Fading Suns Ships Decados

Decados Raider 'reaper'
Crack Captain
Ship Type raider Captain 4 Engines fast
Origin Crew 7 Sheilds 2
Marines & 6 EMS 6
Grade lander Sensors 29
Average Crew
SIZ rating 4 Crew Rating 3
Dimensions 35x12x10 Cargo Space 30 Free HP 0
Hull cost 40,000 FB Total Cost 81,700 FB turrets? 1 small
Essential Crew Complement pilot
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
1 Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 2 2 1 1 0
Escape pod (3 man)
3 12 9,000 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
stored charts
3 10 1,500 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
1 0 % of Light - 2% 4% 6% 8%
1 0 Au/24hrs - 3.46 6.92 10.38 13.85
1 0 To gate 5 Total gate Trip 10
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Fore light laser
1 2 6 13 2 leaks on 1-3 2,000
Sm Turret(1S) light laser
1 6 6 13 2 leaks on 1-3 4,000
Port light laser
1 4 6 13 2 leaks on 1-3 2,000
Port grappling gun
1 4 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
Starboard light laser
1 5 6 13 2 leaks on 1-3 2,000
Starboard grappling gun
1 5 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados frigate
'mantis' class
Crack Captain
Ship Type frigate Captain 4 Engines fast
Origin Crew 15 Sheilds 4
Marines & 9 EMS 6
Grade atmosphere Sensors 29
Average Crew
SIZ rating 6 Crew Rating 3
Dimensions 60x20x15 Cargo Space 30 Free HP 0
Hull cost 60,000 FB Total Cost 146,100 FB turrets? 1 medium (2)
Essential Crew Complement pilot, navigator, engineer x2
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
1 Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 4 3 2 1 0
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
stored charts
3 10 1,500 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
Escape pod (3 man)
5 12 15,000 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
8 4 2,400 % of Light - 2% 4% 6% 8%
1 0 Au/24hrs - 3.46 6.92 10.38 13.85
1 0 To gate 5 Total gate Trip 10
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Fore grappling gun
1 2 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
Md Turret(2M) medium blaster
2 8 10 11 4 leaks on 1-3 11,000
Port medium blaster
4 4 10 11 4 leaks on 1-3 12,000
Starboard medium blaster
4 5 10 11 4 leaks on 1-3 12,000
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados galliot
'lucretzia' class
Crack Captain
Ship Type galliot Captain 4 Engines fast
Origin Crew 14 Sheilds 4
Marines & 16 EMS 6
Grade atmosphere Sensors 29
Average Crew
SIZ rating 7 Crew Rating 3
Dimensions 70x23x17 Cargo Space 30 Free HP 0
Hull cost 70,000 FB Total Cost 135,700 FB turrets? 1 medium (1)
Essential Crew Complement pilot, navigator, engineer x2
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
1 Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 4 3 2 1 0
Escape pod (3 man)
5 12 15,000 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
stored charts
3 10 1,500 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
1 0 % of Light - 2% 4% 6% 8%
1 0 Au/24hrs - 3.46 6.92 10.38 13.85
1 0 To gate 5 Total gate Trip 10
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Fore grappling gun
1 2 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
Starboard grappling gun
2 5 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 2,000
Starboard light blaster
2 5 9 11 3 leaks on 1-3 4,000
Port grappling gun
2 4 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 2,000
Port light blaster
2 4 9 11 3 leaks on 1-3 4,000
Sm Turret(1S) EM pulse gun
1 6 16 11 2 burns out shield for one turn 5,000
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados assault
lander 'defiler' class
Crack Captain
Ship Type assault lander Captain 4 Engines fast
Origin Crew 13 Sheilds 8
Marines & 19 EMS 6
Grade lander Sensors 29
Average Crew
SIZ rating 10 Crew Rating 3
Dimensions 100x33x25 Cargo Space 30 Free HP 0
Hull cost 100,000 FB Total Cost 197,500 FB turrets? 1 medium (2)
Essential Crew Complement pilot, navigator, bridge crew, engineer x3
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 8 6 4 2 0
6 4 1,800 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
Escape pod (3 man)
5 12 15,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
stored charts
3 10 1,500 % of Light - 2% 4% 6% 8%
1 0 Au/24hrs - 3.46 6.92 10.38 13.85
1 0 To gate 5 Total gate Trip 10
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Fore grappling gun
1 2 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
Md Turret(2M) EM pulse gun
2 8 16 11 2 burns out shield for one turn 11,000
Port medium slug gun
2 4 3 11 5 0 6,000
Starboard medium slug gun
2 5 3 11 5 0 6,000
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados destroyer
'tupok'ta' class
Crack Captain
Ship Type destroyer Captain 4 Engines fast
Origin Crew 26 Sheilds 8
Marines & 18 EMS 6
Grade atmosphere Sensors 29
Average Crew
SIZ rating 10 Crew Rating 3
Dimensions 100x33x25 Cargo Space 30 Free HP 1
Hull cost 100,000 FB Total Cost 248,700 FB turrets? 2 medium (2)
Essential Crew Complement pilot, navigator, bridge crew x2, engineer x5
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 8 6 4 2 0
10 4 3,000 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
stored charts
3 10 1,500 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
Escape pod (3 man)
10 12 30,000 % of Light - 2% 4% 6% 8%
1 0 Au/24hrs - 3.46 6.92 10.38 13.85
1 0 To gate 5 Total gate Trip 10
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Fore grappling gun
1 2 15 11 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
Md Turret(2M) EM pulse gun
2 8 16 11 2 burns out shield for one turn 11,000
Md Turret(2M) EM pulse gun
2 8 16 11 2 burns out shield for one turn 11,000
Port medium slug gun
6 4 3 11 5 0 18,000
Starboard medium slug gun
6 5 3 11 5 0 18,000
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
1 1 11 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados cruiser
'grigori' class
Elite Captain
Ship Type cruiser Captain 5 Engines standard
Origin Crew 39 Sheilds 9
Marines & 15 EMS 8
Grade void Sensors 31
Crack Crew
SIZ rating 14 Crew Rating 4
Dimensions 140x47x35 Cargo Space 140 Free HP 2
Hull cost 140,000 FB Total Cost 384,400 FB turrets? 2 large
Essential Crew Complement pilot x2, navigator x2, bridge crew x3, engineer x8
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
1 Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 9 7 5 3 0
10 4 3,000 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
Escape pod (3 man)
15 12 45,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
stored charts
3 10 1,500 % of Light - 1% 2% 4% 6%
Data analysis system
1 11 300 Au/24hrs - 1.73 3.46 6.92 10.38
1 0 To gate 7 Total gate Trip 14
1 0
Current Vitality
1 0 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Lg Turret(3H) light meson cannon
3 12 13 14 5 overpowers shields 42,000
Lg Turret(3H) light meson cannon
3 12 13 14 5 overpowers shields 42,000
Fore light laser
6 2 6 16 2 leaks on 1-3 12,000
Aft medium blaster
6 3 10 14 4 leaks on 1-3 18,000
Port gatling laser
3 4 5 14 1 short range, anti-missile 9,000
Starboard gatling laser
3 5 5 14 1 short range, anti-missile 9,000
Fore grappling gun
1 2 15 14 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 1,000
1 1 14 0 0 0
1 1 14 0 0 0
1 1 14 0 0 0
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com
decados dreadnought
'anikrunta' class
Elite Captain
Ship Type dreadnought Captain 5 Engines standard
Origin Crew 53 Sheilds 12
Marines & 23 EMS 8
Grade void Sensors 31
Elite Crew
SIZ rating 25 Crew Rating 5
Dimensions 250x80x62 Cargo Space 50 Free HP 0
Hull cost 250,000 FB Total Cost 611,400 FB turrets? 3 large
Essential Crew Complement pilot x2, navigator x2, bridge crew x5, engineer x10
# Ship Systems Cost Speed & Sheilds
Emergency Signals 0 Sheilds 12 9 6 3 0
12 4 3,600 Speed stop 1/4 1/2 3/4 full
AI gunnery core
1 5 3,000 Combat Mod - +1 0 -1 -2
AI Autopilot
1 7 5,500 Pursuit Mod - -1 0 +1 +2
Cartography system
1 9 3,000 % of Light - 1% 2% 4% 6%
stored charts
6 10 3,000 Au/24hrs - 1.73 3.46 6.92 10.38
Data analysis system
1 11 300 To gate 7 Total gate Trip 14
Escape pod (3 man)
20 12 60,000
Probe (returnable) Current Vitality
2 3 400 Vitality
1 0
1 0
1 0
Weapon Systems
# bank Weapon Goal DMG Effect Cost
Lg Turret(3H) light meson cannon
6 12 13 16 5 overpowers shields 72,000
Lg Turret(3H) light meson cannon
3 12 13 16 5 overpowers shields 42,000
Fore Gremlin gun
2 2 17 16 * ignores shields, target suffers -3 goal for 4 turns 6,000
Fore medium laser
6 2 7 18 3 leaks on 1-3 18,000
Aft heavy blaster
8 3 11 16 5 leaks on 1-3 32,000
Port grappling gun
2 4 15 16 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 2,000
Port gatling laser
2 4 5 16 1 short range, anti-missile 6,000
Starboard grappling gun
2 5 15 16 * ignores shields, grapples target ship 2,000
Starboard gatling laser
2 5 5 16 1 short range, anti-missile 6,000
Fore heavy meson cannon
1 2 14 16 11-20 overpowers shields 20,000
Fading Suns, Noble armarda, the rules systems and gameworld developed by Holistic design are the property of Holistic Design. This MS Exel Record sheet designed by John Tuckey. Jrtbloke@btinternet.com


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