to himself than to Bella. He looked around the room, stepping out of the circle. "Go ahead with the program, don't let me bother you. I'll watch." He was going to survey She nervously tucked the side of her hair back behind her ear and felt beads of perspiration pop out on her scalp. When she was getting ready for work earlier that morning, she'd rummaged through the closet looking for a brightly colored outfit. She felt the residents' appreciated that. They'd enough to deal with. When she visited their rooms in her vivid outfits, they nearly always commented how much better they felt. Now, bending over to catch a beach ball in the middle of the room, the tight material stretched across her derriere, making her feel conspicuous. When she stood, her cheeks flamed red from embarrassment. Why couldn't he have seen her yesterday when she wore her tailored denim dress that accentuated her small waist? Instead, her ample rear was making itself known. She'd developed the exercise program when the traditional exercises failed. The residents complained that they'd lived a good many years without doing exercises and they weren't about to start doing them now at their advanced ages. They kicked and hit the beach balls back and forth across the circle using any body part that worked. Sometimes it was surprising to find a paralyzed limb moving because the resident wasn't concentrating so hard to make it work. The residents laughed and had a good time. Years seemed to lift from their shoulders as they played like children. At times, she marveled how a person who complained continually about pain could, while playing a game, enjoying himself, could forget the pain completely. "Five more minutes," she called as a ball zinged past her head, landing out of reach. She leaned over to put it back in play and...wham! Another ball bounded off her rear end. "Hey! Cut that out, Harold. I'm not a target," she squealed in mock surprise as she ruffled the guilty culprit's thin hair. His pale eyes twinkled with humor. The old man grabbed her hand with his twisted, gnarled hand and gave it a loving squeeze. "You're a good sport, missy. I'm glad you talked me into coming to this." From across the room another ball hit her in the butt. Charlie giggled, "Now I got ya!" "Okay, okay...let's put the balls up. It's nearly time for lunch." Garrett helped her ready the room for lunch by moving the tables and chairs back into position. They'd pushed the last table into place when the lunch cart arrived. It was difficult to have the room ready in fifteen minutes and she was glad for the extra help. "You really know how to wake them up for lunch. I hope you're around when I'm old," he said, a crooked smile touched his lips. Bella guided Charlie's wheelchair to the table and looked up at Garrett, saying, "We're going to be old at the same time. I don't think I want to be working when I'm eighty. I'm thirty, you can't be much older than that." "Oh? Thanks for the compliment, but I'm thirty-six." "That surprises me. You don't look that old...oh! I don't mean that's old, mind you," she stammered, feeling that she was getting deeper into trouble the more she tried to clarify her statement. "How about having lunch with me?" Garrett asked as he leaned against the door jam, his muscular arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her with his deep blue bedroom eyes. He looked as comfortable in a dark blue suit as he did wearing jeans the day he moved into the apartment. "Okay. Where do you eat? I haven't seen you in the cafeteria." They walked from the dining room, stopping just outside the door. A line of residents was trying to enter the dining room. Before going off to their own lunch, Bella and Garrett assisted residents to their seats. Garrett talked to everyone as he helped them. His magnetic personality worked them all. She was so proud of him. Too many people found the elderly frightening. "I normally take a tray to my office and work through lunch, but I think I'd rather leave the building this time. All right with you?" She nodded her approval and said, "I'll tell my assistant that I'll be out and I have to purchase some craft supplies. Could we stop by the craft store on our way back?" "Sure. I really don't have much to do until four o'clock. I have the books ready for the Board meeting, so I'm in good shape." He started down the hallway that led to the administration wing then turned back saying, "I'll meet you in the front foyer in about five minutes." Lillian motioned to Bella and the younger woman edged her way around walkers and wheelchair to the table by the window where Lillian sat. "That was quite a traffic jam. Thanks for helping me," Bella said. "Some days I can use all the help I can get." Lillian frowned. "That was a nice diversion. The reason I called you over here, dear, is I need to talk to you." She lowered her voice. "Alone." "Is there a problem? I have a few minutes right now if..." Shaking her head Lillian broke-in, "Not here. There are too many ears to overhear." Bella became quite concerned. "How about this. I'll come to your room at four-thirty. I should be free by then. Is that soon enough?" "Oh, yes. I wouldn't want to interfere with your lunch plans. Heaven knows I've tried to find someone nice like you for my grandson, but he is usually much too interested in our business." "What do you mean, Lillian?" Bella asked. "You know, getting me settled and all." Lillan leaned in close to Bella and whispered, "The spying, y'know." "I see," she said and gave Lillian a pat on her hand. "I'll see you later. I don't want to be late for my date." "Bring my grandson to his senses. He's not getting any younger, y'know." Lillian called to Bella as she struggled her way out of the dining room. Bella grabbed her coat from the employee locker room and rushed to meet Garrett. As she reached the business office, she remembered she hadn't told Nikki that she was leaving the building. Reaching across the counter in the business office, Bella tried to reach the phone, but it was too far away. The receptionist smiled at her, handing her the phone. "Sorry," Bella said truthfully. "I didn't want to bother you and waste your time." "No problem." Bella looked at her watch. Nikki should be in the cafeteria for lunch. She punched in the number. No one in the cafeteria knew where she was. Bella hung up the phone just as Garrett entered the lobby. "Something wrong?" He asked noticing her frown. "I can't find Nikki. Let me page her." On the third try, Bella gave up. "Let's go. I'm sure she'll be there to conduct the afternoon activity." Garrett helped her put on her coat. "Don't worry. If we're late, you can call from the restaurant." He grasped her shoulder, hugging her to him, and then they walked out the front door. The wind bent the leafless trees in a wild frenzy, whipped the frozen snow from the ground, and into the air as Garrett steered this vehicle through the parking lot and into the street. It was a sunny December day and the Chinook wind had caused the temperature to rise. Traffic was heavy. Bella wondered if everyone in town had the idea of eating lunch away from the office. Garrett braked at a stoplight, turning his head toward her and asked, "Do you like Oriental? I'm hungry for sweet and sour." "I love it," she asserted absently, watching the impatient drivers as they angrily switched lanes, racing to their destinations on short lunch hours. Leaning slightly forward, she glanced in the mirror to adjust the large, gold hoops that pierced her ear lobes. She liked to wear striking jewelry. Large items seemed to fit with her tall frame. Garrett glanced over at her then back to the road. "I-I've come to a conclusion about you." Bella slowly turned in the seat, staring at him. The silence grew longer. She was afraid to respond. Finally, she had to ask. " tell me. I can't stand much more of this suspense." "Oh, it's not that bad." "If it has to do with me, I'm sure it's bad. That's the way the last three months of my life have been." "Oh, quit pouting. This isn't bad. You intrigue me. And I've decided you have completely hidden your personality--even from yourself." "That's deep, Garrett, really deep, excuse me if I don't laugh." His scrutiny irked her. Who was he to point out her flaws? If she wanted to hide, that was her concern, not his. After all, she'd been through a lot the last few years. First, her husband dies, then she finds out he was hiding money from her. That had really shaken her world. Hiding her personality? No, she thought not. Actually, she couldn't hide it because she didn't know who she was anymore. The vivid, red roof of the restaurant appeared as they descended the hill and she put aside his comment. The town was situated in the hilly area at the foot of the mountain. Everywhere you went, hills had to be navigated. During the winter, they became slick and difficult to drive on unless you had good tires. Garrett edged into a space between cars readying to make a left turn into the restaurant lot. "The place is full. Look at the line that's jammed into the foyer. And I'm starved. I would pick today to feel the urge for sweet and sour." "Do you want to go somewhere else?" "No. My taste buds won't settle for less." He reached over and casually took her hand, bringing it to his lips. He kissed the smooth skin across the top of her fingers. "Are you ready to get blown away by the wind?" "Well," she laughed. "It's the only way I know of getting from here to there." Her anger waned, and she was eager to enjoy Garrett's company. They met at the front of the vehicle. Their hands mingling, quickly sweating together as if their flesh were melting. Their eyes locked as they hurried toward the entrance. The end of the line formed just inside the door. Standing on her tiptoes, Bella scanned the dining room and whispered to Garrett, "It looks filled to capacity. Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a burger?" "No. Remember, I'm the boss. As long as you're with me--" He didn't have to finish the sentence, she knew she wouldn't be any trouble. Only she was her own worst enemy. She never took her allotted hour lunch, opting for thirty minutes or less. She liked to visit with the residents, see if they enjoyed their lunch. "Yeah, right. Who would dare say anything about the boss?" The line moved a few feet when a party of eight left the vestibule. Bella slipped off her coat. Garrett, taking it, placed the collar edge over a hook on a coat rack. They sat on the red, tapestry-covered bench waiting their turn to enter the dining room. Bella fidgeted. Finally, she said, "While we're waiting, I'm going to call Nikki again. I can't imagine where she is." Pulling her phone from her purse, she dialed. After a short wait, Nikki answered her page. "Where have you been? I've had you paged since twelve." Nikki hesitated a moment before answering. Bella could feel the tension between them in the pregnant silence. "I don't know. Around, I suppose. Why?" "I'm having lunch out of the building and I'm going to be late getting back. Is there anything on the craft list that you needed today? I'm going by the shop before returning to work." "No," Nikki said, her tone crisp and annoyed. "I have everything, thank you." "I'll see you when I get back." "When will that be?" Nikki questioned curtly, sounding more like the director than the subordinate. "Mr. Brooks and I are having lunch. We haven't been seated so it could be another hour before we finish with lunch. Then, the craft store." She checked her mental list. "If I'm lucky, I'll get back before we have to close up shop at four-thirty. See you then." She hung up before Nikki could add another hateful comment. What was the matter with that girl? "What's wrong. Isn't she there yet?" Bella chewed at her bottom lip. "I got her. She's certainly turning into a snot!" "Oh? How so?" "Uh--" she paused to consider his question. "I don't know if I can pinpoint it, but she speaks to me as if I were a spider crawling up her arm. Disgusted, y'know? She acts as if she wants my job. And that's really funny because I've had her in my office retraining her because other supervisors' have written her up." Garrett took her hand and stroked her palm causing little electric shock waves to pulse up her arm. "Maybe you'd better keep an eye on her. It's been my experience, that a person like that can cause some really difficult situations." Bella nodded in agreement. This was the first time she'd thought of Nikki as the catalyst for her problems at work. What was that woman up to? It was a disturbing thought. The hostess, a small oriental woman, motioned to them and they followed her through the dining room toward a small table near a rock waterfall. The sound of the cascading water was relaxing and Bella felt the tension drain from her tight muscles. The server arrived momentarily with tall, tasseled menus and a steaming pot of tea. She poured the fragrant liquid into their small cups, setting the pot in the middle of the table. The smell of jasmine drifted toward Bella and she breathed in the aroma as she raised the cup to her lips. "I love this stuff. It's so relaxing." Garrett deftly retrieved his lens case from his breast pocket and flipped it open. When he'd placed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, he flipped open the menu. "I thought you were all set for sweet and sour." Bella stated as she dropped her gaze to the menu. She tapped her fingernail against her teeth as she studied the lunch entrees. "That's what I'm having." She snapped the menu shut and pushed it to the side of the table. Garrett seemed to awaken the observant side of her. She watched his eyes scan back and forth across the menu. Her pulse became frenetic and she ran her tongue across her lips. Just being near Garrett brought indecent thoughts to her mind. She had to stop gawking at him like this. What if he caught her staring at him like the most succulent entree on the menu? "Um...just checking to see what they have to offer. I've driven past here, but I haven't had time to stop." He put his menu on top of hers. "I'm so hungry I could eat everything, but I'll have the sweet and sour." Bella leaned toward Garrett. "I can't figure you out." He smiled; a puzzled expression crossed his face. "How's that, now?" "You told me I was hiding my personality, but I think you should look at yourself. I feel there's more to you than you let on as well. I just can't put my finger on it. What's going on with you?" she questioned and leaned back in her chair. As she watched, Garrett stiffened. His face paled slightly. To cover the momentary lapse in his shield, he reached for her hand. A provocative smile stretched his full lips and his eyes never wavered from her face. "That's the second time you've asked me that, you know? But I think that's a question I should be asking of you." Bella pulled her fingers from under his as the waitress returned for their order. She felt confused, tongue-tied, and even senseless. Was he talking about all the whispered accusations? Should she take all of her documents to his office and insist he investigate her to put an end to all of this? Why did he have questions for her? After all, Mr. Van Horn had dismissed all of Bella's fears. Then she told the same thing to the director of nurses. The discrepancies were only oversights. Forget them, they'd told her. But nothing they said could take away the terror of seeing Gladys Fortney's jewelry locked in her office. Who had done that? She couldn't forget the tears in Henrietta Baler's faded eyes when she told Bella about losing her new stuffed rabbit. Just days before, her six-year-old great-granddaughter had given it to her for an eighty-first birthday. Bella had checked each resident room in hopes of finding the elusive rabbit. Sometimes, confused residents wandered into other rooms and, thinking the room was theirs, walked out with various items. This was not the case with Henrietta's rabbit, nor Orville's stamp collection, or Ruby's television. Bella would not stop looking or questioning. The residents were her friends and she was compelled to help them. Garrett busied himself with the highly spiced meal and the manner of their conversation ceased. "I like that Charlie," he said, scooping a spoonful of sauce over the fried rice. "He seemed to beam when he hit you in the...the backside during exercises. What a sense of humor!" Garrett laughed. She nodded. "Would you believe that last year he was a recluse? He never came out of his room." "No," Garrett said, shaking his head. "What happened to change his attitude? He's had a turnaround from what I can see." Bella sipped the flowery tea, answering with pride. "Charlie became my pet project. I visited his room a few minutes each day trying to gain his trust. He was a tough old boot." "Did that tactic work?" "No. He was too smart for that. I brought checkers and we had a great time. Have you ever played a game with a person that makes up the rules as the game progresses?" Garrett shook his head. His look was sober and he'd stopped eating to listen to her story. "I brought western books to his room and read to him--that didn't work either. It finally dawned on me, I was playing right into his hands. All my attempts to get him out of his room took place on his territory, not on mine." "You'd better explain that one to me. I don't understand." Her eyes danced with excitement as she talked. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, after all, you're my boss and this is sort of mean." "Come on," he said playfully. "Consider this off the record. It happened before I became your supervisor. Besides, you're too kind and loving to do something intentionally hurtful." "Well...I quit going to see him for a while. Then, one day while I was carrying one of the larger beach balls around with me to encourage residents to attend, I had an inspiration. As I walked past Charlie's room I saw him just sitting there looking dejected. His back was to me so..." "Bella, no! You didn't." Garrett cried in a scolding voice, playfully covering his ears with his hands. "I can see where this is heading. Should I hear the rest of the story?" "It has a happy ending." "Okay, I asked for this. Go ahead." "I threw the soft beach ball into the room and took aim at the back of Charlie's head." Garrett's mouth pulled into a small circle as he said, "I was afraid you were going to say that!" "You should have heard Charlie cuss me out. I didn't know there were so many expletives in the English language!" Shaking his head, Garrett uttered, "Now you've done it...go on. Lord, how am I supposed to supervise this wild woman?" "At least he had fire in his eyes and that's a lot better than lethargic self-pity." Garrett reached for the extra sauce and dipped it onto his egg roll. "And Charlie lived happily ever, attending all the activities from that day forward," he said as if ending a fairy tale. She shook her head and pointed her fork at him. "Stop teasing me. In fact, that is not what happened. I had exhausted my bag of tricks, and I was ready to quit trying so hard with him." Garrett shrugged. "You can't be successful with all the residents, but I saw the man at exercises. What happened?" He took a bite from his egg roll, looking at her expectantly. "Nothing. A few days later I was conducting exercises. When I bent over to get one of the beach balls, Wham! A ball hit me in the butt so hard it nearly toppled me into the middle of the floor. I turned around and there sat Charlie. He was giggling and looking quite self-satisfied. Then he hollered 'yer it!" Garrett started laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his face. Other diners were looking in their direction, shaking their heads and whispering to each other. "That's a wonderful story." "I wish I could be so successful with more people. When an individual enters a nursing home they think their life has ended. And so do a lot of family members and their friends sometimes. Can you believe society can write them off so easily?" She took another sip of tea and continued, "I frequently bug the newspapers and television stations. I want to show the residents as functioning adults living a real life. Not a life of restraints and chemicals to render them useless." Garrett looked at her quizzically, then understanding shone in his eyes and he said, "I hope you make them feel guilty as hell!" "No..." she said insincerely, shaking her head. "Me? I wouldn't think of doing something like that." She grinned at him. Garrett took the last bite of his food, pointing at Bella with his fork. "I like you a lot, lady." Bella swallowed a smile, pushing his words away, not wanting to deal with them yet. But she felt a sharp sting in the region of her heart. When they left the restaurant, the air was much colder and a thick, gray covering of clouds obscured the blue sky. Small snowflakes drifted to the pavement in the unusually still air. The craft store was only a few blocks from Twin Pines and Garrett had no trouble following Bella's directions. When they walked into the building, Bella saw surprise register in Garrett's dark blue eyes. "Is this larger than you expected?" "Yes," he exclaimed. "I've been in craft stores in Phoenix that were much smaller than this one." "I think it has something to do with the lack of other things to do. When I interview a new resident, almost every one of them has a hobby. I'm afraid I have to spend most of the activities budget right here." She searched her purse and finally located the list Nikki had given her last week. She gave Garrett a few items to locate. If they worked together, they would save time and make if back to work before Garrett's meeting was scheduled to start. Bella was standing at the counter ready to check out and there was no sign of Garrett. She impatiently looked at her watch, tapping the toe of her shoe. Where was he? Should she try and find him? She decided to wait. If she left, he would show up and begin to look for her. They could be here until the store closed. Garrett showed up a few minutes later. His arms were loaded with a combination of craft items. Definitely more articles than she'd asked for. "Hey! What's with all this stuff? I can't possibly afford this. I don't receive a budget from the facility. We have to conduct bake sales and beg money from yard sale items in the summer just to have enough money to make it through the year." "I know that. Consider these things my donation. You pay for your arm load and I'll pay for mine...okay?" "Wellâ€Åšsure! I can't turn down an offer like that, now can I?" She placed her items on the counter. She opened her department's checkbook and began filling in the information. "Stop. You didn't write the correct date on the check. This is December, not February." He hesitated while she tore up the check and began again. "How many people know how your department is funded?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Not many, I guess. I think most of the staff thinks we just do the sales for extra money." "Who knows about this checkbook?" "Garrett. What are you getting at? I don't understand." "Never mind. I'm just trying to figure out how everything works at Twin Pines." The sales woman looked quizzically at Garrett. "It's okay, sir. We're used to Bella and her strange checks. So, if you're her boss go easy on her, okay?" Bella was embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I work months in advance to arrange all the activities. I've finished the invitations for the Christmas Open House!" Garrett looked disappointed. "You have? I wanted to use the invitations as a way of introducing myself to the community. Could you bring the invitations to my office? I have a better idea. Why don't you attend the meeting? I need someone to take minutes. Would you do that for me?" "Sure." After eating that spicy meal, her stomach knotted with a nervous pain. "I'll be back before the meeting." The invitations were sealed, the envelopes addressed and worse than that, she had mailing the invitations listed on Nikki's to do list. She needed to get out of here and reclaim the invitations. Nikki usually had trouble staying on track and hopefully, today wouldn't be the exception. "Wish me luck," she called out as she rushed through the door and out to the hallway leading to the nursing home. Bella neared her office when she heard someone softly call her name. Turning, she saw Gladys Fortney slowly making her way up the hallway. "Bella dear," Gladys called. Stopping, Bella let the short, stooped woman catch up with her. "What did I forget today?" she asked, smiling down at Gladys. Mrs. Fortney had appointed herself keeper of the menu board and Bella really appreciated her help. She relied on the woman to tell her what the others were discussing about the meals. Usually, the menu was the biggest topic of the day. Gladys also watched Bella's spelling. Each morning, Bella wrote the daily menu on the slick, white board by the dining room and at least twice a week, Gladys pointed out her spelling errors. Spelling was not Bella's forte. "Oh, it's nothing like that. I want to talk to you about requesting different menus during the holidays. These rotation menus get boring." Gladys said. Working at the center took a great deal of patience. It was difficult to slow your pace, matching your gait to the aged. Bella walked along with Mrs. Fortney. The activity director smiled down at the woman as they sluggishly shuffled down the hall. Her stomach tightened nervously with each step. She needed to get to the officeâ€Åšand to the invitations. "I have a suggestion for you," Bella said in a calm voice that disguised her impatience. "The resident council is meeting next week. Why don't you bring your ideas to the group? They can vote on it and I will take their recommendation to the dietitian." Mrs. Fortney stopped in the middle of the hall to ponder the suggestion and stared out the glass doors leading to the open atrium. Bella's back was beginning to spasm. She didn't handle stress very well. "I'm sorry, but I have an appointment and I must get there soon. Will I see you at the meeting?" "Yes dear. But you really must slow down. You work much too hard," she said in a slow drawl as Bella opened her office door. The invitations were nowhere to be found. She knew as soon as she opened the door that Nikki had mailed them. It would be extremely hard to misplace the huge box that held over a thousand envelopes. A knock on her door startled her. "Come in," she called as she dropped into her chair. Bella's assistant sailed into the office. Her flaxen hair bounded against her waist in rippling curls. "I'm sorry to bother you. I saw you talking to Mrs. Fortney. What's up? "It was just a menu problem and on top of it, I'm in a hurry to get back to the administrator's office," she said as she shuffled papers on her desk. "What do you need Nikki?" "The movie didn't come in. Do you want me to reschedule?" Reaching beside her, Bella dug through a canvas bag that held the mail. "Oh! Here it is. I'm sorry. I didn't get it sorted before lunch." "That's okay. If I had a date with that handsome hunk of an administrator, I'd have forgotten everything, too!" Her voice had a soft and dreamy quality. Like you usually do? Bella thought. Damn, but this woman was irritating her. "Did you mail the invitations?" "Yes," Nikki's tone was acrimonious. "You had it on my list, didn't you?" "Well I guess that's that." Bella said under her breath. "What?" Bella took a calming breath. "Never mind. You'd better get the film going." "I'm going, okay? Why don't they ever send DVDs instead of these clunky reels?" Nikki said as she walked toward the door. "Because these old movies haven't been remastered and put into any newer type of format." Bella shook her head and glanced at the clock. She was going to be late if she didn't hurry. Hopefully, another resident wouldn't detain her. She grabbed a notebook to record the minutesâ€Åšand a file with the original invitation. * * * * She rushed down the hall worrying how she would tell Garrett about the invitations. Her heart hammered in her throat. Why had Nikki become so efficient, today of all days? Arriving at the conference room, the door was closed indicating the meeting had begun. She rapped on the door then entered. Nine people sat around the conference table and they all looked at her when she entered the room and they continued to stare at her as she slipped into the only empty chairâ€Åšnext to Garrett. "Now we can begin," Garrett stated formally. Bella scanned the agenda that topped a heap of papers on the table before him. Thank heavens he didn't mentioned her late arrival. The meeting droned on and on. The first department to speak was the maintenance supervisor. The man spoke about MSDS sheets and boiler parts. She took the notes, but she really had no idea what he was saying. It sounded like blaa, blaa, blaa in her head. The man wound down and Amanda Howard began talking about medical supplies. Bella thought of herself as a writing robot. Finally, everyone finished discussing their various departments and Garrett spoke. "I invited Mrs. Mann to join us today to discuss a budget proposal. I see from years pastâ€Åš" He opened a folder and reached for his glasses. Once they were situated across the bridge of his nose, he continued. "â€Åšthat the Activities and Social Services departments, excluding salaries, are run by donations. Mrs. Mannâ€ÅšI'd like you to present your proposal to the board." She hadn't expected this, but the folder she'd given Garrett earlier in the month was sitting near her. He'd planned this and she could kiss him for it. Never had she been allowed to speak her peace with the former administrator. Bella opened her file and began giving a detailed analysis of the budgeting proposal. A few minutes later, she concluded. No one spoke. The only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall. Finally, Garrett tapped his pencil on the table and looked at her thoughtfully. "I'm sure the question everyone is thinking is thisâ€ÅšAre you doing this to eliminate fund raising from your department?" She couldn't believe he was suggesting this. The silence began to lengthen as she tried to regain her composure. Her voice felt tight in her throat as she answered. "Not at all, Mr. Brooks. I understand how important fundraising is to the facility. It is more a publicity tool than a way to raise money." "I feel we can pursue fundraising, but have the moneys earmarked for the purchase of a specific item needed by the department. Right now, we are looking at the purchase of a camcorder. I have a five year goal which is the purchase of a disability equipped bus to take the residents out of the facility." She studied the supervisor's faces, from what she could tell, they were getting interested in her plans. "Let me ask you this," Bella said, anxious because she knew her next question reached the limit and bordered on insubordination, but it was something she'd wantedâ€Åšyearned to say for years. Her gaze caught Garrett's. "Go ahead, ask." His words gave permission, but he shot her a warning look over the top of his glasses. Finally, she spoke. "Does the dietary department have to hold fundraisers to buy food for the residents?" For a fraction of a moment, silence darted around the room. Then, the group broke into fits of laughter. Garrett smiled at her; his midnight blue eyes keenly studied her. "You do have a point there. I'll consider your proposal." With that, the meeting concluded and she gathered her things to leave. Garrett hadn't asked her about the invitations. If she hurried, maybe he wouldn't think to ask for it. She was almost out of the door when Garrett took her arm. "I'll meet you in your office in about an hour to go over the invitations," he stated. Bella shook her head. "That really won't be necessary, Garrett," she whispered, "Nikki mailed them earlier." The muscle in Garrett's jaw jumped as he glared at her.   CHAPTER NINE  TAKING BELLA BY SURPRISE, LILLIAN OPENED THE DOOR at her knock. Usually, the resident called for her to come in. Lillian Brooks was a very independent woman and this was the root of Bella's doubt if Lillian really needed the assisted living center. None of the visual signs of a self-care deficit were apparent such as: anorexia, bruising from falls or dental problems. Lillian Randall and Garrett Brooks confused her. She was very glad that Garrett had the confidence to tell her Lillian was helping him with this investigation. Could her placement actually be part of their act? The more she pondered the idea, the clearer it became. Lillian didn't even need to be here. "Right on time," Lillian exclaimed. Her words tossed Bella back into reality. "I like that. Young folks these days don't worry about punctuality." Lillian stepped away from the door and allowed the younger woman access to the warmly decorated suite. Bella walked into the room. The thin rays of the setting sun threw bright, spectral colors against the cream-colored living room walls giving the room a lavish atmosphere. Charming. Lillian's antique furniture added another layer of opulence to the surrounding and the various jewel-toned materials mixing with the rare furniture left a definite imprint in her mind; this was an affluent woman. "Is there a problem, Lillian?" Bella asked. She didn't want to rush her, but she knew Garrett would arrive at her office shortly. The vision of the way he looked at her a few moments ago reverberated in the back of her mind like a clock, its booming tick-tock counting off the seconds until she would see him again. Bella didn't care if he was angry or not. To be close to him was enough. "Sit down, dear. I must tell you some news that is truly upsetting." Bella dropped in the winged-back chair and Lillian eased into a brocade rocking chair. "Oh. If you're unhappy here," she whispered, "can I do anything to make you more comfortable? I..." "Bella! That's not why I wanted to see you. I'm afraid there are people employed at this place who want to cause you harm." Lillian's forehead puckered with wrinkles. "That's not really a surprise." Bella's body felt numb. She crossed her arms in front of her and rubbed near her shoulders, trying to increase the circulation so she wouldn't feel so physically deadened. The only thing shocking was hearing Lillian say it aloud. Lillian leaned forward in her chair and peered sternly at herâ€Åšthere was no doubt she was concerned, the lines around her eyes deepened and her jaw pulsated in the same manner her grandsons does so often. "You have become more than just an acquaintance to me. You are my friend. That's why I am trying to help you and I need you to take my words seriously." "There have been a few--incidents." Bella's full bottom lip began to tremble and she bit down on it to gain control. She took a deep breath and continued. "I shouldn't be telling you this. It is a breach of confidentiality. They could fire me for this." "Well, if this offensive duo I'm thinking of have their way, that is exactly what will happen to you. I suspect they want you out of here, one way or another." "Oh, surelyâ€Åš" "Listen to me, now. Watch yourself very carefully. They are up to something." "Who are they?" Lillian shook her head. "I can't tell. I've heard them whispering, and their tone does not sound honest. I do know that one is male and the other voice is female. I've tried to slip around the corners to find out, but I don't know this building well enough and I end up getting lost. When I find my way; they are gone." "We need to tell Garrett about this." Lillian shook her head and pursed her lips in defiance. "No?" Bella closed her eyes and tried to analyze what Lillian had told her. "Why not, Lillian?" she asked quietly. "We need someone on our side and I can't think of anyone better than Garrett. Besides, I thought you were helping Garrett sort out this mess." "When we moved here, I promised him I would stay out of trouble. I'm supposed to tell him things I observe. He doesn't want me meddling, opening up myself to harm. I can't go back on my word. I-I had to tell you. You are my friend and have been since the day I moved in here. I don't know how I would have adjusted if it wasn't for you. I want you to stay around here. Bella leaned over and patted Lillian's knee. "I'm happy to know that, because you're special to me, too." Lillian smiled at her. "If I hear anything else, I'll call from my telephone. Can I call directly to you or do I have to enter a facility code?" Bella shook her head. "No. You have to punch in my office lines." She wrote the number in Lillian's address book and started to leave. This information frightened her, but she didn't want to show Lillian her fear. She feared for Lillian's safety as well. There had been no physical abuse at the home, but there was always a first time and she didn't want her friends hurt. They'd lost enough coming to the institution without losing their dignity, also. As she reached for the doorknob, the older woman touched her shoulder. "You are falling in love with my grandson, aren't you?" The words weakened Bella's knees, stunning her. Without turning around, she nodded her head, opened the door and walked back down the hall toward her office. * * * * Bella leaned back in the oversized desk chair, thinking about her conversation with Lillian as she felt the supple leather cuddle her in its depths. The chair was where she did her best thinking, and where she'd shed a thousand tears but now, all she felt was a soul-stirring passion for Garrett. But it wasn't painless to overlook the anxious thoughts forming in the back of her mind. She'd accused him of hiding something, but she realized her fear of being hurt was overriding her stronger emotionsâ€Åšpleasant emotions. Bella laughed aloud. Shoot, the truth was he raised her libido to a fevered pitch! How had Lillian honed-in on feelings she didn't know existed? She was falling in love with Garrett Brooks. How in God's name had that happened? Bella forced herself to think about work. Garrett would be there any moment. She shook her head slightly. Those darned invitations. If only she'd known he wanted to do them himself. She'd done a great job, too. The Christmas invitations brought a throng of visitors to Twin Pines and her goal was to have the building filled with people. That's where the invitations came inâ€Åšfor the last three years, she'd been sending each address in the county a special solicitation to come and spend time with the residents. She wanted to show the community the true spirit of the season and of Twin Pines itself. The center had a choir that sang for religious services and performed special holiday music for Christmas. Resident volunteers helped along with community volunteers to decorate all the hallways and visiting areas with for the holidays using the ornaments that were made at the center throughout the year. For the needy families this year, Bella helped the residents make cuddly dolls and the clothes in which to dress them. The open house took many hours of preparation, and the timing of the event was critical to its success. If it were scheduled too early in the month, it would flop and the same held true if it was too near Christmas. So many people were out of town or busy with their young families. She stood up and looked out into the atrium. The snow had become heavy since lunch; the accumulation of deep, wet snow bent the branches on the small trees. They look like I feelâ€Åštwisted by life Standing here dreading Garrett's visit wasn't getting her anywhere. She had work to do. She whirled around and switched on the computer. After the machine offered a few whirs and groans, she located the position where she'd left off on the newsletter. This was another one of the jobs that had become hers when she'd suggested it. A publicity tool. She supposed she could take the disks home that night if she didn't finish, but when she was home, she really needed to distance herself from work. At this time of the year, her stress levels ran high. Opening the desk drawer, she withdrew her thick-framed bifocals and placed them on her small nose then knuckled-down to her work. Bella hadn't heard Garrett knock and suddenly, she looked up from her work, and there he was, smiling at her from near the open door. "Excuse me, Bella?" Garrett called out as he walked closer to her desk. Bella smiled at him and motioned him in, then pushed her glasses to the top of her head. "I didn't hear you. Sorry." Her hands felt damp and clammy and her stomach did a slow roll. She knew Garrett would be angry and yet she really couldn't blame him. She hoped her demeanor appeared calmer than she actually felt. She motioned him to sit in the emerald green chair that faced her desk. Funny, their positions were reversed. She appeared the person in charge and he only the flunky. "I wanted to bounce a couple of ideas off you," Garrett said as he leaned forward, dropping a file in front of her. He sounded excited, not angry at all. This confused her, and she had to ask, "Garrett, I thought you would be furious about the invitations." He looked at her with a blank expression on his face, then he stood and walked to the large window, staring outside into the dark night. He took a good deal of time before he spoke. "It's still snowing. Does that happen a lot around here?" he asked softly. "All winter." Bella braced herself for some reaction. Garrett's eyes narrowed and his whispering tone sounded void of emotion. "Did you authorize her to do that?" Here was the big question. Would he fire her? Taking a steadying breath Bella replied meekly, squirming in her seat, "Yes, I sure did. I accept full--" He interrupted with, "Is this the way things are done around here?" She couldn't tell if he was irritated or just asking for information. "Yes, it is." Taking a deep breath, she summons all of her confidence, "I run my department quite well, thank you." She wanted to fold her arms in front of her in a protective mannerâ€Åšshe felt insecure and submissive, but she couldn't let Garrett suspect her feelings. He raised both hands to his head and combed his fingers through the tight black curls and dropped into the chair. Supporting his head with his hands, he leaned back, stretched out his long legs in front of him and leveled his gaze at her. Oh, she'd done it. She should have known better than to let her temper flair. "Bella, don't get the wrong ideaâ€ÅšHey are you okay? You should see your face. It's pale. Are you afraid of me or what?" He picked up the folder from the desk and looked at the schedule for December and the open house invitations. "You're doing a fine job. I like the invitations. The sample you showed me looked quite professional. I guess I need to quit trying to control everything and let others lead the way." She didn't know what to say so she sat quietly and examined him as he reviewed the information packets. Garrett was robust, both physically and mentally and there was no doubt that he was in charge of the situation. When he walked into the room you could feel something like static electricity from his energy and power. "Humâ€Åš" The sound was barely audible. Garrett's kept his gaze down at the papers; his thick, black lashes cast a shadow upon his high, sculptured cheeks. She daydreamed she was in his arms with her head thrown back as his full, pouting lips pressed against her smooth, white neck leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses toward her ear. "Hey! Where are you?" he whispered, startling her. Bella dropped back to the present with a sickening jolt. How could she have been so comatose? The remaining color drained from her face. "I'm sorry. I was thinking about something else," she apologized sincerely. Garrett closed the folder and pushed it toward her. "I like your independence. I've been in many activity departments and their directors rely heavily on the administrator. Some of them won't make a move on their own without approval. They're afraid to stick their necks out. I like your spirit, but could you let me work with youâ€Åšonce in a while?" When he finished his speech, he was smiling. His praise stunned her and she had trouble finding her voice. "Sure, if that's the way you want it." She hesitated, then offered, "I do have an idea that may help." "You do?" "You were going to use the invitation to introduce yourself to the community, right?" Garrett nodded. "I'm in the middle of writing the facility newsletter. It goes out next week. Would you like to have your own column each month?" "That's a great idea. I could talk about health care issues as wellâ€Åšshow them the service we offer here at the hospital." He laughed, a triumphant sound. "Wow, this is a fantastic idea, Bella, I'll have an article for you by the end of the week. Will that give you enough time?" he asked, the excitement still poured from him. "It will. It goes to the printer next Tuesday." "I wasn't teasing when I said you did a great job. I hear there's a corporate level position open for an activities consultant. You should apply for it." Bella rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I already have, but that was months ago. I'm sure that I'm not even in the running. No one's contacted me about it." Garrett shrugged then stood. "Well, I guess that's their loss. I think you do an incredible job." They walked to the door and Garrett pulled her into his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips. She melted into the sensation, her head spinning. Bella's lips parted and Garrett teased them open further. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching broke the spinning spell and Garrett pushed her away from him. "Uh, Mrs. Mann," he now spoke formally. "Thanks for showing me this work." After the nurse passed, Garrett pulled her against him, nuzzled her neck, and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. He asked, "Will you go out with me tonight?" She stammered, and then answered, "I'd love to, but I have gobs of work to do on the newsletter when I get home." "I'll come over to your apartment at seven, okay? If you're not finished with it, I'll help you." "How can I refuse an offer like this? It's a date," she laughed. A few hours one way or the other wouldn't make that much difference on the newsletter. Garrett looked around the room. "You know," he said, "I like your office a whole lot better than mine. Maybe we should trade." "Fat chance, buster," she said, and drew her hand into a fist and raised it toward his chin. "I get the picture. You don't have to get violent!" He closed the door softly behind him. * * * * Bella gazed into the closet looking for something to wear. Garrett hadn't told her where they were going, but casual clothing was the norm in this area of Wyoming. She pulled her tightest jeans from the hanger and dropped to her hands and knees amid the clutter of the closet floor looking for her leather Ropers. The closet was a frightful mess. Every Saturday she considered sorting through the junk in the closet, but that was as far as she'd gotten on the project. Someday, she thought wistfully. She'd almost given up the search when she spotted one toe peeking out from behind a storage box. "There you are, you little rascal. Where's your mate?" Bella panted from the exertion and continued her search. A few moments later, she had both boots in her grasp. Sliding open the bottom drawer of her dresser, she lovingly separated her sweaters. Her newest sweater was made from a fine yarn and it was covered with geometric shapes. One of the predominant colors matched her boots. Bella loved to coordinate her outfits with matching socks, shoes, or hair accessories. All she needed to complete her look was the silver Concho belt and earrings. She'd worn Indian jewelry and costumes since her high school days. She liked the southwestern influence in her wardrobe. It seemed to fit her tall, big-boned frame. Small jewelry got lost on her, where the squash blossom necklaces and silver belts held their own. Her style was becoming more popular, and she resented it slightly. She liked to look different, stand out in the crowd. After dressing, she closed her bedroom door and appraised her looks in the full-length mirror nailed to the back of the door. She wanted to look sexy for Garrett. Picking up her hairbrush, she tipped her head between her knees and stroked the silky mass. Scott would have been shocked if she'd cut her hair. He loved her hair long. She sat up, tossing her hair away from her face and smoothed it into place. It worked well until she misted hairspray over it. The coppery hair seemed to have a mind of its own and stuck just were she sprayed it, actually freezing in the wrong shape. Taking up the brush again, she raked through the mass, but it was worse. Now what was she supposed to do? Garrett would be here any moment. She thought she'd outgrown temper tantrums, but a violent urge to throw the brush at the mirror coursed through her. The anger had little to do with her hair; there was no sense ruining the bathroom just because she couldn't bring Scott back. She had to start life again, but God it was so scary. The doorbell chimed and Bella rushed through the apartment and, throwing open the door with more speed that she'd intended, found herself looking into Garrett's startled eyes. He held a bouquet of pink rose buds toward her. "T-these are for you," he stammered as he offered her the fragrant flowers. He caught his full lower lip between his teeth. Bella stared at the flowers unable to find the words to express her surprise. Rose buds were an unusual offering during the winter. They must have cost him a fortune. She bit the insides of her cheek to keep from smiling. Garrett was so nervous, quite uncharacteristically so. " hate pink, or what?" Garrett full lips pulled into a crooked grin. Bella reached for the green paper that covered the stems and turned toward the kitchen to find a vase. "I love themâ€Åšthey're beautiful." She blew air up into her bangs and rolled her eyes as she rushed across the living room. She was so darned embarrassed. She wore one boot, her hair looked a fright, that's not how she'd wanted to greet him. "Hey! Are you still mad about me kissing you in your office?" Garrett called out as he followed her through the apartment. "The last time, your face turned red and you had that certain set to your jaw, like you were ready to throw me out of the nursing home for kissing you." "No. I'm not mad. I love the flowers. As a matter-of-fact, roses are my favorite flower. And the pink color looks so fresh, just like spring-time." Bella lowered her head and looked at her one-booted foot. "They look a lot better that I do at the moment." Garrett touched her chin and brought her head up. "You look beautiful." Her face broke into a smile that reached her eyes. "Let's get these posies into some water before they wilt. I'm sure they're stressed enough from the cold." She stretched her arm toward the top shelf of the cabinet and brought down her favorite vase, a bubble-glass container. Once clear glass, it now glowed like a stained glass window with a blend of red, blue and purple acrylic paint. This had been a successful craft project that she'd taught the residents at the care center. She pushed the faucet handle and bubbling water flowed into the vase. Suddenly, she could feel Garrett's presence behind her. He wasn't touching her, but she felt his sweet breath softly move her hair. "Garrett..." she said, taking a deep, shuddering breath to steady her hammering heart. "Please, don't...." How had she gotten herself into this situation? She certainly hadn't planned this. He slid his fingers through the back of her hair, exposing her slim, sensitive neck. Once freed, the short, bouncy hair at the nape of her neck moved rhythmically as his breath jostled it, tickling her sensuously. He kissed the soft, tender skin behind her ear. His kiss gave her a rush of goose bumps down her arms and legs. Garrett elicited an erotic desire she'd tried to bury with Scott. However, these feelings were not the same. Kissing Scott had been nice, but it wasn't this avalanche of longing, he hadn't been overly affectionate. Bella had longed for his arms around her when she stood at the sink washing dishes, or folding clothes. But it hadn't happened and it most probably never would have. Now, here was Garrett acting like the man of her dreams, but the guilt she felt because of Scott threatened to destroy her joy. She had to put him in her past, but with so many questions unanswered, she didn't know how to do this. She turned in his embrace, facing him, her eyes swimming with tears. "We can't do this. You're my boss." He grasped her arms, pushing her away from his body "I'm not asking you to have an affair." He gave her a wicked grin. "But you look so goodâ€Åšummm." Bella skewered him with an icy gaze. "I think we need to change the subject." She pulled out of his grasp. "I don't deny that there is a certain...something between us, but we can't...can't kiss at work. I'm in enough trouble as it is." She moved to the counter that separated the kitchen and dining area, and unwrapped the paper from the flowers and laid them in the middle of the table. "I have to finish getting ready. Look at the mess I've made of my hair. Ouch!" She yelped when she ran her hands through the clumpy hairspray. Her face flamed with irritation. Garrett chuckled as he watched her tantrum build. "You really can have a rotten disposition when you get going, don't you?" Bella sank into a chair, his words seeming to deflate her. "I guess I'm just put out because you made me see I was hiding from myself." She rested her chin in her hands. "I wanted to change, and now, I can't make this new style work. I'm so clumsy. I feel as if my arms are on backward!" His blue eyes traveled over her face. "I caused all this, huh?" She nodded. "Bella I think you give me way too much credit. I think you were ready for the change. I only acted as a catalyst." Bella blinked in surprise. Silence fell between them as she sat there transfixed by his eyes. "You're right," she said, feeling somewhat scarce of breath. "I wanted to tell you something, but was afraid you'd get angry." Her eyes became bright as she turned toward him. "What is it? If it makes me angry, I'll hold it in so you won't know if I am or not." "Ha!" "Ha, what?" His mouth split wide with a grin. "Ha, you're too expressive to hide a strong emotion like that. It's that maniacal expression in your Bambi eyes. And besides, you look so damned adorable when you're irritated." He reached out and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Where is your brush? I'd like to try this." "You," she questioned, "have you done this before?" He nodded. She contemplated his request. Now this would be different. She'd never had a man brush her hair, but there was no time like the present to find out just what it felt like. Would brushing her hair bond them? She kept telling him that she didn't want to become involved, but he sure could make her choice difficult because each time he touched her, she could feel the strand of desire coil within her bodyâ€Åšit threatened to explode any moment She wished Lillian hadn't questioned her about her feelings for Garrett earlier. Now she recognized that she really did love him, and now it made her life much more difficult. Her emotions were caught in a swirling vortex of emotion. When Garrett kissed her neck she wanted to throw herself into the passion, but she didn't dare. "Well, if you are going to fix my hair you'd better follow me to the bathroom. My mother taught me not to comb my hair in the kitchen. It's not sanitary." Minutes later, he'd brushed the stiff hairspray out and the ends of her hair were bending under at her jawbone. She glanced in the mirror when Garrett stepped aside. The style highlighted her cheekbones and accentuated her large eyes. Garrett leaned back against the vanity crossing his arms over his muscular chest. "We're going ice skating. You know," he tipped his chin, studying her, "you'll be a cheap date. You look about twelve years old. Children only have to pay two dollars to get into the rink!" Bella slowly shook her head. Where did this man come up with these strange ideas? They stepped out the door and Bella reached back in to snap off the light before the door closed. Suddenly, a loud squeal pulsated from Garrett's pager. "Well, we might as well go back in. I have a bad feeling about our plans." Bella opened the door just as Garrett reached for his cell phone. Trying not to listen to his call, she stepped into the living room and walked across the thick cream-colored carpet. She pulled the drawstring at the insulated drapes that kept the cold from transferring into the room. "When did it happen?" He was silent for a long time. "Who's seeing her in the emergency room?" Another pause. "I'll be there in a few minutes. You take care of your staff." She could hear bits and pieces of his conversation, but she couldn't tell the content of the discussion. One thing she did recognized was the tone of his voice. Something was terribly wrong. Lillian? she wondered with fear. Garrett turned toward her. "I have to go to back to the center. There has been an accident. One of the residents in the housing section got locked out in the courtyard. They just found her. "My God. That's horrible. Who was it?" "I-It's Mrs. Fortney, and she's not doing very well." Bella felt herself go weak in the knees. Mrs. Fortney would never go out into the courtyard without assistance. There was a big problem here, and she wanted to help find the solution. "Garrett, can I come with you? Since I'm working as Social Services I should contact her family, see if I can help them in some way." He walked toward the door without answering and just stood there, a puzzled expression crossed his face as he contemplated her request. "Get your coat." He opened the door with such power that the door banged against the doorstop and his footsteps thundered down the stairs.   CHAPTER TEN  GARRETT DROVE THE VEHICLE OVER THE SNOW PACKED STREETS; his hands hidden behind soft leather gloves tightly gripped the wheel. Bella stared at him, taking the set of his face, his clamped mouth and fixed eyes. Fear and anger knotted inside her. Who could have done this to Gladys? Bella saw Twin Pine, sitting on top of a hill, lit up through the falling snow. They were diffused like glowing orbs on the snowy night. Huge, fat flakes filled the sky like feathers. The temperature was nearing zero, at least the wind was not blowing which would have created a deadly wind chill factor. A frigid rush of cold danced through her bones, more from the thought of Mrs. Fortney suffering out in the frigid atrium than from the actual temperature. The heater blew warmed air into the interior of the vehicle and dried the delicate membranes around her eyes, stinging them. She shuddered with the chill as fatigue slowed her body. She pulled her coat around her, and looked away from Garrett. She felt the muscles in her jaw pulsating. How could someone have done this to Gladys? She refused to believe the resident would have gone out into the atrium in this foul weather. The woman was not confused. Bella knew there was more to this situation than anyone realized at this moment. Damn it all! What was going on? Settling into the seat, she tried to analyze the problems at the center. They'd begun only few months ago. Before that, the staff members pulled together for the good of the residents living there. What had changed? As Garrett drove around the corner leading to the emergency room entrance, the rear tires of the vehicle slipped on the slick, snow-covered street, bringing her out of her trance. With a quick maneuver of the steering wheel in the same direction as the skid, Garrett muscled the Blazer out of the spin. "Good going, Brooks," she said, a flash of humor crossed her face. "You did that like you've lived in the mountains all your life." He glanced over at her; a small smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks." That was the only word he'd spoken on the short ride to the hospital. Bella shrugged her shoulders. She hoped his speechlessness was a reaction to worryâ€Åš.he couldn't be any more worried than she could. After all, she worked with Gladys on a personal level. All the residents were only names on a piece of paper to Garrett. But it wasn't his fault. That was just the drawback of working in administration. No relationships developed between the residents and people accustomed to the daily grind of paperwork Her job was becoming more restrictive in that way, as well. The documentation required so much time. Laughingly, she'd told the staff members she had to record in the resident chart one hour for each five-minute conversation. At least she had Nikki to help her. Just the thought of Nikki's evaluation locked safely away in her file cabinet made Bella cringe. Oh, Nikki, what am I going to do about you? She'd started locking the file drawers after her previous assistant, elderly Margaret McCullough, retired. Bella was spoiled. Having a great employee took very little work. Supervising a marginal worker required development, and that took a great deal of time. It certainly took more than the three short months Nikki had worked for her. Bella worried that she was being unrealistic about Nikki's progress. It was only fair to give Nikki another chance. Just making this decision caused her to relax a little bit. Pulling-up into the hospital parking lot, she saw the expression on Garrett's face in the floodlight illuminating the entrance to the emergency room. The lines between his eyes folded together and the small wrinkles at the corners of his eyes appeared deeper, making him look older than his years. His concern etched itself across his face. Garrett tossed open the door and raced out of the vehicle; he paid her no heed He shot through the double doors and burst into the bustle of the emergency room and with Bella right behind him. The waiting room was empty. This old-fashioned emergency waiting room was not like the fast-paced, modern treatment centers portrayed on television shows, but it was extremely efficient. Many lives had been saved in this rural town, in this very room. Garrett stopped and inhaled a deep breath. "Where is everyone?" he asked. Bella gave and impatient shrug. "I have no idea. You'd think there'd be a lot of excitement around here considering what went on." It appeared unusually quiet. "Gladys' condition must be critical if everyone was in the treatment room with her." "I'm going to find the charge nurse, she'll be able to tell me exactly what happened and apprise me of Gladys' condition." Garrett looked around the empty area. "I hope someone has informed Mrs. Fortney's daughter. And Judd." Her mouth took an unpleasant twist. "He'll probably try and say I did this!" "Go look at Gladys' chart. See if her family knows about this. We don't want to give the family any more reason to bring a suit against the center." "I'm afraid it's probably too late to do anything about that, but I'll add notes to my section of the cart regarding this." "What's that supposed to mean?" Cold dignity created a stony mask on his face. She shrugged out of her coat and flopped it across her arm. "You'd have to know Stella, Mrs. Fortney's daughter. She's..." "Like Judd?" "There is no comparison. And remember, Judd's the county attorney." She felt ice spread through her stomach. "Where's my mother?" A short, plump woman of an undetermined age screeched as she flew through the front door. "If anything happens to her I'll have this hospital's butt in court so fast...!" "That's what I mean," Bella mumbled glumly. Where Judd tried to convince everyone he came from a refined background, his mother, Stella Fortney destroyed that myth. Never married, the woman, built like a fireplug, dressed in dowdy sweats and run-down athletic shoes. Bella liked her much better than she liked her son. At least Stella was honest. Amanda Howard rounded the corner, rushing toward Stella. The nurse flitted her hands about nervously as she told her, "The doctor is with her right now. We should know something shortly." Stella leaned toward Amanda, shaking her finger right in the nurse's face. Her fuzzy black, harshly dyed hair shook with her words. "Get someone out here, now!" Amanda took a deep breath to calm herself, but Bella could see the veins at either side of her neck bulge as she forced herself to remain calm. Stella was one person with whom Bella didn't want to tangle, but she bit down hard on her lips that began to twitch with amusement. She couldn't think of anyone better to receive the wrath of Stella. Amanda's restraint was impressive, though; she stood her ground. Amanda clasped and unclasped her hands behind her back to relieve her growing anger. Slowly she said, "I do not think that would be in your mother's best interest, Stella. When the doctor finishes, he will see you." "Mrs. Howard?" Garrett questioned as he walked up to the women. "Would it be possible for me to go into the emergency room and check on Mrs. Fortney?" "I suppose--although, its not correct protocol." He took that for an affirmative answer and rushed toward the exam room. Bella drew in a deep breath and straightened herself with dignity. She needed to calm Miss Fortney. She'd worked with Stella since Gladys admitted herself to Twin Pines, much to her families shock. She placed her hand reassuringly on Stella's arm giving it a fortifying squeeze. They'd built a good report. If Stella had questions, she always found Bella. "Is there anything I can do?" Amanda snapped her head in Bella's direction. Her eyes virtually crackled with anger as she glared at her. Bella's heart flew to her mouth and along with it the bitter taste of fear. She couldn't imagine why Amanda was looking at her this way. They could never become friends, but surely, they could have a pleasant working relationship. Bella sent Amanda a questioning look, but she didn't respond. She continued to follow Bella, her expression seething. She'd always heard the expression 'If looks could kill', well; she was seeing where the phrase had originated--in Amanda's eyes! "Oh, Mrs. Mann. I'm so glad you're here," Stella shrieked. "Please, tell me what happened to mama." She burst into tears. Bella put her arm around the distraught woman, drawing her into a hug. "It was an accident, a senseless accident. I'm sure the doctor will do everything for her. Try not to worry until we hear what they have to say about her condition. Don't borrow trouble." The soothing words seemed to calm Stella. She looked up and smiled at Bella through her tears. Black mascara mixed with her tears, leaving black tacks on her finely crinkled skin. "Thanks for being here. You've been a good friend to us." Amanda interrupted discourteously, "Stella, have a seat in the waiting room and I'll be with you in a moment. I need to talk to Mrs. Mann." Stella gave Bella a questioning look. Bella led Stella to the waiting room as a sliver of panic twisted at her midsection causing a wave of nausea to swamp her. "It's all right, Stella. I'll come back and wait with you as soon as I've talked to Mrs. Howard, okay?" Stella nodded, seated herself and grabbed a box of tissues from the low table in front of the sofa. Amanda reached out, grabbing Bella's arm with a strong hand. "I want to talk to you. Come with me." Amanda ordered sharply, whirling Bella in the opposite direction. At that moment, Garrett walked out of the emergency room. Bella caught his puzzled look. What had happened in the emergency room? She wanted to know, but thought better of delaying the conversation with Amanda. She was treating Bella like a naughty child instead of the professional that she was. As Amanda painfully squeezed her arm, Bella was grateful the woman kept her fingernails trimmed for efficiency or they would have cut into her skin. She tried to shrug away from Amanda's grasp, but she held on tight, pulling Bella into her glass office. "What are you doing to me?" Bella cried, her stomach was still clenching tight. She'd never seen Amanda so upset. "Don't try that innocent look on me." "What are you talking about?" She tossed her hair in a gesture of defiance and ripped her arm from Amanda's grasp. Amanda kicked-out a blue plastic chair from beside her desk with a quick movement of her foot. The grating noise from metal against waxed tile sounded as unpleasant as Amanda's tone. "Sit down." Amanda forced the words through her clenched teeth. Bella did as she was told. Humiliation flooded her as she caught a glimpse of Garrett standing outside the door, watching them. The thick glass prevented him from hearing anything. "You aren't going to fool me like you're hoodwinking that new administrator." Amanda vociferated as she tilted her head in Garrett's direction. "I had a report that you were angry with Mrs. Fortney. Engaged in a heated conversation, they said. And you two were standing by the door that leads to the atrium. When Gladys didn't come down to supper, we searched for her. They found her unconscious, huddled against the locked atrium door. She was only wearing a light sweater." Hot tears puddled along Bella's lower lashes. She swallowed hard to keep them from spilling. Yes, the evidence sounded damning, but she wasn't guilty. How could Amanda think that she would harm that sweet, old woman? "You are wrong, Amanda, I haven't even spoken to Gladys today. I didn't do that to her." The nurse pushed a lock of light brown hair out of her eyes and leaned back against a counter that was covered with flow sheets and medical charts and crossed her arms over her nearly flat chest. The only sound in the small room was the persistent sound of a patient call light beep, beep, beeping. Amanda bit at her lip, looking undecided, as if she was thinking through her next words. Finally, she began, her voice a mere whisper, "There have been a lot complaints filed against you, Bella. They range from reports of you listening at patient doors, hiding in bathrooms to overhear conversations, and now, the abuse of a resident! What more can I say?" "W-who..." "It doesn't matter. Don't you understand? We're on to you. I'm going to request your suspension while the authorities investigate this latest incident." She dramatized her feeling with a jerking movement of her hand. Suddenly, Garrett was at Bella's side. He touched her shoulders from behind. When that didn't calm the sobs wracking her body, he moved in front of her, squatting to meet her pleading eyes. "Amanda needs to know everything you know. If it helps any, I don't think you're guilty. " "Mr. Brooks!" The director of nursing cried, a look of dismay pulled at her pretty features. "That's enough, Amanda. We want to find out the truth. You're not giving Bella a chance to tell her side of this!" The relief that flooded through Bella's body didn't last long when the nurse retorted, "Just because you are sleeping with this woman doesn't give you the right to try to protect her. And as far as I'm concerned she's guilty as hell. My staff..." "Mrs. Howard," Garrett spat with distaste as he stood facing Amanda. Stretching his full height, he towered over the woman. He definitely was pulling-rank on her and he seemed to fill with authority and repulsion. "You and your staff are a grave concern to me. You, for this insubordination, and your staff for false documentation. I won't allow Bella to sit here alone, subjected to your ire. This fish bowl of a room is a disgrace." He looked around, noting the shades drawn to the top of the windows. He frowned with cold fury. "Miss Howard...I expect the shades drawn over these windows by eight o'clock tomorrow morning. No excuses!" He turned, looking out into the hallway. "Why...your wonderful employees have been parading past this area just to watch this degrading display. They're taking delight in Mrs. Mann's predicament." Bella could tell he was trying hard to control his body language as he admonished the woman. The facility didn't need the nursing staff losing respect for her. The longer Garrett harangued the woman, the more he seemed to enjoy it. Suddenly, he ran out of steam. "Let's get out of here and go to my office, shall we?" Bella longed to know who was contriving this deadly evidence against her, but she had no clue. Maybe everything had to get bad before it got better. Just knowing Garrett was on her side helped a lot. For the sake of the residents, they had to find the answers. As they stepped through the doorway, the telephone on Amanda's desk rang. She rushed back to answer it. Gladys' doctor called Amanda into the emergency room. When they were alone, walking toward Garrett's office, he whispered, "Don't worry, Gladys is much better. When I walked into the emergency room earlier, her doctor was talking to Stella about admitting her mother to the hospital for observation. I told them that I thought it wise to send her down to Casper. I just don't feel she will be safe here." A lump of emotion tightened in Bella's throat. Her words, an octave higher than usual mingled with her tears as she said, "Garrett, I'm so happy she's going to be all right!" Amanda walked up from behind them, hearing Bella's exclamation. "You really are charmed, you know? I don't know how you're getting by with this!" Bella didn't miss the satanic smile that pulled Amanda's mouth into a thin line. The woman was livid. * * * * Bella and Amanda sat side-by-side in matching chairs facing Garrett's desk, but they didn't look at one another. Garrett stared at his hands, his fingertips touching to form a bridge. His vivid eyes showed the tortured dullness of disbelief as he pressed and released the pressure on his fingers. He didn't say a word for the longest time. Then he asked, "Amanda, could you go to your office and get all the incident reports that pertain to this matter? I don't care how far back you have to go. Just bring them. I want to see if we can piece together this mess. And bring all your department time cards. I want nurse's aides, RN's, and LPN's cards, also." Amanda's eyes narrowed, but she didn't protest and quickly left the room. Garrett caught Bella in his gaze and she returned the look without wavering. Finally, she asked, "You don't think I'm guilty of all these things, do you?" "No," he replied with a shake of his head. "The problem is that I don't know who is." "Garrett, thank you for that. It means a lot to have your trust." "For what it's worth, I really don't know what I can do if Amanda decides to push this." She felt confused. What did Garrett mean? Could Amanda demand her suspension? The thought of being without a job and the blot to her reputation was more that she could handle. She shook her head and tried to push the thought aside, but she had to know. "What's your gut instinct? Is Amanda going to demand my job?" Moisture glistened in her eyes. Amanda walked into the room. "Yes I am, and there's nothing he can do about this." She pointed toward Garrett. "I'm going to contact the authorities." Bella's heart sank. She was in all this trouble because of her concern about her elderly friends. No wonder people had a tendency to hide their heads in the sand. That type of attitude saved them from grief; they were smart enough to know what could happen to them. Garrett took the file folder from Amanda, his expression a mask of stone. "I would suggest you watch the way you talk to me or I'll fire you! I am your supervisor, after all. Why is it so difficult for you to give Bella a chance?" Amanda didn't answer his question and continued to glare at him. He spread the contents of the file across his desk moving various reports to different stacks then relocated them to another stack. Bella couldn't tell what he was doing. And from the looks of it, neither could he. Finally, he looked up from the desk. "Okay, ladies, I have an idea where to begin to sort out this muddled mess. Bella, if you would get your work schedules and time cards it would help considerably--both yours and Nikki's, please. I want to make a data base of information." "That's going to take too much time! I want Bella out of here tonight!" Amanda's mouth took an unpleasant twist. "Now you wait just a minute!" Bella jumped to her feet. "I've had about all I can take from you, Amanda. Why are you trying to push me out of my job? You seem awfully quick to take anyone's word over mine." Her expression was tight and derisive. A cold, serpentine gleam edged Amanda's eyes. "Too bad. It's not my fault." "Now ladies," Garrett chided. His gaze met Bella's and locked. A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, but he reigned in his amusement and faced Amanda. "Wasn't your shift over hours ago?" She nodded. He pushed himself into a standing position. "Go home and get some rest. You can decide your course of action tomorrow." Garrett turned and faced Bella. "You too. Go on--get the time cards and go home." The smile he gave her softened his face. She could tell this mess was getting to him. The usually thin lines at the corners of his eyes were etched deeply into his skin. He looked tired and beaten-down. "If it's all the same to you, I'm staying." Amanda said. Garrett shrugged. "Whatever." "It she's staying, so am I. It'll only take a few minutes to get the cards." With that, she walked proudly from the room. She was not letting Amanda know how fearful she really felt, but the door slammed just a little harder than she'd attended as she pushed it closed. * * * * Sitting in front of her fireplace, Bella watched as fire consumed a cedar log. She felt like that piece of wood. It seemed the people all around her wanted to hurt and destroy her. They were using her to make themselves look...innocent, but Bella knew better. Someone was guilty and it wasn't she. Bella should have just gone home when Garrett requested, but no, she had to stay in his office. She'd felt so confident that he would find the criminal. She'd thought Garrett was on her side, believing in her innocence, but after he'd spent over and hour keying information into his computer and sorting the database, he appeared to change. He'd looked at her for a longest time before speaking. Garrett's dark eyes narrowed, his expression glum-faced. "Bella. I've uncovered something here. I think it would be in your best interest to accept a suspension with pay until these accusations can be investigated." Amanda had snorted as she attempted to conceal a snicker. "This would only be better if it were without pay," she muttered under her breath, but Bella heard the cutting words. The clock in the dining room bonged out the hour, bringing Bella out of her reverie. She'd walked home from the hospital. The night air had been filled with heavy wet snowflakes and now, she sat huddled near the fireplace in an attempt to chase the chill from her bones. The fire helped, but the blanket thrown over the back of the sofa would help even more, but she felt too devastated to move. The tears she'd been holding back for months spilled across her cheeks, and a sob tore at the chest. She'd tried so hard to resist the temptation to breakdown. She felt crying was a selfish indulgence, but she couldn't help herself. She angrily swiped the moisture from her face, but a single tear escaped from the puddle against her black lashes and made its way slowly over the curve of her cheek. What was she going to do now? Brandy snuggled against her, sensing her distress. The dog looked at her with sad eyes, and as Bella leaned forward to cuddle her canine friend, Brandy lapped the tear from her face, bringing a new rush of hot tears. If Bella couldn't be at work, there was no way for her to continue her probe. No way to prove her innocence. A sudden knock at her door caused both she and Brandy to jump. She didn't want company right now. How would she explain her tear stained face? The hammering continued, but she didn't get up. "Bella, open the door. I need to talk to you...explain." Garrett hollered and begun pounding at the door once again. Brandy began to whine, and that noise, combined with Garrett's pummeling destroyed her resolve. She trod slowly across the room, dragging her feet in the carpet, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hands before opening the door. After turning the handle on the dead bolt and unlatching the door, she turned on her heel to head back toward the living room. She heard her former employer enter the room and the door swing back into the frame with a soft thud. "What do you want, Garrett?" she said in a choked voice as she flopped onto the couch. In the reflection of the window, she watched him shuck his coat, dropping it onto the chair beside the door, and follow her path across the room. The sofa cushions sagged as he dropped beside her on the couch. "You look a mess." That was exactly what every female wanted to hear from a devastatingly handsome male. "Humm. That's encouraging. First, you ruin my life and now, you're here to what--finish me off? That's really great, Garrett." Her words ran together in a monotone. Garrett touched her shoulder, turning her to face him. She seemed unable to look at him. "Please don't feel that way. That's not why I'm here. I know you have every reason to feel dejected. I'm sorry for the way I dismissed you, but you see...I had no other choice." "No other choice?" She raised her eyes to study his grim face. "What happened to the man who said he thought I was innocent?" Bella whispered through the taught muscles in her throat causing them to sound raspy, filled with emotion. An emotion so strong it filled her eyes and threatened to spill out across her lashes. "I still believe you." His tone velvety, but edged with steel. Bella swallowed hard, the lump in her throat felt as large as an ostrich egg. "Then how could you fire me? And in front of Amanda! That was the ultimate humiliation." Garrett stood. He paced silently in front of her for a few moments, and then he zigzagged around behind the sofa. "I had to for your sake." He grasped her tight, spasming muscles that ran across the top of her shoulders. She pulled from his grasp. Standing, she stared at him incredulously, her hands on her rounded hips. "Okay, I'm ready to listen. But you're not making any sense. How is my losing my job going to help me?" "Sit down, sit down. This is complicated." Garrett tugged her back to the sofa. Facing each other, he reached for her hand, trailing his fingers absently over her satiny palms as he searched for the right words to explain his findings. Bella didn't pull from his touch. The faint movement generated a sweet electricity that pulsed through her body. She wanted to hear what he had to say, prayed that his words would heal the gaping wound he'd sliced through her heart, but she feared there was nothing he could offer to change the disappointment and grief that tormented her. "I found a pattern to the incident reports before I sent you for your schedule." Bella's eyes grew wide. "You did? What did you find?" His voice faded to a hushed stillness. "The reports definitely rule you out as a suspect." She took a quick, sharp breath. "Then why did you fire me?" Garrett hesitated answering. "Bella...I-I only suspended youâ€ÅšI want you out of the building. I hope by releasing you, my actions will give the guilty parties a-a false sense of security and a lot more freedom to be caught. Your proximity to the situation will complicate everything." She managed a tremulous smile. "In other words, you aren't going to tell me who you suspect." She peered down at the floor and muttered, "You're just like your grandmother." "What?" "Ohâ€ÅšI'm happy you're getting this mess sorted out." Garrett nodded. "I hope you understand." "How long do you think this will take? I really don't want to miss work. Oh...who's going to fill in for me?" That was the first moment she realized she wouldn't be returning to her job. This recognition ripped through her with a sadness as deep as anything she'd felt when Scott died. This was the death of her professional life. Garrett sighed. "Nikki is filling in for you." "Nikki!" she cried in disbelief. Now she wished she'd fired the girl. The department would be a mess under her leadershipâ€Åšor lack of leadership. "Well, that's an impossible situation. I was going to let her go because she was so useless, absolutely terrible to work with. I'll hate to see what she acts like after this advance." Her reaction seemed to amuse him; his mouth twitched. "Now, Bella. I know she's not your ideal employee, but she is better than taking someone off the street for a couple of weeks. At least she knows what she should do." "I don't knowâ€Åš" Feeling foolish and embarrassed at her outburst, Bella kept her gaze to the floor. "Okay, you're right. But her rotten attitude still galls me, Garrett. I don't know why she acts so haughty and arrogant!" "Who knows what makes a person act the way they do, but please, don't worry about your job. I've made sure you'll continue to receive your full pay." "Thanks. That means a lot to me, but the most hurtful part of this is the fact that I won't be working with the residents. I love them." "Not many of your co-workers know about your cabin, do they?" Garrett said, changing the subject. She shrugged. "Most everyone knows that Scott and I lived in the mountains in a cabin, but I think everyone suspects I sold it when I moved to town." "I want you to stay there for a while. You're being set-up, and if you're gone they'll have a hard time blaming you." Bella put her face in her hands. Her thick hair covered her face and her shoulders rocked with sobs. "W-why me? I didn't do anything to make them hate me." Garrett took her in his arms and stroked her hair. " This will be over before you know it. Tomorrow is Saturday. I'm not going into work until Monday. I want to make sure those thieves think they're safe so I'm taking you to the cabin in the morning." She pulled from his embrace. "But I'm not prepared for that. I don't have food and bedding for this time of the year. Once I get up there, I could be snowed in for days." "That's what grocery stores are for." He laughed. Bella's lips wrinkled with annoyance and she felt her face flush. "You look beautiful when you're angry." "Yeah, right." "Look at me." He touched her chin, gently raising it and with it, her eyes. Their gazes met. "Do you know how much I care about you?" Trying to swallow around the lump that persisted in her throat, she nodded, unable, for the moment to utter a word. She suspected that he lusted for her, but there was something that glittered in his blue eyes that told her that he had stronger emotions raging through his body. Could he be falling in love with her? Her face clouded with uneasiness. He aroused all of her old fears and anxieties. Sheltered in his arms, it would be so easy to let go--give up, let him take over--but she couldn't. She admired Garrett. His strength and determination to vindicate her caused her heart to swell. Was this feeling love? She knew she'd loved Scott, but this new tenderness nagged at the back of her mind continually, and it refused to be stilled. No matter how upset she felt with the unfair situation at her job, her heart skipped a beat each time she caught sight of Garrett. Oh, she was so confused. She had to fight back the desire to kiss him full on the lips. Just the smell of his woodsy, male aroma caused her head to swim. But then the thoughts of Scott chipped away at the corner of her mind. Why couldn't she let go of him? What was it that made this seem such an impossible feat? The thought had no more than passed through her mind when Garrett lowered his head and captured her lips with his. The touch brought her to life; a delicious thrill of excitement skittered up her spine, and at the base of her throat, her pulse beat and swelled as if she wore her heart there. Garrett's kiss drove her desire to magnificent heights in only seconds. The other times he'd kissed her had been wonderful, but his soul stirring kisses tonight felt more demanding--hungry. Parting her lips, she accepted his ardor and fell back against the cushions with him. At any other time, she would have been shocked at her eager response, but tonight, she felt a throbbing in her center that demanded his primal stroke. She grew moist at the anticipation. His hands lightly traced a path across her sweater lingering at each of the indentations between her ribs. The exquisite sensation caused her to shiver in spite of the warmth of the fire and the heat in her simmering body. When he reached the bottom of the coarse material, his fingers slid under the band and worked their way back up her body rubbing the bare skin of her stomach. This time, the accentuated feeling caused her to arch her body sharply against his. She felt the rigid definition of his gender stamp its image against the most intimate part of her. Garrett dragged his lips from hers, rising on his elbows above her. His eyes clouded with desire and small beads of perspiration dotted his forehead. "If you don't want this, you'd better tell me now. You're making me crazy, woman." His words melted her even more. An aura of intimacy enveloped them making her ache even worse. Her voice thick and unsteady, she answered, "I want you Garrett, but I'm afraid." "Of what? You know I won't hurt you, right?" She nodded slightly and brushed a wild strand of hair from her eyes. "It'sâ€Åšit's being there at the cabin. I haven't told you everything, I'm afraid." "You are keeping secrets from me? Well, I'm shocked." He grinned at her. "Spit it out girl." Bella took a deep breath and launched into her story. "I thought Scott and I had a really good marriage. I didn't know until right after he died, that it was a farce." "What makes you think that way?" "The bank account was empty and I had no idea where the money was. And then I couldn't find the insurance papers so I had to pay for everything, even his funeral on credit." "That's awful, but you did it, right?" He asked. "Sure, but I have so many questions that I fear will never be answered. I don't know how to get on with my life. I feel out of control, and now, here we are like this." She looked down their bodies, and then raising her eyes, caught his gaze. "I have feelings for you, but right now I'm at a great disadvantage, because they're more the 'heals over head' variety!" Her attempt at humor caught him off-guard. He stared at her, and then a huge bellow of laughter ripped through him. Garrett rolled off her body and onto the floor. His infectious laughter made her giggle. Before she knew it, she joined him on the floor gasping for air and gripping her laughter squeezed sides.   CHAPTER ELEVEN  BELLA ABRUPTLY STOPPED THE SHOPPING CART in the middle of the aisle by the dairy case. Garrett held the white container toward her, his eyes glittering with amusement. "Plain yogurt? Yuck!" Bella cried. "Who ever heard of using this stuff as sour cream? I think that's a terrible idea." "I use it all the time. You'll be surprised at how good it tastes. Just think how your heart will love it." She shook her head and curled her upper lip in distaste. "Oh...go ahead. Put it in the basket. I can go without sour cream if I have to," Bella howled with laughter. A middle-aged woman dressed in an expensive leather jumpsuit glared at Bella. She maneuvered her cart away from the couple, disappearing down the closest aisle. Bella tipped her head in the direction of the snobbish woman and impishly said, "Did you see that look on her face? She thinks it's an appalling item, too." Garrett shook his head, giving her a scolding look. "You really are a character, I'll give you that much." He grinned widely; his even row of teeth sparkled in contrast to his dark tan. "Really now, all you have in the basket is junk food. Let's hit the produce section. At least let me have fresh fruit with my hamburgers instead of French fries." "I know. Let's get some yogurt with fruit in it. That will taste much better than this plain stuff." Laughter bubbled in her throat and the playful mood filled her with energy and excitement. Their mood since the tension-breaking romp on the floor last night had been one of humor. Once back in control of their emotions, the idea of lovemaking had passed. Garrett left her at the door with only a brotherly peck on her cheek. "Not on my baked potato," Garrett grumbled in jest. "Just the thought of a smothered burrito with blueberry yogurt on top isâ€Åšyucky." Bella anticipated a fun-filled weekend. Having Garrett with her certainly would brighten the gloomy days of winter. Winter in Wyoming was a challenge. It began in October, and snow was not uncommon up here on the mountain well into May. Garrett walked ahead of Bella. He stopped, picked an item from the shelf, and scrutinized the label critically, deciding if it met his low fat criteria before deciding to purchase it. Bella watched him with fascination. Garrett was breathtakingly handsome. His jeans hugged his backside then fell a lengthy distance to the top of his hiking boots. Garrett told her he froze in Wyoming. She told him to bring lots of warm clothing. He was dressed for the mountain life that was for sure. She didn't have the heart to tell him about the environment higher up the mountain where her cabin was located. After all, she wanted him to join her. Looking at Garrett caused tremors of desire to spread from the base of her spine to the top of her head. Slowly, she licked her full lips, yearning to press her body against his and smell his musky, masculine scent mingle with her sweet feminine fragrance once again. If last night were any indication of what his hot passion would be likeâ€Åšshe'd have to be careful if there was any hope to return down the mountain without making love to Garrett. She certainly wanted to, but the niggling feeling of doubt interfered with her passion. "Come on," Garrett shouted, bringing her out of the fantasy. Bella put a bag of tortilla chips on top of his healthy choices. "I'm going to hold you responsible for the ruination of my boyish physique." He pushed his glasses higher up his nose, and then scratched his chin. "No. I'm showing you how to shop for good food." She patted his flat, muscular mid-section. He pulled her close and kissed her soundly while ignoring the shoppers staring at them. At first, Bella felt cold from the shock of his passionate kiss. Then, she felt hotâ€Åšhot all over. She didn't have the power or the resolve to push herself away from his embrace. Her knees turned to the consistency of gelatin. Garrett broke the kiss. "I think we should finish this shopping and be on our way before we embarrass ourselves, don't you?" She nodded in numb agreement and pushed the cart down the aisle. "We'll get to the fruit," she called over her shoulder to him. "But we have to get the rest of the good stuff first." She hurried along the aisle rapidly filling the basket with soda pop, chips and popcorn. She nearly escaped the aisle that held the candy, but she grabbed two caramel bars at the end display. Garrett caught-up with her in the produce section, shaking his head in disbelief at what he saw she'd placed in the cart. "Bella! You don't have anything fit to eat in the whole basket." "Sure I do, see?" She held up a plastic bag filled with apples. "These are for you and...this is for me." In her hands was a tub of caramel apple dip. "Caramel apples on a cold winter night in front of the fire." He looked at her blankly. She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "It's my sexual fantasy, by the way." "It sounds more like a high cholesterol nightmare to me. One in which I'd wake up fifty pounds heavier." He reached for the bar on the grocery basket, pushing it toward the checkout stand. He turned to Bella, looking at her seductively and said, "Besides, you'd never get it tasted off me before you'd be wearing it yourself." * * * * By the time they exited through the auto doors at the store, the streetlights were glowing dimly through the fat, wet snowflakes in the air. The parking lot was wet and just beginning to freeze into a sheet of ice. Garrett looked into the sky. "It's hard to believe it's still morning." "I know," she said, her voice was muffled through the neck scarf as she tried to pull her head into the collar of her coat. "It's the cold front coming through. There must be tons of moisture in the clouds. That's what's blocking the sun." "Wonderful," he muttered. "It's a good thing we're leaving early. I wouldn't want to make the drive if it were any darker out than it is now. Here," he said, handing her the vehicle keys. "Would you unlock the back window, please? I'll put the groceries in there." Bella opened the front door fighting off Brandy and her wet lapping tongue as the dog greeted her. Bella pushed a button beside the radio and released the back window. "Brandy...get down," Bella cried as she pushed the dog into the back seat and out of the way. Covered with the large flakes of snow, Garrett futility tried to brush the flakes from his ski jacket as he slid into the driver's seat after stowing the plastic grocery sacks in the back of the vehicle. "How do you think the road to the cabin will be with all the snow coming down?" Bella looked at him and rolled her eyes as Brandy landed in her lap, snuggling into the warmth of her coat. "Who knows? Sometimes, if the clouds are this heavy in town, the mountain can be above it all. We can hope anyway." After an hour of creeping up the highway covered with snow, Bella pointed out the narrow dirt road that led to the cabin. The snow was deep and uncorrupted by any tire tracks. Under the direction of Garrett's skilled hand, the small vehicle handled the conditions with ease. "How much farther is it?" Garrett asked, the pinched expression on his face folded into lines as he squinted to see the road--or what he assumed was the road. "It's about half a mile more. If it was dark outside and the lights were on in the house, we could see it from here." He drove on in silence, peering into the fuzzy distance to pinpoint the road. Fifteen minutes later, the shadowy outline of the cabin loomed ahead at the end of the road. "Wow!" He blew a long whistling sigh. "I thought you said this was a cabin. This looks more like a...resort lodge." Bella shrugged. "Were you expecting Abe Lincoln's childhood home?" "Real funny, Bella. But I did expect something a little more rustic." Garrett opened the car door and stepping outside, he continued to stare. "Are you disappointed?" She questioned, easing out of the vehicle, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She was proud of her home and all the work she and Scott had done. Suddenly, a strange mixture of emotions filled her, happiness, sadness, love for her husband. She tried to shake off the emotions, but the misery of the last days she'd spent here crashed over her, the pain a physical hurt that throbbed through her as she walked to the back of the vehicle to gather the luggage and groceries.  Brandy jumped out and only her nose showed out of the snow. Bella picked her up, then set her down on a spot left bare by the howling wind. It didn't placate the dog for long. Soon, Brandy raced through the deep snow, barking and yipping at a whirl of snow; she nearly disappeared in drifts at times. Finally, she reached the covered porch at the front of the house where there was barely a skiff of snow blanketing the deck. "Why don't you go on ahead? I'll bring in all this," he said. "Okay. I need to start the fire anyway. I'll bet it's cold as...well, very cold in there." Garrett snapped his head in her direction capturing her eyes with his. "Is that the only source of heat?" Bella's brows knitted with puzzlement. "Yes." Her answer was more of a question. "That's all we have in the mountains. There are propane suppliers, but they have a lot of trouble getting through when the snow gets deep. I do have the electric heaters in the kitchen and bathroom set on the lowest setting to keep the pipes from freezing." She didn't add that she had to keep the heat low to afford the utility bills. The interior was breathtakingly quiet. The massive log walls not only shrugged off rain, hail, sleet and snow, but they muffled almost any sound. Everything around her had survived the anguish of the past three years. She alone had experienced the destruction of her old way of life. Bella had been so happy here...and so madly in love. That life had been a sham. Everything she'd believed in, a horrible lie. With a sigh, she snapped on the light. The glow illuminated the great room and chased the winter shadows from the corners of the room. Soft light also spilled from a brass desk lamp near the stairway leading up to the hallway and loft area "Wow," Garrett breathed in dismay, his tone low and husky. "The tranquility surrounds you the moment you walk through the door." Bella smiled. The house had the same effect on her. She hated living in the apartment, letting all this sit, but she couldn't rely on her old car or the weather during the winter. Then the realization that she might not have her job hit her. If she didn't have the job...would she have to sell all of this? She looked around at all her familiar objects and eyes filling with tears. She refused to think about it, not yet, anyway. Bella walked through the great room with its massive fieldstone fireplace that rose to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Garrett followed. The furnishings in the room resonated with appeal. Shaker-style tables glowed with a soft pine patina. A braided rug captured the russet and brown hues of autumn, and the American Indian designs played out a geometric pattern on a sage-colored wing chair. Opposite the fireplace sat the dining room filled with a massive table and six chairs. "Were you planning on having a large family?" Garrett asked seriously. Setting the groceries on the black-granite kitchen counter, she eyed him sadly. "That was the plan. I guess things don't always work out like you sketch them, do they?" He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that, but when I look around here, it cries out for a family." He looked at his feet and the snow caked over the top of his boots. "Can I knock the snow off over here?" He pointed toward a braided run near the back door. "Sure. That's what I made it for." "You made this?" he asked, grunting as he bent to scrape the imbedded snow from the laces. "Another one of those activities things." "You know, I don't think there is one solitary thing you can't do." He stamped his feet, dislodging the snow. The dull thud echoed through the kitchen. "Goodness, its quiet in here. It almost gives me the creeps. Like a tomb or something." Bella placed a gallon jug of milk in the refrigerator. "I had to adjust to that problem when I first moved here. It was so quiet I could hear the blood pounding through my ears and it kept me awake all night." She wadded the plastic bag into a ball and dropped it into the trash. "Then, when I moved back into town I had the same problem. Only this time it was all the noise keeping me awake." "Bella. You refer to this as a cabin. I think you should call it something else. Two rooms is a cabin. Two stories is a house." He tossed her a lopsided grin. She returned his smile with ease and finished putting the refrigerated groceries away. Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out a cloth and attacked the dusty counters. The tongue and groove floors were just as dusty, but they would have to wait. She'd cleaned the house before winter set in, but it still got dusty although no one lived here. "There is a fireplace between the bedrooms on the upper floor. We were going to--a" She stopped, grief twisting and turning inside her. The thoughts overwhelmed her. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't come here with the intention of boring you with my past." "That's all right." Garrett closed the distance between them, taking her in his arms. His hug was strong, warm and protective. "You can't hide from the memories because they are part of you." Stepping away from her, he rubbed his hands together to warm them. "I think I'll bring in some wood and try my hand at building a huge, roaring fire. The weather around here is vastly different from Arizona." Bella smiled. He tried so hard to make her comfortable and she loved him for it. "The wood is...." "...On the front deck. Yeah, I know. I saw it when we brought in the luggage." She made a sweeping gesture with her hand. "Have at it, sir. It won't hurt my feeling not having to drag in that heavy wood." The door banged shut behind him. Even though it was cold in the 'house' as Garrett wanted her to call it, she slid out of her coat donning a blue ruffled apron and started emptying the rest of the grocery bags. The kitchen held an abundant amount of cupboards from which Bella retrieved her favorite baskets. She dumped fresh fruit and vegetables into the rustic containers and placed them on the counter. A sly smile played at the corners of her lips as she imagined Garrett's surprise when he tasted her culinary demonstration. The junk food she purchased at the store would save time, but she especially liked cooking. The cabinets held a multitude of spices and utensils to aid her craft as did the large freezer in the walk-in pantry. "Garrett, get ready for a surprise," she whispered to herself and set about drawing up a menu for the meal. The front door banged open. "Bella!" Garrett cried more in frustration than irritation. "What's the matter?" She raced toward the front door. "Are you all right? Garrett stood there with his arms loaded with the wood. "How many damn fireplaces does this cabin have? I've been lugging wood for a half hour and still I find I have more to haul." His face was red from the wind whipping the moisture from his skin. "Oh, sweetie, that's enough wood for the whole weekend. Here..." She unloaded some of the wood from his arms. "I'll help you distribute this. We'll be warm in no time." She dropped her armload by the fireplace. "I've decided I like those easy-to-run forced-air furnaces. With the wood, you have to cut, split and haul. That's a lot of work." Garrett slowly trudged up the stairs, the wood making the trek difficult. "Is there only one fireplace between the bedrooms and one in this room that has the television and stereo?" "That's right. It's called the loft. You start the fires and I'll finish the meal." "Wow!" Garrett cried, looking over the railing. "This loft is great." The wall of windows in the great room reached the ceiling. He dropped the wood on the hearth and sat back on his heels, trying to look outside, but the snow in the air was just too thick. "Wait till the sun comes out and you can see the view. I know you can't see it now, but there's a pine-covered mountain with a creek at its base out there. It's beautiful at any time of the year." Bella stood behind him looking out the windows as well. "Hey, I thought you were headed to the kitchen to cook." She smiled, her body aching for his touch. "Oh, it's nearly finished. I just have a couple more things to do and I thought I'd help you." Bella reached out and took his hands, pulling him up. "Really, I just wanted to be near you." His gaze traveled over her face and searched her eyes. Then she leaned forward and touched her lips to his. Suddenly, he gathered her into his arms and held her snugly in his embrace. She was aware of where their bodies touched and heat warmed her. Pulling away from his lips was so difficult, but being in this roomâ€Åšwith him was unsettling. More than anything she wondered why she hadn't felt this level of desire for Scott. "Hey, let's get the fires going, and I don't mean between us," she whispered in his ear, then pulled from his embrace. "I'll tackle the lower level." Bella skipped down the stairs. A bit later, Bella had a fire crackling. Forcing herself up from the hearth, she returned to the kitchen to finish the preparation for their meal. They hadn't eaten breakfast because of the snowstorm. The higher up the mountain they drove, the harder it snowed. Bella suspected there was over a foot of snow on the level. If the wind came up, they would certainly be in trouble. There was no way she would tell Garrett this bit of information. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to ward off the cold. Bella smiled listening to the soft sounds of movement over her head. It was soothing to hear Garrett upstairs. His presence chased away the ghosts. She'd spent very little time at the cabin because the emptiness was so hard to face and it made her uncomfortable and nervous to be here alone. Garrett entered the warmth of the kitchen and dropped into an antique chair near the door. He looked around at the architecture. "This certainly is a big cabin." Bella took plates out of the cabinet and placed them on the counter then said, "This kitchen area and the bedrooms directly above us were the original cabin. Scott and I built, or should I say rebuilt, everything you see here. That's why we began calling it a cabin, because it was. In the beginning, anyway. When we saved enough money, we added the great room and loft." "That's amazing. No wonder you find it so difficult to come here. The memories must cut through you like a hot knife." She nodded. "Yes, it does, but you're here now, and that helps me a lot. Hey! Enough of this gloomy talk. Help set the table. I'm starved." Garrett unfolded a blue, calico print tablecloth and tossed it over the massive table; Bella took the heavy crockery dishes, setting them on the cloth and went back to the stove. "I think this place looks like it came from an earlier period in history. I like the way you put the television and stereo upstairs. If they were in the great room, it would ruin the atmosphere." He called out to her. "Thanks," she retorted. "That's the feeling I wanted. I bought all the furniture at auctions." Bella walked back with the heavy soup tureen in her hands and placed it in the middle of the table. "The cabinets were here, but the china closet was a mess. Someone had painted it, and poorly, too. I had to scrape the old paint off and fill the cracks with wood putty before I could refinish it the antique blue color. I think it's the focal point of the room. I used variations of the color for the curtains and the hardware on the cabinets." Garrett shook his head in wonder. "Have you ever thought of becoming a decorator?" "Don't be silly. I can do this for myself but never for pay. I would be too nervous to decorate for anyone other than myself. Why don't you go up and select some music? We can hear it down here." "We can?" he asked, his eyebrows rose over the rim of his glasses. Bella pointed toward the ceiling. "See the silk plants up there?" Garrett nodded. "Well...behind them are the speakers. The effect is great." Garrett bound up the steps two at a time. Shortly, the romantic sounds poured from the speakers. Garrett rejoined her at the table. He reached for his coffee mug and sipped the warm liquid. "You mentioned you did some decorating at the care center. What did you do?" Reaching behind her, she untied her apron and pulled it over her head. "I designed the library," she said in a nonchalant manner as she filled his bowl with soup. Garrett raised his eyebrows. "Really!" This piqued his interest. "The hospital board wanted the annex to be energy efficient," she went on. "The original blueprint had small, high windows unsuitable for someone in a wheelchair to see outside." Garrett leaned toward her with interest. "Why...I never would have thought of something like that." So. She was the person that had insisted on the windows. He smiled at her enthusiasm. "You have to work with the elderly and disabled to see some of their problems with architecture. I told the architect that he should talk to the people who live in the homes and with the staff members that work there before designing the building. That way he would understand the needs of the facility. What purpose is there to building something new if it is as inefficient and outdated as the old one?" She exclaimed, placing the lid back on the tureen. Garrett dipped into the thick, fragrant cheese soup in his bowl. Bella passed him a dish that held a cup of curry dip and fresh vegetables. He tasted the soup, looking at her over the top of his glasses. "What's this spicy flavor?" "Do you like it?" She reluctantly asked, fearing to hear his answer. Taking another spoonful, he nodded. "Cinnamon and a touch of sugar and pimentos. I found the combination in a Greek cookbook." His approval calmed her. Why did she have to feel like a pupil during a test? Was love supposed to feel this way? She tried to remember her feelings around Scott, but that wasn't the same thing. They'd grown-up together. But she felt sure that they hadn't experienced anything like this. Scott had known everything about her and she thought the same about him until...until he died and left her penniless. "Here I thought we're having chips and dipâ€Åšbut go on," Garrett said. "I want to hear more about your library project." "Okay. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through." She was so glad not to face remembering how bad Scott had made her feel. "After much deliberation and soul searching on my part, I took my ideas to a board meeting. I presented articles from well-known physicians who suggested that residents required less physical care, and that they lived on the average of four years longer when occupied with interesting activities." "That's great," Garrett said but his words lacked enthusiasm. "Uh, where did you come across this study?" "I believe it was in an Activities journal. Why?" "I-I might want to read it. Use it for advertising Twin Pines," he spoke nervously. Garrett dove into his soup. When the bowl was half-empty he asked, "How did the board feel about your protest?" She smiled brightly. "What could they say? They knew it would be money in their pockets. They have to compete with the larger nursing homes and assisted living centers, not only in this region, but across the country. The only obstacle came from the corporate office. They didn't want to spend the money for the architectural changes." Lifting the lid on the tureen, she ladled more soup into his nearly empty bowl. Garrett didn't appear to have such a huge appetite. He was thin, muscular and firm. "For a while, I didn't know if we were going to pull off the changes, but somehow, the owner of the corporation got involved and within a few days the changes were authorized." "Rebel rouser." She tossed her head and grinned. "Not really, but what I'm really proud of is something else. I suggested the doors open out into the courtyard. The original design had only the dining room exit to the area. I felt it would be used much more if it was accessible from the multiple areas." "Excellent. Excellent!" "What are you commenting about, the door idea or the soup." "Both." Garrett said, his smile turning to a chuckle. Bella's smile faded, her mood turning somber. "That's why this suspension hurts so badly. I've only had the best interest of the facility in mind. Tell me, Garrett, who is it you suspect?" He shook his head. "Bella, I can't say until I catch the guilty parties red handed, you know that. Isn't it enough for you to know I recognize your innocence?" "Yes, but..." "But nothing," he added, then took the last spoonful of soup then placed his spoon in the empty bowl. "You can stay here, out of the way, and I'll set everything in motion." Bella bit her bottom lip as she considered his proposal. "I can do that, for a few days." Garrett frowned, his lips pulling into a tight line as he considered her plea. "I might agree, but I don't understand why you'd want to return to your apartment. Evergreen isn't safe for you right now." "I-I'm hesitant to tell you...y-you'll think it's a lame excuse." Unconsciously her brow furrowed. "Bella," he said softly. "I only want to understand." "I need to conduct the residents' council meeting. Gladys Fortney wanted a menu change. After everything she has been through, I think she'll want me there. We were discussing this right before she was locked out in the cold." "Are you sure she'll be back from the hospital in Casper?" Bella's eyes grew wide. She hadn't thought of that. "Is she that bad?" He shrugged and moved his gaze to the pottery salt and peppershakers in the middle of the table. "I'm not sure if she'll want to come back. Isn't there someone else that could hold that meeting for you? Nikki possibly?" "No," she cried. "Not her. The residents seem cool toward her. She's never moderated a council meeting. The residents trust me--" She knew it sounded like whining, but this situation made her feel hopeless. Throwing up his hands, he sighed, "Amanda is furious. I told her I would suspend you." Garrett fell into a somber mood. His face tightened into a stern mask as he pondered her question. Sitting straighter in his chair, he drove his fist into the palm of his hand as if to punctuate his thought. "I'll try to avoid her." Garrett stared quietly at the center of the table for a few seconds. "Wednesday, that's the meeting day, right?" She nodded. Garrett's mouth took an unpleasant twist. "That's the latest date I can try for, but if Amanda goes over my head to the board...well, I can't guarantee anything." Bella reached over and warmly clasped his hand. "Thank you. I know you want me to stay here...and I will after the meeting, but...damn!" Resting his chin on his hand, he narrowed his eyes. "Now what?" His words a mere whisper. Bella caught her lower lip between her teeth. "Can't I stay in town longer? I have to finish coordinating the center holiday plans!" "After everything that has happened to you there, you want to do this?" "Yes. It's not for anyone other than the residents. They deserve that much from me. They didn't cause these problems for me." Shrugging slightly he said, "I guess if you're willing to be there, I'm willing to help you stay, but it won't be easy. Amanda really wants you out of there." "I wonder why?" she whispered. "I don't understand." "Why does she want me gone so badly," she stammered, not wanting him to hear the skepticism in her voice. "And, thanks, Garrett. It really means a lot to me. I'll just come into town with you Monday and stay at home. I'll drop in for the resident's meeting. Do you think that will work?" "It sounds like a plan, now what's with all this good, hardy food? I thought you were only serving me junk food." His light observation eased the tension between them. "I'd hoped you'd be surprised." Bella admitted. "There's a whole lot you don't know about me." Her voice sounded shakier than she'd have liked. He nodded in agreement. "You're right on that count, but I want to change that. If you remember, we tried to change that last night." He looked at her and a devilish grin played the corners of his mouth. She averted her eyes to her empty bowl to avoid his salacious gaze. It was better if she let this subject drop. "The snow is really coming down. I looked out a while ago and it's already filled the tracks." "That's terrible." His brows knitted together with concern. "Don't worry," she said teasingly. "The weather forecast earlier said the high tomorrow will be thirty-two degrees with sunny skies. That should melt some of it." Garrett pushed back his chair. "I'm going to change from music to radio for a while. I want to hear the weather forecast." He hurriedly left the kitchen. "Garrett. Come back down here. I have dessert for us. There's nothing to worry about." She'd no more spoken the words when an updated weather forecast interrupted the country music. "A stockman's advisory has been issued for Northern Wyoming. Twelve to sixteen inches of new snow is expected overnight with wind gusting to fifty miles an hour." Their exact location. "Ha! What do you think now?" Garrett hollered down to her as he leaned over the log railing. "Well..." He raced down the stairs with overflowing energy, returning to the table. Sitting down beside her, he leaned toward her and kissed her quickly on the end of the nose. "So tell me Madame Mann...what do you foresee in your crystal ball for Sunday?" "Ummm..." She murmured wantonly in her best spiritualist voice. "I need more kisses to clear my crystal ball." With her eyes closed, she felt Garrett's nearness and the room filled with a sexual tension so thick the electricity could cause an explosion. Garrett reached out, pulling her head toward him. They were nose to nose. "You're beautiful and a great cook, too." He looked at her and the double meaning of his gaze was obvious. Their lips merged. The subtle flavors that lingered from the meal combined. Bella's heart hammered behind her ribs and her breath stuck in her chest. There was no doubting her desire and it sent her spirits spiraling upward. She knew they had to stop this kiss or it would be too late to turn back. Especially considering how close they came to doing it last night. Her feelings for Garrett ran so deep. How could she pull away from him? Garrett made her dizzy and weak with love andâ€Åšlust. She ached to release her reckless yearnings; to sweep the dishes onto the floor and make love in the middle of the dining room table. Somehow, her hands found his shoulders. She pushed him away. "Stop. Please!" She pleaded. "I'm not ready for this. You make me crazy," she cried, her voice raspy and thick with desire. "I won't hurt you, Bella. I love you." Garrett's eyes grew wide with the surprise of his admission. His words cut a path across her soul. Her ears buzzed and her stomach floppedâ€Åš their relationship had just escalated to a higher level. Love? She knew she loved him and she'd hoped that he would feel the same for her...sometime. When had his feelings changed? "Garrettâ€Åšyou love me?" Bella asked with trembling lips. She watched the color slowing returning to his face. "You should see yourself. You're positively white." In spite of herself, she chuckled, "Um-hum...I'm not surprised. That's the first time I've said that to a woman." A few beads of perspiration formed across his upper lip. He took out a paisley handkerchief from his back pocket dabbing at the moisture. "I didn't mean for it to slip out like that." "Why?" "Isn't it obvious? You're not ready to hear it. As a matter-of-fact, it's probably the most inopportune time I could have chosen. I shouldn't have said that while we're standing in the middle of the home you shared with your husband." He looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry." Bella kept her gaze averted from his and began, "I-I'm not sorry you told me. I've fallen in love with you, too." "This is so fast," he muttered in disbelief. She smiled at him and took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I think it began the day I found you annihilating the stairway." His body stiffened with the impact of her words. "I'm shocked. I certainly didn't think we would be sitting here discussing this. Where do we go from here though?" Garrett took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. She stood up, more surprised and uncertain than ever. "I don't know for sure. With everything going on at the care center..." "Work has nothing to do with our relationship. You didn't do any of those horrible things you're accused of doing. I know that. I just wonder why they want you to look guilty." "They?" Her brows rose. "Has to be. Too much has gone on for one person to accomplish. Another reason it can't be you." "Thank you," she whispered, dropping back into the chair. "For loving me and for believing in me. Garrett smoothed the back of his hand across her prominent cheekbone. "This isn't the way I imagined telling you about my feelings." Bella threw him a puzzled look. "How...?" His gaze riveted on her face, then slowly moved over her body. "Really, I thought I would be too afraid to say the words, but I'm not. I'm..." His blatantly sexual stare caused the pit of her stomach to tingle. "Enough of this talk all ready. I'm not prepared to do what that look you're giving me implies." "Oh, but we will dear heart. Maybe not here tonight, but we will." Bella stood and ambled to the kitchen. Returning to the table, she brought with her, a lemon cake topped with a blueberry sauce. "You are a treat, Bella Mann. When did you make this?" Garrett said and dived into the dessert. "I hid a prepared cake near the bottom of the basket, and the berries were in my freezer." Bella kissed the top of his head. Garrett slid his hand up her leg and squeezed the soft flesh of her upper thigh. The feeling sent a jolt of excitement through her and her breath caught in her chest. She wanted nothing more than to spend the weekend making love to Garrett. * * * * "Let me help you do the dishes," Garrett said earnestly as he carried the soup bowls back into the kitchen. "Oh, you don't have to do that," Bella cried. "You'll spoil me." But she let him anyway. Dishes were her least favorite household chore. With his help, the cleanup took only minutes. Chores completed for the night, they entered the living room arm-in-arm. Bella collapsed onto the leather sofa. "What a day..." Garrett groaned, dropping down beside her. Brandy awoke and jumped in the middle of them, swiping their faces with her soft wet tongue. "Enough, Brandy." Garrett said forcefully and the dog dropped down beside him. "I wondered if we were going to make it here!" She kicked off her shoes before placing her feet on the oak coffee table in front of her. Brandy jumped onto the couch nestling between them. She eyed Garrett suspiciously. He raked his fingers through his long, black hair. "Truthfully, I wish we hadn't come here." "Why?" she cried in alarm, turning toward him, her eyes open wide with surprise. "Bella, it's not that I don't want to be here with you, it's just â€Åš I-I want you so much. It's going to be hell sleeping in the room next to you tonight." At that moment, her heart felt as if it were melting in her chest. Over the last three years, she had too many unanswered questions pounding at her heart. But all of her doubts concerning her life as it had been in the past had little to do with her feelings for Garrett. Bella had thought she needed to know the answers before she could share herself with Garrett. Scott had hurt her badly. Now? Those doubts were only a speck on the horizon. She wanted Garrett body and soul. "I'm sorry, Garrett--" "Don't worry about it. You're worth the wait." She opened her mouth to speak, tell him that he was wrong, but the words refused to flow from her lips. To keep gloomy conversations at bay, Bella dug out a battered Scrabble game from the table beside them. After four games, she'd trounced Garrett three games to one. It was nearly midnight when she eased her body out from under the coffee table, stretching to relieve the cramped muscles in her legs. Brandy did a nervous dance around her and ran to the front door. "Come on sweetie," Bella called to Brandy as she walked toward the door. She tossed open the door only to have Brandy plant her feet and refuse to go outside. It was a good thing the door opened into the room or she would have never got the door opened. The wind howled, plastering wet snow in a drift over three feet tall. Garrett stood beside her looking out over the drift. "I'll get my coat and go out with her," Garrett offered, walking to the coat rack by the door. "You'll freeze out there, and besides, how are you going to get through this drift?" He shook his head. "I don't think I'll freeze. I have all this residual, scorching heat from my indecent thoughts about you to keep me warm." He laid his forearms over her shoulders and lowered his lips to hers. Their kiss only lasted for a moment before he broke away from the emotion as suddenly as it began. "I can't take much more of this, y'know. Before you know it, you'll have me on my knees begging you to marry me." he said earnestly. "Run off to bed and I'll see to Brandy and finish up down here." "Come on doggie," he said in a singsong voice as he took his coat off the hook. Brandy jumped up on his legs. Garrett reopened the door then kicked the drift making a hole in it. He pushed his way through, Brandy right behind him. "Good thing it wasn't very deep," he laughed, looking back at her. He and the dog walked into the yard and disappeared into the cold, snowy night leaving Bella staring after them. Marry him? What a thought. She loved being married before. Yes, if Garrett asked her, she would fall at his feet to kiss them. He was her hero, her love. She even dreamed about him in her sleep. She felt possessed by aura. The cold air made her shiver and she shut the door, a huge smile plastered on her face. * * * * The powerful wind blew through the pine trees, whistling a sad, mournful song as Garrett lay in his bed watching the flames from the fire make a dancing pattern of light and dark shadows against the ceiling. Just knowing that Bella slept a few feet from him had kept him awake nearly all night. Passion quickened his pulse, and lustful thoughts aside, the room felt too warm. He slept fitfully, awaking to watch the clock change hours. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Bella. In her nightgown that first moment they met, playing ball with the residents, and her angry face at the fund-raiser when she found he was her supervisor. He loved Bella Mann. He wanted to marry her. How was he going to explain his arrival to Wyoming? He had to keep her from finding out his real reason for coming here. Rationalizing the situation, from the first report Mr. Van Horn had sent, Garrett had not believe Bella Mann was the person causing the problems at the care center. He'd first come across her name as an applicant for the position of corporate activity's consultant. Her references, residents' at her care center, the previous administrator, community members and her peers in the state activities association, gave her glowing recommendations. Garrett favored her for the job. Bella was the only applicant to use resident referrals. Within a few days, he hoped Bella would be exonerated. He'd given his grandmother the telephone number out here when everything was set. Now, all he had to do was wait. He only hoped that Bella would forgive him for this deception.   CHAPTER TWELVE  SOMETIME DURING THE NIGHT, he must have slept because Garrett awoke to a bleak, gray morning in his cold bedroom. He snuggled down into the covers, but couldn't return to that unfeeling level of sleep that would allow him to ignore the cold. He threw the covers back and raced for his clothing. The snow continued all that day. Garrett told Bella about his years growing up in Arizona. She could see the young, vulnerable Garrett when he laughed uncontrollably at the tale of panning for gold in the mountain stream and of his first skiing adventures near Flagstaff. They talked, drank hot chocolate and, kept a safe distance from each other with the help of the Scrabble game. They didn't violate their unspoken agreement not to discuss their budding love. After a dinner of burritos, his with yogurt and Bella's with sour cream that she'd hidden in the bottom of the grocery cart along with the cake, she cleaned the kitchen alone while Garrett disappeared into another part of the house. She entered the dark living room only illuminated by leaping flames of the fireplace and reached out to turn on the desk lamp. "Don't do that. You'll ruin my surprise." "Oh! You spooked me. I didn't know where you were." She jerked her hand away from the lamp. "Walk toward the fireplace." She walked across the room to stand in the firelight. "Turn around," Garrett ordered. "Oh, my gosh," she laughed aloud, throwing her hands over her mouth to suppress a rash of giggles. She stared in disbelief at the scene before her. Garrett had placed the ash bucket, filled with snow, on the coffee table. In the middle of the snow was a bottle of champagne. "You aren't the only one that hid surprises for this trip. I didn't want you to know what I was doing, so..." He picked-up the glasses he'd confiscated from the bathroom and filled them with the effervescent liquid. He handed her a glass and she brought it to her lips. "Do you like it?" "Umm. It's wonderful and so are you." She took another sip. "I love your surprise." He pulled her down beside him. "You're the wonderful one." He reached out tracing her lips with his fingers then replaced his fingers with his lips. Her soft, yielding body fit against his hard demanding frame as easily as two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Longing caused her heart to jolt and her pulse to pound. Bella pulled out of the kiss whispering, "Tell me I don't know what I'm doing." "You don't know what you're doing," he repeated easily and stole another sweet kiss from her lips. She tipped her head back feeling a dizzying sensation that rolled her eyes back into her head. "Yes I do. I'm going to make love with you." She ran her tongue across her lips savoring his husky flavor and the sweet tinge of champagne. Garrett sat up a bit straighter at her words, reaching out; he poured more champagne for her and a touch more for himself. Sipping the wine, she gazed longingly over the edge of the glass. Instead of cooling her, the bubbly liquid increased the fire that burned in the center of her being. The hot desire cracked the frozen ice around her heart. Bella leaned over, set her glass on the table, then took Garrett's glass from his hand and placed it beside hers. "What are you doing?" He questioned hoarsely, lust filling his voice. He tilted his head and looked at her suspiciously. "I'm doing exactly what I told you I planned to do a moment ago. Make love to you," she murmured tartly, impatient to feel the familiar sensations of physical love. Slowly, she stretched her arms toward his shoulder, pushing him down on the large sofa. With feline movements, she stretched her long body across his length. He grasped her hips and pulled her tighter against him. Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his curly black hair. The light from the fire flashed a red and yellow glow on the spirals. She could feel the dampness of his hair from the heat of his passion. She lowered her lips onto his; the kiss filled her with a feeling of deep longing that only Garrett could wipe away. He reached his hand under her bulky sweater and lightly followed the path of the lace against her breast. Bella shuddered, amazed at the power such a faint touch held. He'd unlocked her heart and soul. She felt his heart pounding against her own as they struggled to become one. "I love you," she whispered. The words caused a delightful shiver of wanting to run through her, splintering her mind into fragments. Facing each other, she pulled Garrett's sweater over his head. "Kiss me." There was nothing she wanted more than his lips heating her own. His hands slid under her sweater and he flipped it over her head. The cool air feathered over her body. "Here?" he asked, then kissed the swell of one breast then the other. "That'll do," she whispered. The flames from the fire reflected in his eyes as he gazed at her body. He licked his lips and they glistened in the firelight. She cleared her throat, pretending not to be affected by his energy and power that undeniably attracted her. "I want you so badly," she whispered. Her voice was low-pitched as it echoed deeply from her passion-tightened throat. Garrett guided his fingers to the waist of her jeans finding the buttons that guarded the way to her sweetness. Pushing the material together, the metallic row slid freely from the buttonholes. Pushing the thick material over her hips was easy as she rose to help him. Down they slid over the firm swell of her derriere and onto her slim legs. She kicked them to the floor. "Hey. I'm the one seducing youâ€Åš" Bella said. "Oh, you think so, huh?" Garrett captured her lips and dragged her into the kiss. Bella and Garrett became lost in their world of delight and sensation. The blizzard raged outside, but inside the house, nothing impeded the progress of the lovers toward their pinnacle of bliss. He softly touched her cheek, turning her head toward him, then pressed his lips against her hair, then her forehead and then her lips. The kiss sent her stomach into a wild swirl. He moved his head away. "Look at me," he groaned. She met his gaze, feeling a tug of sexual desire pull at her as if her body began to awaken from the years of frozen pain. Desire rose within her, battling back the apprehension as he fluttered kisses over her lips, her cheeks, her eyes and back to her lips. His hands moved seductively across her stomach in maddening circles that caused her to arch her body toward his hands. He did not attempt to hide the fact that he was watching her, and it filled her with a strange inner excitement. Ever so slowly, he moved his hands up her sides, lingering at the full sweep of her breasts, causing her to cry aloud, then reached around her and unclasped her bra. This feeling was so different from anything she'd experienced with Scott. Stronger, more consuming. She took a deep breath. Garrett's gaze dragged in her taut, aroused nipples. Invisible fingers clutched at her heart. He deepened the kiss and when their tongues met, liquid fire flooded her body, melting the remaining swords of ice that held her heart hostage for so many years and swept away the pain-filled memories of the past. Parting her lips even more, he traced tight circles against them. The love making that had started so slowly intensified to a fevered pitch. She moved her body off his and lay by his side. His skin glistened in the firelight and she touched his rippled stomach, circling lower and lower until she came across the metal button at his waistband. In seconds, she had the fastening open and her hand continued toward her destination. Bella's heart pounded in her chest and the fast staccato weakened her resistance. She stroked him, finding him hard and hungry for her liquid fire and gripping ecstasy. Garrett groaned deeply in his chest and turned to face her. He buried his face into the valley between her breasts and the fleshy buds scraped against his beard. Cupping them, he lavished the succulent peaks with wet kisses. Bella's fingers dug into his back drawing him closer. Her ardor increased with each kiss. Twisting her body, she slid out from beneath him. She wanted to taste him...just one taste of that silky, rigid skin that sprang against her hand. Bella was aching and burning. She lowered her head, fitting her upper body over his. Her lips contacted the satiny skin. Garrett moaned softly. The pleasure was pure and explosive and he wound his fingers through the silkiness of her hair and pulled her down against him. The dormant sexuality of her body had awakened. Raising her head to look at him, she asked, smiling at him, "Will you make love to me now?" Garrett looked down at her through lust-filled eyes. "Here?" "Yes." Garrett kicked out of his clothing, his downy body touched hers causing Bella to shudder. He reached up, running both of his hands through her tousled hair. With a quick movement lay her back against the sofa cushions. Bella slipped her arms around his neck, her whole being flooded with desire. His savage kisses, so desperate and reckless sent raw flame shooting through her veins. She'd never guessed that anything could be as wonderful as the feel of their bodies straining for fulfillment. She struggled beneath him. Her nipples hardened against the downy curls on his chest. His hands reached under her and cupped the swell of her buttocks, pulling her against his throbbing arousal. She panted with a passion that throbbed painfully through her body as Garrett parted her thighs. His gaze swept over her. "I've fantasized about you looking like this under me, trembling with lust." She blinked back her surprise. "Now, Garrett. Now--" He groaned out, "No. Not yet. You have to feel more--be consumed by the need." Garrett reached between them and trailed his fingers across her drenched flesh causing a sensation like the reverberation of a plucked guitar string to echo through her body. "Garrett!" "Relax," he whispered. Taking her hand, he wrapped her fingers around him. "You do it when you're ready. I've waited for this moment for weeks. Arching her back, she impaled herself on his rigid length. Sensations of lust, joy and longing filled her. When his passion split her core, brilliant fireballs exploded in her head, and his frantic movements sent her soaring into the realm between heaven and earth, she was nearly delirious when she felt him tighten and call her name as they joined the heavens. An explosion of sound rumbled through the room and echoed for a few moments. Garrett jumped to his feet nearly knocking Bella to the floor. "What the hell was that?" He yelled. Bella shook her head in disbelief, pulling herself to a sitting position on the sofa. "I haven't the foggiest! I've heard of the earth moving, but I didn't really think it would happen!" Garrett smiled at her as he tossed on his clothes and ran in the direction of the pandemonium. He zipped up his pants and took the stairs two at a time. Bella, half-dressed, struggled with her sweater as she chased Garrett up the stairs. A cold breeze rushed from Bella's bedroom door. Log chinking covered her bed and the floor. One side of the closet sat at an awkward angle and looked nearly to topple to the floor. "Good Lord! What's happened?" Bella cried, her voice shaking from emotion. Garrett walked to the window and looked outside. "I'd say a big tree fell on it." Wind-driven snow filtered into the room through the spaces left by the vacant chinking. Bella gave her head a shake, still bewildered. "What are we going to do?" "It looks safe for now. I don't think the roof is going to fall. But we need to put something over the wall where the snow is coming in." Bella thought for a moment. "I think there's a tarp in the storage area under the stairs. Will that work?" "Perfectly!" Bella raced down the stairs, rummaged around until she found the tarp, then raced back up the stairs. They tried to secure the tarp to the wall, but she didn't have a hammer and nails. Garrett tried pushing the tarp into the cracks between the logs, but the wind blew it back into the room. "Garrett...I don't think this is working." In frustration she swept the chinking of the bed and dropped down on it. He sat beside her and stared at the problem. Unless they stacked the furniture against the wall to hold the tarp in place, it was useless. "I know!" Garrett said with excitement. "The closet is nearly to collapse. Let's tear it down and use the wood to hold the tarp in place." The project only took a few minutes to complete. They were warm from the exertion, but the room was freezing. "Damn!" Garrett suddenly cried. Bella twisted her head in his direction and saw him pitch forward, nearly falling. She hurried to his side and looked down at the floor. Garrett had caught his foot on a corner of a door jutting at an odd angle on the closet floor. "What's that?" She dropped to her knees and began brushing the dust from the floor. The rubble filtered into crack made by a hidden door. Garrett reached into his pocket and withdrew a knife. Using his thumbnail, he opened the blade and knelt beside Bella. "I'll pry the door off and we'll see what's under here. Haven't you seen this before?" He asked with serious tones. "No. Never. Until we dismantled the closet, it was dark way in the back and we moved the shoe boxes, too." Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she watched him slide the blade of the knife into the wood and pry upward. When he'd raised the door evenly all around, he abandoned the knife and pulled with his fingers. Once the door was level, it opened easily. "Will you look at that?" Garrett exclaimed. "It's an old floor safe. From the looks of it, it must have been here for years. Maybe it was put in here when the old part of the house was built." She blinked, clearly shocked. "And I didn't even know it was there." She folded her arms across her chest to quell the trembling in her body. Had Scott known about the safe, had he used it? It looked impregnable sitting there, taunting them with its combination nearly covered with dust and cobwebs. "I don't suppose you have an old combination hiding somewhere?" "I wish I did. I have to know what's in there." Garrett stood and reached out a hand to pull her from the floor. "Come on. It's too cold in here to try to open it tonight. I'm nearly frozen." She shook her head. "Do you think it would open with a key, too?" Garrett knelt once again, sweeping off the debris to look at the safe more closely. "Yeah. Right here on the side is a keyhole. Why?" "Hang on!" Bella ran from the room. When she returned, she had a key in her hand. "Scott had this in his jewelry chest. It's oldâ€Åšblack; I thought it must have been a keepsake from his youth. I never knew that it really went to something." Bella inserted the tarnished key into the lock. When it slid in with ease, she looked at Garrett, her eyes wide. Holding her breath, she turned the key and heard the deep metallic chunk as the bolt slid from its seat. "It worked!" Garrett hollered. "I'll be damned." Bella grasped the handle and opened the heavy door. The contents included several envelopes and a large money bag stamped Evergreen State Bank." "Let's look at that stuff down stairs by the fire. I'm freezing," Garrett said as he shivered. Bella took the items out and rushed out of the room ahead of Garrett. "Don't forget to close the door," she hollered over her shoulder as she raced to the raised fireplace hearth and sat down. She closed her eyes to gain strength to continue. She shuddered, and not from the cold when she recognized Scott's handwriting on one of the envelopes. That was all she needed to see to confirm that her suspicions were right. Scott had used the safe. Excitement flooded through her. She'd heard of things like this happening, but she hadn't thought of it happening to her. Sorting through the envelopes, she found the elusive life insurance policy. In another, a letter to Scott. How had he thought she would find all of this if he didn't tell her about the safe? But she supposed that was not unusual. No one expected to die. Her life could have been a lot easier if she'd known about the safe, though. She sighed deeply, releasing her air in a gush that blew the bangs from her face. "These are the documents I needed when Scott died." Her voice was barely above a whisper. She unfolded the letter and began to read. "Why don't I go and make us some coffee? I'm sure you need your privacy for this." Tears streamed from Bella's eyes and dripped from her chin. "Thanks Garrett. Have you ever been told that you are a super nice man?" "I have now. Thanks." He walked into the kitchen. Here was Scott's will and the insurance policy. How ironic. She'd finally gotten back on her feet, paid-off all the bills, and now she found everything that would have made her life so much easier. Slowly she opened the letter. The words contained in it left no doubt, he was having an affair at the time of his death. Garrett walked back into the room with two mugs of coffee. "Are you all right?" He asked softly. "I know you need your space, but I'm afraid to leave you alone." She nodded her head and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She patted the sofa beside her, offering to let him join her. An hour ago they'd made love here, and now, she peered back into that life she'd tried so hard to keep in the past. Handing the documents to Garrett to read, she took the coffee and sipped at the warming liquid. "I don't understand why he took our money out of savings. I think there was nearly one thousand dollars in the account. And nowâ€Åš" A sob caught in her throat. "Honey, you can't keep wondering. Here." He extended his arms and gathered her into his embrace. She sobbed from the pain and loss. When her tears had subsided, Garrett reached for the moneybag and looked inside. "Bella...there's a lot more than a thousand dollars in here." He started removing the money and hour later; he'd totaled it to eight-hundred thousand dollars. "I'm more confused now, than before. Where did this money come from?" Her tears began to flow in rivers again. This time, she cried herself to sleep. Garrett laid her back against the couch and covered her with a bright colored afghan. He stroked her hair, wiped the damp tracks of her tears and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt sure this money had something to do with the problems he was finding at the care center. Lillian had been keeping him posted, but she'd found little evidence that there were problems with the staff members. They were gracious and seemed genuinely sincere in their care of the elderly. No. The problem had to be higher up than with the CNA's, housekeeping and dietary staff members. Someone wanted Bella out of the way and this money must have something to do with it. Garrett released a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He'd checked everything about Bella--except her dead husband. Scott Mann had some very deep secrets and Garrett was going to find out just what they were. * * * * Sunday dawned sunny and bright. Rays of sun poured into the living room and nudged Bella awake. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt puffy and heavy from crying. Frogeyes! Good God. How was she to face Garrett looking like this? Tossing off the blanket, she stumbled toward the bathroom to splash her face with cold water. She didn't want Garrett to see her in such a state. Just thinking of his name caused her heart to race. Their lovemaking the night before had done little to curb her desire for the man. Actually, her craving for him had grown wanton. The muffled sound of his voice filtered through to her when she opened the bathroom door. He must be on the phone. Not wanting to eavesdrop, she walked back to the living room, but she could hear his conversation, anyway. It sounded as if he were arguing with someone. She listened closer and could make out a few words. From what she heard, Garrett was talking to his grandmother. What could Lillian have done to make him angry? Moments later, Garrett walked into the room. "Well, I see you're finally awake." He smiled. "Should we grab something to eat and get going back to town before it begins snowing again?" After a breakfast of French toast and eggs, they packed their bags and drove back into town. The snow had stopped during the night, the wind had calmed to a gentle breeze, but the deep snow, and mountainous drifts caused Garrett to lock the vehicle into four-wheel drive. Bella sat quietly huddled in the passenger seat thinking about the damage to her cabin. She had to notify her insurance carrier about the damage done and find someone to complete the repairs. In the light of day, she was embarrassed about her actions the night before. Thank, God Garrett hadn't said anything to her about it. She tried to look out the side window, but it was steamed-over. Rubbing her gloved hand against the glass, the mist formed into droplets of water. At least she could see the towering pines and their blanket of snow. The dark green, nearly black, trees in the sea of snow looked like a child's crayon rendition of winter. The deep snow made it difficult for Garrett to find the narrow road. He slowed the Blazer to a crawl. Finally, they reached the main highway, but it was in no better condition than the dirt road they'd just exited, but luckily, another vehicle had covered the distance before them. They could follow those tracks. Bella chewed on her bottom lip and worried. What if that vehicle had run off the road? She knew it was foolish to fret about such things. Most of the highway was lined with steel guard railing. Bella looked over at Garrett. His had replaced his glasses with a pair of dark-tinted sunglasses. She couldn't see his eyes, but the lines in his face appeared deeper. The only sound in the interior of the Blazer came from the fan blowing warm air against the windows. The silence between them was thick, so thick it changed the atmosphere in the room. "Bella?" She jumped and quickly drew in a breath. "Ohâ€Åšyou scarâ€Åš" "Will you marry me?" He interrupted, his voice low and thick. He turned his head back to watch the road. Her jaw dropped and she stared at him. She loved him, but the words wouldn't come out of her tight throat. "A-are you serious?"   CHAPTER THIRTEEN  GARRETT'S INTENT GAZE WAS FIXED ON THE ROAD. "I know this isn't very romantic, but I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I wasn't serious." Turning in the seat, Bella faced her future husband; tears of happiness filled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll marry you!" She threw her arm over his shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. "Careful, I want to spend a long life with you." Bella saw his smile, but his concentration was on the treacherous highway. Over an hour later, Garrett turned the Blazer into the driveway and stopped near the front entrance to their apartments. Since they were the only people living in the large house, the vehicle wasn't blocking anyone. He turned in the seat and looked at Bella. "Are you sure?" He asked through dry lips. She shook her head yes. "I love you, Garrett. I have for quite a while. I talked to your grandmother about it the other day." "You did? You talked to her about us?" "I sure did, but I didn't bring it up. Lillian did. She's the one that pointed out how I felt about you. She said she could see it written all over me. It took a little while, but I realized she was right even though I really tried to fight back my feelings." She looked away from him and said, "I was hurt so bad when Scott died, and now this mystery about the safe." She couldn't quite manage a smile when she looked back at him and saw the somber look on his face. "What's the matter?" "Having grandmother, uhâ€Åšseeing through me, well, it's an uncomfortable situation," Garrett said. "It really was innocent. The subject just came up." He fiddled with the gearshift knob. "Okay, I understand. I'm overly sensitive about my personal life." He looked up at her over the edge of his glasses. "She'll be thrilled when we tell her about our plans. She's wanted me to get married, have beautiful children for her to spoil." Bella slapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh! My gosh! My mother will be so excited. She's wanted to give me a large wedding and reception. I have to call her and tell her the news." She tossed open the door and stepped out onto the frozen pavement. "Go ahead and call. I'll bring in the luggage and the dog," he said as he pushed the button that unlocked the back window of the vehicle. Bella rushed into the apartment tossing her coat over the back of the sofa. Before she'd crossed the living room, the telephone rang. "Mother!" Bella cried when she heard the voice she'd missed so much. Garrett had the luggage into both apartments, a pot of coffee made and he was sitting in the living room looking at the fire before Bella was off the telephone. When she walked into the room carrying two steaming mugs, he smiled at her. "It sounded like she was excited." "I'll say. You should hear what she wants to do for us. The works!" Garrett leaned toward her and kissed her lips lightly. "Whatever you want, I want, also. It was pretty amazing that she called just when we walked in." "Not really," Bella said as laughter bubbled in her voice. "She calls every Sunday about this time." Her look became somber and she looked into her mug. "I hope you mean what you said earlier, that you want what I want." "Why?" He asked sincerely. "My parents are coming home sometime after Christmas and mother wants to begin the wedding plans." "No problem. I want to start on the plans myself. Like the honeymoon." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her tenderly. Bella stiffened. "That's not all I want to talk about, Garrett. I want to go back to work. Not just for a few days, either. This is the busiest time of the year. There are the parties, entertainment and I have to arrange for the gifts for the resident's that have no family or friends. Please, Garrett. Is there some way we can work this out?" He stared into the fire; a muscle in his jaw jumped rhythmically as he pondered her request. Her antique clock ticked away the seconds, then the minutes before he answered her. "If you are there, it could jeopardize the plans I've made to uncover the corruption." He chewed on his bottom lip and returned to silence. Bella didn't know what to say. He looked at her sternly for a moment, and then he took the mug from her hands and set it on the table. He turned his whole body in her direction and took both of her hands in his. "Okay, I'll agree to it and I will tell Amanda that I'm not suspending you,'ll have to follow my directions explicitly." "You make it sound soâ€Åšdangerous!" She laughed. "Don't take this lightly, Bella. Can you do that?" The seriousness in his eyes caused her amusement to fade. She slowly nodded. "It might be difficult, but yes, I can." * * * * The next day, Garrett stood in the dining room doorway watching Bella conduct exercise class. He caught her attention and motioned for her. She weaved her way through the crowd of wheelchairs. His eyes glittered wickedly as he watched her and she felt a flutter of yearning in the pit of her stomach. "What?" She asked. "Has something happened?" "No, nothing like that," he said. His full lips pulled into a smile. "I wanted to see you because I've missed you. If we weren't in the middle of this crowd, I'd show you how much I love you." She licked her lips, watching the expression in his eyes change from amusement to pounding desire and her knees felt weak. "Whyâ€ÅšMr. Brooks, behave yourself," she said with pretend shock. "You'll get both of us into trouble." "Still want to marry me?" He whispered in her ear. She smiled softly and said, "Of course I do, silly, but I think I should try you out again, before I purchase you. That first time might have been a fluke." Garrett threw back his head and laughed. "You're incorrigible! Here I've been hungering for your body, but no, I've been good. I'll have to show you my undisputed techniques." Bella's eyes widened. She stared at him then looked away. "Shhh! Someone might hear you." Then she looked back at him and asked, "Uh, Garrett â€Åšabout your technique. Anything more and I might have died!" "I can do better. I love you." "Garrett! Stop it. Why did you call me over here?" "To tell you we have an appointment for our blood tests at the hospital lab in twenty minutes. Will you be there?" She brushed back a lock of hair that had escaped from the tight knot at her neck. "So soon?" "I don't want you changing your mind." "Wellâ€Åšsure, I'll be there. You do know that everyone will know about it now." Garrett smiled and placing his index finger and thumb together, gave her an OK sign before turning to walk down the hall to his office. Before the lunch hour was over, Garrett and Bella had their blood tests and had gone to the courthouse and filled out the forms for the marriage license. When Bella returned to her office, she collapsed into her chair and put her head down on her hands. Her head felt like a bowl of oatmeal. She was overjoyed that she was marrying Garrett, but a little frightened, too. They hadn't set a date, not yet. She wanted to talk to her mother to see how much time they needed to pull something together. With all the activity over lunch hour, Bella had forgotten to tell Garrett that she'd deposited the money into her savings account and had taken the will and insurance papers to her lawyer before she came into work. She was going to be a rich woman in a short while. Scott's original life policy was modest, the one she found in the safe was not. It was a huge sum. She wondered if that would bother Garrett. Throwing herself into her work was the only way she knew how to cope and she began reviewing her lists to make sure all the holiday plans were completed. She had to work fast because she wasn't so sure about Amanda. She could go to the hospital board to demand Bella's resignation at any time. If that happened, she wanted the resident's to have a good Christmas. The only item on her list not completed was the art show. Bella had developed that idea a few months ago and it was quickly becoming a nightmare. It was surprising to find such ignorance concerning the elderly in today's world. She'd called many area artists only to hear how flabbergasted they were that she'd asked them to submit items for a display. The artists couldn't imagine why the old folk's home would want to have their work displayed. One woman intimated that if the resident could see the work, they probably didn't have the mind to understand it. Bella took the artists' ignorance as a personal challenge to educate the public. She wanted to show the younger generations that the very elderly were vital human beings that have fulfilling lives and could share love and information--that they were this country's hidden treasure. She loved to sit and talk to her older friends. They gave her insight into another way of life, and at times, she felt jealous, wishing she'd experienced living in the more gentle times of their lives. Chewing on the end of her pencil, she wondered how to get the artists to commit to her idea of an art show. Suddenly, she had a great notion. This had to be the right strategy. An hour later, nine local artists agreed to show their work at the Christmas Open House. The winning concept was agreeing to have an art auction following the show. Money, it seemed, was still the greatest motivator of human nature. The last call she'd placed was to Ali Lake, a local artist and the female anchorperson on the ten o'clock news. Bella recanted her proposal and Ali took the idea a step further. Ali wanted to bring a camera crew and interview the residents and the artists. By the time Bella had finished talking to the woman, Ali had volunteered to teach a watercolor art class so a few of the residents could show their work along with the professional artists at the show. Bella spent the rest of the afternoon on the telephone publicizing the show. When she was satisfied with the results of her hard work, she picked up the telephone receiver and punched in Garrett's extension. "Heyâ€ÅšI was just thinking about calling you," Garrett whispered into the phone. "I have something to show you." "Is this going to be an obscene phone call?" She quizzed in mock disgust. "What?" "Oh, never mind," she said. "What do you want to show me?" "'s a surprise." "Oh, all right. But I hate surprises," she said then changed the subject. "I think after work tonight we should tell Lillian about our engagement." "Good idea, before someone from the lab drops by and says something. I'll drop by your office at five. See you later." Bella sat with the telephone in her hands when Nikki entered the office. "Oh! I didn't know you were here. I thought you were on leave of absence or something," she said, smiling, but blinked her eyes clearly shocked to see Bella at the desk. What a phony, Bella thought. She did not answer Nikki's question but asked, "Where have you been? I've looked all over the building for you. I checked your time card. You didn't check in until eleven this morning." "I-I uh, there was a problem at home. Since I-I didn't think you were here, I didn't call." Bella pulled the evaluation out of the file cabinet. "I think you had better look at this." She handed the form to Nikki. "I expect to see progress in your weak areas during the next month. That's when I will evaluate your work again. If there isn't improvement, you will have to find another job." The woman looked at Bella with hatred in her eyes. They virtually snapped with fury. "I don't think so, Mrs. Mann. If you're smart you'll tear-up that evaluation." Bella narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat. What in the world was Nikki saying. "What? What are you talking about?" "All the stuff happening around here. I know you pushed Gladys out in the cold and locked the door. I saw you and told the director of nursing. I also told her how you mistreat the residents and steal from them. I'll bet the police could search your house and find Lillian's missing jewelry there. So, don't you threaten my job!" Nikki stood, and then stomped out of the room slamming the door behind her. Bella was too shocked to respond. She should run out of the room and fire Nikki on the spot. What had that girl said? Lillian's jewelry been stolen? Suddenly, she wondered, where had the jewelry come from in the first place? She didn't remember adding anything like that to her property list. Bella shoved the evaluation back into the file and slammed the cabinet drawer. Garrett. She had to tell him about this. Switching off the computer she reached for the telephone to call him as another idea struck her. She wanted to see him face-to-face when she told him about the encounter with Nikki. She rushed down the hall to his office, but when she knocked on his closed office door, there was no response. "Bella. Mr. Brooks isn't in his office. He went to check on his grandmother. She called him earlier. She sounded frantic," said Garrett's secretary, Darla Williams. "Thanks. I'll go to her room." "I hope everything is all right." "I'm sure it is." Bella said weakly and hurried back down the hall. When she knocked on the door, Lillian called for her to enter. Lillian's voice sounded calm and sedate, not like someone who had irreplaceable jewelry stolen. "Lillian," Bella cried as she rapidly crossed the room. "I just heard." The older woman smiled. "Oh, that, it's just old jewelry. I have much more important news to talk to you about. Your fiancé here has been telling me about your plans." Bella looked across the room and found Garrett sitting in a wingback chair facing his grandmother. "What's going on?" Bella asked. Garrett stood and walked to her side. "How did you find out about the jewelry?" "Well...Nikki came into the office and I was really upset with her. She was late for work this morning so I talked to her about it and gave her the evaluation. Garrett, she threatened me. She told me she knew I was behind all the thefts and harming poor Gladys! She also said she's the one that told Amanda about it." Garrett groaned. "We know it wasn't you. This is all part of the investigation." "Why?" Bella's tone was demanding and angry. Lillian stood and walked to Bella's side. She hugged Bella. "You have to trust him, honey. He loves you and he won't let anyone hurt or defame you." Bella looked at Garrett through teary eyes. He didn't look much better than she did. "Garrett. I'm sorry. It's just so hard being slandered like this. I try very hard to do a good job. I put all my heart and soul into it." "I know you do. Please, you have to trust me. All of this is coming to a head. It should be over soon. Then I can tell you everything." He walked to her side and rubbed his hands over her arms then squeezed them reassuringly. Lillian, Garrett and Bella stood together, giving each other support. "I'm so glad you found each other. I really think you two are soul mates." Garrett and Bella looked at each other, wondering where the old woman had heard such new age terminology. * * * The last week before Christmas fled quickly and Bella's pile of completed work began to grow taller than the stack of work left to do. She enjoyed her job and felt fulfilled at the end of the day. With Christmas near, her problems seemed to disappear. There were no more accusations. At least she still had a job and she began to relax. Along with the holiday plans, she developed an outline for her January presentation. She planned to buy some new clothing with her overtime money. She was getting so excited to see her parents again. The only sad part of the holidays was being without them. On the evenings when she came home late from work, Garrett would knock at her door with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. They would sit for a few minutes and talk about her work, but never did they discuss the investigation. She wanted to ask, but knew he couldn't tell her. The Holiday Open House, Christmas Eve day, was a huge success. Many residents' families visited and their appearance at the special activity brightened the spirits of residents and staff members alike. The overwhelming love added a special warmth to the splendidly decorated facility. The main foyer boasted a giant Spruce tree trimmed with tiny glass animals. Miniature twinkling lights illuminated the glass and reflected the brilliance into the room. This area was the meeting area for carolers and visitors alike. Bella greeted them at the door and escorted them to the community area. The library was the most used area during the Holidays. She credited this to the location. The care center was built like a wagon wheel. All the hallways led to the library. The activities area was the hub. The ancient melodies of the carols drew everyone within hearing distance to the library. Garrett sat with Lillian during the caroling. Adoration shone in his dark blue eyes as he placed a gaily-wrapped gift on her lap. Lillian never opened the gift, nor the one Bella had taken to her room earlier. She claimed never to open a gift before Christmas morning. It was nearly midnight when Bella walked home from Twin Pines. She was tired, but fulfilled. The sound of Christmas songs filled the air from the bell tower of the church near her apartment. The music pulled at her heartstrings and she felt tears of joy sting her eyes. Last year, she'd spent Christmas day huddled in a quilt on her sofa. She'd been so blue and missed Scott terribly. Now, a twinge of guilt pulled at her. Did she really deserve to feel so happy? Yes, she decided. She had her life to live. After all, she hadn't died with Scott and finding the letter that made her suspect that he was having an affair helped the grieving process. She shuddered at the thoughts of the hidden safe. Where had he gotten all that money? Who was the other woman in his life? Pushing the gloomy thoughts from her mind, Bella opened her door and took off her coat throwing it over the back of the sofa. She didn't turn on the lights. The apartment was so dreary to enter at this time of the year because she hadn't taken the time to decorate the apartment. Since she was hardly there with so much work to do, it seemed a waste of time. All at once, lights sparkled in the corner of the room. "What in the world...?" She asked absently and she walked down the steps into the living room. Garrett stretched and yawned as he sat up from the couch where he'd fallen asleep waiting for her to come home from work. "I thought you needed a Christmas surprise. You've helped everyone else but yourself. Now, its' my turn to play Santa." He pulled her into the circle of his arms and kissed her soundly. When the kiss ended she said, "I have a gift for you. He kissed her cold nose. "Ohâ€Åš?" She fluttered her eyelashes and laughed. "Oh, no. I know how your mind works. "Yes, but this time next year, I'm giving you the special present I'm thinking about." He walked toward the tree then stopped to face her. His eyes grew wide and he asked, "Do you think we'll have a little Brooks to buy for by then?" "Garrett! We need to talk about that. I want children, but I hadn't thought about when. He knelt at the base of the tree and pulled a flat package from beneath it. "I've wanted to give this to you for a week, but I decided to save it until today. Hurry and open it." Taking great care not to tear the paper, she gently opened the box. As the paper came away it revealed a large, wooden framed picture of Brandy. The animal was lying in front of the fireplace." "Garrett! When did you take this picture?" She cried with delight, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the lips. "I had to be very sneaky about it. So, you like it?" She kissed him again. "I love it. Thank you. Now, I have something for you." She skipped up the steps to her bedroom. When she returned, she had a thin package in her hands. Where Bella had taken care to open her package, Garrett tore into his quickly scattering the paper at his feet. In his hands was an eel skin portfolio. He opened it to find a sealed envelope. He looked at her quizzically. "Go ahead, open it." Garrett ripped the paper and pulled out a card. His eyes opened in surprise. "How did you know I wanted to join the health club?" "I have my ways," she laughed. "You're not the only one who is good at investigating." She didn't tell him she'd overheard him call the health club to arrange to join after the holidays. She snuggled against him as they sat on the sofa. "Thanks for the picture. I'm going to hang it over the fireplace mantle. Brandy will look cute laying by the fire both in the picture and in real life." "I have another gift for you." Garrett spoke slowly. "Garrett! I only have one for you. That's not fair!" "Sure it is. Besides, you gave me two gifts, but they were wrapped as one." Again, he walked to the tree. This time he untied a small package and pulled it from a branch. He reached out and placed it in her hand. "Go ahead. Open it!" She took the gift and pulled at the silver cord that held the two pieces together. When she took the top off the box, she found a black velvet box inside. She raised her eyes and looked at Garrett with tears in her eyes. Slowly, she opened the lid to reveal a single, brilliant diamond solitaire. It sparkled in the light like the crystal tree at the care center. "Garrett! It's beautiful!" "I thought it was time to show the world how much I love you. Now, officially, will you be my wife?" He slipped the ring on her finger. "I love you so much. Yes, I'll be Mrs. Garrett Brooks." She wasn't sure, but Garrett's eyes seemed to glitter as brightly as the diamond he slid onto her finger. Garrett put his arm around her. "I've been thinking about our wedding date. Let's get married in two weeks." "So soon?" He nodded. "The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I can hardly wait to wake up with you every morning, gaze at your pretty face over the top of the newspaper at breakfast. Face it darling, I love you." Bella smiled and him. She felt so contented and loved. Her eyes became heavy as she watched Garrett build a fire. "You know, I wouldn't mind getting married really soon. I'll call mom in the morning. She'll have to put a rush on those plans of hers." A few days later, Bella struggled to stay awake as she sat at the nurses' desk writing the monthly progress notes in the resident's charts. When she came to Lillian's chart, she struggled over the entry. The woman had lived at the care center for two months and, as of yet, she'd exhibited no problems of adjustment, if anything, she helped Bella with programming. There! That was what she needed. Her flowing cursive filled the page as she detailed Lillian's coordination abilities and how the activity's program help keep Lillian vital. The only physical problem Bella had noticed was a decrease in Lillian's hearing. At times, Bella would call her name and she didn't seem to hear her. "You're going to miss your supervisor's meeting," Adam Roth said as he reached past her for a chart. When she didn't respond, he continued, his voice louder. "Hey! What are you daydreaming about? Hawaii?" She jumped when his words broke through her reverie. "What?" "Warm weather and swaying palm trees. I think you need a vacation." Bella shook her head and smiled at her old friend. "Not really, Adam. I was just pouring over these progress notes." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and said, "If you want company, all you have to do is ask. I'd love to see your body in a skimpy swimming suit as you bask in the sun." She wrinkled her nose in distaste and pushed her heavy glasses to the top of her head. "Don't you ever give up? I prefer my own company, thank you." She replaced Lillian's chart in the holder; her new ring glittered on her finger. "That's all I can do today. If I sit here any longer, I'll fall asleep." She stood and stretched. "I haven't seen much of you lately, doctor. What's keeping you so busy?" "It's more a who than a what." He smiled at her. "I've been seeing a lot of Becky. Something about that woman keeps drawing me back to her. You should have seen that kid of hers yesterday." His up-tight demeanor relaxed and he continued, "We all went out to my parent's house for Christmas dinner. Jody fell in love with the horses. He wanted to ride all day He didn't speak of his girlfriend all day. He reminds me of how I was at that age." "Good Lord! Don't say that," Bella said, her smile widened despite the fact that she felt guilty about spending so much time with Garrett. "Remember, I was there. You were a hellion." "Was I?" "Yes you were." She walked toward the door and reached for the knob. "I hate to interrupt this reminiscence, but I do have to go to that meeting you reminded me of." "Sure, but if you want some company, I'm available." She gave him a sly grin. "If I go to Hawaii, it'll be with my husband since I'm getting married in two weeks. I doubt your presence would be welcome. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Married? To whom?" She opened the door and spoke over her shoulder, "Garrett Brooks. Didn't Becky tell you? She was the second person I told." On that note, she left Adam stunned and walked down the hallway toward her future husband's office for the meeting. * * * * Bella hung up the telephone, jotted an eight o'clock appointment in her planner, and then walked to her bedroom. Her clothing was spread out over the bed. She didn't want to wear any of these old outfits. They were outdated and worn. Scott had selected most of her clothes, anyway. He'd liked choosing for her and she was passive enough to allow the practice. She shook her head in wonder. She'd changed, but her wardrobe hadn't. The past few days pointed her in a direction where she could really analyze her marriage. Scott Mann was controlling and she'd let him do just that. Even after his death, he continued to control her emotions. But that was about to change. She had done a little shopping and when she looked into store windows, soft, pastel items trimmed with lace caught her eye. All of her old things were severely tailored. God! Everyone must think her the age of the residents she worked with. Drab clothing and heaven forbid, until her new hair cut--a bun! Scott had preferred her to wear dresses and for very casual times, pleated slacks. This was her life. She slipped on the narrow-legged jeans from the back of the closet, pulled them on, and threw on a heavy sweater. Yes! She would get a new outfit, and running her hands through her hair, decided she was in need of a trim. Maybe she would even go a little shorter this time. At least it wouldn't be such a drastic change. Three hours later, as she left the hair stylist with a shorter bob, Bella looked at her watch. Her parent's plane would arrive in an hour and she'd just enough time to go back to her apartment and change before heading to the airport. Bella was nervous to meet Garrett at the airport. She'd resisted the urge to replace the jeans with a dress. When they met inside the airport, shock was a better description of his reaction when he saw her. "Your hair!" he cried when she stepped out of the car. "Jeans and a jacket!" "Oh, no! I'm sorry. I should have told you about getting it trimmed again, but I decided on the spur-of-the-moment to do it. I'm sorry if you don't like it. And I went shopping for something new." He took her by the shoulder and turned her this way and that. "You look cute in the jeans. Way to go I love the look. And your hair! It'll be easier to nibble on your ears without it getting in the way." And he demonstrated. Sure enough, he nibbled at her earlobe and the sensation wreaked havoc with the pit of her stomach. "Garrett. Stop. Mom and dad will be here shortly. Don't start something you can't finish." "Okay. But later, I'm going to...." He whispered erotic words that left her limp and in a state of anticipation to their time alone tonight.   CHAPTER FOURTEEN  "LOOK AT YOU! You definitely found the right man." Camilla Storm shrieked as she hurried toward Bella and Garrett. Bella twisted from Garrett's embrace. "Mom! I've missed you so much." She threw herself into her mother's open arms. The older woman had a dusting of gray in her hair, but there was no doubt, this was mother and daughter. Garrett and Andy Storm warmly shook hands and watched the emotional reunion. "You couldn't guess that they've missed each other, could ya?" Andy asked Garrett. Garrett smiled and said, "Paying the phone bill will be interesting." Andy shook his head and Garrett noticed his future father-in-law wore his long gray hair pulled into a ponytail. And Camilla's hair--a graying version that Bella had worn until recently. On their feet, they wore sandals without socks, and it was cold outside! Her parents looked like aging hippies. Garrett wondered what this wedding would be like. And...just what he was getting himself into. Bella could be a bit eccentric and now, he could see from where this trait came. When Bella told him about all her siblings, he imagined her parents to be traditional. They did not look anything like he'd imagined. "This must be your Garrett." Camilla grabbed him in a hug. "I've wanted to meet this miracle worker. Now, I look at Bella and I can see that she's, finally, coming out of the pain that that no good Scott caused her!" "Motherâ€Åš!" Bella cried. She turned to her father and took his hands in hers. "Welcome home, Daddy. I've missed you." She gave him a big hug. "Let's get your luggage and go to the car," Garrett said. "We can talk over coffee when we get you home." "Ummm, you can't know how good that sounds," Camilla uttered as they walked toward the baggage claim area. The airport was so small that they only had a pushcart that held the traveler's belongings. Bella found one small satchel. "Is this all you brought?" she questioned with dismay. Camilla looked at her husband with darting eyes. "I-I suppose the secret's out." He nodded his head. "You'd best tell em." "Bella--Garrett, all our things are being shipped back. We're movin' back home. We've missed our kids too much!" Bella stood looking first at her father, then back to her mother. "Really? I thought you liked living in Arizona." "We did, but it's a better place to visit than to really live there. Are you disappointed?" Her father asked. "Oh, no! Never. I just want you to be happy. I guess this really is a welcome home celebration, isn't it?" Garrett felt like an outsider watching the family interaction. He and Lillian didn't have this type relationship; they were best friends. "Let's go." When they got out to the parking lot, Bella began to laugh. "We have both cars here, Garrett. I didn't think about that since I was so excited to get to mom and dad." "Let's go to the house in my Blazer. We'll come back for yours later." The car was forgotten when the troop arrived at the house. Three police cars lined the sidewalk. "What the hell?" Andy muttered. Bella threw open her door and walked to a uniformed officer that stood on the front step. She recognized him as Barry Kelty; she graduated high school with him. "Barry? What's going on?" A muscle jumped in his jaw as he looked at her. He seemed nervous. "I'm sorry, Bella, but we have a warrant for your arrest." * * * * When Bella entered the police office from the jail area, Garrett and Lillian were waiting for her along with her parents. When she saw Garrett, she collapsed into his arms. "The poor dear," Lillian said with anger and glared at Garrett. "I'm going to take care of this right now." Garrett looked at his grandmother, his eyebrows knitted with worry. "Lillian, don't." "Officer! Officer! There's been a terrible mistake made here!" Lillian cried as she walked up to the counter. Bella had never seen her look so frail and helpless. She appeared to have aged twenty years in only seconds. Gone was the strong jaw and rigid back. She looked stooped and frail. "Mrs. Brooks, what's the matter?" The officer sighed and looked up from the typewriter on his desk. "I've made a terrible mistake. Please." Lillian said in a thin, shaky voice and she paled, putting her hand to her throat. Officer Kelty, Garrett and Bella rushed to her side. "Bella dear, I know you are trying to cover for me, but I can't let you do this. It's just too serious." Bella shook her head with confusion. What was Lillian doing? "W-What are you talking about?" Lillian grabbed Bella and hugged her. "Go along with everything I say," she whispered. She turned to face the officer saying, "I forgot what I did with the jewelry. It's so discouraging to grow old." "I know you're fond of Bella," Officer Kelty offered, "but why would the jewelry be in her garage? You certainly didn't put it there." Lillian paused a moment. Silence filled the room. "Oh, but I did! That's what you don't understand. I'm an old woman. I forget, sometimes." The officer shook his head, not believing what Lillian was saying. Garrett pulled a chair over to his grandmother and she sat down with a heavy thud. "I sneaked out of the care center and went to Bella's apartment, but she wasn't there. I had walked over and needed to rest before I started back. The garage was open andâ€Åšand I stretched out on an old lawn chair and fell asleep. When I awoke, I walked back to the care center and totally forgot about the jewelry!" Officer Kelty shook his head and smiled at the old woman. "That's a good story, but I'm afraid I don't believe you. Why would you take your jewelry to Bella's in the first place?" "That's easy. You see, my grandson and Bella are engaged." Lillian crossed her arms indignantly and her lips pulled into a grim smile. "Bella is marrying my grandson and I wanted to give them my wedding ring. It was in the box with the rest of the lot." The officer looked from Garrett to Bella. "Is that true?" They nodded. "'s your story Mrs. Brooks. If you don't want to press charges, I have no recourse but to let Mrs. Mann go." As they turned to leave the police station, Bella said, "Thank you, Lillian," the words rushed out with relief. They all left together in Garrett's Blazer. Bella sat beside Lillian and she looked at her searchingly and whispered to the woman, "Was that story true?" Lillian smiled sweetly and patted Bella's hand. "Hell no!" * * * * Garrett dropped Bella and her parents off at their house and took Lillian back to the care center. Before she got out of the vehicle she said, "Garrett, I want you to tell Bella everything. She has a right to know." "But Grandmother...I'm afraid she'll dump me if she knows the truth. I love her. I really do." The despair in his voice was thick. Lillian gave Garrett a fleeting kiss on the cheek. "She'll come around. She loves you, too. But if you don't tell her and she finds out on her own--you know she's going to find out sooner or later-- well, the longer you wait, the harder it will be for her to accept." Garrett went directly to Bella's apartment. She was sitting in front of the fire looking at a small catalog of wedding dresses. "I'm so glad you're back!" Bella said as she walked toward him a bright gleam in her eye. "I can hardly believe what I've been through today. Arrested! And for nothing. Who took the jewelry and planted it in the garage?" Garrett shook his head. "I don't know. Bella, I need to talk to you about a few things." She nodded her head in agreement. "There is so much I don't understand. Do you want me to make coffee? Iâ€Åš" "No," he said, "come into the living room. We'll talk there." His tone sounded authoritarian--intensive. Bella's heart flew to her throat. Something was wrong and she was afraid to find out just what. With reluctance, she ambled into the room. They sat facing each other on the couch. Garrett kept his gaze down and avoided looking at Bella. The longer he sat there in silence, the more the dread grew in her belly. "I think you'd better start talking before I get the wrong idea. What's going on?" Bella said. He straightened, sighing loudly. "I don't know where to start. There are so many things you don't know about and I feel it's unfair to keep them hidden from you any longer." The lump of fear in her stomach grew as he spoke. Bella knew something wasn't right. She had tried to ignore her fears, and now here she was facing the truth. Was she ready for it? After taking a calming breath, she whispered. "Just start from the beginning we'll sort it out after it's out in the open." The words sounded terse to her even though she tried to keep the fear from spilling over into her voice. Garrett looked over at her covering her hand with his own. "I'm not really the interim administrator." She laughed, but icy fear twisted around her heart. "Okay, then who are you--Jay Leno in disguise?" She attempted humor to lessen the tension between them and succeeded. A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "No. Really, I'm the owner and President of Southwest Enterprises. The company that owns the hospital and nursing home." The blood began pounding in the veins near her ears and it made a whooshing sound that amplified with each heartbeat. What was he saying? Had he been deceiving her all along? Anger began to replace the shock. Snatching her hand away from his, she stood and began pacing in front of the fireplace. The silence between them grew as wide as the ocean and twice as deep. "Aren't you going to say something?" Garrett asked quietly. She stilled her movement and snapped her head in his direction. "Like what? You're a bastard for lying to me?" He gazed at her with a bland half smile. "I suppose I deserve that and more. But you must understand, I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you." "Then maybe you'd better tell me because I'm beginning to think the worst about this situation." She dropped into the overstuffed chair across the room from Garrett. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible. His charisma felt magnetic--a drawing force that tried to snatch her out of the deepening anger. "It's a long story." Garrett sighed, raking his hand through his curly hair. "It started when your application crossed my desk. Your background and talents were perfect for the position and you were my choice until..." "...Your choice for what? Until what?" she interrupted, a note of sarcasm in her voice. "For the Activities Consultant position! The reports from the administrator, Mr. Van Horn, came in. They said terrible things about you, Bella. I couldn't believe they were true, so I came here to find out exactly what was going on." Bella reached for a lock of hair to twist, but found nothing long enough to coil around her finger. She tried to understand what he was telling her, but it all seemed so unreal. Her smile felt frozen on her face. What a fool she'd been! "Is Lillian involved in this?" Garrett nodded. "Most of it was her idea--especially the part about the jewelry." "I don't understand." Her voice died away. Taking a deep breath, Garrett continued his story. "We have learned the identity of the persons responsible for the depravity around here." "Oh!" Her breath caught in her chest. "Who is it?" she said and blew out the words in a helpless sigh. "I know, I knowâ€Åšyou can't tell me." Oh, she wanted to know. She was sick to death of all this and she wanted it to end. A satisfied light came into his eyes. "It-it's, Amanda Howard and Adam Roth." "What?" "I know. It's hard to hear these things. Especially about Adam since he's been your friend for so long." "I don't understand. Adam? You must be mistaken." Garrett shook his head decisively. "I'm afraid not. Lillian watched them. It seems they let down their guard when residents were near. Grandmother saw them huddled together in day rooms, giving each other knowing glances--anyway, it was enough to make her suspicious of them. She planted fake jewelry in her room, even called Amanda to her room to discuss its value and her concern that you were the person responsible for the thefts. Amanda told grandmother that the hospital office was closed, but she would come back in the morning and take the jewelry to the vault. Later, grandmother ran bath water, but left the bathroom door open a crack. She watched Amanda take the jewelry." "Oh, my God. I don't understand why they would do this. Did they need money so desperately that they would steal from the residents? She felt her lower lip quiver with emotion. "Oh, no. Becky is going to be so hurt. She really loves Adam, y'know." He nodded in response, but didn't address her question. He just continued with the story. Everything would make sense to her when he finished. "Then, while we were at the cabin, Lillian followed Adam here and watched him plant the jewelry in your garage." He stopped to take a breath fearing she would make him stop before he told her everything. "Why did they wait two weeks to turn me in?" "I think our engagement threw them a ringer. During coffee break yesterday, Amanda started asking me questions. She wanted to know if you were going to sell your cabin and find a new home with me." Bella raised her eyebrows. "So?" "They want you out of the cabin so they can search for the money. Remember all the money you found in the safe?" Unable to sit still any longer, Bella leapt to her feet and walked to the bank of windows that looked out to the mountains. Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to warm the chill that was seeping into her bones. Her world had just taken a major tilt. Garrett was not what he seemed; Adam was setting her up to take a big fall...she shuddered suddenly. The money in the safe! Scott was the only one that had access to it! She whirled around and stared at Garrett. "You'd better continue. I have to know--what did Scott have to do with all of this?" Garrett had slipped his shoes off and stretched his legs over the coffee table, his arms crossed in front of him. He looked at her and pursed his lips. He didn't speak for a time, and then he said, "Scott, Adam and Amanda were in a scheme to extort money from the residents." "No! That's impossible." Bella screamed. "I thought Scott was having an affair and the letter confirmed it. I'm sure that was all he was hiding from me." Bella ran toward Garrett sobbing. He stood to take her in his arms, but she pounded on his chest in frustration. He grasped her by the wrists and raised her arms they fell over his shoulders and he kissed her. Not a passion filled kiss; this kiss was rough and hard. Something to bring her back to her senses. Bella pulled away, dropping onto the sofa with Garrett following beside her. "I just don't understand!" She wailed as sobs wracked her body. "Adam gave orders for residents to take certain drugs that Scott got as free samples from his company. In turn, Amanda filled the prescription bottles with the drugs and then submitted the bills to the office for payment. They bilked the residents, their families and the government out of thousands of dollars." Bella stopped crying, frozen from the shock of his revelation. "I can't believe that Adam or Amanda would hurt poor Gladys just to make me look bad." "Look at me," Garrett said. He touched her chin with slight pressure of his fingertips. She raised her gaze to look at him; her eyes were filled with pain and something else...sadness. "They didn't shove Mrs. Fortney out in the atrium. Nikki Cook did." "Nikki," she breathed the word in a sharp, quick gasp. Her nostrils flared with fury. "I should have fired her two weeks ago!" Garrett looked as sick as she felt. "You were right. Scott was having an affair...with Nikki. She's been playing right into Amanda and Adam's hands ever since you hired her. She knew Scott was involved with them, but she didn't know what they were up to. She got a job here...with you because she wanted to hurt and discredit you so she could have your job." "How did you know about Nikki?" "The affair was public knowledge around the hospital." Bella groaned and closed her eyes as embarrassment flooded through her, color stained her cheeks. Had everyone she worked with been laughing behind her back? They must have thought her a fool mourning Scott the way she did. She swallowed hard, lifted her chin, and boldly met his pain-filled gaze. "Tell me everything." "Mrs. Fortney saw Nikki lock her out of the building. Gladys wasn't harmed as badly as I let everyone think. When I went into the emergency room, she was awake and more than happy to tell me Nikki was the person that pushed her out the door." Bella shook her head in numb disbelief. "I had to get her out of Twin Pine to keep her safe." His eyes searched hers. "Tell me, why didn't you just hire someone to investigate all this? Why drag your grandmother here and make up all these stories?" He shook his head and said, "Sometimes I wonder that myself. The truth is, I was engaged and Elli dumped me. That was six months ago and I'veâ€ÅšI've not been myself since then. I wanted to get out of the city to be grounded again. I thought Wyoming would be the perfect place. Then you came along. God, Bella. I hate myself for doing this to you, but there wasn't any other way. You look like I've torn your whole world apart." "That's because you have." Her words sounded flat and without emotion. She twisted the ring off her finger and, taking his hand, placed it in his palm. "You can consider this my resignation from my job and as your fiancée. I never want to see you again. Now, leave." The color drained from Garrett's face. "But I love you! I did this all for you." "No. You did it for yourself. Did you ever think you could have told me about this? I would have helped you and I wouldn't have had to suffer the humiliation." She turned her back to him so he wouldn't see the love in her eyes. "Just go." She didn't hear a thing until the sound of the door opening and closing, and then she ran to her bedroom and threw herself on the bed. Her chest felt as if it would burst and she couldn't control the spasmodic trembling inside her as huge pieces of her heart shriveled and died. Deep sobs racked her insides as wave after wave of despair overtook her.   CHAPTER FIFTEEN  BELLA FELT THE WIND BATTERING THE HOUSE, but she kept her eyes closed. She wasn't ready to force her eyes open for she knew that her puffy, frogeyes would greet her in the mirror. Tears began to run slowly down her cheeks. She'd thought she'd run out of tears, but they must have regenerated while she slept. What was she going to do without Garrett in her life? Brandy changed positions behind her knees and lay her head on Bella's calves. The love pouring from the animal was incredible. It was so strange to know that her dog knew her feelings. Garrett was Brandy's friend, too. She would miss him as much as Bella would. A soft knock at her door caused Brandy to growl. Who could that be? Tossing the covers off she jumped out of bed, grabbed her robe and rushed for the front door. Garrett's name was on her lips. She threw open the door only to find her mother standing on the landing, a worried look on her face. "I knew something was wrong! Garrett sped out of here with this dreadful look on his face. What did you do?" Camilla accused, running out of air. "Me?" Bella cried feeling rejected and defeated. Her own mother thought her a shrew. "Why do you think anything was my fault?" Camilla walked past her and entered the living room. "Because you're headstrong and impetuous. And I might add, quite unforgiving." "No, not unforgiving. I'm not!" "If you're not, then why have you holed up in this apartment for three years hating Scott's memory?" The words shocked Bella. Is that the way her mother saw the situation? A stab of guilt thrust against her breast. With a moan of distress, she turned away. Camilla sat on the sofa and patted the spot beside her. "I think we need to talk." As Bella neared her mother's loving aura, tears welled, again. She needed her mother's arms just as much at thirty as she did when she was four-years-old. Camilla drew her into her embrace and Bella's tears flowed, but this time, they were healing tears. When Bella's sobs quieted, Camilla said, "Now, tell me what happened between you and Garrett. You two are so much in love. I can't believe your relationship is irreparable." Bella trembled, and with a gush of words, told her mother about Garrett's hidden identity and about the crimes committed by Scott and the others at the care center. Camilla's eyes widened in shock and it was a few moments before she could speak. "Okay. You have a legitimate problem here, and I'm sorry I accused you of causing this predicament--it's just, well, I know you so well. I was afraid that you were getting close to Garrett and your fears made you reject him. A look of tired sadness passed over her face. "Oh, mom, I love Garrett so much. What do I do now? He lied to me. That's something I can't abide." She angrily wiped a tear from her eye. "Scott hid his life from me and, you're right, I do hate him for leaving me, for cheating with Nikki and most of all, ripping-off the residents." "The way I see this, Garrett was in a difficult situation himself. He couldn't let you know his identity without letting those miserable people at the care center know why he was here in the first place. He may have lied to you, but when the situation ended, he told you the truth. It's up to you now, Bella. Do you love the man enough to open your heart to him? Forgive him?" Camilla kissed Bella's cheek, and then she slipped from the apartment. Her mother's words made Bella think about Garrett in a much different light, but the pain was nearly unbearable. What she needed was time--and distance. She couldn't stay here. She threw a few things in a suitcase and tossed it into the car. She planned to head back up the mountain to her cabin. Solitude is what she needed the most. She had to think about this. Bella knocked on the heavy oak door to her parents' home then entered. "Mom, dad?" "In here, dear." Her father called out from the kitchen. From the smell as she neared the kitchen, her mother was in the process of making snicker doodle cookies, Bella's favorite. That was just like her mother--soothing Bella's soul from her stomach. Right now, Bella could do with this kind of soul soothing. "Mmmm, it smells wonderful in here," she said, reaching for a cookie cooling on the rack near the stove. "Grab me one of those, too, honey, and sit down over here. I want to talk to you about something," her father said. Bella dropped onto the wooden chair that had served her parents through all their children and now, their grandchildren. There were a few nicks here and there, but nothing to worry themselves about. That way the kids could drive toy cars over the surface without anyone having to worry about permanent tracks in the finish. "What's up dad?" Andy Storm fiddled with the cookie, and then took a sip of coffee. "Your mother told me about your problems, both here and over at that nursing home. I was just wondering what you're going to do with all the money that belongs to those old people?" Bella poked the last bite of cookie into her mouth, chewed while she considered his question. "I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose you might have an idea or two?" "Humm. Seems you know me pretty well." He bent a portion of the cookie off and placed it in his mouth while gazing at her with his clear, observant eyes. Bella smiled. There was no way to hide anything from dad--she never could. She really had missed her parents. "What's your suggestion, dad?" Washing down the bite with the end of his coffee, he started, "I don't suppose there is any way to track just where that money belongs." It was more of a statement than a question. Bella nodded, trying to follow his train of thought. "Here's my idea. You could invest the money and use the interest and buy something for the old people there at the home." "Ohâ€Åšgood idea! And I know the perfect thing." She reached for another cookie as her mother brought a full plate to the discussion table. "The residents need a bus." Her father's eyes widened in surprise. "A bus? For what?" "To go places, silly." Camilla added. "If we ever make it to that age, I don't want to be stranded there. I would want to go shopping." Andy shook his head. "That sounds familiar. Aren't you ever going to be too old for that?" Camilla and Bella exchanged a knowing gaze and laughed. Andy Storm was a practical man who felt lace pillows, and eucalyptus an unnecessary frivolity. "The residents like to go out for lunch, and even take in a baseball game in the summer." Andy considered this as baseball was his favorite sport. "Okay. So you buy the bus, then what?" "The rest of the money can be invested or whatever, the interest can be used for upkeep, gas, insurance, a driver andâ€Åš" "I understand." Andy interrupted. "I think you should get rid of the money as soon as you can. We don't want everyone thinking you're as greedy as Scott." "I never thought about that. Thanks, dad." Bella kissed him on top of his thinning hair. "I'll handle it from the cabin. I'm going there today. I have to get away and gather my thoughts. Right now I'm so confused." "Sounds like a good idea to me," her mother offered, "but do you think this is the right time of the year to stay up on the mountain?" Bella shrugged. "I'll stock up on groceries before I go. That way if there's a storm, I'll be okay." She looked at her father expectantly. He nodded his approval.   CHAPTER SIXTEEN  "TWIN PINES," SAID A NAMELESS PERSON, her nasal voice grated at Bella's ear. "Garrett Brooks, please." "Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Brooks is no longer employed here. Could I direct your call the interim administrator?" The words left Bella numb, her ears ringing. Garrett goneâ€Åšwhere? "No thanks," she said, clicking the telephone off. She sat with the phone receiver in her hand, staring into space so long, that a loud squeal from the telephone caught her attention, then a computer voice began asking her if she needed help. Startled, she dropped the telephone into the cradle. Bella stoked the fire, adding another log and sat on the hearth wondering what to do next when the telephone rang. Before she lifted the receiver, it had rung five times. "Bella?" A soft, feminine voice asked. "Am I disturbing you?" "No." "Dear, this is Lillian. I must speak to you about Garrett." Bella felt herself grow weak. "Is there anything wrong?" "No, nothing like that. I wanted to tell you we're moving back to Arizona and--" There was a long pause before Lillian continued. "I want to apologize to you, dear." Bella didn't know what to say. "Thanks, Lillian, but I'm afraid there is nothing that you can say to change anything." "I was afraid this would happen when you found out. I tried to tell Garrett to be up-front with you but--" Lillian started slowly, but gained confidence and volume as she continued. "You see, dear, he fell in love with you and he didn't know how to tell you all about his mission." "Wait, Lillian. He could have tried." Bringing up this topic was like opening a can of spoiled fish. Bella felt her anger rising although she was ready to put it out of her mind and heart. "No, no, no." Lillian cried. Her usually calm voice filled with agitation. "Garrett fell in love with you nearly as soon as he met you. He was reeling from the breakup with that girl earlier in the year. You never would have understood then. He loves you with all his heart. He's running away to escape the pain you've caused him but mostly the pain he's brought on himself." Bella slid off the hearth to the floor; her back supported by the rock. Squeezing her hands into fists, the pain of her nails cutting into her skin kept her from sobbing. "Then why didn't he call me and try to persuade me to change my mind?" The words tumbled out flat, emotionless. "Why didn't he call to tell me goodbye?" A sob bubbled from her throat. Quickly, Lillian said, "He's giving you some time to think about this. He knows that pressuring you is wrong and it would frighten you back into your shell." Bella recognized that he was probably right. Whenever life got tough she'd a tendency to hide from her problems instead of facing them head on. Just as she was doing now, holing up here at the cabin. Lillian sounded tired. "Do you still love Garrett?" Bella hesitated, then answered in earnest, "Yes, with all my heart, but it's hopeless. I finally made my decision. I want to marry him! But I tried to call him only to find out that I was too late. He wasn't there." Tears ran down her cheeks in silvery ribbons. "I don't know about you young people. You can all be so damn foolish!" "Do you think there's any hope for us?" "I hope so." Her voice reflected her concern. "Thank you for your honesty, dear. Just so you know, I love you, too." There was a soft click as the connection was broken. * * * * Four days passed without any word from Lillian. Bella paced the floor waiting for either a call from Lillian, or better yet, a call from Garrett. Finally, when she'd nearly given up, the phone rang. "Hello--?" Bella breathed expectantly, not knowing who would be at the end of the line. "Bella, dear, I've got wonderful news." Lillian said, her voice filled with excitement. "Dress formally. You're to be my guest at the resident social tonight at seven o'clock. Garrett will call on me after dinner. This will be your opportunity to talk to him." Bella released her breath in a great whoosh of relief. "How can I ever thank you, Lillian?" "Just make up with the fool hardy grandson of mine--and make me a doting great-grandmother!" She laughed. "Seriously, keep an open mind and go with your feelings. Good luck honey." The telephone clicked. Bella realized that Lillian seldom said good-by before ending their conversations. Bella drove into town early in the afternoon. Using her key, she rushed up the stairs and searched through her closet to find a dress suitable for the dinner. She'd launched the special reservation dinners at Twin Pines two years ago, and she'd never dreamed she would be a guest. Her usual role was to act as assistant for the resident chef. She'd sent invitations, set up tables with formal, white linen and most of all, gained permission to have dim lighting and candles at each table. Candles were explicitly forbidden contraband! She hated it when the elderly were treated as children. Everyone needed romance regardless of their age. Promptly at seven o'clock, Bella entered the family room expecting to meet Lillian, instead, she found a note taped on the door telling her to go the smaller room at the other side of the kitchen. She frowned, but started off in the direction indicated. Suddenly, she stopped and wondered who had taken over her position? She didn't have long to think about that when Becky rounded the corner. "Hi! I've missed ya, girl." Becky said, reaching out she grabbed Bella in a bear hug. "I see you're nearly ready, huh?" Bella nodded her head. "Why are you here and all dressed up?" Becky smiled tentatively, "They gave me your job." Bella swallowed with great difficulty. She had resigned, but somehow, she didn't think it would really happen. "That's great, Becky" Bella cried, grasping Becky's arms with a firm, friendly gesture. "I couldn't think of anyone more suited to activities than you Becky." Bella looked around and asked, "Why are we eating back here tonight?" "I arranged it." Bella turned and saw Lillian walking toward her wearing a black cocktail dress. Her classic good looks caused her to look much younger than Bella had ever seen her. The older woman's hair was arranged in a more flattering, up-swept style, and she wore makeup. The dress bounced with the breeze created by the woman's energetic gait. "I'm happy you came, Bella. I was afraid you'd changed your mind." Bella shook her head. "Good." Lillian reached for the doorknob, "You are my guest, go on in." Bella stepped into a candle-lit room. Garrett stood by a single table set for two. His crisp tuxedo accentuated his handsome presence. He extended his arms toward her. "Welcome, darling. Grandmother has planned our evening with quite a dramatic flair." He laughed aloud. Bella looked behind her. Lillian stood in the hallway. "Go head, sweetheart, Garrett wants to talk to you." Stepping tentatively into the room, her heart raced with excitement. Bella's gaze never left Garrett's face. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but all she could do was rush into his waiting arms. Their lips met softly at first, then the kiss deepened. Bella's head spun and her breath came in quick gasps. She pulled out of the kiss, grasping his upper arms she said, "I love you. I don't care who you are or what your profession is." Garrett pulled out a chair and seated Bella, and then he rounded the table facing her. He took her hand. "You are so beautiful." Bella smiled. "You know how to make a girl feel so special--and loved." Garrett laughed aloud. "Of course I want you to feel special, but I really meant it, you're beautiful." "I've missed you, Garrett." "And I've been so lonely without you. More lonely than I was before, because now I know what I'm missing." Bella's heart fluttered in her chest. "Garrett, I want to know where I stand. I called for you the other day and they said you were no longer working here." He nodded. "I thought it would be easier for all the staff members and residents. After all, I was the person who uncovered the extortion." Bella's brows knitted together and she asked, "What's happened to everyone involved?" Garrett poured champagne into the tall, tulip glass. The effervescent mist hung in the air. "All three are in jail. The women were shipped out to Casper where they have facilities for female prisoners, but Adam is incarcerated here in the local jail." She took the champagne he offered her. "I still find it hard to believe. By the way, I'm having my father handle the money from the safe. The investigators let me keep it because they can't determine just whom the money goes to." She took a sip of the bubbling liquid, looking at Garrett over the top of the glass. "I want it invested. The profits to go to the activities department." Garrett nodded his head. "That sounds like a smart idea to me, that's a lot of money." He became quiet for a few moments while a resident entered the room, bringing their salad. When they were alone he said, "There is something you need to know." Bella leveled her gaze at him and her hand froze with the salad fork halfway to her mouth. "What now?" "After you were cleared from any wrong doing, the committee at Southwest selected you as the Activities Consultant for the corporation. Will you accept it?" Bella took her bite, chewing the salad thoughtfully, and then swallowed. "I've been cleared huh? I didn't know. I've been up at the cabin moping." Garrett reached out and touched her hand. "Oh my gosh. I don't know. This is all so much to take in, it dependsâ€Åš" "On what?" Garrett asked nervously. "It depends on our relationship. If I marry you, we'll have to move to Arizona. Will everyone there think I got the position just because I'm your wife?" "Are you saying what I think you're saying? You'll marry me?" His face lit with excitement. "Of course I'll marry you. I'm sorry I've been such a pain in the butt. I'm sorry I've acted so badly. I was just upset byâ€Åšby everything! Scott's deception, Adam's involvement it all this." Bella leaned forward on her elbows, peering deeply into Garrett's eyes and held his adoring stare. She could see and feel his love pouring out to her. The love was as real as the champagne in the glasses, but as delicate as the mist created by the exploding bubbles. He reached into his breast pocket and withdrew her ring. "Ready to take this back as well?" Bella offered her left hand and he slipped the ring on her finger. Back where it belonged. An elderly couple acting as servers walked softly into the room to clear the salad dishes and replace them with sizzling steak platters. Garrett and Bella were oblivious to the intrusion in the room. No one could enter into their mood of suspended animation. The couple looked at each other with adoration, their faded eyes caught and held. "And will you accept the consultant position?" Bella nodded. "I only have one stipulation." "What's that?" Garrett asked slowly. His voice was thick with apprehension. "You make gobs of money don't you?" He nodded gently, almost afraid to do anything to break this mood. "Okay. I want my wages to go directly to a charity. That way there won't be a conflict of interest and I won't lose my creditability with the other activity directors. In essence, I'll be a volunteer." "That's a wonderful idea from a perfect woman, my future wife!" They were nearly finished with their meal when they saw Lillian at the doorway. She motioned to them. "I'd better go see what she needs," Garrett whispered. Garrett walked toward his grandmother and they stood together, his head bent down near hers. Their whispering voices were barely audible. "Bella--" Lillian called. "Come over here." Bella stood and walked toward Garrett and Lillian. "Come with me, both of you. I have a surprise." The three walked through the hallways that led to the main dining room. Despite her age, Lillian led the way; her long gait remained fluid and youthful. When they came to the dining room door, Lillian opened it a crack, slipping inside. "What's going on?" Bella asked Garrett. He smiled, and then kissed her lightly on the lips. "This is what's going on." He threw open the door. The dining room set-up resembled a church. Folding chairs at each side of the room formed a wide aisle that led from the doorway to an altar erected in front of the big window at the end of the room. Baskets of red and white roses adorned the altar that stood beside the rosewood podium. Tall, multi-fingered candleholders contained the white tapers whose flickering firelight cast a make-believe glow about the room. "It looks like a wedding," Bella whispered. Garrett leaned down and whispered in her ear. "It is. This is our wedding." His crooked grin and boyish dimples added to his handsome good looks. "Oh, how can we do this tonight? "Well, we've had blood tests, filled out the papers at the court houseâ€Åšwhy not tonight?" Bella stood there her mouth agape. "This is such short notice. I want my family and friends to be here, so that--" Lillian re-entered the room. "Do you doubt my planning abilities, young lady?" The older woman smiled and drew Bella into a hug. From another room beside the dining room came her parents dressed in their formal best. They still looked a little eccentric, but wonderful. They rushed over to Bella. "We're so excited for you, honey." Camilla said. "Lillian planned nearly everything. Hasn't she done a wonderful job?" Her father hugged her to him and whispered softly to her, "Are you happy?" Bella nodded. "I love him, daddy." "Okay, then! We'll stand by your decision. You'll always be my little girl, but tonight I'll give you to Garrett." "Thank you," Bella mouthed to Lillian through teary eyes. Lillian smiled back at her. "Let's get this show on the road!" Lillian said. "Mom, go take your seat and I'll call in the troops." She flipped a switch activating the intercom. "The wedding is about to begin. Guests, you'd better get your butts down here in ten minutes." Bella laughed with a hoot. She'd announced activities over that microphone many times, but never would she have guessed her wedding would be a group activity! Lillian had turned the lights up a little, and Bella saw Garrett and her brother Ned standing at the altar. Her eyes flooded with tearful joy "Bella! Bella!" She whirled about to find Charlie standing with a bouquet of white roses arranged on a lace fan. Red ribbon was woven through the lace and it fell in a waterfall of satin. "I made this for you. Miss Lillian thought you'd like them." He grinned at her and offered the bouquet in outstretched hands. "We're all glad you decided to marry that boy, and besides, we didn't want to be all dressed up for nothing!" She took the flowers and planted a kiss on his smooth, baldhead. "I love the flowers. Thank you, Charlie." The old man fell into the line of people who entered the dining room. There were old people in wheelchairs, using walkers and canes, but all were dressed in their best clothing for this occasion. Bella smiled widely. She hadn't been able to persuade them to look this nice for Thanksgiving dinner. A DVD recording of a favorite love song began and her father squeezed her hand and looped her arm through his. Bella's heart raced and her emotions soared. She stepped into the room as she began to walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams.  THE END  ABOUT THE AUTHOR  Chloe Reeder worked as Activities Director and Activities Consultant in hospitals and nursing homes for over fifteen years. Her love for the elderly and love for writing combined into this book, TWIN PINES.  You can contact Chloe at:  email: Twitter: ChloeReeder Facebook: Web site:  Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE CHAPTER THIRTEEN CHAPTER FOURTEEN CHAPTER FIFTEEN CHAPTER SIXTEEN ABOUT THE AUTHOR


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