Jamie Lowe Caged Demon

Caged Demon
By Jamie Lowe
Cade Darkriver s dragon-scale armor scraped and clanged like steel with every step he took
along the border of the provincial village in the thick of the Winter Wood. The long westward
shadows of the rising sun kept the underbrush as dim as night, and only a knighted demon-hunter
would be wandering around in the monster-infested forest so boldly.
He was one of the few people in the little village who woke up so early in the day. Every
morning, Knight Darkriver grabbed his templar sword and strapped on his dragon-mail and
headed into Winter Wood. Some folks had hailed him while he was on his way to the woods --
the dairyman had sold him, for a few bronze coins, the skin of warm milk that was dangling from
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his hip, and a young bride with a blackened eye and a wailing baby had offered him a weary
The people in this little village always smiled or cheered when he passed. For years, King
Leiland Boldspeaker had been receiving entreaties from provincial settlements just like this one,
begging him to send knights to deal with the recurring attacks. The Summer Desert, Vernal
River, and Autumnal Range were relatively peaceful places, full of fairies and elves and
dwarves. Every now and then trolls came down from the Autumnal Mountains, but none of the
other provincial regions had the same problems as the Winter Wood.
The Winter Wood was full of demons. Especially in the small villages, the people suffered. Five
doors in this particular village were painted with a golden cross, a warding sign to keep demons
from coming back to torment a house where someone had already been killed. The village elder
was missing his left hand from the elbow down, and another young man was missing an eye.
Cade had done a short stint in the desert before returning to the city for three years of urban
patrol. Then King Leiland had sent him signed and sealed commands to pick up and move to the
Winter Wood and capture and kill the demons plaguing the villagers.
He smiled a bit and raised his gloved hand to hide it. Cade still blushed when he thought back to
the hissy fit he'd thrown in front of his shift-mates.
Now, instead of chasing down thieves and risking his life on rooftops, he went into the woods to
check his well-placed traps and butchered anything he found inside.
Cade personally had no grudge against the demons. As far as he was concerned, they were no
different than the lions hunting down the gazelles in the plains beyond the river. The only
difference was that the demons ate people instead of deer.
Still, orders were orders, so he went out to the traps. He had already beheaded seven demons
(and an unfortunate wolf). It was interesting to see how the demons would try to get him to show
mercy. Demons had the ability to shift form and physically appear as humans. Despite having
caught them, he had never seen one in its natural form. The first few had shown him sobbing
little girls with braids and big blue eyes. Others had been buxom women who had given him coy
As a single man stuck in a tiny village where every girl had been betrothed since birth and the
boys were religiously brainwashed against sodomy, his only sexual gratification had come from
his own good hand. He had been tempted -- very tempted -- to see how far the demons would go,
but he preferred his women trim and preferred his men to women. Besides, all of them had the
tell-tale  fallen crown, the three interlocking, upside-down triangles in the middle of their
foreheads that made demons stand out.
Cade walked up to the first trap, which was a simple bear-trap. He would have preferred to dig
and cover pits so they would not already be near-mad with pain when he found them, but trying
to catch something with wings in a hole was not exactly inspired.
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Luckily, the first trap was still empty, even though the leaves were brushed away and the metal
was shining in the faint sunlight. He knelt down and carefully put leaves and dirt back over the
gaping jaws, covering it without setting it off.
He stood and walked to another trap, this one a clever rope contraption. The trap had been
sprung, but when Cade climbed up the tree to check what was caught in the woven net, he found
a badger instead of a demon. He jumped back down and lowered the caught creature to the
ground, opening the net and watching as it stumbled off. It was disoriented but the net shouldn t
have hurt it; it was lucky to have been caught in that trap instead of the first one.
Cade drew his sword with a smooth  shink of brushing metal as he headed for the third of his
traps. Unlike most of them, which surrounded the village in a loose ring, this one was deep in the
woods, about a ten-minute walk beyond the rope trap. Most of the villagers were horrified that he
would go so deep into the woods even for the purpose of capturing the demons attacking them,
but Cade had found that most of the claw-marks on the trees were in that general direction, so he
concentrated his traps that way.
He kept his sword held tight in his hand as he walked through the underbrush. Of the seven
demons he had caught, four had been in this particular trap. The skin of milk sloshed as it
bounced against his hip, making him smile a bit. If he had been hunting, he would have gone
ahead and turned the noisy bag into the dirt.
As he walked through the woods, he could hear snarling and hissing sounds get louder and
louder. Cade sighed and shifted the weight of his sword; he had either caught some kind of feral
beast that would need to be killed, or a real demon.
Well, it had been a while since he d sowed some oats. If the demon did appear as some fleshy
wench, he might just fuck it before he killed it.
This trap was his most complex and the only one he had special-ordered. Even though demons
were unbelievably vicious, they were not known for their intellect. He had gone back to the city
and sat down with a metal-worker to create a cage that opened in the front. Demons liked high,
tinkling sounds, so he had put a metal wind-chime deep in the cage, then set a trip wire. When a
demon crawled in to see the chime, the wire snapped and the door of the cage came crashing shut
behind it.
Cade was curious to see what kind of form this demon had chosen to assume. What he did not
expect was that the demon staring up at him with hate had chosen not to hide its original
appearance at all.
Its yellow eyes glowed like small candles, and two long horns protruded from its forehead on
either side of the red fallen crown, following the curve of his cranium. Its skin was as black as
ink but its face was very human. The demon s arms were longer, though, and its spine curved
down so that it was more like a strange creature Cade had heard of called a  gorilla ; it appeared
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to walk on its long-fingered, clawed hands as well as its feet. Two large, bat-like wings grew
from its shoulder blades and a long barb-tipped tail whipped angrily behind it.
Cade walked up, ignoring the increased volume of the hissing, and knelt down in front of it so
they were eye to eye. He was in absolute shock over how similar the face was to the ones he saw
every day.  Calm down, he said,  I just want to look at you.
The demon was a beautiful creature, long and sleek. Its muscles were wiry in a way that
definitely appealed to Cade. He couldn t stop himself; he peeked between the demon s legs. He
moaned. Hanging large and heavy between its -- his -- thighs was an erect cock.
The demon hissed and snapped his sharp fangs at Cade, drawing in on himself and hiding his
underbelly. Cade laughed.
 Do you want something to drink? he asked, untying the skin of warm milk at his hip and
handing it through the bars.
The demon glared but reached out and snatched the skin, working it open with his fangs and
tipping it back, gulping it all down. Apparently he had been stuck in there for a while. Finally, he
tossed the skin back through the bars, trails of milk dripping from his chin. Cade grinned and
pointed and the demon wiped them away with the back of a hand.
 Can you speak? he asked curiously.  Do you understand my language?
The demon raised his head and smirked.  I do. His voice was quiet and had a soft rasp to it.
 I ve never seen one of your kind not try to trick me by mimicking a human form.
The demon chuckled and leaned closer to the bars.  I imagine you must be very familiar with
 my kind, human. He reached underneath himself and pulled up the wind chime, then threw it
through the bars to land at Cade s feet.  What a filthy trick.
 I thought it was rather clever, Cade replied, setting his sword down but still within easy reach.
 You re not hurt, are you? He was surprised that he cared, but he really didn t hate demons.
 No. I m not hurt. Though I imagine I will be soon, he said, flicking his chin at the sword.  A
knight, are you? By what name?
 Cade Darkriver. And you are called?
The demon cocked his head.  Ruuki.
Cade smiled. How cute.  Ruuki. I like it. How old are you, Ruuki? You look like you re about
my age.
 You re three hundred and forty? Ruuki asked with seeming interest.
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 Um, twenty-two, Cade said, lips quirking into a smile.  How long do you live?
Ruuki s forehead wrinkled, making the fallen crown draw oddly.  Why do you keep asking
 Curiosity. Most demons either try to eat me on sight or try to seduce me and piss me off.
 You don t like being flirted with? Ruuki asked, giving him a coquettish look.
Cade laughed louder.  Not by the buxom whores they always turn into. Now by a handsome,
wiry male like you... He trailed off purposefully and ran his eyes down the sleek muscles.
 Really now? Ruuki asked, tail whipping hard against the bars.  I might be interested if I didn t
think you were going to kill me afterward.
Cade s lip twitched and he reached out and picked up his sword, tossing it farther away.  I don t
know, he drawled,  it might be useful to have an emissary. Perhaps we can share some mutual
pleasure and... discuss our terms.
Ruuki grinned.  That sounds like a plan if you ll only let me out.
 And you re not going to try to eat me? Cade asked, just to make sure. He preferred all of his
limbs where they were.
 Cross my crown and hope to die, Ruuki said, reaching up and making an X over the red mark
on his forehead.
Cade walked around the back of the cage and grinned at the sight. Ruuki s ass was up in the air,
showing off two deliciously muscled buttocks. Underneath the whipping tail was a hole that
looked tighter than anything he d had in years.
He reached out and undid the latch, opening the door so Ruuki could crawl out backward.
 Okay? he asked.
 Of course. Cade held his breath as Ruuki reached up with a clawed hand and ran it over his
cheek, down his neck, and over his dragon-mail chest armor.  So would you prefer to fuck me or
for me to fuck you? he asked sweetly, lowering his wings.
 I want to fuck you. Cade reached out and touched Ruuki in return. The skin was thick and not
as soft as a human s, but it wasn t unpleasant.
 I thought you might. Just be gentle with me. It s been a few decades.
Cade moaned and reached down to readjust himself.
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Ruuki let out hissing laughs.  Allow me. He reached out with the same hand, unclipping Cade's
armor at both shoulders and pulling it away.
 Can you not balance on two feet? Cade asked quietly.
 Not without flapping my wings, Ruuki answered as he worked on the clasps at Cade s hips.
 These are interesting clothes.
 They re not clothes, they re armor. Usually I don t want a demon touching my bare flesh.
Ruuki flashed his teeth in a grin and undid the first side.
Cade reached down and undid the other one, then pulled the armor away and put it with the other
piece. He was actually rather proud of his specially-made dragon-mail, and he was glad Ruuki
liked it.
 You still have more clothes on? Ruuki complained as he saw the tunic and pants underneath.
Cade laughed and pushed Ruuki away by one of his horns, then stood back up and stripped off,
pulling his feet up to work his pants over his boots.  I m leaving these on, Cade explained,  so I
don t get mud all over my feet.
The demon shrugged agreeably.  Do you want me on my back or hands and feet?
 Hands and feet. Cade watched as Ruuki brushed past him, arching like a cat as he moved
gracefully on all fours, and turned to glance back over his shoulder. With a coy smirk, he
lowered his wings and raised his tail to give Cade complete access to that hole.
Cade squatted down, staying balanced on his feet, and got his tongue wet before running it over
the wrinkled flesh. Ruuki let out an odd, throaty sound that Cade liked, so he kept licking him
and liberally wetted the clenched entrance.
 Uhn, put your tongue inside of me! Ruuki begged, tail whipping and accidentally snapping
Cade on the thigh.
Cade's eyes went wide; he actually enjoyed the slight sting. As a reward, he shot his tongue
forward and into the tight circle of sphincter. Ruuki let out a louder version of that throaty sound
and Cade worked one muscle with another, opening it right up and slicking it for what was to
He reached up between Ruuki s legs and cupped the heavy sac before moving further up and
wrapping his fingers around the thick prick, stroking it in a smooth, steady rhythm.
 Oh, yes, Satan yes!
Cade pulled back.  I don t care about your past lovers, but I m Cade, not Satan.
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Ruuki s tail whipped irritably across his shoulders.  Don t stop! he insisted in a snarl.
Cade tightened his grip, squeezing Ruuki s cock, then moved his hand away.  Not even to move
on to something better? he asked, peppering Ruuki s ass with little spanks. The demon moaned
and wiggled his hips willingly.
Cade grabbed Ruuki s hips in his hands and stepped up behind so that the head of his dick was
against the demon s entrance.  Relax, he told Ruuki half a second before he pushed forward
and into the tightest grip he could have imagined.
Ruuki tossed his head back and the fallen crown on his forehead glowed as he cried out to the
sky. He pulled against Cade s grip.
 Does it hurt? Cade asked kindly, staying still so he wouldn t be torturing his partner.
 Just hold still for a minute, Ruuki hissed through clenched fangs.
Cade moved one hand from Ruuki s hip and stroked the length of the demon s spine, then ran his
hands over the leathery wings. They were amazingly flexible for appendages that could hold
Ruuki's full weight; there was no bone in them, just cartilage and muscle.  Do you have
sensation in them?
 It s not as strong as other places, but I can feel you touching them, Ruuki bit out. After a
minute, his spine went hollow and the clench on Cade s manhood relaxed.
 Yes, Ruuki hissed.  Fuck me now.
Cade grinned, all too eager to comply, and gripped both hips again before pulling until he was
almost out of the demon. Then he braced himself and thrust quickly into Ruuki. The tightness
and heat were like Heaven -- which was a thought so ironic that Cade almost burst into hysterical
He pounded into Ruuki s body while the demon screamed and hissed underneath him, wings
beating in the air and making Ruuki rock on Cade s hard cock. Cade groaned, slipping a hand
over Ruuki s hip and around to his front, grabbing his leaking erection again.
The demon s cry bounced off the trees and he jerked his hips, trying to fuck Cade s fingers. Cade
just smiled and moved his hand along the flesh, wanting Ruuki to enjoy it as much as Cade was.
He continued to thrust in and out of that gripping entrance as he leaned down and ran his lips
along the back of Ruuki s neck to his shoulders then the top of Ruuki's spine.
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 Cade, uhn, Cade, yes! Ruuki sobbed. The knight couldn t help but be proud that the amazing
creature underneath him was actually enjoying his efforts. He kept stroking Ruuki in his hand,
thumb swiping along the tip and getting a thin, slippery liquid on the pad.
He continued to pound into the demon, having to move his head quickly a few times to avoid
being clocked by the muscular tail.  If you hit me with that thing, I ll stop, he threatened. The
tail froze and draped limply over Ruuki s side, making him laugh even louder as he sped up his
 C-come! Oh Satan, I need to come! Ruuki hissed, wings rising up high like he was about to
take flight.
 Told you I m not Satan, Cade bit out, eyebrows drawing together as he tried not to let Ruuki s
apparent excitement push him over the edge too fast. But he couldn t help it; it may have been a
good while since he had had sex, but he could never remember having sex like this. Everything
about it was primal and base and he loved it -- he loved the knowledge that he hadn t even
undressed all of the way before going at it, he loved the trees all around them and the carpet of
pine needles under Ruuki s hands, and most of all he loved the beastly, beautiful creature
underneath him.
 Uhn! Oh, Cade, here it comes! Ruuki shouted, and Cade kept moving his hand along the
length of Ruuki's cock as a thick, viscous fluid spilled out and onto the ground.
Ruuki s muscles clenched around Cade and he moaned, leaning forward and biting the demon s
shoulder as he came deep inside. He collapsed against Ruuki s back and the demon caught them
both on his powerful forearms, holding them up.
 That was great, Ruuki panted, making low, purring sounds deep in his chest.
Cade smiled.  Yeah, it was. He slowly pulled his softening staff out of Ruuki s body and
collapsed backward, only by some moment of luck landing on his discarded tunic.
Ruuki turned around and nuzzled up to his shoulder, the fallen crown s glow slowly fading
 What was that glowing for? Cade asked, reaching up to touch the mark.
 Pardon? Oh. It tends to do that when we re sinning, Ruuki said, as though it didn t bother him
at all.
 Oh? Cade laughed.  And was it worth it?
 You re a fine lover, Ruuki replied lazily. His tail was whipping around again, but his wings
had drooped down his sides.
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Cade stroked Ruuki s rough skin and watched those yellow eyes drift closed. He started thinking
how cute Ruuki was, then cursed himself. He was only supposed to fuck the spirited demon, not
start falling for him.
 So I guess I should get dressed and go check the other traps, he said, gently pushing Ruuki
away and starting to redress.
 If there are any demons in them, are you going to fuck them, too? Ruuki asked, leaning back
on his haunches and staring up at Cade pointedly.
 Do you not want me to?
 No! Ruuki snarled, causing Cade to take an instinctive step back.  I don t want you to at all! I
enjoyed that and I ll be horribly jealous and will probably kill any other demon who brags about
having been able to have their way with you!
Cade smiled a bit.  Then I should just let them go, eh?
To his surprise, Ruuki looked thoughtful.  No, I don t think so. I mean, just because I didn t try
to eat you doesn t mean they won t. And even if they don t, they ll just eat someone else. You re
protecting humans, so it s all right.
Cade was shocked by Ruuki s nonchalance at the thought of him butchering a few more of
Ruuki's kind.  Is that really how you feel?
 I suppose so. I know I would kill any humans who wandered into our nest intending to kill us.
At this he gave Cade a meaningful look.
 I have no intention of hunting you down and eradicating you. But aren t you going to have to
come into the village and... eat, too? he asked, dreading the answer. If Ruuki said  yes, Cade
might have to seriously consider killing him.
 I don t think so. I ll let you in on a little secret, Ruuki said, wrinkling his nose.  We can live
off of any kind of meat, it s just that human happens to taste the best.
 I ll take your word for it, Cade told him, feeling a little nauseated.  So you won t be snatching
away village children or anything like that?
 No. I don t want to put us in a situation where we become enemies, Ruuki said, shrugging
Cade smiled.  That s... good. That s really good. He strapped his dragon-mail back on and
shoved his sword back into his scabbard.
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 I m going back to the nest, then, Ruuki said with a cute yawn, mouth gaping open and showing
off two rows of long, pointy fangs. He started to amble off unsteadily on his hands and feet, then
paused and turned back.
 How often do you check these traps of yours? the demon demanded, cocking his head.
 Every day about this time.
Ruuki grinned.  I ll see you tomorrow morning, then! He took off in a quick canter, tail
whipping saucily behind him.
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Caged Demon
Copyright © 2009 by Jamie Lowe
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For
information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / October 2009
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680
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