Powtórzenie słownictwa struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne. PODRÓŻOWANIE I TURYSTYKA 1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Litery w wytłuszczonej kolumnie ułożą się w hasło. PASSWORD: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! 1. you must buy it to get on a train, a bus or a plane 2. when you travel on a ship 3. a numbered place for you to sit in a train compartment 4. get to the place where you want to be 5. with an ambassador 6. you book this hotel room for two persons 7. all meals during a day in a hotel 8. a person who travels to see sights 9. a little house instead of a room 10. a person or a book to help you sightseeing 11. time to make tourist trips 12. a very old building 13. where you get on a train 14. you carry your clothes in it 15. when you want to use a car you must & .. it ANSWER KEY PODRÓŻOWANIE I TURYSTYKA 1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Litery w wytłuszczonej kolumnie ułożą się w hasło. 1. you must buy it to get on a train, a bus or a plane TICKET 2. when you travel on a ship CRUISE 3. a numbered place for you to sit in a train compartment SEAT 4. get to the place where you want to be ARRIVE 5. with an ambassador EMBASSY 6. you book this hotel room for two persons DOUBLE 7. all meals during a day in a hotel FULL BOARD 8. a person who travels to see sights TOURIST 9. a little house instead of a room CABIN 10. a person or a book to help you sightseeing GUIDE 11. time to make tourist trips HOLIDAY 12. a very old building CASTLE 13. where you get on a train PLATFORM 14. you carry your clothes in it LUGGAGE 15. when you want to use a car you must & & it RENT Krzyżówka: T I C K E T C R U I S E S E A T A R R I V E E M B A S S Y D O U B L E F U L L B O A R D T O U R I S T C A B I N G U I D E H O L I D A Y C A S T L E P L A T F O R M L U G G A G E R E N T password: Traveling is fun !