Traffic Cash Formula 20 Day Traffic Plan

Traffic Cash Formula
By Devid Farah
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
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Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
Here am gonna share with you my  20 Day Traffic Plan that i constantly use on every
single one of my websites and offers. My last website just got 180 visitors in 2 days.
This guide is about traffic generation. If you want to make money, you better have a
killer sales funnel in place.
You see, monetizing a website is not difficult. Especially when you follow a proven step-
by-step plan. The basic way this is done is by offering free value added material to build
a list of people that you can market to. These people are visiting many different parts of
the web.
This plan makes sure that you hit all of those places with material that draws them back
to your squeeze page so that you can build an email list to market to long term.
It is very detailed and is going to help you tremendously in getting at least 150/200
visitors per day ON AUTOPILOT. You will need to follow it each and every day and
promise to yourself to be CONSISTENT for at least 20 days.
Then RINSE and REPEAT for at least 2/3 months.
You can do it by yourself or easily outsource.
The 30 day plan needs to be used along with the main guide! (the
main guide contains the secret sources to skyrocket your traffic to the next level!)
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
Day 1
·ð Create a report and give it away for free via a squeeze page (build your list).
·ð Setup a WordPress blog and write at least 3 articles and post them on your blog
(at the end of your articles promote your squeeze page with a link).
·ð Open social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, to start branding
yourself. You can use materials from your blog here.
·ð Submit your site to the search engines and various directories
Day 2
·ð Sign up on popular Internet Marketing forums, create accounts, put info, pictures
and start contributing, give value, and build relationships. Begin with the most
popular sites that attract your target audience.
·ð Turn the 3 articles you wrote into pdfs and submit them on doc sharing sites.
Two of the most popular are and Include a
link to your squeeze page.
·ð Create 3 videos, (read what you wrote in the articles) and submit them on
YouTube. At the end of the videos add a link to your squeeze page.
·ð Record 3 podcasts and submit them on podcast directories.
Day 3
·ð Write an article (you should write at least one article each and every day) and
post it on your blog.
·ð Turn the article into a pdf and submit it on doc sharing sites.
·ð Write 5/7 forum posts (add your signatures that link to your websites/offers).
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
Day 4
·ð Write 5/7 forum posts.
·ð Write an article, post it in your blog.
·ð Write a press release and submit it to the PR directories (about your website,
brand yourself). Press releases need to be about a newsworthy item. Not just
telling the world about your business. Two of the better free ones are and PR.Com.
·ð Create a video (record what you wrote in the article).
Day 5
·ð Write 2 PR releases (one about the report you are giving away and the other
about your product but make it newsworthy.
·ð If you haven't been offering social bookmarking, you need to put this important
tool in place now. These are links that let your readers bookmark your materials
and easily forward them to friends and family. A few of the most popular social
bookmark sites are Twitter, Pinterest, and Reddit.
·ð Forum posts, give value, build trust.
·ð Write one mini report, turn it into pdf and submit it to doc sharing sites.
Day 6
·ð Submit your website url to web directories.
·ð Submit your site using classified ads.
·ð Continue making forum posts. You should easily be able to make 5 or 6 per day.
·ð Write your daily article and post it on your blog.
·ð Record a podcast and submit it.
Day 7
·ð Submit 2 videos on Dailymotion, Tubemodul, Vimeo, Screen Yahoo and others.
·ð Forum posts.
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
·ð Submit 2 PR releases on PR directories.
·ð Write an article and post in on your blog.
Day 8
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Articles.
·ð Interact with people on forums.
·ð Mini report (2/3 pages) and submit it to doc sharing sites.
Day 9
·ð Promote your business on classified ads.
·ð Forum posts.
·ð 5 articles (always post them on your blog first).
·ð Record 5 podcasts.
·ð Submit podcasts to podcast directories.
Day 10
·ð Social bookmarking.
·ð Submit your url on web directories.
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Mini report and submit it to doc sharing sites.
Day 11
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Create 4 videos.
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
·ð Write 5 articles (post them on your blog).
·ð Submit your blog to 5 content aggregators.
Day 12
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Turn 5 articles into pdfs and submit them to doc sharing sites.
·ð Join 2 traffic exchange programs. The top three are,, and
·ð Record podcasts.
·ð Submit your blog to 5 content aggregators. Two of the best are and
Day 13
·ð Submit one mini report to Scribd.
·ð Create one presentation and share it on slide sharing sites.
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Create 2 videos.
Day 14
·ð Write 1 article, post in on your blog.
·ð Record a podcast.
·ð Create a presentation and share it on
·ð Forum posts.
Day 15
·ð Forum posts, interact, build relationships.
·ð Mini report on Scribd and doc sharing sites.
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
·ð Create a video and post on Youtube, Daily Motion, Vimeo.
Day 16
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Classified ads.
·ð Write 2 articles.
·ð Submit your blog to 5 content aggregators.
Day 17
·ð Turn 2 articles into pdfs and submit them on doc sharing sites.
·ð Forum posts, give value, bring visitors to your offers via the signature block.
·ð Social bookmarking.
Day 18
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Write 2 articles and post them on your blog.
·ð Mini report, submit it to doc sharing sites.
·ð Create and submit 4 videos.
Day 19
·ð Forum posts.
·ð 2 articles, submit them on your blog.
·ð Submit 4 videos to video marketing websites.
Day 20
·ð Forum posts.
·ð Write 5 articles.
·ð Record podcasts.
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved
·ð Submit podcasts to directories.
·ð Mini report to submit to doc sharing sites.
You don't just stop on day 20.
However, you have made it enough of a daily habit that you can decide what to do
going forward. This is a good time to evaluate your results. Take a close look at which
marketing methods are delivering the best results. Put more focus on those methods to
drive the best results.
Your email list should be starting to show results by now. Be sure you have prewritten
emails going out to people as they sign up.
Now is the time to begin adding fresh materials to your outgoing emails.
Just remember&
Consistency is the key to succeed!
Copyright Devid Farah TrafficCashFormula  20DayTrafficPlan All Rights Reserved


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